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<br />80- ~;zs~~ <br />4. CondrmnalMn. Thr prcxerc#c n( xr`~' ..,=ard ,+r ,larm t<,r dama¢ec, direct err canseq uentiai. in cannection with any' <br />cnndemnatien err arbor caking of the Praper~y, err part titerenZ. or fnr conveyance in tied of coudemnatian, arc hereby assigned <br />and shalt lx paid to i_etrdrr. <br />in the went of s tarsi taking of the I'r<=pert', :he ;zr•~rzeds shai! he apnhed to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, of any, pafd h? Brsrrewer. Ir, the t~znt of a #tertixl taking I,k the Property, unless Borrower and 1 ender <br />niixrwist agree in welling, there shistE f-e pi fir:f ,;+ ;hr ;rn*„ :ec:urcd ht th,s Iheti ul `trust such propc>rtian of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that prapt>riian whieh the smount ,•~ 'he •ur.:; srcurecf by this Derd :,f Trust immediately prior to the date oZ <br />taking ksprs to the fair market eahtt of the Praprrn rte,.++:^~fiia<'rts t>ri.~c to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Hu.rnsser. . <br />if the Property is sl>sx?daeed he Itc•rrcwer, .,r :t afv<_r rarce by l.cnder to Bnrmwer that the candtmtnr affeis to make <br />an aewerd nr se[tlt a c#aim far damaecs. far-rr,>wr:' #:{iii t;= resp;,»d ts, l.cadrr within 3t7 drys :tftrr the date such natice is <br />irrxiitQ Ltmtter is antharized to ealle<z and apt`iv tha omcecds. at Z_endar's c>pt:an, either to resrarstion or repair of the <br />Prapr`rfc° err ra ifte Burns aectsrrii hq rites Pk~t:3 ni : rxs~ <br />Unkss tender and $c,rrawcr oihet~ss agn r ,,, w *it+n, _ am such ,iiapiicaR,s+> +>f proceeds to prineipa! shall not extend <br />err postpone the due bate of the tn:~uthit :n'.relic-tent, rrScr-ed to rn. ;ara¢raphs s and hrrent or change the amaunt of <br />such ittsfaiitncnts. <br />t1. RatarF~re \M Rrkaecei. l~xsa-n-r<:n rd <hr •:rtr #::r i=-aymrns ac ma<dafication of amartixation of tfie sums secured <br />by this Deed of Tntsi gre'nied h}• I rn,ier : nv ;trc:~,s,=: ~.. ~ =teerst „? fiarmurr .hall :>:>t caperate :....crease, in any manner. <br />iht liability= of the original Ifnrrou€dr .'earl llntr>aF•ex', x,r;er*a:,rc to interest 1 c--rider Briar; nol he required to cammence <br />prnctedings a¢ainst 3uah sts*crsk r ca :ci'u+;` ~:• cxtenai t;rr.- 3<,r pa}wen; or atherbaisc tnadifp amartizati of the sums <br />secured by this 1?exd c*f T`rust ht' t2'asra :,t ;sr,>. ;Bien ~nci made ht the ,ar,[.nsi Hortt>wcr and IIarrawer c sncctssars in interest. <br />31. Ferieattwee hr l.eidtr \nt a R'sivrr_ tns~ ,,: i+. a:an.e by Lender ~r, ct:: resrng any right ur remedy hereunder, or <br />atherwise attorded t+y appticahie '.aw ,h:a. rrc?t `.. .. ,t:,r•:rr :,f ,=r t+rt~-lode the ^rerasc of am' vesch right err remedy. <br />Tile procurement of itssurance >vr the t.,..