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80-- ~~ <br />~6; Ta use the loan evidenced L+y the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government. <br />(') To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed <br />against the property, including all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stank <br />pertaining to 02 rcasonabty necessary to the use of ihr real property described above, and all-taxes-and assessments levied <br />open this mortgage or the note ar any indebtedness hereby srtueed or ay*ainst arty legal bolder hereof ar of the ante-tar: of <br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly eieliver w ehe Government without demand xecaipts eyidancing <br />such payments, <br />t$, To keep the' roperty insured as requited by and under insurance aalicies approved by the Government and; at its <br />request, to deliver sech po}iciea to the Government. - : . <br />-gi Ta maintain ilrgrosemant in goad re ate and make ;rpairs require-d by thz Government; operate the proprrty'ut a - <br />gaoc) and husbandmanltkr m~ne-f 4cew~plg^?+~i~k_ .such farm censen•ation sractices and farm and home ntanagentetii plans as <br />the Gtrvecnmerxt #`~ ~- ttrtl'€ - - e; and not to abandon t~e property, as cause-or permit waste; }essening'vr - <br />imgaimlert of ~ he~' without the xvritten consent o the Government, cut remove; or lease any , <br />timhec_ grave}~ pt as mac be necessan' for ordinary domestic purposes. <br />t 1Ls? To cansply with all laws, ondinancrs, and regulations atfecting the property. ' <br />r i i) To pay or reimburse the Government Tor expenses reasonably neccssary• cr lnciderttal to the protection a£ ilia lien <br />and priority ?cereal an.i to the rnfoserment of a: the compliance with ihr previsions hereof anti of IIIe noxe and any supple- <br />mentarv agreement iwhether befere ar after defaniri. including; but net tintitrd Eo costs of evidence of title to _..d survey of - <br />*he property, cvsxs of retarding t,4is and ether insm:ments, axtomrys' fees, trwctees' fees, court avsts, and expenses h# - <br />adaverrising, selling, sad canvacing =_ile arapert?•. <br />+12, Neither the pzagrrty nor any portion thrseaf or inzerest therein shall br leased, assigned, sold, transferred, or <br />escumbeted, voluntarily ar otherwise, without the written consent oti zhe Goverment. The Government shall have the sale <br />an.i exe3usive rights as morgager :xcrrun-rt, irclu.lirg i+;u not imitcd La i're power co grave consenfu, partial reicasres, <br />Stfb ardiratians, anu saI2Siact2on, ana ::u SilSnrfd haldCT Shd:l tia4'f ens' R},*71 L, LttIC (li mtereSr to OT to the ilen ar 1ny bfn[nt5 <br />hesra% <br />' i3'. ~t all reasonable times the Goverrmrat mci its::yents may inxprcx the pmpenv to ascertain avdtet'ttar the covenant; <br />and agrrexnrnts canzained harem or ,n ana- suppirmrntua '-'roemert re helve prriolmed. <br />14i The €;aeernmrnt may -, a! tarred ~~: deice ihr r. ar,{nta' r and .renew't reschedule the payments an, the debt <br />exidenerd br •lu note er sea- ;ncirbxcdness to :hr t..nrnunen2 .rccrrd Iw cnls urtstrument. -b: release :1nq pamv u`ho is <br />iunie anur~~~e snit v s-r ' - ..