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gQ-- ~~~ MORTGAGE <br />THIS MORTGAGE is made thin ................ 29th......... deg of ......... MaY............... , <br />19.8~.,betweentheMortgsgor, RQBERT.I....!n'(SS~1,.AND.PPTRICI}~. E...WlSS.E4,.husband.and.wif~. <br />. ..................................... {herein "Borrower"!. and the Mortgagee, Home Federal <br />Savings and Loan Association, a corporation organized and ezisturg under the laws of The United States of <br />America; whose address is 221 South Locum Street; Grand Island, Nebraska (herein "Lander"). <br />Wttexaas, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of. ~I.~. (')v~ ?:HOWSANR AND.N9/1Q4 . <br />_~___~.~__~__~___~~______~____~ cedar, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's. note <br />~~, _ . ,May. 24,,_ .1,48Q. _ ..... _ _ _ therein "Note"}, providing for tnonthly instattments of principal and:interest, <br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if net soarer paid, due and payable on...... J.U lY. f .. ~'.O.D4 . , , , , , . , , . <br />To SECUaE to Lender ta) the repaytnent of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon; the <br />payrment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security: of this <br />Mortgage, sad the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and.(b) the repaymegt <br />of any future advamces, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to aaragraph ZI hereof therein <br />"Future Advattces"}, Borrower does hereby tnorgage, grant and convey to Leader the following descn'bed ptc~ferty <br />located in the County of ................. HALL _ ..... _ ............., State of Nebraska: <br />7}iE SOUTHERLY NINETY-FOUR i94) FEET OF LOTS ONE tt), TWO (2), THREE (3), FOUR (4l <br />ANl) FIVE t5) 1N BLOCK T'v1ENTY t2fl) IN ASHTON PLACE, AN ADD1TiON TO TH£ C1TY OF <br />(,NANO i SLANi3, HALL COUNTY, NEctRAS"t'v'{. <br />+rRirith bas the addnew o[ ... . .. . ...... . . .~" ~u7,n "i raga s I s.......... , ... , . - _4~Cot?ti..l 51.v~d ....... . <br />rrL+W iY,trt <br />ttras3r~ 51)ESCai <br />. , .. _ ........ . , , .. _ thcieant vi~~:rty Adtirsss"' }; <br />. Y ttrUMr sae 2r C.Y.1 A <br />TgizarftEr4 wbh all- tbe, ia~tts~teents zsuw to hc^rcafter rrsxr~rtl tra the prtty, acrd ai! :°asetaents, rights. <br />appatt~atrecs; rents, toys{tirr:, trai, crol artd gds =iglru :rrrd prafrtlE, watt:r, water rights, astd water stiwl:, anti all <br />eww au h#raftrr attac"~d iry the prolxny, all of whit:h, itwtuding replacements and additions thereto, shall ire <br />doesed to ~ sad-rea~aia a pare of for psrry ra~riered by this Mortg-~; and alt c>f the Earn gaing. ;ogcther with saki <br />p~pc~tty t~,prt3le ~-euate ii this. Mort is an a te;tsehcld) are hcrtin 2fetrr~ci to as zhc "Prc7perty" <br />N6[srcrsrc~r:rat~'enitrat that.8orrawcrts lawfully se'isrrri of the •;~tat~ In ra:hy ccxpvcyed 3rrd lrsrs the right t$? ntirrtga~. <br />grJtnt sad rvr~y the Psupe;ty, that the Prtrg~:r.} is uttcncunr~rcd, atixY ?hat llrjrrower writ evarrarzt :tnd defend <br />~tAStr?il}t tke sitte'to the-f'royeriy agaut~ all claims arul dttnaards. +iats~Ne.t ts, any deuarati~trx. ,=asentctrts trr rrstric+.ians <br />~ irt_rr ache€ of ~ptiom tts c~rs'sdre in ant tttlc iuszrrxcx~ pc~4irc 3nsurin~ S.r.nder'a interest in the t'rtrpcrty,. <br />~--.3 to tf+~y-...SrrtS--ilirFtM.MC tIWI~M~ ttit>MfMlEttt <br />