>:t:•=.: >~# !z>:,, , ; h i;cssa .'t charge: he 1 ender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />ti~it Sa axcicnit Iht marurtta : f F`e nait~t ' tt-. c c ~t•thaa I3eru ;. rust <br />ix ReaeiiesCnwwiati'Ee. L; :c... ::?_.z s + I%re.<..>t I-s s ,c ~itsnnci and ntmulattve to any outer rtght <br />err rtmedv u.'tder rises Dee:I of 3^:;t :. .,.,.,.:.a...._ ..,h .-r c.;atrta. end !nat ^^ ctercise+i cnncurrrntiv, independently or <br />cirea'e7sirl1l'. ., „ ,. <br />13. '''.~tte>ASata awd tsssigns tinrnsef: l,?inx a^d Sr,rt*si l.iahifitl: i'apriom. `I'ttr ;:,scnanit and a¢recmenG herein <br />it+ntairtesi shall htzsd, snd .#;ti r t?' c . .. _. .. .., .sta;:~e. .s- L..,iw•. a^a e. a=¢ns s•t Lender snd Bt>rrau+er, <br />suiEltCt is rite provtsiaris of psrar,.rsn`~^~ ~ e~ - ..a {t ... .ace,.; nt fiorr,,u~rr shaEi t~~ r;,int and seveiaf. <br />The >~~was aatY headings ts2 ttae i*3r.r: , .. - a,re,t ,, . ., ., ~r ~- r ,, nYnten.'e only and are nos to ~ used to <br />~ ur deB~ r~ sou.,<,.~v lree' ,,! - <br />11. \atlte. ivt~r ~ »+ r, ...+: ~, . ,.. . ;~+ei+. -: ~., ,,~.rr - - a,ti;er manner. sac any oottce to <br />Norrtwer prariclnf (~ Fn Ww L3Yr iaa > .r -h . t.~c ho n srd mad addu*ssec! to Borrower at <br />:fit Properfy .xl$dress +- .at ssr ~ ._. > id _~~}, van u t t aorta - , 1 tttdcr as pravrded herein, and <br />th! anx rrtr[trt ta> Lenv+es° EfuZi `><• ¢=err- , ti•~i ^t:- i3; r au7 r4. t,• ! c:xier-, ,.3dre++ ststed herein err ttt <br />stick aver addzcsx as i.tnakr .,~, ds„i -, .~ il_ r .. „+dda# s~re:n Aer :uauce provadcd fqr to this <br />i)te.•Ii sf Trust slsak: i+e dtemea. - .:« a a - =f:.:,-: <.. :etsen g,v-cn .n the ''tanner de>ignated herein. <br />15. L~aitarw 1?ced of T'rrast: f;Qrernrrro i a..;.'~ar;ei.,lis, .,. ; .. , <^r,i d:! :^s,t :.>mt+mes a,mf:+rns covcraanls for <br />natasmal use sad nor:..un,i,a-m -;~^.,<. z,+r - . _ ,.. .. .^.s;t . ~ .. __~ ..,tu?e ,> vaifcs!r. uYuruc~ mstniment <br />:eart•sng coat fit: pert? 7'ns3 d'k^s.~ .:-: ;~ _ .. _ ~ - - .. .- t:rtw: ~t x- :::s s> htch the I'mper€•; rs !seated <br />la the tweet thsi anc pnrvx;.xn ~ au4e . ` ,... .,;,t. ,, .x,._t. F. ~, i-ca^f= i.sw. >uch c*antlitt chair <br />rice a3trt ai'.Xr pre u.aat.. -. _ ,', `<r+ a-c.n r~fr,:t w,eh.:ut the ., ntlicr,re r: c.'+sson. <br />acid it* this rtsd the 'a'cs x>= .~ 1-- r ... - - is a r t<, t!c see er~hlc. ~ ' <br />1~ irrsm's 4trly, rid r ,-aee~ ,.-;.. „,s , ~ ., ..,rri .. y*t r?sr \€+-.e ,rid ,,' th;> f?ee:t .,* F; u*s a! tftr time <br />ai ptctXiaxt or afatr r~,rdai,t.. 'rrr~s<t <br />IT, TYaaata ai tine xYapert>- #>zautm}+tiun. ... ,. , .:° 1'~ _ .> .,t ~ : m;crc+a ix :, avid ; _; anslerrrxi <br />ha 8a>rrestwtr rtihiwt l.r~t~r'= t^x „.--- ~~... -.. .. ... ~ .`.e _ '•.n .• .