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<br /> 'I'(�Cl'j1�R WII'N•rll lhc impn,�•en�ent�ix�w or hereatter erocted on thc pro{+crty,uncl ull caticmrat`. +pPu i ra,wxi _
<br /> lixwres ix,w• o� hrrealter u part ot' the pruperty. All replaetmenss suul aciditinn. .1k►11 ala�� tx c.��crcJ b} thi� ti�rurit�� --
<br /> lnsttun�ent.�II uf'the far:Foing i.rcftrred t�•in thi.Securit�• In�ttument as thc"Pro�ny•`
<br /> BORR(?W�R('�1V�NhNTS ttut l3����t�w•rr iv la�•lully acisc.'d�,f ttic r.U►t� h:r.hy a,n+e}cd•rikl ha�tlu ri�;t�t t��Fr.utit;ux3 _
<br /> convzy�h�e i'ropcny ;uW i;�i th: Pru�+en� iti u�x�x�u�i�re.�. czrcpt for en�mnbr�u��c.ut�r�.orJ. &�rcaNr� KYfI'dill� a�xl wil) _
<br /> clefeixi dcncr.►Ily the ticic to the Pn�pcny u�ainst:►11 cluinu a�w1 Jemaixl�, .uhje�t to u�►y cikumbr.uxc,uf rerurJ. _
<br /> 'iHIS SECURITI' IN51'RL'ti1ENT rombiik>w�ifun» 4.n'citiuits f��r n:►timt;,tl uK wxt rwn-unifutnt ruv��u�nt.Hith tintit�Yl
<br /> vuriatinnc b}•juri+Jictiun to cunstitute a unif�rm x�curity i��titrunknt c�,��cring reul pn�pcny. '.
<br /> UNIFO�M COVFNANTS. Liarrou�r:uxf Laxler c���'e��ant atxt agree:«f��llow�: _
<br /> 1. i4�yment of Priucippl a►id Interest; Q'�^eW�Suiruq ond t.ale Ltiari:n. Bvrrower .l�zll prumy�tly pay wlkn Jue tht: =
<br /> prin.'spal of ancl intetest on thc debt eviderx:cd by the Note a�ul uny prcpaY��e��:�1��te ctwrgcs due uncler the N�xe. _
<br /> 2. El�nds for Taxcs and InsurAnce. 5ubjec�t� applicablr law�or to a wsiuees w•ai�•er by l.e�xle;. &�rmw•�r�hall pay to
<br /> l.encier an thc day monthly pa�•mentc arc duc uncicr the Notc,until the Nute is paid in full,a sum('Fuiuls'1 for: (u)y'carly taxes �
<br /> �;i�,ces,vnents which m:►y attain priority over this Security Instrun�cnt as a licn nn the f'roperty;(b)yearly Ic:uchold paY►nents
<br /> ar ground rents on the Praperty, if any:(c1 Yearly haz�rd ar propercy insurancc prcmiums:(d)year{y flood in.�ursnce premiums.
<br /> if any:(e)yearly nu�rtgage inwraneo premiunu, if:u►y: and(� �Y�►� Payable by Borrou•er to I.e�uler, in�ccuniancc with
<br /> th^.�mt isons of�rn�*anh 8.in lieu af the paYment of m4�tEa�e insurance prcmiums.'i'hese item.s are callui'E�c�ow itenu."
<br /> L,ender may.at any time. collect and hald Funds in an;►.��unt no�to excccd thr n�a�:imurn:n�:t^.: a lerulcr for a fcxlettally -
<br /> related morcgAge loan may rc9uire for Borroa'er's e.scrow aecount wxlec aL�e foderal Real Fstate S�iss�°�nt procedures Aet af
<br /> 1974 ac amended from tiuie to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq.("��SP.A'l, unlcys anc�ther l.�v. Qhat applies ta the Funds
<br /> sets a Iesscr �mount. If so. Lender may. at any time, co[�ect and hoi:� Fua�ic in an amamt ncx t.���ca�d the Icsser :uiwunt.
<br /> ��r�y �stima�e the amount of Funcls due on the basic of current Sata anci R:sson�ble est"u:►te'of cxpcnditures af future
<br /> Escrow Items or wherwise in accordanc�with applicable 13w�.
