<br />DALE E. RUFFMAN-and SHARON M. HUFFMAN, husband and wife, and
<br />r~T STAtiLSY SKAI.KA, a single person,
<br />each coniractfng in his own right
<br />of 1M toanty oI HALL pnd State of Nebraska, mangagors, in convderorian of the sum aF
<br />FZFTY 'IHOOSAlID FIVE HONORED AND NO/100ths-- ----------(s.___~5R.224.OSL..__I Dotuas
<br />toe KaHsS vrfteseaE-ss-hereby acktswiedgad, do hereby SEL± AND CONVEY ro State Federal Borings and loon Association, BeaMca. Nebraska, mrsrrgagee,
<br />ths-following descdbed real essafe situated. in HALL
<br />County, State aF Nebraska, to wft
<br />Lot Seventeen (17} in tiaryfane SubdLvtsion, grand Island, Hall Countp, Ne
<br />~issgeaisa wgls oi( ba2dsrsgs evsrmeats. imfxa•amena, fu:ums « appvrtenan<as ~:av. or t,areaiter err: ed thereon. ,ncF dmg ail appcratus. equ,pmen#.
<br />$atures ta- arri~res;. whr,her i,s svsgia units ar ,entraiiv c .:ai#ad u-.ed to snpP~r heat, gas. o andstwn, .g ..user. i.ahs. pawn, refngerar~on, .enrilonan,
<br />.siids.wa6mg. di,posat ~ mFrer semces, Dad any azfser :h,rg now ar hertsaitet shere.n or !i.ereun.xthe F;rrnaMna as whnch by lessors io lessees is customary ar
<br />gppropiiery, -basiadng screens, wirdaw s"twdea, storm Boars a°s wasdpw; floor ca Brings screen Boon. ,rs. a~doo: beds, nw na es and wmer heatan jal#
<br />d -wilds-are deebred ra 6e n pan of smd rao sstsste wheeneraptsysKalFy anachcd shereto or r,oty. the Mongagse n hereby svbr>xiared to the ngMS of alY m
<br />+}ppws, Ieniwldrx acre w+nen >ra,d aFi by +1+e precaeds c+ the taan hereby secured Thn narrgaae conssrures o security agraam .. with respect ro rho <haneis
<br />aewod h«tisy and-f~4 rasped to she fisz.m atr>xhed w the abo+e described rani estate ,e whrch mangpgee has an ordmory srcv: ~trt,nterest
<br />SO +FAVE AtiD FLT HOLD the w+d prapeny w.ah said bu;Adtrg~ easements. ,mprovsmeast,. f„tures, wpwamances, apparatus and emnpmeas, unto sold
<br />~- itx sssccessas onck .oasa)m Faerer.
<br />.the a.ortyagan reprerni araf cw•rtanr sntk thr ,s+«,gagrs that }.her are tawt»kiy serzed ,r, fee urnp+e ~ surd Rrcmaea, that they hate good rgk and lawful
<br />autltairy to set! and. eoer«ry the soma; 'hot r}ry oae }rsse and cisxtr From mcvmbrorces, rooi them a a Dori+andmg se vary ,ntereses oganst arty (ixtums; and
<br />>Mas tiry wiR worrexM Deli defend situ Bette to acrd ,atemass ogoass ry: claims ai di persons. and :hat them are no o-.,rxeand,ng security mrrresrs as ro arty oral ai{
<br />of 1Fr.abeve dncrtbad £eesuresr
<br />AROVtDFD. afwcys. «,d t4vsr prasa::rs a.a ~ e+Mas^ condn.a+ #isat, sr+'ne.apx flat sad marrgeaars ha„r thn day ax,nuted and delivered ro the said
<br />Axtaosa#ion. atse ra+ssaw .warm #ise omoent of sfvs above crnsadrrarwn, winds wm w.zt. ~n!ereti as F ava3ed by sold. +ross o! any murssat mod~hcwwn « axtarc>,on
<br />dyr*as and ail xams ~w~e~s~i~a~Y~s44 totals tar sa.aa vrur:rpnea or rs~wus an she praoerxr deunbed hera,n, ar fvtura cash adronce~
<br />aran tnoele ~r t3.e ,ry~iir'mwtgesger, arllu:`~aacsr~nr m xrrie, For any pupase as any rma brf«a the rakoar aria caa<a3fahars aF rlas rorsngaga lWOS'~-
<br />srd HaW site laid aaahc~her w:th suer pw+cpa€ bni~gs-cr duo « rite s,mr a: rho soul a Ta'ar~eraant, shun na ex.aed sfxe «sgirus m«+nt of 1F.a rwngage
<br />~ ptnwied-lwther, ,c ~-+-_ c~ : _ _ _ _ t,_a _ -.,~~ ~ Lmrsmg rise nmswntx x4nt aFwaF br ue~-sr•.t harahy when adrancad to g+otacr the sswny
<br />at +n.arzasdpnse.-aatFS Sirs .maersms casttaisrd,israa~ stud,'-crossitux sir deist aw:tsg to sad .sssosrWUU: and by wd ate sand mnngagara pramns so par sad
<br />>3$+.:ra$ ;ats~ ~ the ;1-wacada.~. = ms by ~.athaa..x : > av+c+.s:d r. ;,sd ;.,.x of ar,K: ?.:s hsrwrtse Ls~se ;~di#r~.ar es.seadsd, the i> g, pnym>nt a d;rs
<br />364 mvnshs from data.
