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G <br />,.. <br />__- _ _ ' <br />i <br />'~ ~ <br />(q) That Sn Lhe event the ~uorLgagors tail to pay wia?n due ariv tsxes, .Sens, ,S udt$nents, nr assessm?nts, or fail to j <br />main taSn insurance as Deralnbetore provided, or fail. to pay r?r, ts, fees, ar charges under the terms of anp lease, <br />- permit, license, ar pri vl lege; or Mortgagee is required Co incur expens?s for abstraot fees, attorney fees, costs, y <br />- expanses, and other charges in connect] on with ki tlgatlon, Mortgagee may make such payment or provl de such insurance, <br />- AF inEUr sued oDligatich-, and `,he amburaLS paS.d-Chore.*or shall DeCem° a part ai the lndebtednes~ sec:ared f;ErBhY- d~E- 4 <br />and payable ivranedlate>,y, and shah bear Snt?rest trop the date oT payment. aL the lama rate as provided for detault- <br />in the note. <br />',, t~), gfiat in Lhe event an_v awards pse wade to Lhe ^;ar tgagcrs er thelrsuecessors Sn Sn Lerest Iar ar-damaglAg I <br />Dy the ?zero 2se aS emirs.?nt domain Lhe r:Dal? ;ar arty part o:` the mDr Lgaged pt amts?s or an•,• event Therein, Lhe said' <br />awards are hereby asslgbed to the Mor;.,3agee S;e vnrtgage? !s heraDy avttiori.^.ed to aol lac recalve, an9recelpL - <br />thereFor and to apply the same fir, payment. a-ty -ndeDted_+aess, matured ar cnmatured, secured 3 S;is •tcart¢age, - <br />(dk That in Y vent :SOrtga~Jr '? a L 1 e ,=avme~tt said.princlpal sum. ar of ~sny 'atSLa1?rert tnareci or . <br />'Lfi a~1* 1nLerest ni'rE~2 HL t?7L' -L~"2 .'~h 8 t }- -. yu?. O: NS-th r2S^,EGL YA 3;k GCV `I~;L 4r ~Yl d?6S 6?I S'Er@-- <br />of, hen. at L3ae aYL ono ticrtz~ge.e h.. ?R S Sndehiedn?ss sae,:red hereby shall far2hwl lh become-due' end payable, <br />' shalt hear interest at Lhe 3aYa„lt rate dasc..Ded .., ...aid note, and the Mortgagee may Smme..iatel;~forac 3ose this - <br />mortgage ar pursue any other avatlahie 3c.ga1 rero~,s-. I <br />(^) TSaaL 3n-Lhe event 3C*1aP. :~-aTasghi -3 b eC..>k' 'his mOrtgat,e, L17p Mortgagee Shai3, be entltled~ia--l~edlate 1 <br />ixtssesslon o*. LT,e mortgaged s..reraises. P..r? ,.,.,e i,,r::tav °PGOint a receiver to tare possession of 3a1' ,ram3ses. valid - i <br />Lhe usual pokers cf race fivers in like .as?s <br />d61 1Tat. failure or delay if Mn es e~ '~ -z. Ise ~.ny ~_* Sts rights er *•rlvilegas shat: nCL. be- corsstt-usG as s- <br />wafVer tharDIIlf that ar 3CI --- - Z L;;9t~e Ica a.-'i 'EF pe .fic `3B taL'it rr NCr LgaQOrS s?iEll nOL D? CG;iSLral?d aS a' <br />w81.^ar O* S;Lv eniur? di: i~..s, t't ....e - efa _e paym°nt a zny aancrLi ZStinn 'isLBi.SttepLS tar'SnLerCSt;- y <br />or ?n cse of pavtren*_ by -a tgage_ ~S =-n~ r - ~e-a»., ~nsursnee Cst nr eKp?rse, or rents. fees or eharg8s, l <br />said 1!crtgagee shall haW_ .. ._ pr2viieg=. n1 ~': 4 ^1n~, the ~:?aolx Ird°DLedriESS due aced p~Yable. Lo fareclose-oat- ~ <br />aceeunL o2 such sp?c'fic default I s;;cn Lr ~°~ ~ +~ ~efauit azd Bach foreeiosur= proceedings .raj be had and <br />the lanedesrr,Ded her gag ba 5uW, e^i. *..he tr,n„S.d find?Dtedness h:.rebys2cz:sed. and this 3atvf•CgageSAall~ <br />c•antinue ^s ._ lie^.: ~r s.,, 1n..aid hala.,~e_ ' <br />r~? -~°t -*92 - o- 3a3ee a xra ,i - =r re : -- su1 re:;ew _sd reA~^o^tize sal- 1*t~eDtednesa; rekease.'. 7 <br />_'rac 21ahdLi} 'Ll "`} ,...D?: e e ' h. lie^ herent ~ertl ors of Lhe u c-arty cov?red iieFeh}r, <br />i withoa. af,'e >~,' r v c .r? ~: t -,or t? .nti other ear*_p Tor the pay;aent of sa'id' 1 <br />SndeDtzd,~ess .~ ._ .~__. .a.._,.s,.,._ _,_er^?.._s, .,. .,. i.._, ~..,.. a m ^_. _...,.. urs ,.e De ecured hereby. 1 <br />-:.ia '^'S'I,- uS ~ ': -`Ti- -.. 3. i2~i : tea.. - :: u ~ ~ ea <br />x;,•a- *~ .._ei°.'it}' ?aa3 e a ~.: ,~ '*e •t t u ,. .Les ~ ~ - ~~I the cIInsid?rat on _ '-'he' -tote sa ~ <br />' 11ei^ehy a:.3 ttxx*, ". Lhe . z - L e .~.~r ~ -- n - r ,.r .va{ Lea p.^apert} ~+_scrS.Ded herein the ~ <br />?°S~°'~ez may s -=ec?~e .. _ en..._ ,..e.~tr.:.n~»..~,, i~^.aedl.Rt.i_ '"a_ fed ^eyaDle anC may ^raeaed in Lba en- ~ <br />*::^ wf 1+_ .*~h¢s as ~„ „y rth~*' ~deZ=a:1. __. _~_ _.. .~~. „_ .use noL.e _.Sidmort;,age, <br />r , <br />iia^° ~ a~ .,1, es : <rex ::r: - rra _ -~,.-__ -~a. ~ ,e± -- cIIaS' rxs~~i '~ sink. z,ta- .~f''y r~1 Y <br />T.4CG~e..S CZ 3S ^dR9_~.~:r.J rf'+t:f.'k., =" x^LSr. .: -: .:_ C- -' ± .. ._F. +i 2Y'~~,j _ f <br />~~ <br />___A.L1 J -_~ ~f ~t f- _ - " Sz 1. <br />_ ~ .._ __~....,_.~_.. ..~.~ ESL. <br />1 <br />>< i ~ _., <br />~ - ~J! . <br />.~*.~Le.:.~r~,a;a ~ . Phsli~p M. ;Sartia and ,tan Z_ ~Yart#rl~huniasad and wife, _.___._ <br />