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80-• ~, <br />SFIOfYf' fz'OMtM Loan Number__ 44737 __ -' 1 - 50 <br />rROPEt27'Y IMrROVEMENT -'--~;.;KT-`-'-iri: <br />FoaN Mo. srt tstsv. turn <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE I~Errr3 <br />'I'SAT..-..?~z??L;l.~~:?~~Ier_ anc~ ~g}era.~,_.1?e~1.~r_...Zia.b~~..amd..xl.r.~...:ininttx..and. eacb...iu <br />their nwzt rich-t, ------------__°- _.^__-- <br />TT.'FLSIB THOUSAND T430 HUNDRED <br />6seMeattse calfed 1ldoetpgasa, is oonoderation of the s® of.___._.a........_...-._.-_...._--_.._--°--.._._.,...._...._.. <br />EIGHTY SIB L,j~ 14~IQQ -_- <br />i i 12 , 28b . ~ G )DOLLARS, the racdpt of which. is hereby aclmawiedged, do hereby MORTGAGE <br />and CONVEY as abaohrx title, indzrding all :he rishb of iromeatead and inhvitanoe, aato FIRST <br />FSDBRAL 3AVING9 AND IRAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, hereioaftee ailed <br />Mortgagee, I$ sarni~a istd the followirq derzzibsd reaf estate, sitnt/ed ia._...._H~lt '.`.._..__........ <br />Calmly, Sti! of NSHItASKA, dD-wit: <br />of ~v ? , _.~ac_ ~~r*~e7 '-~ ? , ~- .. ~.hiW,`~er' w .~wMtios tc <br />~_._ GiC;s c~' lr~u ~:.~~id, isi .'3t~, .. , .:ee:rssi:=a_ <br />TO Hll~'E ANT) TO HOLD the ettal estate above daaaibed, wiW all appurtenarrces thereunto <br />baioapot ymto the Caul l+fortgagee, forever, pra, nded aiwayr, sad this mortgage ie upon the a:preen con- <br />dition that if the aloeesaid :lfurr, their ~e~s. exsezrtora, administrators ar as~ngru slat! pay or cause <br />to be ~ to the said .Lfortga qtr rueeedore or arsigas, the ye~~p~1 soar hereinahove eel forth. ail <br />Ito te~and effect of a certain irtataiimertt note of said xS3ortp~{ora beana~ eveu date wiW <br />pay taxes sad assessmetzta levied upon raid real estate, sad all other taxes, levies <br />sad aaasssaeseats levied upear thin raortpse or the taro which t3dia awrtgaie !r giver- to secure. befau~e the <br />iA fa8 las~Y t tlsCreaE bet~ataes delingzkat, tba~ this npst~age to 6o timid, ot2xrwiae to remain <br />IT IS Fi7R1GHR AGREED i3) 'That if the acid 'kltortpgor rhaii fail to ppaay such laser, the <br />~y pay the rime sad the soar so adrae-t~d with interest shall be paid, by said Mortgagors, <br />~moct~ya shsU ,stand as seeur'ty for the a~ame= i2) 'That 43ortp~on covenant writlr the Moetsa~ee <br />that thsx a~ L ssn~ed of asid real estate sad cowsnaat to warrant sad defend fire said real Mete <br />~p~eti# is ~~npsooaediop' ~ s~ be ea to )pp'I'l+at m ~e~ a foreciostzre of this mortgage <br />esiiscl tlr rsata, iawss-sad. profits thereof. {#) That a fruiow~ese'w~a ' protect the same an <br />marl tirrsat lrhwr the same becomes due, or a fadure to comply ~t6 many oaf the food o any inatali- <br />~~ .whole arm of nrapey herein reeured to become due and oallectihle at oncceat ~ option of <br />S%aed this..,.~;~'~, cl----.~_~.:~,_ _.. ---- _._.;,.:._..._..°--°---°--- ._ ............. 19.'.:.x_. <br />.r <br />Debra ~ ~ieYIL'r <br />Oa fttje .......:~,~_~:.....,._ dRy et "..; .., _. . <br />..-...-_ _-._ ...., ta..:r.. °bd+~r~ un, t6r urxieerisuwt, a Ivatrry 1'aMic, iu aed [Ar <br />s' A. 1:a31,er azid Debra L. i.', }iusban~i sand c~ife, ____ <br />mN Orra~r, Prsrsaa-r ear _......__.__..__„. <br />t+~rss~aab bwa b r w_h~ tle i8~atieai -._,_.....;........~..._.. _....,.. ,._, ...._ ..............._.. <br />1TtUlr aamM #/'! 1PJ tbB 1tGDYt H+,d [A~lr'p~ tti4trWtiu]3t~ Y <br />~'~ I~ ~ t0 t1 lit{ tlr tier W~a4Yary aCt #ad dtl/tl. <br />+~fwltiCib~~ratsrtiri>.riu....,.4,ra~c# iria;z+~--`tE;~;~~?3~as .._ <br />} ' <br />,,,, - ;t ~t_ r fr. <br />_ .. . _ $ ~~~Pub3ic <br />