~....- ..,u - .,,_ .,~„~, .,.,...... -' t.: ,....... ,...~.., xr:- _ui'~ <br />iLS lien, and ,tr: water *anv .tiler ;., s ri~cis :,vie. :t.isrtn~trunltn, t. r. a' .1nd af. t.'SS'can anti aa'iL' he `d'arte w?th.nlt aifecrini; <br />the lien cYT the ~ncz;ti- c1# this mar^mrrt ..r ixtrrower'e +~L >ns- .atirr itarta''s iiaiaxlite to t?ae Gr=ierament £err payment i~f the <br />rwta .rr drht set.ured t~a-_ :his ists-uumrnt snlus the ti;,.Y.-rxnmrnt .sa~;..rrb.tsvrse :n avnrittg, til3t4'E\`£R, ,ang forbearance by <br />Ihr i;avernmmt-whe211er un.-.r '~: .then-aa ,xercising env r:i:t <> rrme:ia~ tcis nctran.Frnt, ,r .,2herav2se ~.i:oxdrd by <br />applicable law. shad not be a waiver \3: ,JI zrre_tir the exarctse n; ees ::;ch r,Lhz cr :cmeda•. <br />;1a4 li a2 zee time it; ar,car to ti:r f;\nrrrxnrxtt r';ar Roe,-wt.r t.ay Ere elate to o?ta:n :, lean prom a producnon <br />acdst .xsuacia..;~n. a ~rierai lava aaak. _ r arlse::rst.+ossis-ie co:xaerada-c nz pervert credit soesce. at :caionalzie sates and terms <br />27r 1t3~'tx tar SIInliar 3;L•r'piTYC3 :sift }~rt':ad: i;t CSa:<2'. ?~-1+ratY£Z wli. uC:+n the +~ Va=Y'r^Tn C^T_'S rkaittSi, 3p:It' t~tZ :inL' :(CCr}fS s:Ie^ <br />}4a1: in 3.3ttx:.rant a2rl alliI tD t:?a~ t!!f PRTfi AP:: %.~"5' L_wCbtL(t?SC 55 .-~t: ^.: a'c:: 1;'_"xC~T .{:. tl tit :?a}' tu. a!t\- ~faCF: iICCESS~ir} :.... Ixt <br />}9:F~11arS {i~n' a ~tY-3p2S.j ii'C ICPU3ny 4ti}r n; l' ;n v.z=135~fL,2t2n i4'ISh >'.1.II i4'j'ar:. <br />:}~_ xA'tilrt[2 4Srretinc~rY ~tiall ConStIStl CC .~t'a:5ii ;SfiACr ari4' a3LtirT read CS2:#tf. GT USidCr :'-1::` }`C. S3IIaS FY'. 3:`fir-t?' t~~r •~tllft. <br />SCC>!frtl' fni'ITS:r11r'.1t i1e7u :xr msanra ..^a" SAC i.avcrrmrni .sna esC Ct;t f`d c*; aSS;.lm ra t` 't~i1Cr4'w;•r. -Afl'3 ;:C Sat:St ;;nur2 ,4r; 1• xucn <br />3.ut:rr srctlrt2r iri\trL`InCni athakl 't etnaTttu*_r 7e3ats}t +?rrt urucr. <br />-, '.?!i{}LtZ9.'! '-acx-v ,^ "ir ~rzi'c.r-n::fca ".+. ,. sc. arxr *,t any . ,iigzt:axY t ~ s .n.srr>3ncn• ,,• •r i ~,:\. c:axs <br />uan,rumcnx. ~r stfcaiivl' the naz tars aaanczd as fiar.'owrx te.e _ 'ter derriarrd aSl inco:r?p. ettnt - .sa>r i.3 ana .-na- t?ie t~artfrs <br />ttaraaer3 a5 be do*s'-lotto' a irasot;se~+t. tr.T xn frsrr'arar E,z rnaltit as as: {,knaarr: rvv use iYCna{3c ,.~f ~c.uate=ax. ±2ze t;+r.+x^no-- <br />:UCIrt~ at ', CS ,i~t34n, witn '.+t 'A?ti12s~: :.1:,Y2]S t. :;131"~ L2CUase t3;f CPtlrr a{Il\]ixr12 ualpatsi Y+ns7rr !r'.r ttV;.' ,tiW an4' :nsteitt esine35 <br />to tr1C a.Y:YaYrij:83;: iii 2[C: C~y +Yl'.tr'rie :mrxlt:SiaLrt'e 1°3C ii??:S [t9Ya.L+fr. i s :<_\T .nC sit'>li C15 =.i2 itZ.3f1":.1is.'t[ llvt:~+! 