<br />'} f+arFsu pg^ee to {svy, b.iorr irtiny-urascy. r}re s.xrs sacu*ad #wreby. and nfi toes c:xd cFmrgas aF s~~e+y character essrsxed cr riot due, aedx
<br />- -tAe iu,rs of ti~brala,-a~Qwtsaid teat aaata, on;i upnn tF.ixt mwtgoge ar iFr.swse N drbt wcvred hyehy, to leap rho Sustdmgs upor: avid Prem,sex insured F« ice
<br />and twndd so+woye ir. xwrer carraPanY w coa,fsassrrs acse~abie to mwsgagast s'« or. omasrat nct :Bas than :ha .nWe of dr trurid>ng ox determined 6y the sn«~
<br />- #goyw ac, Rw.a.y-,aid. bddm.ce d.!!+a bran, .•iuct+eYs: as i+sr to keep ail •nprawmr~ses ,n goad tep«r and candspan, w%hau: wastes dwing rho 6Fe eF this auxtgage;
<br />and W pnart:snw;yoyee n-iis agau to eprtt upon said pramasx #o :aavwn• #ir condrtson aF w~; rnprovamesvs .~ «der to ensures complsan<a herewah
<br />SiiEaskj detoat~ l+s.trndr m p~`mem aF flee x;ra+ sacsrred itReuy, or arty par. thsxaof, and said de{oult cast.ra:a far s,xsy i..0) days. _c, ;F fd said :ns.xa+>;e
<br />sset ~-P'- eFfetHd. «. foxes u, assastsier;ts r+u+ be pad baiarr deb-sspwnq, ar de{Dolt w any at fbe lama; of the note ia: wfsic`n this a.nrxgogs acW,ry.
<br />ar ~ said.ar_erxafera4 Lv Bocci. ccvr.pe3. .apron. rasaaxcn;_ r otaxvwssa, w,tno;:t apprc,ai of o seuypismeaci applscpsrnn iar n umption of tins mar
<br />- f9oW msd~iite deba-eeidexed tesssb}, %S the Asuti:as:.-:s, e+ +r. case w a. re ra duty roser.~e o as garerreq !y :ha p: wixi,rns era ecndxt.pn: aF the Cf+arta-.
<br />Ay-La,w.aq said :Aauru?vw; end ru4s and ragzaaswn> of T4vr £~ssdrsal S at,~ Brio ?van iystam. or S exu%ad Si• m•ar+gai{e rrv ran;,a .:wpa;cnnns, io pay a, Jd
<br />-- :Mtgs. rt rlse.apspes a3. lists Axsxi~bn, the ;xamx:cx #ar sad ms.,rcmce. a,- efre dixcavKry br tiro Assa:.wt;oq p a!fscsrt thas any of rF :ratame as canrmrwd
<br />in dssr.appueatissa far fir 'lams esttK+>Srd by tswrtgug«x _:x False, a a raw t add+sroeesat nwrtgege, mach«:;cs Iwn- a that once. .brar.:e .s f,snd of ra.ard
<br />:eLs}ch,enpdses a Fen aytessss Nee-above descdard ra;si aaeatq x}~ .i; wFscda pF swd s,x#ebtadness romasnrng onpasd x+:atf at tf,a ac,epn c ::e sa.d Assaswt.an,
<br />hecaae Bete oad.cmvabk v.NhasR_aatiae.:x,sa bats=a the auemcz at the mmcu
<br />Sb«:id .cngatpars {av ta_Leess ~ fasuediags :nwreti; ~ tara:n agreed, w fs'. rc pay ran} ru:;:a- taxes rind spa:,at m,eumrx:ts on the svd r+vn9ugad p+o
<br />-arty brigs d.l,.sgapryc. aretgogee F 3,._e€fecx mid ins+ea:ssc yay loxes nmi ,notarise pramnemk and af7 sus?: prymrnts ~-.•r_• ,ntsran as p,~„dad m the sinf
<br />mss..ipogts ^c+c z~'.aed Lp 34ass ecx±gogr !br a:5an.:sirpn xa,d pra~ssex -: ~ secred ±eaea~~.
