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• 31-02-0482 a This form is used in conrtec- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />(('~~ ~ Housing Act. <br />8~/~ <br />.r <br />s <br />THIS MORTGAGE. made and e(ecuhd this 30th day of May ,A~p• <br />39 90 ,by and between Arnold Cv..Martens Jr. and Denise Lynn Martens , husband and-wife'- <br />ut the County of #ia1L ,and State of Nebraska; party of the first part, ftereinatter ca#led <br />the lyorigagor, artd Mortgage Plus Incorporated <br />accxparstiottor~niudamtcxistitfgunderthrFaw-st,€ ttta i7nited States of America <br />party of the seaottd pan, hereinafter calkut the Mortgagee, <br />WITNFSSETH: That thz said Mnngagav, fctr and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Thousand and pOJ2OOths <br />Lktt#ars ($ 50 , 000.00 ). patd by tfte Mort- <br />~, she receipt n€ which is ttercby ackmtwledged. has Granted and So#d and by thesz presents dtr~ Grant, Bar- <br />gain, Set#. Convey and Confirm unm the 1latittagtc. its succcssarx and assigrts, forever. tht fa#to.+mg-0esetibed <br />rea# estate, situated in the County o€ Hall ,and State <br />ei Nebnslca, to <br />Lot pour {4;, ir. Canitai Ffeight;•. Sixth Sttbaivisian. Hall County, Nebras#ta- <br />also krttctvrti as: ,1211 Texas, Grand Island, Nebraska oB801 <br />;tf ibe a+xt#s Rtmepn! ttet+drsn. itiErtrtmrrta; in a#i re,untr grafter. i y acre. xc.curding to t;ovzrn- <br />nfenk starve, <br />T€7 H.Ati`i iNf3 1"t1 Nl]i_#) ttrz ~ztntsea arae,e de,;critud, xeth ai€ the ;rnt+:rttznancz. ttxtewtia hzEt+ngtt,tt and tndttding <br />ah hcariog, ptumi~mg and #igttteng h~aiu€es and cytsi#xnzni ru a, =x #xrea€ter :auactte,i tout tt5zd in tfirtae. tt,h ,+ tilz ,td tzar z~.tate <br />ltnto itfe sia rtgatsrT. acrd io ir, sirs artd a7;ign., icrre.c~r. '7'hz ':7ort~p,,.+r rat:rr.rnt; to .,ni ., +eu:,nt, ,~; h the \tartga- <br />gcc. tis`st Tire ~ii#igagx,f fsyc ~,ti,.f rr~et ;o ~e.i and i~oai~zM wid prrmtx+~t ttrst +.'ae} ate r re from crzvumrrar=a.e, uan# that Crre <br />Ma.Ytgx&aa w'a'i warrt+nt and dzletut itre same u$:uret it1C?3ti,tut ciaim~ c+f asi pzt.a+t+.x uhi*;n,au~rr, snit thz gaud A#artryagtrr hzre- <br />1!s rcfen~t,zstaes a#1 r~ht~t+f fr€:~.cead, :and art tniutts1 rrgpt,, eu~•e in sax zTa in eyurtt. stint a;, ether cnnttngznt kntete+tx of ihz <br />Motlpt,~at in na+f to the a#wrt-ates::eii,zci prc:ni.zf. thZ is~ientiien #5esng t;, ..+n> ey itrrct,~ sn ah~slutr titkz. rr ic~r .imiriz, inc#ud- <br />itt~ n#F r~kta of hcx-t,tstzs4t., ;env ether ;igfxts asd intcrtst:+ as a€o€ra,i,.t. <br />1PRi)1'IUEPs Ai.1-Al'S, :u:d these presa:r.+is nre zsziutzd ~rtd tieit+zre.l up.,a the ta+iowtttg .