•s~urnhrancc >ufa,:dman` in <br />tine L)ee+i Pf T'rx~._ °??; she .rests,^-^ -~ , - ,.... _. .rrpt:ar»-ra. ~ ~> a t~rsidr ay der tsr, <br />dcxmt ,ar' hS evptYatl vE ~,i :asv s^~ ~!e ~ .. .. . <br />-.. , : _. .. ,'.,rte a ;tae ,i ¢ .. a^r ~ - th•e I?x ed .3 ~tttat iU ik• <br />.mtntdtateiy ;Sere e4>d pat°.=s1='e v,,~n, . r: z'~ _. ^rt„r •., ',, _ai;: „t t•atsatc=, 1 rndrx <br />xud the per~a t>a .yttt3na the 3'+-n~,t. ,. _ • - _ _.. ==t•n~ ,lest .tr , sed.t ,a eat. h lu raan <br />ra amt:afaCtarti tc l.e :S~.r a`i:: ch„, !xe .- ... --.. ..., ~ #>:-_ai .t sit "~~ .<S s.s.h ra:c a+ <br />.. , _ , <br />1_etsdts aka#1 teystrat if I-rr~;e fi .. ,... , ..e ~ ; kt : H:>. :,»cr , .xt,-:c'vcn, <br />:n :nteresr i^.aa r-+.i~:u,ru :~ „- .~ r .- - ... . , .a.. , .,-.fcr _ . - ... ,. B,,r*,.=aer Win, <br />:rli ai~alt~}IN;=ns :tndc ~ 14:^a'= U . ••- <br />11 Lttxfti v°arac+ara ..r. is r„ ~ .... ,.,,err -. ~.. ,,: sian;e writ: <br />lrars~'aplt l2 bYrn=t Sta«i! t:, - : .-.. a -. - - .. - _, _ .. ., - ..,_ _.:n•Rtt# a,thtn <br />aahti`h 3la~svr,cea na ii ~-.^r r .:. .~... s, -~ i ,l ? .+cr lx r,;.d. <br />~.~ =~5. ,. +xt>: ~t EL '. }fee i_ .~_ .._ .. ; .r ,_, e... ...5 .i a. ~ ,ll,.[Ct ,i\ ! a::it.n hC. rZ,t <br />4alN-f.. ht3~raR ha t~+:ak 1i• i.;:;:--a -.~:-', : :~ :: :...... :. ...... t':S:er~t 3:i aged ,.. ,~!:;=ass <br />1~ Aa°ctierYiaR: iktrwra~il:. t>.ce}*t t~ ~ ra,aitira4 its 1>sr:a~raph $' ;tzrrrrf, stjN~a: )'isrr+swris brEath .ef aria 4vrrtuiM Ur <br />>Ktttwre~i d iSrrrnrrc is ih~. ilrrd ,rf in+3, ssk iidtnY, xhe .,+a ee,ani> ti> pa< r>isrn der any saass secured lay this i)eed <br />u( It>t~t^ l.etdtr rrirar w wcc•eirt~eir;n .x~au rrs..'et r.,,ta-e F., 1?xu r,,a+cx :± pr,e, idrd rn inrrtrtrrpts ZJ hereof apreiF}int;: fl! the <br />~tcati; t3y tit aetian rryrsirtri tt, : aerv° ,wa'h irresa, *,-. , y r a a':xea~, ~uru t<=,> thnrt 3tt dal. #nrm [hr dale tier raeitic°r is mailed to <br />iaena.+cr, by a<'ilclt >~r'h ixra<i~ mrxat 3,r a scar,:: a,;><d =30. thwr father s,a epee anq•h fsrraYSis +za +rr before ihr date sprritred <br />is tie'. soccer w5 ' ~ 3a,i elrrYtixa9t x,FP :Ar >aatas> .ec~»ra'rst t,r sni*. IYrrd ni Ixsxii arsri a:afr' srf the f'rarprri r. 7'hr ntNicr <br />+,iyii fwtin i~aeta iRMtrnarr +::t s#~ r~t,s t=^ r.°,ira...a:i+~ as#ty'€ a,.tirserseaa sad rfsr riehi ha bring a cuuri az~.tion r,s xsrn <br />lit ih+rstgcr ad a xfrfa~tft s.r ';anF r>tsx•~e ~sttr rxar +>? i3sxrtt>r+rr r,= asceirraiio® ant Sale. if ihr i+rzaeh is Tsai eurrd <br />ur tat twrlrert rit +Aair b,pt*'sie+i an v#{r :..six+°.. I sr,~rss•r .r>x t z andrt~.:siriisvu aioyy declare a33 of ter .rims areurrd ht this fiord <br />a}f `I'tari la Yat kaattstrFiai~e^iy dcsrr aa.; t:>+:,tsii ...rnssaa ir,sthes .ie:seated sartf mad ina,st< #fre pr.aer ::f gale ;and any ,Biker rrnsedira <br />/Rtef18l1 ilY appieaik Wit. 1-erwJra -~-aat3 Ae t-u-itSa-a1 [.> .i a:tiixR~Y ~yf5 rria„~nstSlr ,eat. and rxpt'sraty. lei {sued in psar,sdin¢ the <br />reaeifai+ Pteaide,d kn tStis puu.x~rrtafs :~, x ~aassxr,,y~,, r w -r rersia r# L, r-.ur.,..nGir atturne+'a ices. <br />!