<br /> The Funds s`tall be heW in an instiwtion whose deposits are insured by� a fe�eral a�enc�•, iactrumentality. or entity
<br /> (including f..ender,if Lcnder is such an institutionl ar in any Federal H n���ally analyzing the escFrow acco�nt o
<br /> Escrou�Items.Lender may tw�chtuge Borrower for holdicte and apP Y S ry�i..�le law permiu Lender to tr�ke such
<br /> verifying thc Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Bo�rower atiDurest on the Funds and ar�•
<br /> a charge.However, Lender may require Borcower eo pa,g :t c�ne-tima charge for an i�;�:��nder'�t real estate ta�e n�'rt'n8��'��
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this ]oan. unless s�Sicable law provides ot�ti:rwise. Unless an agrcement is n�ade �i
<br /> ipplicable law requires interest to be paid. Ixndel s1�a11 not be roquire�3 tu pay Borrow'er any inten:a or eamn�gs on the Fwr3s.
<br /> &,vrower and Lender maY a��u in writing.however,that interest s1�t! b.'.P�d on elx Funds. Lender sh�ll B�ve to Borrow:.r,
<br /> wicfiont charge, an annual accounting of the Funds. showing credia a�:i dcbits to tbc Funds and the purpose for which ea:.b
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.'Che Funds are pledged�s additional security for�11 li�le l w�bL.em::�s1►�11��account to Bonov►er
<br /> lf the Funds held by l.cnder exceed the ainounis Pernu�ted�o be heZd by app �
<br /> for the ezcess Funds in accordance with thr mcpuitements of applicah��iaw. If the amo�nt of the�:rds held by Lender at.u�v
<br /> dme is not wfficient to pay the Fscrow Itemc when due.Lender ma>se�naify Borrowar in w�itic�.�.'�d,in such c�c Borrowei
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up th�deficieuc�•. Borrower shall maice up the deficiency in no more tt�n
<br /> twolve monlhlY paYments.at Lender's sote discsetion.
<br /> Upon payme�t in full of all sums secured by this Security lasuucnent. Lender s}�all proir.p►.lo ��he t�u$s t�'on or salt
<br /> Funds tv:(d by(,atider.if,u�der paragrap�21. Lender s�11 acquire or s�Il the Property.Lettider,F �1
<br /> of the , shall apply aRy t'untis new uy i.c�.ue;::::�iisr.��f°;,��.�'r�.,n r.�c�le 1c a credit aR�ast the sums soeurod by
<br /> Pro�ertY
<br /> this Security Instrument. Ta�1•tG r�ived b Lendcr under ParagrrPhs
<br /> 3.Applicstioa ot PaYme�•U���Ppliwble law provides othenvise. all pa� Y �le ander h 2'
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: fint. to any prep�ymeN charges due under the Note:secoa�t, co arnounts PaY P�"`�B�P •
<br /> third.to inurest due:fourth.to principal�: and last.to any lzte charges due ur�der the;�ote. �butable to the PropemY
<br /> 4.Cbsrges; I�t�.Bomower sh�ll pay�all taxes.assessmenu,charga. fiaes aod impositk.�,''
<br /> :f an Bo:rower shall P�Y
<br /> which t►�ay�ttaia prior+ty over this Socurity Inutument, and Ieasehold p�yments or STOU��'' y'
<br /> these oblig�tions in the muu�er provided in paragtaph 2. �:x if oot paid in tt�t ma:ut�.Sorc+ower s�all pay the�oa[ime diroctly
<br /> to tho pec�soa owed payment.Bor:rower st�all pron�tly tiurnish ta Lender all notices�'amuunu to be paid unde:this pangraph.
<br /> If Borrower malces tlxse payments direcdy.Borrower shal!promptly fusnish to Lerder receipts e1idencing the payments.
<br /> Bomower shall promptly discharge aay Iienwhich has prioriry o��er this Security Instrument i►nless Bortow•er:(sT�*�
<br /> wriang to the p�y�of the obligaiion secured by the lien�n a ma�user xcept�bte to Ixnder:(b)co:uests in g,nai f�ith the➢ien
<br /> by, or defends agtinst enforcanent of the lien in, legal proceeclings which ia tf� I.ender's oPiniop ope�=to prevent the
<br /> enforcetne.'u of the licn:or(c)secures fr�om the hotder of the lien�n a,greement s�.+f'xtc�ry t°l.ender subotdinating the lita to
<br />-= this Secusiry inurument. If Lender deter�aines that�nY I�art of the PropettY �s subJect to a liea which maY atttin priority altr
<br /> this Saurity Insuurtxnt.Lender rn�y gice Borrower a notice identifying the {ien. Borrower stu[4 sadsfj+the lien or tafce oo�t or
<br /> moce of ttu actions set fortt�above within 10 d�}�s of the giving of notice.
<br /> iorm 3028 9l90
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