84- ~~-
<br />E A S E M E N T
<br />DAVIS BROS. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., a Nebraska corparation,
<br />hereinyy~~called the Grantor, in consideration of p,(~E
<br />I/Ut..L.,~ , receipt of which is hereby acknowl-
<br />edged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />a municipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, herein called the
<br />Grantee, a permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to survey,
<br />construct, reconstruct; relocate, inspect, repair, replace, extend,
<br />remove, maintain, and aperate thereon underground electrical distri-
<br />bution lines, consisting of insulators, wires, cables, supports, and
<br />ath@r f 1Xt;1reS a.nd e4u=pment , ui,an , a v2r , aiang , abLiTG , a~.ra:sa ,
<br />underneath and through a tract of land comprising the easterly five
<br />(~) €eet of the wes+_erly forts;-five {.'+j) feet of Lot One {1), Block
<br />Two {2), Lake Davis Acres Subdivisian in r~ali Caunty, Nebraska,
<br />tagether with the fallawing rights, namely, unrestricted ingress
<br />and egress within, through,. and across the above described tract of
<br />land for the purpase of ekercising the rights herein granted, and
<br />the right to clear and keep clear ~~f trees, roo?:s, brush, shrubbery
<br />and other abstractions ram *_?-3e surface of such easement area.
<br />All electrical service li::es, underground electrical distribution
<br />cables, transfanzzers, equip~aent and appurtenances thereto placed
<br />aver, u~aan, and with;n the co::fines of t;"ii s easement e.hall retrain
<br />the property of the €~:rantee and moray be reaiaved :~r replaced at any
<br />time.
<br />Tice Grartar, for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby
<br />covenants that no structures ar ocher ot~structions shall be erected
<br />ar permitted on the easem-ent azea described above,
<br />The Granter, for itself, its successors and assigns, ?erebv
<br />covenants that the rights and privileges herein granted sl',all run
<br />with the title to such tract of land and shah be binding upon ti-~e
<br />above mentienEd parties.
<br />Dated ~ }C?
<br />DA',~IS BRC~s G~N~i~z;~cTl~~ra t".0;~'ANv, t~<<;.
<br />debraska Car~s~siatic=n, ~::ac~trr
<br />By _,
<br />t:a*,z~ice P)a`,F ~ ~'~r'~~ Uf=i~t~ _.-,-_~_..
<br />ry.L. Cf.'4 t
<br />. ecz~r'tar',
<br />