go-- •«~~
<br />UvtpoRM CoveNnNTS, Harrower and Lender rnvenaat and agree as follows:
<br />i. Payment of Principal and intrreet. Borrower shall promptly pay whin due the principal of and interest on the
<br />ittdebtedness zvidenoerJ by the Note, prepayment and :ate charges as provided in the Note, end the principal of and interest
<br />on any Fttture Advances secured by this Mortgage
<br />Z. F6eab for Tutee--and ItEett¢ancr. Subject to appli~et,lr law or ro a written waiver Icy Lender. Borrower shalt nny
<br />to Lender on the day monthly instal{rnents of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the tithe is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Futtda") rslual to our-twelfth of the yearly- taszs and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and-ground rents on the Property, if any, plus our-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />piusone-twelfth of yearly premium installments fee mortgage insurance, if any, all as rzasonably estimated initially and from
<br />tithe to stole by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasnnablc estimates thereof.
<br />TTte Funds shall be held in an institution the deposit. nr accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed b}' a Federal ar
<br />stain agency iinclttding Lander if Lender is suety an austitsahon). Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assestimznts,
<br />insurance pecmiums and ground rents. L.znder may not chacRC for sa podding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and zompiling said assessntettts and 6iils, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits [-ender to make such a charge. Borrower and I.Andrr may agree in writing at thz time of execution ot` this
<br />Mangage chat interest on the Funds sh~11 be paid tc Bnrrowzr, and unless such agreement is made or ap-' -able law
<br />requites such interest to ho-paid, Leader shat! oat M reyuired te, pa}• Anrrnwer an}` interest of earnings on the Futtus. tender
<br />shall give to Harrower, without charge, an annuat xmuntine of the Funds .bowing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />ptupttpr fur which rash debit to the Fuuds was made. Tate Fttads are pledged a.s additional szcurity for the sums secured
<br />by this Afortgage.
<br />If tht.amottnt of the Funds held. by Lender. togetite; with the future monthly mstailmeats of Funds payable prtnr to
<br />the due dates of taxes, asseuments, ittsurancr. premiums :and ground renn, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />assrssrrtents, insurance premiums and gtattnd rents as they fail due, such rxcccs shall ice, at Hnrmwer's option, either
<br />promptly regaid to Borrower tar credited to Borrower ~,a monthly inszailntents of Funds. Sf thz amount of the Funds
<br />held by Leader ahaH not be tttf6cient to pay iaxex, assessments, insurance premntms and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lettder any amount necessary to make up the drdcaency wuhin .it) days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Letsder to Hi,rrntvet requesting payment theseaf-
<br />Lpan payment in fuB of all stittss secured 6y !has Mortgage. 1_ender shah promptly rotund to Borrower any Funds
<br />Reid by I-rndtr, If under-paragraph 18 hereof the Propen}' a ,old ;tr the Prapertv ss utherwtse acqutrxd by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, no later than imtnediatel}~ ttraar to the sate o*" the Proxny or its »cqutsuion In- I..ender. any Funds held by
<br />Linder at the time of app{is:atian as ;s credit against the sums srcureti by roes 'vkortgage.
<br />3. .~iieation of P~vreau. Unless applicable law provrtes .,thcr:vne. all paymtms rccerved by !.ender under the
<br />dote attd paragraphs 1 and ? !:creel shah hr applied by Lender first ;n payment of amounts payable to Lender by Harrower
<br />udder paragraph 2 hereof, them to m[crest payable tin tr.e Nntc. Cher. ;-.~ the principal of ttte ':`ore, and then to interest and
<br />prmc9pal on any Future Advances=
<br />i. CLnr>Ses; I3a~e. Bartt,wer shall pay all tatic+. -,sxsvnents anti nthec :. itarees. frnzs end ;sn pusittans ;,tttthutahie te,
<br />the Property which tray attain a priority ^ver :hta Mortgage, :,rid icasctu:id paymems :,r w;ruund ants, if any. to Lire manner
<br />provided utter paragraph ? hereot or, :t nr,: ps:d <n ;uch manncr.:~y Horrrwrr maksag payment, es~ltrn due, dtrcc:tly to the
<br />payee thereof. Harrower shall promptly rumish to Lender ail rcttrcrs of :sme:mts due ::rider this paragraph. and in the evem
<br />Borrower sitafE male paytaenE dus-ctty, 3arrPUzr <3tatJ t.rompti} iurn>sl- to !..codes receipts cvadzacurg such pavntrnu.
