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<br />r fi .t ~ ^~ <br />SHORT RORM Loan Number__44525____ __L___ __ <br />PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT s...~e <br />Forty No. 211 tR[w. f lfrn <br />REAi. ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />KNOW ALL MBN BY TIC PRE88NZ5 <br />THAT... Gre~:kry_,r;._.R~aIFr_3na _k 4~~.:i...a.....~~.t~.r..._ °~.usb~:lsl..~a~3..~.i.,F.'r,, <br />ctseir om r3ghc, ------------------------- <br />} ca(Led Mort~orr, in a+naideratian of the rum of.__.TIit.&'l'X,.SItQ[IS1~4II_.£DLR..i31ID1-EEII_SI.'tT1 yINE <br />f= 3~, wa9.v€7 } DOLLAt'tS, the receipt of K•trich is hereby acknowkdEed, da hesehp friQRTGAGE <br />and CONVEY an abrotute title, inr+uding s)i the ndhta at hotneatead and inheritance, unto FIRST <br />FEDERAL SA4'INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LLrCOLN, NEBRASKA, hereinafter raped <br />its aeoeerrarr and +. the fr~ltowiag ~,escrberl z~f mate, sihlated ia--x:~ll--• -----._..T <br />t}~ 8titeof NBBRA$EUI, to'~eit: ~'ts;~ Waste°tl:- >8 zt-e>t ~?i ttze~ ~outheri•.' i4i) feet c;f loC 12 <br />ai the fiaunt> su:~diximian of ar: ~,£ Lfte ~t:,ut:*; '?x1T .. the ~nut£ieast t+t.<-.rter oL` SECtinn !6 in <br />1'pxnship II 4+arti:. ~~:,~~ '~. pest aL t'r.e bin I?.`!.. :ana <, ?.srr .at ;nt ~ c;z t`:e county cubdivisinn <br />of earl of tFe Sctut;, '?aIf ,rf t.: e^ svuci:ea~t ;hz3tic-r .. .rztic*n ?6 =_n .a~-nship Il .Vortn. ~~n)te 4 <br />5~~e~t of Lha ~Lt; :'. °!. rhrt: ;rntticu?ar?°. i:st_ih~av a:s .c3 i.ic?c.~s. ..~sF~nc-inA -it .. r.z~int Lt£ ,.c~et St~uth <br />of the Nor:hvesis€is c:crx±er z.f .€?t i~~,. ..,. c:S+t3rtc Sundici~ir_~n of ;?:ari the :wuth haif .>~ the <br />5authea&t ~;;2~rter of sae. tLc7:' ::, in ,vvx:s':~€i~#'i `s .._.. ranks rest c~S *_:~c ?3ih t .r,:. running tttt=nce <br />3.n a xaest~rlg ~''=irrctiot. i>3r~iiii tc:rtn+z :~:rt`.~erz< .`;;rc~ ,_. *:sicS "t;$eii~eision ~ ~'.ist~ance e,f ?' ?ktt <br />t't~nce i;a ~ a¢~uthuti?' ~'1E~,°t.~n of a 4r,=-~ac~~;.~xt~ :ins .. 4aiu ,., i? ~a :4~tansuse n2 ,gal feet; <br />thence in a +*a~teri~r dl.rcttic-n t~ Ltie ~a~ut'tve-ster2~i c=rrnes saa;i .~., i', t;,~-nre in <t narthwest- <br />t-Y1°• LiTCa:iSor, :i3ina; t.zc- :rr.:.tx°ri•; ?in+~ ~. v~g ..,t .3 <if;~tzt.icc - ,k~.' ~t~ t- t ~~: ~'~lscr of <br />i.