~0-- Qi1ZSi3~
<br />Lender's written agrcement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hermf.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Harrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounu shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrasver requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable taw, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permiasible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereurtder.
<br />!. iaaPeetTeo. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that LP.nder shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying teasonab!e cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. CaoderoaUea. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of flu Property, or part thereof, ar for wnveyance in lieu of rnndemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid ro Tinder.
<br />Tn the event of a total taking of the Pmpem. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the extesa, if any, paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borro^^- and Lender
<br />othetxtise agree in writing, there shalt he applied to the sums secured by this Mottgagc such proportion ,>r the proceeds
<br />as is equal m that proportion which the amoum of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to [he date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />Tf the Property is abandoned by Borzower. or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor afters to make
<br />an award or settle a claim far damages. Borzower fails to respond to Lender within i(t days after the date such notice is
<br />maikd, Leader is authorized to rnllect ated apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either m restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Motteage.
<br />Unless Tinder and Borrower otherwise agree to w•riiing. any such application of prrn-eeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or poxtporx rite due dart of the rrronthly installments rzferred to in paragraphs 3 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />li lattaarer NM Rdtaei. Extension of the time far payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by:I.~ M°q~~ gta7tk~ by Lssede3 to ~v ~~s„r i_ interest of Harrower shall nor operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the lability of the original Botrowrr and Borrower's snccessnrs in interest. Lender shal3 not tae required to commentt
<br />proceedings against su:h steccessor cv refute in extend time far payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sutra
<br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made t+y the aricinal Borzaw•r and Barmweis successors in imerest.
<br />It. Fae4aaaares k La'ader Net a V1aiYx. .Any fortxarancz M- i.ender in exerrisine any' right ar remedy hzrrunder, or
<br />oiher+'ist afforded try applicable tav. shalt nN. k,e s waiver „i ,~r preclude the exorcist of am' Bitch right ar remedy.
<br />77x precerrmmat of imutaace or tree payment of i3teS ar other liens ar charges by Lender shall rat fk a waiver of Lender's
<br />tight to acukr.ate the maturity of the irdebtedrtess secured by this \Tortgage.
<br />li 1~ Gtroitlittr. Ail ntsnedies pmvidtxf sn lhis Rft,rtgage ar_ distinct and cumniaiive to any other right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage ar afforded hr- taw c*r a?uity. amt ma}~ tae zzercisri canrurrently, indzpendently ar successively.
<br />Id. Sotceaatr oar aoriRos Mart lost aaJ Scrotal l.iahlttr; CaPti4as llte covenants and agrzcments hmin
<br />ccsntaioed shall bind, attd flee right[ hereunder ~ttaid inure to. the resprcz»r sucres~s,~rs and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />suhjec3 to foe provisions of pvagraph 37 txrrat_ .~11 covenants and agtecnecnts of Sortvwer shah be joint and severa}.
<br />`Ibe aptiom and headings r,t the paragraphs of t?tis Mortgage arc far canvemzn.-c Doty :and ors not to tae used to
<br />interpret or define flee pravisatatts trcm:f.
<br />1J. Weise. £acept far aoy ttosice requisrd under appliceble law to l+e given in sno~irer manner, fat am• notice to
<br />Bcsrrx ssxr pravsdtil #or in this '`iarigage shall be given t,y mailing vtach nctitt by .cntSed mail addressrd to T3orzower at
<br />the Pn~prrty :4ddms or ai such other address a< Borg. wrr tray designate by rx>ticr L* Lender :rs provided heroin. and
<br />#ta1 am notice ra Lersdtr than be givere b~? certiSecl :Wait. return reteapi ret}uestcd. to I znder's address s€ated herein or to
<br />suers attmr addtelet ax i..ender mac drsi¢nam by ncuice to Harmwtr as provrdaf herzm .any rtaxice pr+c.snded far in this
<br />>rlort;age shall be det~med ro fiavr t>~n gtveti io Basxuwar or i.ender +a~hrn given ir, t?se manrror +3esignaird htrain.
<br />!S. Lhtiraaw : C.atre+wittg T,ar, Se*eraiiih. 't2ris form at mortgage c.+atrbines erniform covenants for natimtal
<br />trse arut tea-uniform ttweautts +zith limitez# variatiorn by juristi.:tiors to ~+xraitnte a unifarin secunn insirurnent e.,vering
<br />seal prcappay_ This age shad be gov,errxd try the taw ~r the ,uratficiY,rt in u3tich rtx Prepeny ix ia:a[ed. In the
<br />esrmet that any provision tx rlatrse of this Mtartgagc or rlat Nom cinflicis with sppiicatak taw. such cautSict stroll net affect
<br />other prt,vixions s,f t.R%s Mangage ar the \toLr w<itrch can be gavrn etfrt;t w.•itbsxirt a.Re uataLTiclzng pnrvisi~m. and ra this
<br />red sec provi9ons of tier Idorijatio and the Nc~ae arc d~ectared to be sev~ralstc.
<br />If. ^aeaasaarra GtPy. Borraw•er shalt be #urnishrd a ccnfarrtatd cops .~f the bate and of this teforigage st the time
<br />c~ rst~,ution ~ after reuvxTatiatt Teun'af.