<br />Borrower shalt promptly discaaath~e any 'ern u-hsch has poor=ty .:err tats ltartgagec i.mvidrd. that Barr.xver shall n,it be
<br />requiters to-discharge guy such lsen w fang .ae Borraaer site!! agree in ;~-nilcag m the paymem ax the 17birgauon secured by
<br />such lien in a magnet arcaptahJr to Leader, +x .bait in gyx~ dartb :ontest such lien 6v, ar drftztd rntorcrment nt such hen rn,
<br />legal pracezdrngs which olxtate in Jare+-ctti the rniarcemrnt ut titz i,en c., .<et.esture ,.. thz Property nr ~..ny part thrreot.
<br />;. 1lnaad fawnrax F3ortawar opal! keep the ~mprt=,-emerua Husk canuug :+r itcrrattzt carded au the Prapert}• tasurcd
<br />against lass by fare. itaxards ittclrtdrd wsthan liar tern, -`exten.la%i ~z,vetage .u,el uich .tttizt hazards as i.tnder may reyuare
<br />aYMJ sn such atttuunts atti for w~h J*rruxts as Lender ma} rzystrr, pa r,+sded, shut t rndzr spelt pct: tYyutrr that the amount of
<br />such:x'+v°trage ext~e~ed chat amc,unt 1x1 t't3verags; reyu+rzd ie: pa} tdac ;+int..zs:urrd by th:. NOrtgagc.
<br />The ituurance .eerier prswtding the itisurautx shah' !x tfsxzscle by Borr,~urr subire=, t., approval by I est.); r: ; rovtdrd,
<br />that such approval. Jtall Hai be a:uzaaoriably° withheld. -41i prnaetums ca :osurancz p+,iiktes ,!tail i,e paid +n the :runner
<br />pnv,dai under paragraph ? hrteas3 or.:i crbt pa:d ice .uch rta:mer, b} Barnluzr ntatsrg payment, evlorn due, dsre: by to the
<br />ittwrata:e tartar.
<br />A#I in sargnce- paltcaes and renewals tfterte=t :haii be );, ?:tttr . cccpaahlc to I ~nuer anti Shull raclude a st :guard mortgage
<br />clausz ?n favor of and to farm arcapra~Aic to Lcndet. Lr;rdrr ,!tail ,-^.a~.r the rtgtat to Yt<,;d aitz pohcicv _ind r<ncsoaia utetc.,f,
<br />atat 8orraxer sJoa11 ptotnpEly tutnxsh to l cttdcr all rsYte,kaf i..,t+cea asd ail t,+ceai+t3 ai asei presna-~)ra_ In the c.em o[ los>,
<br />fiatrtwer site!! g+ve p€xxmpt aouce it3 rite ensue«ncr :;ttrss°3 alai i.eudet_ Lcndzx n=ay mate i~rt,s,: ir€ 3asb tt nu; s*,aae prompts}
<br />by 8crrwver.
<br />'l>tt'~si I..cna}er arsti Borrow~e€ othez~: ssi sgrce as? s<rstsrtg, ?usu[ntitr prtiee.is s:•tall tx. appirzii to re>inration :;r repah ,;,
<br />the Prtspzt7y dantagcd, pravarira:J. ss~h .rzsxorattan :~a ;e-pa,t s. _ <tawrntcaai}- tt~:xa:biz :ittd *he ~e~:uruy- of rites Mortgage t
<br />oat tJaerebp tiitpast'@tJ. if suk.h rrsiatatst>a os repay as oat etonumz.ail;- izasslik or is the ..es rest} .•t slur Mix tgagz waaid
<br />'be itapaar~„ tJie insutanix~ prat;.err'is shall fsr applied tee !lee st.tt3as ,ectue,i by [his Mnrigagt, s.sth she evice_ss, ii attz-. peed
<br />tax Bnrr~et. If rho I9=aprtt} n a~xdaned by- Lic>=rourt. <vt ~; Hctr~wrr tau ;., :a-v,-attd re> Louder urthtu 31J da}s iru~n the
<br />alt{e iA?EK'C 3S SMtied "b}' LCtider to Her n`aN eF that it;r ;nSiardIICr cart 3~: ailrra tJ ecitlr a ~Edirt ter +ffSiltanCC- >`enai3is, Lender
<br />is aut~ixwi ie ~aUra apply zhr raarat~r rtseeab at l.rade(s acuou zt tbzr t<, teat.,; ataut :,, repast at @te Praprrt}
<br />or to #hC agu7as se:ucrd by ttsa liorrg~e.