<br />TAe zsia'4ag°rs §rrahY rr?:a9+?uh rd# f<rsmessstdd a^xi moron! nuts" ;: aE r-wary kind ,n arq to ai,r snxf Rram,xas
<br />fa +4e fN^!Pase of fxtnuhutg furlf,ex saewtily. T+u th,,. daM. sss:wsd haraby, oar mo Y;gcgoxs ssareby asxg,> tean.fe+ cz-xi s sews cp ~^a manyo,3sa, !u ba npplsxk
<br />*swmy ~ise.vayrrtsxo af-tfes.s,:nr m~sd dN wthrt wass.seceraa-'+~asg. •.. cq•n v'. a dafa.*>' ,n rho yams>^har.cr et , 3 na -•vm-a ..:a c==,a rc. , .? +ha rnmsga7a c+
<br />ziss sad *,e .. a#~.sM x rih,~:«uws ur ~~eo-,e sa bo-!lenvers` (ten fha . ,trgagc9 rvasnsae d;,,,_..~g z_ Fa agar oa a;-~x ...mr,~;ga ,r,dsm+na v. .acsam snyvrd
<br />era de marg:.g,re s31aFi ha.a pow: tc :~rypra:M, aea ::.p• w pga~mx. n +-o} Bass, ~ iba ;>•rsx .a xrF,c?`" s ~, arnne ac:i of res= i< - , ~s-d =rkisr+
<br />.pq sAS !rr,rl •PNivf. -s,+;l e~:.ony. ;. ..~ ;:ed mcama ~ axpsF,sas yi rapes:: v,q sc+r+ 2*xms :w.d n.,,exso.y . =...a x~Or rrd
<br />o e: +award ?`+e scna: e ~- ,.:.., ~. lafitad
<br />rsarsa ~ aq »: ~.rcc. y ,.. i ,'., ,~ebc.»; tiu „.{_h.:a r_.a;=. ai .~ a•::,. !n ~a e;at +~ - ~•=;,r
<br />. r~ J
<br />- sgs N +gayss- r.,. x -w n....h . ~ .: ,~. .:t ;c, r~ 'c,:? ! :s:~ c• w!d ha-.res.
<br />- i1 th. -vt.r„vd..s~ ,.. .~ iw~.i.t ^. ... ,e cr msu:ael a«dsr '!» +ea<.earr-•+.s Esov r. na~~. a ., yr -r.«a. s. r:s Fx~,: ~.... s,..r.. ,
<br />sr
<br />-;.•. -far a :-: ,:. •ti!_• .-.; i•: 'rt. f :rf . t ns iar 1.3. sn~ zv y +':.-.,e:,Y x .~ r.,.; -: ~ , e :. ,:, ~. «, ,. o z... 'r.~
<br />, :fee da:• !...U t" ..._., +n•.~, - dbisex smd 4ak+wi
<br />.o-,r,s ~,.r -~ .ad _: ,5v+~..:ne.. »+,,.n ~ .,:,_ru,,,•-• .an_awd_At ar &arutat.a....- ..va isa<>tn. ;. ~r'«i«•d to .czYC-M. ~..a:s.t:,
<br />:'^ete;~ s:.c;i-'rr d•x.gFsflaa NSp as -:;. ~ w*.a: -aN.~ t t tfaamad `-v :. F=dte ,.<'~, --:,n,:+r,,.,r=s ,. ,.~,: :: ,,~f' - ...:. _-... -.- _ :r
<br />*,rrm ^',rernty~.sr' k•;.#"+ al:a iick~$r an7' }aw', ~ riwrr•r,. istsider a+-.pied•dcn 3 rm-y esaeosa r,•-:s +m,.ra) +.u+.r..y
<br />? ~9i
<br />n, rekixF
<br />