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THE MQRTGAGnR P1fRTHER CYSVF.NANTS A3tI) AGREES; <br />That the Mortgagor will pay, thr indrbic-=in«+sv as hr+rrinla-[rzrr'p~avi<i~d. <br />That efts Ff6ri/tyKus is the' owner, pt tie[ ryraperty in ftr simple ;and has &aaxt rigtxt and law[ui authority tn'wtf .artN <br />rcxnvev the trirtee and the{-ftu setter ;<frer aAd clt€xr ef'anY SSan'or rttcitmhranci~~ anrT that ?t9vrt[a?tnr will warrant artri drtend the <br />title kts said fitemi,r. agaime the ~;#iirfxs of alt S>er4ons whrxnnnrver <br />Ttr,pa± irr+mrAtal~1Y when tlue and payable atf gettttra€.t&ketf« apeeia# taxt•s ~pac al ,e.sme•ntz watr~r charges, +ewer aerv <br />irte chargr<„. srxd other ;nxrn grid charges. aKainet aid prrsprtty, aiAt~ a[tr trt7lea ievtrd r,n :h -# nt sere red hereby. ,sntl to Furnish the <br />htortgaflrr, ttpgn-rrqurst, with rite xi~tiinl :,r dttplin:a#i stref4tts thertihr. -"1'he Rfartgagor IIt; rtes that ther. .c#xall he arhlvd to <br />rack mrmthly paymrnt requirwl hnr«nrtr€er or under 1hr tc trt ~.nCe of deht secured herrhv an amnxsnt rsttmat d by the ntorfgager <br />Ko he atsiFcient-~-tu ,•nahle thr ?.1 r: rtKaKit to fray, a;r they t:rcrsme 4ua, atl taxes as+r..•:tnrnts. sett simi3ar charge-= u;snn the prem- <br />iara-attbJrCtYthrrrTo; an; t~fic;_ncy ?~caax.<r 43 tlee tnz;uf$eieacy of such additional payments shall he Iorthwrth dcp'reiterS by the <br />MortAF+ESr`t' -:vsih t~:_Mort(<aaee uryxf ^femanrt hY ttse . t.rk~aree„ Anv default under thi'; prtracraph :-hall he rlremeiS a-iSefaut4 in <br />'papi*ltent ,.f t»<,~«. :rsaer~meixt,. :.r -3t<tiiar cltar¢ee nnluireKi he-reun.'Ser <br />The ,llort~aXar aRrr,.~t That there shall also kx+ stldeti i++ x°actx monthty payrnent of ?>rins•i?zal and irterrst'required hrre- <br />urxder an amount esYimeted trY tht 39nrt~attre tz tm xafBctr•nt in enab#e the M,srtgxgre to ;ray, as it hecnntes xt ar, the msurtutce <br />pmmium are attg irtsnnr4ttae pntioy xteSivenFri u, Lha Martga#tee Any de6ctrncY becaunr: of the snsu9`ietrngy +>; suph additiottai pay- <br />rnestta ahalF br for€tswith drprs_catrri by fh., ?.frsrt#agor wrth ?hr el+trtgagec ubxrn e}emanti by the hfortcagr:e. Any rSrfault under this <br />~wrarrapA, ahatS M dr~mrxi a defarxit n etrr payment +,f erxsu ranee premruma if the lw4i. - r Szalrcic: detza-aEt t ~re sutas as tturtr <br />etrnarts ora11 rick p[ttiet. _, anti tfcr depr»xt are= inetrl6ctent t+. i thu i+nt.rr yremum+ thi htor[gagrw may a, r tho drt+art vu <br />Ivey premixrm< nn resk rerlutret to S>P sn.