80- ~~~31
<br />USDA FmHA Position,S
<br />Form FmHA 427-1 NB
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made and entered. into by _. __._. -.__~Q~:~.~L;;A. ~._:~&G~S.43'..2~J3S~ _>lOJ~G,4k.L~....~s~.~'Fs~.~_~~:.
<br />aI11Sb817CL.8i1~..W1;fS.,.--.._--_____~~..---------------°-°-°---------------------•---.__°__._._..._..-•----•--•--.__....__...,._._.~...:_._....Y._
<br />residing in ~__,.._._. _~..`.__,_._._..~1.__---__r- .-_-__--____ __.--_.....__ Connty, Nebraska, whose post affice addtras is
<br />>: ,...
<br />k~E..~.~._ISO)C_,.+IQ..r_.~_1~.1]K02:~..._ .__..__. _ ..._ .-__-__.--°_______ __ ____°°-._ -_ -.••--__°_°__ . Nebraska _.~~..___,
<br />herein'callyd "$orrower," and:
<br />WHEREAS -Borrower~is indebted to the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home Adtninitration,
<br />United Sxatts beparrment of Agriculturo, herein called the "Government " u evidenced by one or more promissory troie{t)
<br />ter assttmprion agreemends?, hereir, called "note ^ whit!: has ~errz rxrcuted by Borrawer, is payable to_:he --derof thhe
<br />=Gexvetnment; authorises acceleraxian of the rntirr indebtr3ness at the option of the Government upan any defYUli bq
<br />Barrovrrr, and is described as follows: - ~-.'
<br />.4nmaai Rarr l?sse Date,ojFinal-
<br />Aueojtnttrurneut i~-inripat.intaunr ojlntereit InstdlmenY
<br />A(ay 30, 1980?1=s~.000.00 iIv January I, .2020
<br />iff the iaterest rate is irss treat . ..... .. ... ... °~ T~xr farm ~:wnrrshtp .x sprratin~ }oatt;sj srcurrd bt this insua:ntrnt. then the
<br />ntr map be chanyai a providrd in t'ttr n,,tr.-;
<br />And chr sate rvirltaces a l;ian ra 8;}rsawt;. and ti:r CPavrrnmtnt, at ant tuns, may a;StRti the sate and insure the pay
<br />anent thereat ptz,^suant tv etc C',ar=sahdaz~ F3-m :n•d i:szal 3~evcloptnzm i{tt. :rt Title ~V c# chr kiuusin<Rct of 1949 ar any
<br />uiisrc ssariste a.$miatistezed by t'nr Fasmrrs H 3:na A3nttnistrat:Fm:
<br />And iz is t}x f:urpusr :nd inters: ui chi; tnstrnmrnt a3eat.:m:rn'y, c,.ar: things, at a;.l r.nse, K~hrn the nc,te is held by the
<br />t;+a.~ernnseztt, ur in tl:r rrea¢ chr t+:+vrenmena a:i,c ui~{ ass:km t,'t is uutrtitnent x-ttheai;t uisuran<r tai the ante, ihu insttumrzat
<br />shall secure pav~xatrnt ci xt,c Hots. 1xa2 +~heY t'.*ic rrsxie is grid Wit- an ,nsutr,i i.ai'vcr, ti:rs iir>ir:xnxra': sixa$ rat secutr payment
<br />of chr aoxe ~t attacis sa tint 3rf+t rvsdrescrd xhrxr~,, hire as ax rnr r.C+±~ a,ad a4:3^ ~eht s°,ali .arsntu.~ an tr.3cznnite tnt>rt~age
<br />t~ srcarr acts t;,~aratnmtnt arsinat ia_s under izs :eisvtxncr :.:,ntract by tras+:n c:t ans :#e•tas:.a i`t !;:m~,.+avex:
<br />Rnd this :nstrumrna arses utsrres chr rr:agture t*; ans :ti:rcc>: crodit r,r ca;rsnft' °aetc'tt .::av i.r ;-zantr.s +~, ttic fierrraures by
<br />the di:>srrnmrzit pssawanx tai 4? i .S.C. ~I4a.
<br />ti{;3tt~'- TpiEREFOk£. to csnsit'irratxtan ~+3 r#:r i,.a~u=a; <xd ,a'~ >t :ill siincs s+~heo =.?nr ,:c is is herd ,,t Liar (.e,vasnmrat or in
<br />tltr n•ent ffir t;,"~cwrtrte..t-nt >htx:I-,z assign t6 is m-st••s,nunt wuhorta insuran:.-, c,t chc~ ka)'mrnt :.~t chr Herr, to stcnrr prat:xpt
<br />lsax'tttrtit <}i the near an,i xnp rcrx>hais atxi rxtrnsirxns therr~.t a.nei aue a~nretnrnax ctntainrd thrrr:n. i,ttiudinp anv p.-xvutan
<br />fits chr p»~ttasenx c+3 an ruraarmntr err trt3.tr r~ha: yw_ -2, a=` a1; r:~es ~~hrn tlxr nosr a hciG f:~' as uxsmrd st;kac=. se. secure pxr-
<br />1.-ussaner t?# sSrxs€~rcet'x ~rez~rnt ?:~: csa *__a ~«trtn~ an;£ szvr ^ar~ni'scas at; Ssrrnmcnt axauat toss n:r.,ier its insx:rancr
<br />tx;1•at~rract b;' acasRats of anp ticfzult f+v }larresw•rr, asw tc. in any r.rnt artd ar aI3 tunes to ucu:c chr prompt }as°nxcnt a# ali
<br />aitVltntZ'rf 3n1"i ea~enetit't3tr3 inS:.ie tk3r #:Ltvrr'fl3;ICFt, ~"~'ti sacs€eSt lY YSe5Ci3)a!ic:r .°9AtiE+c.:. >Fx-.i S.:C pcra txrma2'il[ Ui r1 rt~
<br />scvrnasx anti. agraestsrrr rf flt-.tai-r,ars c:-sntc:tted herrtr= ~r to say aupt*=rmerzr>it~ amt ~.trrnt, Y„xr.r+wex i%a.> herr6y atant
<br />batgsin, soil, tansrl~ and su?;kns, tis;•itit Rents;:! wazranh•_ atnta chr L>avernmrnt ihr f ~licrtik'2nR pr,:,tartty situ>ar;f n chr Starr of
<br />Vcbrasia,.%aanrg~i-iea at .. _.,.,. ------,....--- ~y,~--
<br />llxe Sou'i#teast t2uartez {~'~) '~f ~~•tinr 3hix't~°-#utar {::~~ anti tine ~e3t !rare of tfie
<br />SaIltlriatCSt +~tsarter ~~x aI~3 fife :'at3ilt~i'a„+'t~1tYdrtel' tit Iiie JDlllllxdt.'St i~l3al'teT
<br />~,SE`~~ ~sf Sc~tim '1ke~Ity-cii (28}, a3i in 7"owns~Ii~ T`en (iJ) 'trrth, Range
<br />El+s- ~i1) i1~t o£ the ~~ P.A3„ !lair t'runt}°, bras3~a,
<br />Fm}fR 4'? 2 'FB ..err- 5-l i-79 i
<br />
<br />
<br />