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<br />Community Development Agency, sell, assign, contract to sell, or <br />in any manner convey the Premises or any interest therein without <br />the prior written approval of the Director of the Community <br />Development Agency. Any successor in interest of Grantees shall <br />be bound ty the provisions of this deed. <br />6. Prior to the completion of the improvements an the <br />Premises as certified t_y the Director of the Community Development <br />Agency, neither the Grantees nor any successor in interest to the <br />Premises shall engage in any financing or any other transaction <br />creating any mortgage or otter encumbrance or lien upon the <br />Premises, whether ty express agreement or operation of law, or <br />suffer any encu~;ance ar lien ..a to made an ar attached to the <br />Premises, except for the purpose only of attaining: <br />A. Funds aniy to the extent necessary for making <br />the improvements; or <br />B. Such additional funds, if any, in an amount not to <br />exceed the purchase price paid tp the Grantees. <br />L7ntil issuance of the certificate of completion, Grantees ar <br />their successors in interest ;hall notify the Director of the <br />Community Development Agen~c, in advance, czf ar_y financing secured <br />by a mortgage ar ocher simiiar lien instrument cahich Grantze <br />proposes to enter into c~ith respect to the Pre rises, and of an_v <br />encumbrance or lien that :gas teen creased or attached to the <br />? by invaiuntar~=' act ,~r the iar:ntees, it ,t herwiSH. <br />1• the ^aider aZ 3ny SIIart~,a~,e out}1ari2ed tY t;1E' Director aL <br />the Cozmxsun~ty De}elvpment Agency, including any hailer who attains <br />title to the Premises ar any part =hereof as a result of fore- <br />closure proceedings ar a.^.tion in ?ieu there<si ;but not including: <br />ia) any other party who thQreaftar attains title to <br />the Premises ar such part from c>r _hraugh such <br />holder; or <br />f~~ aray ether aurchaser at forerlcsure :-aie ocher <br />than the holder of tine mortgage itself,; <br />shall ~~ obi,i,gated by the provisions of this deed t:tr cc<~sc-.rust c>r <br />complete the cpnstruction of the improvements, or tC~ ~aarBnteB <br />511~~i c~snstructlIIn ar Completion. .•`iothl.n~z in tl'~E'.S~ ;~;:?V£`ilanC:, <?r <br />this deed shad to de4xned or Cunstruet! cc j,~ra~2it: <:.r ~zuct~e,r<.~ ,~r,v <br />such h~ols3~-r to the property ~sr aa,,~ ~~e~;: r~lcr-e.;_r~z _ . :~n,= - <br />3 <br />