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~.- - - - -- - Tokethec with alt buiidin~, improvements. fixluees, strcYU, aife}^s, passageways, casements, rights, prlTiiegex and <br />}orated Thereat ar in anyw#sr pertasniag ihemta, and the ants- iKSUrs and profits. reversions and rnrsuindels <br />theteo#i int3ttdio6, iwi net fimiled to, heatictg snd rooting equipment and such perwnsi property that is attached to the <br />igptaeEmatCS so as to rotesiituae.a fixture; ail of which. inriuding regta+;.emenLS and additions L'tereto, is hereby dedarcd <br />- - to:.hi: a.p><! oflhe tm4 estate secured by the lire of this ',iaret;*age and atf of the farrgotrg being rn#erred to herein as the <br />..~,ny., <br />Mortgapr further oonaenants sad agrees. with ;tongagee_ as follows- <br />L Paymnt To pay the indebtedtwss and. tine interest iherwn as prtavtdrd an tats Hortgagr and the Nate. <br />- ~ 3.. `!5tle, Mortq~or is the owrter of itsr Proprrt}~ ~ has thr nght xnd aatttont} to mortgage 4he t'raperty, and <br />-. 'eatnntr t~ the i}tta created hereby is a first and prior lien cm t?:e Property. Except a, rsta} tuhrrwtsr be set forth herein. <br />~'!!ae Y is subject to a litorigare trrheretn _.. _ _ _____- ____--__.._._-_-..__ <br />uric uF the ylt,reratr~ lttrords of _,_---~.~ -- --County: <br />ltbrtH{~te= +ecxMdcd at Hooit _._.. .Page <br />_____ <br />_: _- -, rrhich_~?~a .gci!x to 1fle lint rr± L.~r:•h4, <br />- =-'tM~ei~~feigal!€eassstrat~ttmi+raaees:__._-... <br />3. Taari it#aorrraets. `Tb paty a~rtt derr ati tasrt, sprs•+at aaae~. _mrnxt+ and all r._ Cher r. turgrs against the #tiaperty <br />ad,, upgn'rrri#tea deaeaod h!v gr+, to add as !"rtr payrnrrtta rwturrY•d uudra the 'dote ix=c-urrd Iterehy. such amount as <br />»~ ik.safGtieat: to enabte the ~Origa~ a to y stt~~ 3a~r>a a~c~a,ra~nt, „r c,ttu r eha <br />pa rgrs a~ they ttecatrr dur. <br />~.- tt tb krrp slte istproscmetats now or ltgrrafarr kxatrd nrt the .o=at rstatr drs~rribed ,herein insured <br />by ~ ~ satlt ertiax hazards tt. 3~lur•.~agtwe_ tray zegwte, in ata~sou and ;~ iris eatrrpantta aixrfuabir to the <br />- ~ . , ~r*+r•alre; ~d atitlt ~ g~ayaWe to the bMst*.gagtr. !n ra~;r of loss• wader such poiieerr thr klosigager is authorized !o <br />. asatier! sad'- . to its disrR'tiuu, a31 calms ehrreunder at tis su4e cpairm. autltasrard tar ether agp13' tExr <br />- - ,- - -. ¥~ _~, of the kRapert* ox ug~ tl:e nEiehtcsr.+s n c,: rtx! .stir gas trxer+ts hrreundrr shah coal- <br />-- tiiatre aa~t #be ativataec:~ed ~e paid to #itl1. <br />_ ~ .3 For fistcaa tMi - ;4niigitfiastau3d;many-thitt~gav,,ntai~d in grrgraldts 3 attd ~ hercwf to the <br />fiaatrarY, Yort,~or'sYa}f prig as #,bR 31o+t as sine timne i+f pa},r+g thx muntht} rnz.tattrt~•nu of pti;sclpat and inurrst, <br />ar_,r-lardfih of the }eJRt}!_+`aa[ra, ts,hazard 1rt~3iraA+'?! preurtu~, and gsr'tand_ rents =;it auy wttirh rrta}• atta+xt a <br />Fnoric;• rneT t2tu Ywip~e,aU ac rtaiwiy ~stsmtttraf €rctgt aims :tt :Tine tr} i3tr ~3ortga~•r. 1'he anwurts so paid stuJ3 Lr <br />Auld M' the }6urtragrr vltittwti$ttrost amd applied to Tire paytrrstt of fire iten33a ir. respt^eL to tshich such atncwnts were <br />diiyaited. 71k sacra pid'ta.~ heceundrr are. ptrdg~d st; tidditit+nal security inr ?he indriatrdne;.s sc-cutrd by this <br />llort~ap•_ ]krt~+~orshiiipl~ lit ~ ihr r[ttYnt ti(auy deftci~a;y txtween the arras; taws, xss~rssmenis, ln~turanre <br />pew+lunb and Oottnd neeatfa attd the deposits w!der wlthrn 3i1 days aftrr tk~rtard is trntdr upon xtt>rtgagor requesting <br />}eymrat lhrreof. <br />Hs*aaf.lfarR,~artoraRd t.'re `i'ri pmmpt€y ,repair. reaxnxe ar rvbttiid any buttttings or itnptrtvcrnrnts now ar <br />hen~afin ou t1[. t'jxrprryy; tv ~p itx Ptvpert} in dtaod tt~endition .and. evpair, ut`thaui waste, and fnti from n+rrhanie ~ ar <br />?dher lisps n~~t ezprrmtly dnt:std [a ter ?+rahelrtrf;taut trt ttaYr. suffrx car pertuit.atty nuisanrx tv rtciit. roar ur ditnirt- <br />- .. ~ irk W itttpau Urr ,aiMe ai. tjte i?e~up4.t1.} b~ atty-=ar3 pr utnit~un ju a+et:. and i+z corupl*' ?t~tkb. aft regttirt+ns~^uta e,f bisp wrllt <br />~ to tAe lte+rtprrty. <br />