>tndtttan., t;. x et. <br />The Mtx#gainr agrees to pay tsr thz ;«tortgayrer, or .'tdzt. the prtncip:t; sum n# F`i f[y '?'housartd and C?v' 100t h5 <br />i?o3tars+b >G,t3tl0.+~~ +.u+thintztzstirnm <br />dale tti tike t`.ic s: f Thirteen pzr ~zniwr, t 13.'J:3 ,_: 1 pzr annnnt un <br />the unpaid ha#aniY ulnii paid. T%viri;+t,nci;ars and tntcrc>t ~#tais' t+z pa4st+#e at thz :+tfiee uf,~rkquge ?'lus :n~x~orateci <br />do Engles ~~x3. Cc,lera8c s at.u.h othzt place ,+, the 2toie#er <,t <br />?ttat+oteau}~ukeinrrsiiug„tflzn~ratA#yimta,:+i7meuia.=f ~,yE ~~dr~; 'i`ty Three stars 50?1vOths ---- <br />{7a~13ar1 t3 X5'3- ~~ . cons nsa;xiing ois ttcz first d;:} vt <br />Jt;ly ;.r~,u , a.*w` c,n ==:e nrst dai ~•i each na, nttt tttz'sesttrr uratii itK €irrt~ipai arui rr- <br />t~est ate €l,tiv paid. zxcc;t tFsai tfkc itn;ai n:jmznt ii nrrnap;+: ai=d ;nterc~t. tt T.ti ,c ~nz, psid. .tt:ti: g,e c#.rr ::n,# <br />payable cut the S'n sA day of ~~1 ~ ' :u? a<wtving t.. rite term, nl a .trt:un pr.;m+s- <br />st~v r+t?tc cf e>«xu hate hereu iftt ~"~ a:d d#orttrag+,K . <br />T#sc ~A~ in €~drt ~:xc €tky toprr±le~'a the sc`urii} ~ this Mc=^- .z±~ee~ <br />t.. That t+c >sat! Pa} tftc it;dcs,ts~r3uc~a, a hw.earti+s.f~xz praa.idzi?, t'ri.iiegz t.w reartced i„ F+~:. tnz ~iei=i trr z-. s'.e, .*z tr: ;,r, <br />mta.w:tstcgri~l3t+astC.n rtuue tw32stfdy p:yt3xctus:+r; tt>r prir;.etpa the: err t,eai d;zr .=n the n:rtz, ,:n t#tr r3€.t .ir ; urt ,n.=ntta <br />~ ist ~afluiit~= frucidOd, tiartaxc¢. That.'atiill~m rsotiex ,,,f an ;ntrut~n to ext~x cis such pt,arizge t,, ~taen at lzast ih,rtS a;U3 <br />dais prior to ptrpalitt^ <br />a- 7bai,taittzthtz v~ktft, attd in-ndditiantc,, 'the rnuitth#y ~a~rfttentn,ri pniutpa? ants tntcrcat `aysta;r under site tuat> a;i the <br />+~ zcsauad hcrr,2rr. tl#it. a! tr;~ u~iii gag ts+ the ?N;vtg~c e, ,yn fbz fir~i dot ,:f exec nt.ynth uniii tk~ ~sth tt,ate t> _4ui#k paxJ. ;f-ut <br />fu#uwitt~ stt~rs: <br />{,i,) !~rtat2~.rtal j,+##ititr,t t:a ,,arus-tde tits 9ta,~dc. #rrrcaP xai}t ?arai5 ;~_~. ; ~,_ t=,z tsext*.~~ag;^ attsx;rscicr ,atcnttsa:r t.' rho <br />tisXtru~.ctt€ aitd 4'hr n,ac stc3,aad Yrca ziry arc ttt>ta;cd, sat a ~nasstha~ a:ttarge c trs ei~ .,ra tnx~r:gs{gc rvrs,arui:."e prF <br />rruknt) t3 tfir}~ arc ;azid #.v 7.#se;farV z,j ticrtstrk,tnd s.;t#sa:; fJezcd.~U:t-+eat:, as i:,iiuw,. <br />tf.l #i :atu4 su iau;g of sad nc,ic z,3 ~;ezs +~#z :rn3 th[~ ttm.;~rut rYe;: ~a msfru;~c'. t=; .art se:r~stare> utxt., rise {,;~: <br />s~~~. - _ ± <a -'_'~U. ' 1~t'sustrt{, ~5;-~, ar amm~t, t. +uf'~'o~ - tar ,,~=a€t- ;.. ,txr ,'_a=fin : ; <1~€ t:=>:u~r , ,+. <br />~apx~es+{.~dc?+yt~ i,C'f C-tyyrra,s ; .,., ::.a.pan : ; c , .. <br />