-u nwi 6y rtd,e m+xrfange ru <br />{xa5rnctxts trvtde ixy the '_li asrtgng'~.r :, .ter the alnsv~r #~•ara Xrat+hv mnv-, at the upa>7n uI the ',~inrteager, f~ Fseld ht a and <br />r+ummxrsglMt with rrtlwr catch ftzrdfa nr s6s .cwnrfunrt+ £,>x eha pavmrnt :«f rx:rh :Fi•me. anti untsi ~n a{,#zlir+ri. rueh ttavmants art herebv <br />plcrtged as sEr-urxty fret fha un{scut Exa#arreC •-.E tha n:zer4Kag<• sn~e~reinesa <br />`r<: pnxure, drrtvr-r ts:, an•: eaaxr Lixr: I,xr rite kx-::r•tii +tt thr• ,LSnrtgaer-. rSurrnw the lxir' ni thrx mor.„arir s.rsy;sna) t<nlicx~s and <br />rc:xr+xat3 2ttirraf, delivrrexi at frtrat !en rays t+rforo th,• ~-rl+: ratssm ..t anv <urh Satahcr<y. :nsunn~ atasnct tare and ether rns,.xrah#e <br />hafarda, tyane}lira, and t+nnt•.ngrrrerea as ttse '.f e~utRaaee rent require. in vn asttuunt equa3 iv thr indeMetttre~ secured by this <br />MoKgaftt- and in rrxmpanter: arc,=i±tat-Sr f.r tix+. \ir,rt~as:+°+' with "s.;-. trayahS+- :~lauvr 'n fav+,r +>t and :n farm »rrrpinbte to the Alnrtga- <br />._ kke ~~ a: ~ re.a. ...t __ _ = r-. .i:xv- f t nratr+,n the '+l,: ri~ntec :nav #xnxurt tn;ruranre e,n the <br />tip. r <br />smprcwrrmtnts. Fsav ttxr isremaum t;mtw+fur~an.i .uc1x urn , a! !'Fr- ~_m...a•thatrir civr and Ssavabie wrth uttert•st a! the rata met <br />forth in aetd acxue anal i?axd anti ~tx,-+SE ?,<, »ruKr•d J;: thss :nr•c±~acr- #~uchtre ..ra thr• part n[ tia~ Sl ezstgagnr to [vrmsh such n•nttw-als <br />as art ttrtren rcgvxrcri ur faxit,re ts, xxav a ~ sums a.iv;en.-.-~i r;,-. xsrt<•: .hn#i. at :hr :+pttnn ,.f xht• \1 c,rt(i-a?Ir v;mNt[utr a +lefault <br />urM€<'r the 3rrxsts a€ ihss mnrrgage 'Fhe .lest. rte ,d -.u. : -., .,~ha#! :a thr• :.. r„ rr. :?eianit_ ,-oneatutn an aa~aa .risen[ a-t enr un- <br />rarnrzi grrKStivm. <br />Anv surxss ra-<~t-+-e•r. ne t}va L{cfzRal:e•r .. rawaxn :I .•r> + ~~•irtsa#:r• :nMue:.i aFaxsra may t,r rr•tarr:ni t:v the \1nreRagee <br />ar+[t ap€r€icr€ irr.~arti ?}, }:a-rrerr_t „x *-#ar „e'.t '.vrrh.5 ~.. urr i. + .xc '. h+• •,{+txr:n :,f thc• !4{+,rt#taec •. such --ums <-st it-rr wholly +~r sn <br />Pert maY t±e S>atd - -ftv SSvrtr;ar, .~, t s s } h-xk - - t utid nrw 'r:uthhn~ :n thrtr #ata<,• i,:r anv <br />gtfxer puiprxarr *sr (rtx1es~i ~-swfact+:ry ,., r... '\t .-,rake-o-' „ ~ e.a- .c t. -Y, :=K hr :,. ,, n .hr .nr:, t~ege for the #uSS .xntanent .