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~o- oa~~ <br />i0. Thai the Mortgstgnr wilt keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair_ and nrrther commit nor permit waste <br />upon said land, nor sutler ihr said premises to he used tz?r any unlawful purpnce. <br />t I . That if the premises, or any part thereot. he condemned under the pewee .+f tmintnt domain, or acquired for a public <br />use, the damagts awarded. the pmeeeds for the takine of, or the eonxidcration for ,u fi aaiuisitinn. to the rxtenl of the foil <br />amount of indebtednts upon this mortgage and the note which iz iv given to :mire rerna!ining unpaid, arc hereby assiened by the <br />4fortgagor (e the ':llorigagte, and shat) he paid torttru=ith tc raid 't#ortgagte to he applied h} the latter .,n account of the nex, <br />mzturing instnttments of such indehtedntss. <br />I?. Tht Mortgagnr further agrtts chat should ifti: nusrtga¢t and the rote secured hereby not be eligible for in- <br />surance under the `ationa! Housing Act within 60 days #rom the date hereof (written statement of any ot#icrt <br />of the Department of Housing and urban Development or autharired agtm of the Stcrttary of Housing and Urban <br />llex`einpment dated suhsegotat tz? the 60 days time from the date of this mortgage, dtelining to insure said <br />note and this mortgage, being deemed conclusive prz?of of such meiigihility}. the ytartgagee or holder of the Wort <br />ma}•, at its opt><~n, dtelare at3 ram. recurred hereh}.~ immediately dirt and pa}==able. <br />t3. '[hat it the Mortcagc?r fails to makt any nayments of money when the same become due, ter :ails to conform to and <br />ce?mpt}' w%th am~ of the conditions nr arTetmtnts contained in this mortgage. or the note which it secure.. thin the entire princt- <br />pa3 setm and a«crued in[trrst shat! at once hecomt due =and psyable, at the election of the :4lortgagee; and [his mortgage may <br />thereupon tx foreclosed immtdiateiy for the whi+ie .?f said money, interest, monthir navments, ~osis, ground rents. fazes and <br />the cost ivf txttndirtg the abstract of title from zhr date of this loran to the time of cnmmenring such fortdosurc suit. and a rea- <br />sonaisie attorney's `.'re. at! of which shall t+e incindtd in the decree of ±fortch+,ure: and the contract emhixlie ..r this mortgage <br />and the m?tt stctued hereby. shah in sit respects i?e gc?vtrned, a~nstrurd and adjadgeti by Fhe laws of Nthrasica, ++~here itte <br />same is made <br />'ittt covtnants herein contained shat! hind. and the htretits and advantages shalt imure En, the respective heirs, executors. <br />adminisirattxs, successors and ;u;igas of the parties hertu?. ~l`hents-er used, the singutar number shall include the plural, the <br />pittrat the singular, and the use of any gender shall be appiictbtt to ai3 gPnders- <br />'Ftar #oregoing conditians, at3 sad singu9ar. being performed according io zhttr :tatnral and lea! import, this conveyance <br />shall be void and said prtmists released at the expense of the Slnrtgagex: otheru is to he and remain in full force and effect. <br />;V IYiT~ESS 11'HEREf)f, zhr Siortgagorts! fia hereum.+,et handtsl the dayand year tint <br />about u~ririen_ <br /> <br />~t rt~ «~ /~~tLZtci*•i~ ii. (SEAL <br />a <br />S`t 9TE Cif \EHR_ASKA.( . <br />Ct1l \`fY t 1F i?A2.v <br />tan tilts ~O; h :ia} :`t !lay <br />'' ttcLary :.~lic <br />Ar~oid W. Martens Jr. <br />1 SF.AI. ~ <br />t\.s :t~~: "~'~ (SEAL; <br />~~].S@ ~ynII rt enS <br />I seat. <br />iSEALi <br />.ter sxf.t'n <br />i. D. l9 ~O,hriorrmt. <br />m anti for utd Ciwnt},perxtnalt} ,::one <br />R.rui3 WI. Hastens Jr. and '•~t.ise ~yr~t Aiaztez;s hucbFarxt'~.. ~::d v~Sfe <br />prr,t7naiir to ntr i, nuwn <br />Kite rite 3tlentir~~ 3vc;sens ~#~+.r nnrnt s are ssfixtd to thrretu,rc eaxi #ort- <br />gws~iastrararntaa?Nori~a~s+r.aad they have ,ckht»w9e+igrdthr.;te:itn+irufnrntandthe <br />tl2L'UiWti tiKrtuf t(+ift ~e1r ~t`IiAn(ait s;:t and 4rrd, tar tt+C put pi!+c, 1hCFrln Cxpft„C+i. <br />in tvrxramong wlttrtit€. i hex htrrunto.rt m} hatt.i suet at3iattf b} ~!y .ea: xt Gsartd Is iar2d, Nebraska <br />sxt the da}' sad due last ala. rr written. <br /> <br />~f1 i)F i~~if..A:.411 <br />~kxi for rocvrd tleis say at <br />at tv'cioc~ <br />re~~rdcd is actta- <br />is ~~ <br />A.i>. 39 <br />`vf..:inJ enttrrd to P:umrnca! lndrx, end <br />ktiatrr of i)eeds <br /> <br />