e0-- ~~s~
<br />Lenders written agt•cement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. i3nless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment; such
<br />amonnts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall-bear interest from the
<br />date of disbtmettunt at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless. payment of
<br />ioterest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest fate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />anq action hereunder.
<br />8: Iar~edNa. Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon and- inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Leader shall give Borrowernotitt prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />intete~stin the Fmperty.
<br />4. Coaiewrba. 'i2te proceeds of any award or claim for damaees, direct or corsequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other caking of the Property, or part thereof, ox for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby sssigtted
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Froperty, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage:
<br />witfi the excess, if env, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unlea Borrov'^- and Linder
<br />othewise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums szatred by this Mortgage such proportion o, the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this hfortgage immediately prior'ta the date of
<br />taking beats to the fair market value of the Property immediateh prior m the date of taking, with the balance of [he proceeds
<br />paid m Borrower;
<br />Tf the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower chat the rnndemnor oilers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days afrer the date such notitx:'is
<br />rnailM, Lerrder is authorized to rnilect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, tither to restoration or repair of the
<br />Pmpertv or to the sums secured by this lltongage_
<br />Liniess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, am• such application of proceeds to principal shall not extersd
<br />ur postpara: the due data of t?te monthly installments referred i~ in paragraphs T and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such imtallmems.
<br />It. lllaerorret NM Releaeei. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amonization of the sums secured
<br />Ity rites hie.:.gage a^r.ted by Ler:de: >,_ any succe<sc.= _'„ interest of Barrowo~ shall not opotate to ?,Tease. in any manner.
<br />the liability of the original borrower and Botrow°et's successors in interest. Lender shah not be required t4 commence
<br />proceedings against such su¢x~essor or refuse to extend time for pa>°ment or ntherttise meaify amortization of the sums
<br />secured h~• this Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Bermwer and Horcewer's successors in interest.
<br />Il. Foriearare iy' I:der Nor a tiYaver. any tarhraranre b~• l.cnder in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded ity applicable law. shall nee he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of am' such right or remedy.
<br />13te procurement of insurance ar The payment of taxes or other liens .u charges by Lender =hall not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right ra acaefcrate der maturity ei the indebtedness secsrrd by this yton¢age.
<br />12. ittene~ies CaatalaNse- :411 remrxiies },mvrded in this iiongage are distinct and eumvlative to any ether right or
<br />remedy tntder this Mortgage or a$otdzd by law .,r equitc. and mat' 1?r zxercised cancurremh•, independent3y or successively.
<br />IJ. Sarcrswas ad A>aigac Boatel; Jour ad Srverai 19ah7iry; Captions. '77te covenants and agtrements herein
<br />contained shall hired, and the riehis hereunder stall tinter t<e, the respecrve succcsscrs and assigns of Lender and Barrewtr,
<br />seb~ef! io the provisions of paragraph i i hem:.f. ?aB covenants and agreemems of Horcawer =hail br jeirt and seaxral.
<br />ll;e tapti<xis and headings oaf the paragraphs c+i iftix ~Iongagc are #or concemence only and are rnt to he ,rsed to
<br />interpret or de5ta: the protiseuns heretic.
<br />1J. '.W/iee, Except for any notitt required under applicable law to Fn eiven in annther manner, {a/ any notice re
<br />Borrower pact^Sded €or an this Mortgage shall ix gsrzn z=y maiPing ?uch noucc b}' .cruficd ms31 addracted to Borrower at
<br />tht Property Address or at such other address aa' 8ormtaer may desegnate by n.~ticz t.^^. I.cndcr as provided herein, and
<br />aTtl any noti.^e to Zcndet- shall he given by certifiers :nsii, return rocrtpt requcstad, to l.ender< address stated heroin 4r to
<br />such other address as Zetrder may r;esicnate t*y rxttice to $orre:wer as ptovtde3 herein. Ant r,<=.tirr provided fee in this
<br />Mortgage shall he deemed to have t.etn given to Bevrrnter nr i.zrtder tahen green in the mariner dzsegnnted herein.
<br />IS. Ltaier~ Mortgage; GovttanK I.aw : Seveiaiiih. '7?ar. ;stem ai mongar^r -ombines tm;ic rm ~~ove~,rrts for national
<br />arse and rton-uniform cot'~nants with limited vartauorts by i urad=croon t. ctr+ttstctute a untferm sea:urtty instrument covering
<br />real property. 73tis Mortgage shall be governed by the taav .,t the ;urtsriietien an which the Property :, 1x:r*.cd. Tn the
<br />event shat any provtsn.a or cls:rse «f this 4iortga}'z ¢+r the tie+tc enat3icts +.'ith applicable Saw. such cnnfiirt s~hail not ailed
<br />other proaisions of t3ris Mortgage or tfso A¢?tr uhtctt tan fiz green ztiect xathtat,t tl;e can7ti>ring pa~ticion aaai t4 this
<br />sad the I+rotisrorrs itI the MArt,gage atld ttte \fatd 3r'n a1CL'3:2fiCi -Ut t}e tt`verantE.
<br />If. laenwer's Cary. Borrower shall be ft.frnu}ted >r c~ afornred a~pr tai rite ?\otc sr,J of thta Atortga~t »t the Gme
<br />of cttocutron cur otter tvxrrdaa~t herCatt.