«.u .. i nrrr- <br />hy trr€orc aatc~it pa;'mrnt ~~rr t<,ak t:tae~ <br />v t ,r w - ,+ <br />Tr, Itrnm;*tly r ,.axr. r.. t==r.• •, r<-trss-Lt - .wri.tur~• :mfsrs>,+rna•nts r -.r hrrealLer eKr the ,remeses •~htch may SK- <br />~s: damrFrxi ar dr trxr; e.3_ to ;;>?cIx <ax3 i+re:ruac~-„ >;akf e-+*nxirtron snit re5+n:z »nc3 Ire from any r:mhan:c~. i:en r=r other ire~n nr <br />rltim a# lrra ace a'xr1?rr!.+iy -axixaria.Mairvi t:r ;3vc^. h~=•*+d - t to su$ -r >t +a t n- r. n} f rS _ . - f r any r.ursancc t+, ,rxxai nn <br />iRxr€ pf<xpe:ftl -tK !!.> #x•rrcut +sa;r^ :a, -:.:1 . ~ t ~: i e a ': ~ at' 3t tx-+r <br />St<w va3uaMe ru+r ;.a ,iitwm>dx e,r ,xntaxr xta +a.ur , :•n':.a. t .r n,.,u,ur t, ..u-e .- ,- .,tn eii ..tustr r.. e-t+ ..f ,.+z. ..+tn r..>px'.t <br />W thx n>E+r#E;aKtn-i }arersriaerw :trot tAr u.r+ r-#u•:~,«f <br />`;7srt X,}aauSd tt1~ ixenr.a.-a ..,a' nri-. ,naee :tw~a'eK*- e.., `-»kx•>; ..r aiAnla~c.i r.s •,,...,r ,, ,.+ ,u"ti.~c :, tC+rr..;rrnrn:..r .~r,nurnsr-anon <br />pr<a€~.:eriitfk, vz ttndet ihr tyStt +q - : t tray t ~-trr• is .: \i ~- i .~ t' r ,r E - r - !r n-. <br />a*.,rrtib, acne! aix$ ut.~t taY"k '=r r+.tcet o,e t xswt .#,a.3 t r r. e xi - st .' - t e r r,. -. - - u.+-. + t •x-ar , , t r.,»r. a t< _:, a. <br />zs-x-rx :xartrr ar:Y a+'llt7a .:r {?r z4tr`st- .~. „- makz +sey -+„ar;n.Kr=nxxs+^ r '-itlxern t t n c,.+nnettxcin °++xth :ut)+ ta~ar:~ ,.r damage. All such <br />~• wrrda, tifsreaets+., tt' '.t ;,r:t rnrf T' :,a•crety ar hrrrt:y .tzmt{rr i 'r ha ~3 ortwa~r•r .vte.• ma -. after ie Suctt n?; <br />ttarrefrann e€t its excp~watses, ralttrr an= n:r'.rt<t. +.~ re. a<,-. t 1r. ,t „ } } q't t4r in ¢ an+. n 1- i! xfrs s:xr. i n rrizy The i1 rte <br />~1Ygrs7 +Ege[et txt trevzvts ~p,^h ftsrt€wL a:aet~x;tbxt'Rii c.1' an- .ar<t>:n-at++.n ,rr~~,t :.. - atn,:aar-s ..r++ rr.u ,~[ 3, -... ,. .n-i : .e 3 .. .,. <br />bfLrrttftesec_:-~sy.'--'-:talc}±r+e'- <br />~tet lb--rear. txf~fat+iu[y t*a xiia:s~t an -a~ h+° .~> caar_!a ?,^ .tx- xAc ilvzt~n$~t• rcw - - + „rt tt --t r fad - # ,aif tSatng <br />~zu txwrrswttisf; tk#at the Mcyt~ €~*' m a alsra t aa: act t ma>' ae~nr -rya"cwsaX .ar ;rr<xt:`mt tFta lie-n t`r r+:*,+- th~ t 4t 'vtuefg,ag.- r 'x+~iil <br />ic€xaxy Yptkt dea.erai and nnmaeya izaxd ..: s't.b_ C;•c^.i 1?+ hf "k€rrriq ~ .