3:11 jtOY ?Ciev,.Vg112Y[f <br />Tapi3lKk 5Y*3 ^-t'S1+L; =+r ?31J:ritCiiwra..r in ;tt4,d '.akC p,.,sae ygid:5x :r ..gtt'tC t.. eCrii t^t 7`~rc'{'eStY 1} - .. r,[+~1. atttzik Z*k 9t :t El.i <br />r'#.'i'3d13L2::£x33 >_+: :3132 S;ka1:31Z3tC1tt. +.E _.t-, ='-"zCi i"v{..i";t- i.z.L N'Etaiii;it '=x,t1G:' - 'fli.; ir, Sas.l if~r. i#:t :, '. kx~ w :Cttia'CT <br />appuintrv tc- cite psupcrty, wr r, t ,.a: ~ ~'exs ..-.+. taarl+z"r.:r: Iskc ..ass, t,3, tt+d>c ti,~.a,tr ..tees.. _~ .,~clucct iYCxent <br />x .^,}' faav, at Y r ~ esF: c'r _ dex4 zee e.: ,.. -„7 eii,iiis ai't-v 'Y' .exik[+ }t*(rv3.!tu €srssu . i*-x vx^ec:ts ,ex ;c:t tree taw. <br />-; 2$% ??'ir ~tx.f~eds .t ,t-err.. s...•,nrE ~.alr t4:sli ?~-~ it.~--ii vi :R xar ?=571trvr>at ,. ~1r err }iakn:ct?x 1: a _„=z- r•:a rs.}YC'iescs <br />4'rcdde.'ni to en#att~,~+fr ~.ah:p'G'L{~', ~:-'last the luva`ivzvuYa i:rae.Yt, b onk~ a e s acy~uzri i=i' taw - -r=etf>rtrnt tassra tv <br />~, ~ :3._~*_ ems 3-s, >~ _ ,.~ grid a :r.3chtavfR as -a t{se t;nves ~srstrn4 xc`s;iirea: !arYeiss-, '. .rr tsv'ttar he n> <br />A}3 _'CCAH{3 raquax~ i • .6a yr 3 .-_,nn~aBx2i32 i uit .r, tf ', ~# ;C i.wi.. ietlF..fSF.'e }i::.:::, ., -,i~',}.~;..3:f3> if: <br />riS~W't:~~3ii i~:: Y1,fi}', =v ti#. 1#t#~is:. i.'~L i i~ iICC :iL-wC3 n3'i4' a, zYes: i- "'x{ 4eK.;lae:t ..t. !Si1.i, n`.r t ~.x.~c t > - ~i i,E n:l#' <br />psex t>} :rii x ,p,.,pcrty: the dttTatit3txntrlx :1!9 ~` 1t£ 3~f, xtiS x.Sda S~ YS a2iei tfSit3a' ws t 53rdri~„Ci sn tT. k paY ItC i. YfFn253inC 5 Snake <br />Vt 3tti~ p~27'G'_y _; p3rKC ~tfj'f ir+r+5l9r}b" aUCi. iii ,. tl.nT rn s&y Cv4! ai },UITVMrI ~?1YF1S~, i+t ~Yt 1 .dLiC4 t,. ~.lS (Yi.vY1W'Y (rtC25{, l.: {:]Y <br />-.lFdCt'. prfSG$%i3G-J' 33i~YYY. <br />-lts; 33cxxuwcr agiaex tiaL tae "t,,vexrlnrnt ar,^,il ;.a,, :,t ~+..:3,.i '.yai;. .rc. `ni '_. :::-cure' ,rat 'a;h:_ ,." tt'rx.uag i~x <br />vaaltxaxifxa:. splFrti~a:, lsurae:t»:att <x -arrr'~;tioF1 ~ri tart n ap~e2."c, tr: p -+iaci<au 1r,,, x ;u ttrfa r:< ...t vrl - -a ;ut ,.let>cscn~y <br />aui~sae~t ax ItxrtiYing ttta ,uu~;ax;t a91e{ea. r>:' .*r~ tscue sxaxnln u' attire, mu.,t i:t , rv~,tsa, ~ pze,:,.xlb r,~, anp .,titc•-F <br />s4az>ate is ~ari'nawaats, ia? a:l[rxazag say titter t11 redau-,pz .ter. ,.,, kvsus»ius. X0;1 ,avv,g ,i,} "., ~iz..uas. .. i,:,,\xn~ the <br />n.`~;2Yracrru eelsic.# ~r {i:2vttnAUrat a*',.c '?t r~~;a,,:.'`<sn i_rsspa,x, :xVa:cicas aYt =ri-:cx, sat .: m.y .-- y,t<, ,,e -uu~sttoc ,.t <br />a~sivi:P~' d rtL'3St+tT ?a tnc "!'. QC~C. i3 ,~• =tr'S za413'Ja- VFr2 vSw -f - _ ,r is+f:r ~ 2 .c :_~ i - t.a.i iun~_ <br />I3Cir.:rwcr hert:.t3a tzir.,lafsisz s. ~w~.I~~s. rte'. .ter st}'> ai .tests, :. s..+.~a:_ :.. -r\_..,,,,a.x, :-t ,..\_. _, .s ...... ........ tr.>}. <br /> <br /> <br />3 <br />~,-.-_ <br />