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so= g <br />A G R E E M E N T <br />THIS AG&FEl~NT, made and entered into this 29th day of May, 1960, by and <br />between Charles A. Douglass and Maxine D. Douglass, Parties of the First Part, and <br />Cheryle L. Femau, Party of the Second Part. <br />That said Parties of the First Part have this day sold and by these <br />presents agree to sell and convey to the Second Party, the following premises, to-rrit: <br />Lot Three (3 ), Block Sixteen X16) in Russel Wheeler's Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. Property <br />also kmwn as: 315 West i0th, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />together with all appurtenances thereto belonging, for which the Party of the <br />Second Part hereby agrees to pay the sum of Twenty Nine Thousand, Three Hundred <br />and No,,~200, Dollars (~2g,3:~o.00), Payable as follows; <br />Three Thousand One Honored Thirteen and 30/100 Dollars 03,113.30) <br />will be paid down, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. With <br />the rescinder of the Twenty Six Thousand Oae Hundred Eighty Aix <br />and ^0/100 ;Dollars (~26;156.70), payable as follows: <br />The Second Party will b8 responsible for making the monthly payments flf Principal <br />and Interest on the present First mortgage at Equitable Building & Ivan Association <br />in the asannt of 52!,8.02 with all tezms as of ibis date, pertaining to this mortgage <br />tc remain the same. The present balance pf slid :aortgage as of the above date <br />of this contract being23,269.40, Said monthly payments to be paid on or before <br />the 1st oz' June, 196fl, and on or before the 1st day of each month thereafter unti3 <br />said sum of principal and interest shall have been paid in full. In addition to <br />the Sewnd Party a~ees tc *:ay an additional sum ai'~1J12th of the yearly taxes and <br />~~*y+rce e$rh month tc F,ouitable Building & Loan Association in an escrow account. <br />SFauld the i/12th tax and insurance payment not be sufficient to take care of the <br />real estate taxes nr insurance payment, the second party :hall pay the difference <br />an descend. ?Tie First Parties agree to pay all the taxes and az~y other assessments <br />against said real estate up tp and incluaing the 1979 taxes and all prior }rears, <br />and the 1980 taxes pro-rated to ::ate of possession. The Second Party shall pay <br />al3 tares and nay assessments thereafter. <br />It is further agreed '.hat t^e Secona Party w_11 assume ell responsibili:-y or the <br />iastallmeat pate sued by :.he First 'attics to Albert Mayne :orison ;n the <br />origixsal aoaunt of 52,92 5.~, Balance at date of contract being 52,917.:0. <br />?he Principal and Interest payment of 526.0 per month will be due and payable <br />the 'sat day of June, 1960 Ana an nr before the '_st day of each month thereafter <br />until vie balaate of ^his 3,0~ is due ;.nd pa„vable on ,~anuary 1st, 1985, <br />It is agreed that the ~coi:-.: Party bas the right to pay off any part of <br />this loan at aru* time or ail pi it at any time without penalty. However, any part <br />paysents should be i.n multiples e:Iual to the next succeeding principal portions nn <br />the asQrtizatian table. however, nay assessments that may be assessed against the <br />prnperty f'rorlt thi3 d$te foricrd i3 the SeCflnd ?ar°Gy's nbligatlOn, <br />'The Seco[~ Party agrees to keep the progeny insured far fire, windstorms <br />arrd 3ztended Coverage with a lazes payable clause irl favor of the respective parties <br />as their interest slay ,appear, for the sum of 530,ia30,C~z atz~ at X11 times to carry <br />sufficient correrage to xzver rise balance oring. <br />The fo.a.l.owi._*ng pan real estate frees are to stay xith the property: all <br />attach$ci fixtures, aa3 averyiizrsg in and on the arogerty as it stands today which <br />bangs to the First Parties. <br />A oapy of this contract together with karrsnGy Deed to said premises <br />rth garseral caarenants of warranty shall be deposited with T_he ~tin;cler Realty Ca,, <br />of Grand Islarad, Nebraska, as escrow agent, with instructions to deliver said <br />-sed to Seeon!d Party oa completion of this .agreoci~art, . <br />2tre :~'S.rst Parties agree ;.hat they xill bring the abacract ai' title to ease <br />on or t~i'ora the 1st of Jug, Z9E3Ci sad will deliver the Abstract of Title to sofa <br />5eacaC Forty siwx3tng a sarketable legal title to ce vsstea in said Firsi k'ariies, <br />free and clear Eras all Tiers: acrd enousbrances whatsaevar except„ :base a3nre <br />aeutionacS anal as ~ 1>e placed or su:fered to ~ p'aced thereon by the .second :'arty <br />and ttrr<y are acceptlx:g this property subject ±.fl any Easements, reatrictians, or <br />covenants of re.;ard, <br />