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roger}tee with all t<.ncnrents, ttereditaments and appurtananu:5 bebnginE; tJteretn <br />1'f3 HAVE.AND TO }itlL,D ttrr. akrnve tteserit?ei premkses with a!J thr privNeget and apptnfeaances thereunta bvfnnrirtg mduding <br />all renft,ixsnec and prt~$ts 12t rc:rFrrnte ti+tever And Almtaag.-t herchv ~:ovenants that Aiartgagor ii well and truly ceged of <br />a gusto Fiilc t<+ t#te premises ahuve ionv pad in Fhr law, is tee ~mp{n ~d has +pr. 1 right and lawful authority to cvm~et' the wme, and <br />#hat die title ~o r;nn+eved tx o4ear, tree and [snincnmttered except as otherwise Hated and that Martga3rtr wifi forever warrant and de- <br />#Qhd the satrx tt>',1Lartgygee agsihst all ciarnS wha#stn vet. <br />This Morfgape is ~;en by ~:ti+rtgtgors;.a aas.ure t}te pcrfatrntancc of each agreement contained herein, and ts+scctttc tha payment <br />sit a.}sran ##} ttre ,imt*ant •~t the To?,tt ctC !?ayntxtttts s}tttw°n ahc v;-, which )ruin being evidenced by a prnmistory note hearing evert date <br />tteratvid#and whirk is f;;rtherdes,:t#bed atsovc <br />~. <br />PRK>VlpEfl ~L_L4AYS, axtd these prefee# are upon the esprexsed ~:onditran. that if tha Mortgagors shalF pay in full to the illort- <br />gageea ptctrttissory no#e *oearirs,g rvetx date hcre+x=itts i:t r,te amount wet f~rrth above, pababFe in installments accsrrding za the terms there- <br />c+#' #t}tet'-trit}# n#erez! as cer fur#h-;llvrein, ard- g#talt s av yli rsxas ark.t rsssecstnents levied upnn said rest estate befam t}re tame 6e- <br />ctxt#t~sdetinquertt:attt#}tezfi t}.e hrrlJangx'~n said ~Sresttix+~s insured f.,r a suru equal to the indetrtednesa secure~here6y, loss, if anY• t3aY- <br />a#Ik' ttrrftc'iaidTaFtttrgtipe-e, ilt,caa~t!ie-se }n'csenr~ trx-F3r nu3F snd~•otsi. sttha~»vicr ar> t=c :ind ramaht in firq fore. <br />TFNfi H[?RT~Atr'E iS it.Sjf TO 6E, AIti1S C`O~tTE'YL=E TO BE, FROM T111fE I`() TIME, SEeURi•fY FOR THE FAYIIEN'f <br />OF St1CH fiU~t OR S~-''~t~ OF ?N4TttEY A3 TFLE'N6R?GAGEE 41AY FRi?N T!#fE Ttl T1ME !!ti THE FLiI'I:RE ADVAF~'CE TD THE <br />fl EL'ICfEl+lCEI? !SY A SCTPPE;EMEFVTAL tiOTE flR NLJ7ES. BUT NOT TO EXf.EEI) ' E TOTAL OF <br />~~~~ : .. EXCIEPY F()R ,WY .~UV #NCES THAT MAY ESE MADE TO FROTECP THE 3EGURITY Ll~ AG- <br />G•QRDAt'+SC€1t'iTH7`f~E.TER.MS OF T1SLS l!!{YRTGAG£. <br />Ad>~itixtttx} Tetras in,3 fi,isidttii,tt±c on thb tflvet~. of skis ~nreentert am made a Hatt ttereaf aaut mcorparated herein_ <br />S?d N'1TlIESS K'HEREOF, tFte.3aic} Merv*,gat,rxx have exc*ctatrd these prexen#~,x?t~ day nci year first atu+ve written. <br />~.-_ <br />Mort~goc. <br />.., <br />;~° <br />Mnrtgagrxr <br />STATIrt}F'~IEHRAS~A } <br />SS <br />C1OL?1r'IY t7F Hail ) <br />{Ue t}titi:;?~s d3} rxF *!av -~. ---.---~ `-' tts~ . #teivre trc, f}ie undetstpted a Notary Pub}ia„ duty <br />dlRRtnic+iaipe¢ arx3 r,s,a3i~#- ? 1'c>s .:r.:~+ sa a:.t. tE.vtc s ~.? ..: ~::xsYS. YnT~urs'it :.ame t~`~,.t,'..r •,_„~,_ itsyr. .r ~~n+i ,~3;255'.._t t?ir3t <br />ist ttta knti>rs to l++t the-itteatFC-a3 perfc:at ~ pmrttrs wtx,~c~ itartrre F oz -rarrres arr aif?xed in the :~tti instnfsnent and acf;riawiedGed <br />t~t txtig-uttnct #}setonl' -#o t+e #r~, trey ar tftlir .r?la3ntat x,t and deer}. ~~ '•- <br />... i # <br />A`ttraew #arr land atui Nzstaria3 Seal thr day anx} year tart xbs~c vm#tnt. - <br />tiXL <br />My ~ e>Lpsttt t#tr ~ ~Y zs _._ ••i~!',e. e ._.__._ _ r_____ 't._=.~~- E1fgE OF lS~~ <br />'~i It 1 tit>_!sitrl R ~t£3L t"t3~ ~~il5tlli)~,~t_ ~i [ ft~74 ~tsllt"t7~t31TifSN~ ~ ~11M <br />r+:ca *+~ <br />i.. <br />