( fAet ~awrrr of aerie a; iaa<irai, f ru>t .xtaif re e a - i x#e fss:ir sn erc,:h county in ^ahii h the Protarrty or ,sine <br />i1;+. <br />trt tiet+<at is ksi-aitd ractA Slwri$ maff rsrgrx'> .° ,...~ Fs rr,tir :~ :hr tnatsuer prerrttsrd by afpaficatdr ia,* ka Boars er srMi [,> rite <br />afirq /ita'Sntr+a r$td ~ isPyr3i!c,~i+`< av, S3&cs et+r !ag..::,f .och Sr;;cr y. ae,a~ trd ra~u,~r+[ i b+ iepplic-akiir Sass, Tnrstee Jsaii <br />t~rt piltc rwtiect ~ sake 3n tSgr pcrsaaty..,.rxa'3 ,s. .~{. w;ir=:;#-. ;trx.. r:i'Frd b> appftzaide car.- friratre., rv ithont tfrmand ren <br />~Ete ;itl~. fl°~ riP Pt~rnr .v>t ~k81r< :`3<v9 {s- - k- :.; k:r+{ txi,fiifir &? tftY ttetfE' S#rd PLaee xarFd Ff[H}rr rite iron] dearftnattd <br />lw Ute ~Mict et Bak is sneer 'err rnwrr gr,ua+[Ps a,ms r~ -,.~'s rafrr :~~ t ru*trr ns:y derrrtnictr. ~iru+irr nsyy prnlps>sae ,sit [aE aik <br />M ~ lwrrad d-tit YrtaPt''riS b5 Yam' sxaaae,rusurxsr~rk ~e sfx. xirxu and place td any per>ieu:siy Sa hrdtrlyd ..ale. S.reuter For <br />t e#i!i is +itai~{tte ar+p $rr¢'iitr;e ',ht !">trlsi~:€= ~; .~snv x~?e.. <br />i'~eee rnrYip d pt~anarnt if the kaeti t iae;t. I rt~-,tr: ^t:s4? d°zaaYr to xlF,e pnriha2er i`ruatea`a di^rd e,.n*tsih;< the Prnprei) <br />•n!-- 7it a±~!."4th i_w qtr Lrsastex:s d,ree$ wlsau ;^e ;+e {'.~:< ter. it a ~ -ern, a~ t.;` liar truskt of tree sia3rtnrnra mxdr ihrrein. 7~ns:+ter <br />tilyi ~a dMt p of ~ ardr iu 2flr fr,x_i,~i„~ ,.::i.,: -x1 {<> rift reassublc Ssn amf rafuca+,rs td the anlr. InduditfR, bin <br />tretita kfaailsetleF, Ttt[w+et`s t~na c+l next rrsure th:raa ~ •5! tt.r ~=cea> yrie Iseµr. xraawuahfe ~ar't,arnrv'. trek and coats of <br />(lire tv~ietetrF flu hr yB xrwts •e.;ued ter inia 3k <c# t£ I rxa+. t:,d u s a{err. a.cseera, if any, [ts rbe Prrasae ua yx•»a'tna irgaigy rttrirled <br />1*. Mgns*+er's .Itirbe Nu 7Sraar~.W'ae _.-., , «, ; . -, . wr x _:,+ =i- rre•.S ! , ., C?<; .' :. 1 • <br />iSe'ai'r'q"^arC s,?sai. 1?a~xr ~ ss,fift s s:ti'.,: ,.. - r4cf ,..-,x -•s IL..~ :-.€ L-..-. - r,t-raus.f , <br />ua-fl~'C} ~~%Y4~- rA i25[. fi3r2R F `,n r , --... .. ~ r ~ t t' w: ci6 _. s I _r ~~ .. , <br />:e t#i6: th`a-ci xx,t Tr;ni r,s ,.: <•s:as a .s.g~a,>r _ .. - - ~,, . s . ,.... to=.z , .,,. _ „ .t. .., ,.,. , •.. <br />ha i~:~ s3uc a;..t btca:u , t .n !. ~. ...~ - , .-~.~.....a.r eras,. , ~d ,,_ _ .. .. :d <br />tai :x'. "n"'r i-.~r'€E`,. . R*&4i , - . __- .,5':. .. ki ~e- f .~ ;J .. ~. 1Rxl I', <br />st i3,.e'r4:.a..c.# s,>yi s; ;>r:a,• ,. ., ;-. .> ,. .-. .3 sX;,:ru+. ~, <br />k3rs€'x~~r~,.a.rad-~+:~ _ f'a... - .-~ - ,._ _~rs,.- - !~~a>~, ., -_ <br />8+m,rcuf- ems, sx~S~en~. F~.,a ,. .., ~ ._ s;.~ - . ., + r „ . ,>, , „ ; ... , <br />zxrwfseur t<; .as>'!,,.a a~.xt , :.. i-e, „x CY a• -~. .-.. ~ ,' ~~. ., .. ., _ . <br />