- «~+r till f F'~xr a~•[ -R t-Ux'{ w i d SsSCh t H rtk'Y3 tGgtehgc wttlt <br />€g4etNt.lRrKr'st{ a€ tttr rata ;+re>vsde-ai :: wx+~ nut,n ~twi ~.,zra. , ~ m+t<t, .ks t-.2ra,xta! 3n irf -sa.r.,.. rr .t!r ;.r-ure-tf an.i t a} iv an- <br />cittded 3n ~y tjecKtiw fieraciaritr~.tiR"sa sunrt,{{tcgs azr3 be ~asd ovt of t ~ rants =r fsr< r,{ safe ,t -.and pretntsr% tf nci :tt>ti-r+.ise <br />mod: that "it >a€ea€1 naxt'Ree iai~g##x*rw ix;~tx the !ulart~,agrtr t+> inqutre mto the valid5ty rf an. item. rnetlmhrancrs, irr Maim in ad- <br />~:ertrirsC rnranaya as abswtr 3ulMarta v, t.ux na iks:!rg x.5c^e:r .: ».slarru-af ;i;al1 `,.>F- cv,sstitr;:rd an r quxrexsq thrz '44ur{ t - advarsce :soy <br />:nvoe}~ f~u» racer-fr Rur}~:;~•.+cwr t:. ?i.-t an> ~::t s?r-n ux:#er.. ar;,:ftnt ~:tnrtr?s+z-. - -hat: •-wt ;nvur a:t~. tr:•.•,n»: ; a „:tv F,e r.Xn:..• ~rt:rn•.- <br />thintt it tasty do or strait W -dn hgrruadrr <br />~ Lh~e-t++krst rat tt~.r.-~[W3t. bV' :viwr{gagart to ikat a>.ti+n°saa J env a: u«tn 1'ttr~+t. :~ *. "v err `+ t rsvrr- i>rr..hy^r <br />~.s.ttrrr I#et~tT+~rt+Pxt+u;a{ tMe rttrdsyae+r~t ~ sins xu. r?liar7e v:-r ra ttae x;ystx i.r rir+.•d thr.eetr . ttte 'Uttsxtg.a- a axsalt t ' rst d~ i?x #rcta e the <br />d~ht rxe'ared ?sFra3xv :3x an.3 I,ayabis wit xni a ~t a d tart- 1€r.t-l, t --' Sus S -.. xt:tec3 „o- .:;,t' , »sttn~:,x e '.. '~sth'r +r} rt:+r-it <br />~-xr !~ x riot-i~r Su t'r. r;+y~-~r-tom h t1e r~o,ts 3tr .s. aru3 -.vx€#scw. set..n; c~ -ttr a,irt}urc'Y ::F art'. - zsrtty list u>d~frw.YZ:.hv; sr~ <br />rwsirrd ie?•ab}..te , x:t.-r; ray..r anti ... la~~ nz :tee ~~~t;-~ pn_rtass~ ai-.i,ie roitrtie ursii t s € rhr ntss >'+aw~r• rsm€ prc.fitx <br />ljreFq~. ia:~-f~'sjxYy rbr +rune', .'ter ~?vUs .st vEwaaEir~, -•~#Ierc,ae vtrt+n 'CIS >• =a:3rsrtnlrx " •x u;. t .y s,v sieagc 4ai+l rr;xzs, <br />afga$ ~. 1_.~uY, 2a n=$s~ axtc~n..d i;. tom- ?~ uY,~'af'~ as tiiztS;zr -ar~+..r y -cr . he ya,+ne at ,d +dS i n.xehtadm m .:*v. urnd here-t>Y <br />- ''#'>ia! Lkwt*ai~lf :ihw111+awtV~ t#+C+. i'ffi'er xo ap€>•.:srd aLSS ?WTer~4 oar a5r-ni;. it nssv rlr.~.n• frsr Xh« t -r t f...-r ,a .m- <br />rak.ti.. ri+rxjFtr•eL f!+« .arx~r &<ai}E'f'tl#5$. the° t+eTnik, ;CVrsY:taC5 d t,t .:,_n.r 3r..t si mt+ t'ay v1rF ' f hrt.ri xn+, Y ~ f -g -. txir r rant <br />Yet aar3 KgarrartinJi rhr !trPnte .alxtt ut srdxetirrk t}tr+ t~nta.a ihw-ref xvxxx ~-hr ha xnce Tern v=n,rzy.. :! a y txnrf 3.-. ai: t,.,.-<S -'a..} liar <br />r6aahattte'. n[ tfsr, war.~py~r,,,- Tizsa atta.igrgtt+etxt xis tr: trrrXa.tnyt., atu# rwssattr null amt . 3 ug:..n rwreade rri f hsa axtrtaaxtr- <br /> <br />J <br />~...^. <br />