<br />I7. Ttatraler of tie ~arrrarp6ai. Ii al} i"K ant Eon i!t the Propene i~r 3n iruerest tltr:rl°in tS said 46 ITanstePTed
<br />by $prtvwo7 vrit}uiut Ixtrdes"s {vier writtrr, tvzrscnt. exc3uding +ar the .reatsa*tt r,T v lien „r znc umlzrance subonirnata to
<br />this Mortgage, ib) the cresutvr of x puzrt;ase rrta~ttey security ,merest fsv he+usehoid appitancn. ~~? a transfer ha' devise.
<br />deSuetri t¢r by opetatioo of is,i upon tier death a~f a ant senora .,r,.i+ fir ~-ow ~` rrr.~:~l - ° °- - -
<br />- L-..rider may, at I rn.~t ~'> .~pnort, detlaez a31 rho +-urns secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />imtprdiately due and payable. Zetxkr shall §~,ave uatted taxis a pt+an tt> acce;era[e ri, prior r„ rho safe o; transfer. Lender
<br />sad the person t<r w;ewn iht Yrofxr'ty is to br stzl:: oz trsnsierrni rzail: agt~r7xnt in w:at+ng that *.he creJn of srech ;tettor.
<br />es catisfa~traty to Landes and that ttm intetrtt patahk tin the aam> servrcvt l`a this \torigage ;ha<i be at su~ir rate a+ Lender
<br />sialt r+egoesi. if I tader has waved xhe pptian to acc~leratr proa'nicd e-~ t?ti> prrarreplt €'. and ;. Horrewzr'c sutce;sor in
<br />ta{trest haiexrcuta4 a written asyarmpsiort agreement au~eptcd in u~'riting i?y i_cnrkr. l.et+aies .ha13 rz4ease Bc*;rowet from nli
<br />oi+titgatums anader shin Mongage arrd rho Lott.
<br />3f Leorter exerc~ such ;yryjt'ra to au~irrace, Lt= ~r .hal3 uxai; Batrowe; rof:cs :~i ~~.elers,,,.n ,ctiuraiancc kith
<br />startrgraph 13 treru*f_ Such efface shall preside a pcrio d of Want less t_asan 3Cr d~g_t irz~rr, flee date ohs. t, ~t i,e ie rnat~ed uithm
<br />which $orFtMkV'.`r .mar t'at~ the auras declared dac- It Bnrrc x:-cz a_i= •o pay saran ,'.ems pr.av- t., the ztFirati..r, ;,; .r~,:h Ixrt.xd.
<br />Lender zrsay. without furii+ex n~iec air demoted x?n Iiorrcwer, :rst;~%z an. tc=medics ;,rr:tt~ue.i ht rv,,r=gxaph s x hexer+!-
<br />\~;-Lrwrttrara Ctsvt+:~tx;is_ Bt+trw'ez axed t.eniier further c.rvcttaatr sni :i~trr .r, it+liews.
<br />Ji. Atxstlaearfarr Re~dise,. Exa~rtiN as preridal iw pattgtap6 !? hsres+f, opdn &rrrarrt's hrrach of ant euvrnant err
<br />+s(!a[tswat b tits ,vrrl>.ii{tg rtes covenants t€r pay t_hrn do any ssv ara~d b} this lforrgaKF.
<br />Lnitr lydar >w afnienMiN #rR +wtil aalire tQ Ilarwwer ~, pros3ded iA paragraph Iri hereof 5peiifyhrR: tt? ihr trcsach:
<br />t3-~e al#fa~ rtrpitd M s'ara erect trrNeil t3l a dirs. crwt Meer. ttran JN days itapn {ic dale rbe rmtevr is trtstiJed In Borrower.
<br />R erlietarci itrd#R'it eater Its rwd:.aal cal that tailarr to cwtr suet breari oa or hefure the darn spsciticd in the autice
<br />ty6' ratlrM.lA sit the setae ntrarrl iy rlrL yiauraagar~ foreriawta by judicial praesedirak arrd sale rat' the Property.
<br />fits arfiittir aiirM tlrtirar rttata-1Nrr4rret al tYC ti~Me w rriaN+MC aNu acrdera!riua and the elate rn assert in the foFrci+»aro
<br />}as,spdi~' Itia strYa•raiYSae>x rrFf ar letar[t-ar' aar> at-rt drfsa.e of aarturts•t to atceirrarioa and Inretkxsotc, if tM Wrea:M
<br />is teat treat u~ w twtsre tic late rgsrtfrsd i the rKrricc, I.twdrr ai Lrrrtei t option rosy dx leer all of tlra autos steered by
<br />6ria "• w ie iar~riiardy der aa/ pyaMe wilMrrt fotrtrax drarwd awd may forerlwe ley jtrdiciai pzucccdit~. t,eudrr
<br />?~ M satilirl Wr erllsc'1 tat sect ..ail txpeasiss «f forecMiswr. laeladiMk I+W rgxr Hrnited t<r, z•aw.~ at dxxunreararr
<br />crilettr, aiNns.ar aa~lgo rsPra~.
<br />ti. iattu!nrft Rte-lo 1~111Me• '~~r*ks{irstrindtng t.eadcr'..a:eteo,a.s,*s, ¢r( t,~• .a,trta ~. ,s;,} ?ry -.a, yt.~,sra.a.
<br />f3ortusrxt t3tati base thee rigtri ,'c, lsaec err t€r;;,:~;dmgs t,f.~. r::~~. ! c;t&Pcs :, -,..,. ,,,, !.-tt..,,,a,:. -"..., -t.r;sa d :.. _..,.
<br />