<br />17, 'ILaaafa• at/ Me ~~ Awayaiaw. It nit or nay part of the Pn~aerty or an intrrtat rtsrrein h st,ld or transferred
<br />by lottxiwxr +ritlsorrt Lender's prio€ written conseaL. rtctuding tat the cnatis'+n rat s txn czr enctmrlsrarace subordinate tr!
<br />this T~rtiIYF. (h) arm creation ,*f a parrihasr mcutcy sn:uriry inaercxt scu• h<xesehazttt apptiances. tcl a transfer by devise.
<br />descent cv h! aPcrrttitw of faw upon rbe death of a pant truant x td; the grant c f and teaae#aald intereir of tttrrx }cars ar kxs
<br />ad cxaeaAririg an optikxt w putehaaa. Lersder may. at i..tnder'7 aptrcna, dr3-ituc art LtaG sums s>'<ured by this Mortgage to be
<br />imnmdaateiy doe sad payable. Lander shall have vxatvod s-.ach c~uxyn tc, sec,tlttate if, pricer t,, rite ;ak ..r transier_ l.rnder
<br />tad the pasta to whom iht Property i:. Lo tae sold ter transte€rcd res~ agr+eernent en wrong thmt the credit of sta3t perstm
<br />is satisfietm'y to Leader and afar the interns[ payatnke tut rlac sums ~cut'ed by this Marrgaie shalt t!r at Built rate as i,endet
<br />sba31 roquan. Tf Lander bas araisai the option so acee/eratc provx}od in this paragraph l ~, stxl if Fk+rrcrwtr's successor in
<br />isctart has etmctaxd a writtat aattotption a;retaact:t aesxpied in writing bJ' I,raeder. 1.enclrr matt rtlcasc Borrower €rom atf
<br />o6i~tioei ttadts shit It{tistytgr gad tie ?tone..
<br />Tf Lender :*aci+es such option an arcekraat, Leztder ahslt rtaait Her€uwtr t~tue %ef scttieration in accordance with
<br />pur>,papl+ i4 baaof. Sncls notice shall praavidc a period tit tut toss than 30 dayx fn*m t'rae daft the xx~ticc is .mailed whhm
<br />'+rltiz-Tr 1l~arrv=wrs raray pay the stt;xns dec:t~l Sue. tt Barrc>;xrr fats to pay su~;h wms praar to zhe ctpiraticsra <:f s;es;h per>a,i.
<br />I.cmler ~. a-itittttt fxutltu rwaiex o. drroaad ors T;orrLnver, .nvt+ke any renirdia pZS+nitred by paragraph tai herevt.
<br />1~t-Z,'lasna,stCtn~iatatv-TS. Hoa'r,'nYer azu} f..arxirr further ct?venanr and a~Z as folk+wx:
<br />Il Rwcia 1giOlPL get Ptoridd ~ Panp~ TT ilfa'a~i> opine ItanaalN`i iffari 4T My rrYeiNt or
<br />a~_~niiaaAt.f! tlt~ M•lt~l' 1~M~ tltl! itrYl'1p6 tU Pat Mhtf dYt 1Mt aYmL ti[~M(!~ `~' t~tl{ ;-1lrlr~~t.
<br />I.Mitt taint w acglstraliM t~ art ita~Cr to Mcrawu as Proiidsd s PKitM 1~ inert 4~J1st= ITf tic tartar-;
<br />~3is tscMan -gttYM M etata tort trriitr~ i'3) a Jane, art tote kYae JN Jigs tmtat tri Jane tie awtice is atseilcd to ^orrawrt,
<br />Oy aelitY arch ind moat !k itwmd3 and TJ) Hut taiore tr cant arcs Meas•#e rtt ar 8elote tic Date tPrciited s tie ertke
<br />trtt4 utralt is at+illiaaalian a! tlra Bas recant i}' tits llrstt+tgir tateetaarre i3 jdticial Irrc'+ec+liat art oak of tie PaaPesty.
<br />Y1t naYurihtr~_fiOfiar lotion RwsMSSS[ ri tYa ritlsl is reitstaM atin ucdnatirw nowt tie dis tv a-YCtt s tit Trtrc3raore
<br />>ltaptMttR trs erra~aiaiars at a it(arM ar nag aJMi Jeteoai rf Msat.tr b arcdaardea and terar3riara, tt tie (xiari
<br />7awgf cRSiH alt taeiitai'i Msr fair sPrcliiJ s tic a~rr, tsadn at I.eadet'i a>lAioa two} dtetari a9 ~ tie sway sc€rraJ /y
<br />tint M Mt 1 riot and. PasaMe arilieett TottMn Jnwaad aiA rte} fornclaYr In `rdiciai prrcredlr{- [,ceder
<br />tilllg Ia i~J k fftlrU L fa[i lraeaditg at1 tYPfaita ai' lossciawrc. {reclaJlttr, hal nW Iitrilrl to, rwtiY of JartoaseWat)'
<br />tea;ianrt, c~tatatti aoi tdir MPriq,
<br />t~, tai pal. M ~iitartain ";v+atwi#lastarsdintT l.endrr'a ac:z.cxtxxs ..s 2?ae auras se:;atred bti thss 4lortgagc.
<br />tlaalf itstYt-~a. F~hl tti hatcp arty T'rsscsrdiny~-s tt¢$t+n by I_t~au:cr t,~ ~ai_uir rfs, tide trfragc r€u..nzrouc~k at a~~ti rase
<br />