~ehlrmirp;. <br />TO EiAVE AND TO liOf.D the; real erGats shau~e described. with art appurtenanres thereunto <br />6edonpttg atria the srid Atort~#ee, icsm~r, prari±led a-wa}~, and thin mortgage is-upon L+~ express con- <br />ditioa that if the afoctaaitf :ltortgafFars, their rh rsertrtuxx. adm+nirwttatore ear aasi~ttt a1u-It pay or cause <br />to be prod to the said ~» its was tzr asttigris, Liu pta pat sum herrlrlahowe eat forth. all <br />ircomtiio~ w the tmrN sad t~fect of a rertaiu inStatlrtlent note of d '.11ort6agora bearing ewer date with <br />ibis . and ahdt pear taus and sawsrraenta levitKi u said zeal estate,, and alt oihex rases. levier <br />and arrarwirntr ievzed tipoa tf>ta mortt~rge ot, the zmrte w•hieh th#s mortgage is given to eccctte. l~fore the <br />craze: or any uistaltmidlt thereof beixiraerr de~uant, then thin mart;age to be void, atherwilw to rwmain <br />iir fiat taws. <br />I'f IS FL*'R*I'IItT~R AGRF~Ia f 3) 'l`hat if tlse said mortgagor shalt faz3 to ppaay sorb `wces, t!x <br />cry BaY the same sad #he• aura sa sdwruiaed with interdd. shall be paid by said itfartgagora, <br />1'ggdt~stand as serxrrity for ttse sa;ssr, (;'.) "That;urs covenant with the f~tort;aaee <br />tt+at t~Y ar+r sareri of said rem sweats sad rov~erruxi to warrant and defend ache said rent estate <br />#~ tawtnt of all prrrercr whsrmascrs. t3} 'l'lrat in cars of a forer;osum of this mortgage, <br />~ptaiat~' $t sash ~ shah t.e eatatled to take porrw~ of the premises. pmtert the setae and <br />wllst~ ihs r~ets, iarurs and profits ttarreo.f. !8) Ttrat a attt ' urv to {~Y say of said nwney ar any inatatl- <br />} thereof when the ,eaten becomsr due. or s failure to comply wyth say of the fore6ozng agreements, <br />~~~ ad+de soar of mrmay hersia serittrod to bectame dos acrd rnilerciibte st once at the option at <br />~Y~ <br />~ iu <br />-~,• _' ~ h <br />Srjerd tAis ~t.-., ,.._day of._ ..... ~ __..._ __ ....., __.:,-._ . _ <br />x .---,~~... _. <br />~C'f LY7Rat~T+F ..~,eti Pr <br />ciao .~. ree"~~~~r <br />SfiA1! ~?' iV~i~ <br />i ~` <br />_..6tiil.w...__..._.. _....._.._,. CAr~'. <br />. a ~~~t ) <br />Oa Win .....a:.:_.t,,_.... dsgt at ......,.,_~ ~(._ _,. _ _, 1r_~., baiws trio, the uerieesirned. a iVeatary P'uhtM. in and far <br />T <br />T'~fµarv i'. rii.n a ~ao.d Lind.i ~. itc,nttt, het~bac3 `i ;.xnd ?wife _.__ <br />rrii t?rrorV> IwawrtiY arty ..,,.~,..... .._.._~. . _,. _.____._,_._m_.,. . „_.__._ _,... ._.... .._,... <br />Pssaswdt! bawls as ~sr Mr .fie rha ~deaiseai Vaarrsn ..}-ras nrawa rrss rKs;rd w !be ahovw nrsd #rrral(r4aa ilurtnunaok rs <br />^riayMr~ arii ear- w[lar+aladpid aaiA trlrirrsreot trM se lri+r ar her „cdautrry ect rind dead. <br />WNawr sr! trarA ae4 rGiufai asrl a#._. ~:.~:` ~ dt~~~ x, ~ft~d. _ .. . <br />1te- Arse Irr4 siMr+w wriWra. ' <br />~h~ _.. ._ .~; ~ ~..[... ~.z!`. `}-"~wW s1ms~'', Wary I'+rWvc <br />'d.Y ~ eyries _.~._ ~'~#M <br />