<br />l;nStacs i,~euier a~ $eE'ctxvti atircr'u»e ague ;t; wr+ttng, art} sa.h apptrcaua;t ,>f pt~h.red7S m ps:napat chalk non tstrnd
<br />ex pi'tch'(: the due elate .,f the srt<,athl} inst;til;ru:nt, .,:fcrtrii to aragraphs ~ and nrrzvi it, <isarge [tit anx,um •?i
<br />wrh -:atiraPfn~ut.>. 3? utuiet. paxagtapit ;S iseseut tht Pt<~or.;t} -s ,s..;uut.i ^} ixnder..+1; t=gSt, „tic :{rid ;ttte=t"at of Borruwe)
<br />en and to ~3 Soso i<~:e p6iasi2~ and en aacE t,:, tlx: ph,~r~ taucvi tcyai to ug tr~~rn datseage so the Yn+px.rer pn.zr w the sale
<br />tzr-;zcquistuon tihai p~ tst trtdtr a+ the, zxtrnt <:f the =nns3 wk.uresi b} ass ylcrtgage :ears?edtatcip ;~tsor t.• cuc6 sale o;
<br />acs~isitwra
<br />~. Pa~aer.~tira twi titratxaaerc ref PthEy; Ixavciwid`: t.:auduaaieitrms: Planned !'aril ljeeciopmenis. Jtorr<tv;zt
<br />shal sere PtaptrES an,gtrod rapatt a shat tsar carnrnit tsastz 5r permrt :rtpaxment at deter€aratiisst of the 1'rcrpcrt}
<br />3rdi.i5f~laall t,3ntptg wi€.§ ipe i'r~isrrai-t?ia ntl~ty !rase ,€ thrs hiiu~ is en -~ `-<°aacht•td 3t ths> Mortgngt a€ ~n 'a. ,u+a sst a
<br />GY'~liitiNlt?a Jr 3 -~~ttnCit "i1~$i -~+i+i?R<~734'PsZ, B3^=l~l?tell tifsa~J p~_$ tern ilFf a!: ,uurril'=4 i'i S <rltlSf,4tsa,itb L??Sll`F :it4 Cs4I M1(:iUllll
<br />x ct+v'enlnis- ct~attrtg, or gevcrtring tht csandutrua,t:ru c,r pl._xxtacd ,,.t devtioptncatt, rho h3-tau, wind rcLtidatioets ut cite
<br />~-Atlt#W:1D? 02 ~~ygir d+av~c~. al'+aF -•~i.. _, :~+_uta,~s,t~ ]f ~ s :,a~;uranx „< pt a -~ .;-ea ,fek.°:,•pnuitt
<br />tiiiot is rxeCC:te~ by Btuu?wtr arr~d rccc=ztie.# tstgetJx-t w,tff thss 7ktc7ngzgt, Sit ~.i,ieusist s anti st;tzetncn;i. ,_! s);c3s r;,ier
<br />nitiiJ 174,itiinltpporatk~ inlet aatl Shat) trAyJ arriJ sup;:lertsir.. the: ~~- --ti«,ta ;sled wpra:rnkrxts of :,'-eta ~ti rtgd~.e- :.s ai tltr rlkier
<br />+rExe a priit 2tdc~if. ~~g~,,
<br />7q. PfpNr9c1lgd4~ ~, Iit~Rr; SK',yMitf. Jt ~fresae„ ,`asls to fx;rYt+r-,tt the careaadsta eat' ¢tY~eu't -uti c.anta~necl in tilt;
<br />~t ar i~ nay ~actuia cis Isrres'.;yed?t~9d ?s =:ataittr.n°ci a-hick matcrtaify af£zci+ 4_er4=er-: uuerest in t;te Pr11x;t,,
<br />rpcitzt{trry„ tart tzar Iiiniied tt~, tiuiiscttt_ da[ttain, inscr~yrr .. ~==de cntorirrrncrt, a:r arraugrmen v of ,.rs-kr,ita}ts .tsa.,fviub a
<br />~jR. or tieczdrnt, theta l,tita~r 33 l.e~clxr's cpt.on. t gx rz r+~.,''^te t , ts- rr:,wat, ~saa n,abi i~h upp€~aranccs. ° +>t,=urr ,vdh
<br />stpttz~ and tali szxclt av`Sittx as zs tsecgasaxy'- to pr~tsrt Londe[ s srtra-cst_ .ne'cswnT„ but .eel htte:resi to, de~.hur ersactu ~ ,
<br />~~m att0,t(ta;'3 fgges arz[ ttstry tt~.~n itzu 1?rsap~rtr~ to ansek4 cpa,r,. )3 i_utdG: an-- irekP r~..,^rrgattr, i,tstir,iuac .., _
<br />a,
<br />ecttdit,an eat naaling; tsar; lotirt ~cur.e~id tr; shy Sta,lgnge, B+'sr;ctsc° slid;! ;,text- na ~k•y- ,ref a, ;t,u tt-,.. .~,..
<br />+tu:stt~Gx §u rJlut ualtl s.;s;fs tirkye ar tias t~esiu'+retxtent .or t)a<:#a :n.~ratFcs• ~ :a,n:ata°.s ::s :ic4lta°datt~.e- ~sz:h Hota-ores a:.li
<br />