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$O`.~1~~ MORTGAGE <br />THIS MONTGAGE. made this.....~~ or.....i''~.1`....... _.................. 19..s~........, by_............`~~.$~._'i.~.!.._M13T@ <br />ot._CarJiAt~...zd.~C~ ...............................C.oonty af......~~.~...............................................and Slate of Nebraska, hereafter referred to <br />as "Mungaeots," and BENEFICIAL FiNANCF, CO. OF NEBRASKA, a corpozatlon organized and existing under the laws of the State of <br />Nebraska and having, an office and place of bat'vtess at.....2~X...~..;t'~.~:.~3~?..,~b~.e.a{siT..~~~•.~?a. rTe,.,, 6t~f~~ .............._.........._.... <br />hereafter ttferred to u "Mortgagee." <br />wRNFSSEI'H lhat the Mort agon, in order to securt the payment of a certain pmmistory note oC even date herewith in the Actual Amount <br />of Loan of 5......~a926,,.7~_,,,.,_„_..,._., mgether with interest on unp$d priricipil balances, receipt of the proceeds thezeaf Ae;ng hereby <br />acknowledged, hercbY mortgage to the Mortgagee the fotlawing deseribtsd real estate situated in the Counri of..,..._.........~....._ ............. . <br />State of Nebraska, more partkularty deacdbed as follows: <br />T,ot Two t3undred Twelve (212} West Leven <br />Addition to the City' of Grand Tsla~d, <br />Hall Cotmty, xYehraftka <br />susaECr m: <br />tasetha whit ail Brt rents, ht»+aditzntzrsts and apput`.eastcea m the same beJoagittg, and atl the estate, e.'::1e dewea right of hnnestead, <br />clans and demands whanacvet at the mangagan aE, in or to aid premiss or any put thereof. <br />TO iiAVE AND TO HOLD the abore detr-:zibcd premiss, with all the pdrieges utd appunrnanas to the said Mongngee, Sts succeawrs and <br />Ittnibn, fosercr; <br />A1VA the Mostyadon do COVENANT with fie aid Mortgagee, its wcasson and assigns, that they aze iawtWiy seized in fee of the premises; <br />that and ptteastza ate ftes at all rnctuttitranana. except u afon:said: thar they have good tight to sell and cartveY t3te same as afaresaid: and that <br />they sad tlNa bete akaU sad will forcvtr wARRAAi7 RAID DEFEND the sane to the said Mortgagee, rzt succeason and asslgas torevet, agairtst <br />- t#e iaw6d stains std demands at all persuaa. <br />~Tht ateead tats. of cha[ge as t'.s afaresaid PtomiteorY mote is 21% per annum: i?~ per month} on that P~ of the unpaid prirtciQat balance rtot <br />L eateas a# S 1,000. 18'% pea annum f t?z~S tsa monffiF on thu part of the uttpttid principal l:aimce exceeding S ] ,400 Dui not exceeding 55,000: <br />sad iS~ P¢ attmtm 45 19346 pet month} an any remaistdu of tech unpaid iMlaatt. <br />Dtml the paymett[ ro fell of the promsgary note svitiestcia{ [his lass, aaortfiar to the terms thereof, the Mortgagoca hettbY COV ESrANT AND <br />AGitEf: il} To PaY all rases and s+neunean an the p:entiss 4sribed herein to sHtomaoever levitd and assessed: t2} Ta kttep the buihiittBa <br />sad improseaettu situated thetean inatsaed tanirtu ftrc sad ether httntds le ~ atttozsnt a.d wish nteh insuaarwc curia as shall be acceptable <br />to the M~+lec: t3) Ta tnaiatain dte ptra,tifes suhstaatiatly in as guod rnedition and repair as they are am rite date hueof, and neithtt to <br />utmmit not to suffer mY scrip of wave thaaeof. sod, (t)To cwunit tso btexh of anY covenant herein tantained. <br />pROViDED, NEVERTHELESS, That if alortpBun sha0 NY ~ fuA asswtmt of the bas [a the Mortgagee. saearding to the trmts of zhe maze, <br />awl aYalt perform all of !Ste ts;ima ant ~xstditioes of fhb martsaBe, thu marspBe, tgethu with the said Prontessory note, N'tilF ccau and be <br />vend. it shall teanaip is edYe<z. to the tveat of anY detatdt in the payment of t_he ntomthlY imtalmcnts on thr loan. Mortgagee, itx :utc- <br />ctaaors oa aatiptt, may mainir+n an a.-tzan at !aw ar equity to rewvet the nnpeid pdocipai ba3am:e of said iaam plus ,vty sa-tued sect ,repaid <br />D otYY sae ttsortpg+x Ise a pant to th4 iturrasvni, all plan) rcoads hareie tsfearutg w Ma[ttptgors shall br cumstruetl in the siryiutar <br />B- *7~7~f 'r -~}1~R}i`+}~. the riKt !~iai{~c"tn itiK l3lYWnta aCi .hC~.3;apilx sad iCaii an !t:L datC 3t~"Y! RTiYLCn. <br />Sita4..teaW sad dsiiaued bs' fMrtgafors <br />it tftr ~~ <br />.1L~Ly.~ ,YE'`'S ~:~Y7 ffi!-t,s..._' tSEAL7 <br />.~'8® ~• ~6 Prinra>Type ,lame ofMortgaa.rr <br />STA7fiOF!IEBRA$8IA ) <br />) 1Y. <br />7 <br />(SEAL) <br />Flips or T•.ps :~amr of Mc-eZeagar <br />... .._........__ ...................... a <br />tart ~Ft.-.......-dry af....._...-_ ...................... . t3_~,___, harm a~..._.. ~TOId M._.~.` .-- <br />Nutrtey i'4ltiir, dr4' aRpaiatd sad gartliRad for and reaOittB i• savd county, Petaoaa6y appeared..........-~s_ ~ ................. <br />tlnti..~.....-...,.,. _.___....,_.....,.....,a....._.....__._..__..., ,bier +airtL tc ms kaot~daurirat persons d.^acribed is zed wha cxxuud the wi.thin <br />• sad >Fay +a+eeaib' tttisaaainggad tSe saaae to-he tltai v~a <br />BH MTSfFE~-trf~', i have hrdwtata aw mY head sad <br />tafd tY» titt.da~ sad yeas Tsai aSxva~t~, / <br />Natzry f'uMir in xttd for said f'ouniy <br />~nanaiYllKR-~t~ <br />Liar ~ihiE: ~M. hd. a`wY•'~9' <br />