IU. That the hfortgagor wif6 keep the buildinlts upon said premises na a;aod rrpatr. and nearher commit na~r permit <.a,te
<br />t~nn said fand, tear suffcs the said preinisc.s tc 6e used :car any sntavufitf purpase-
<br />f !. Thatrf tfie !itemises. or arty part thercnf, ffe e,mdemnecf trnrier the pawn of eminent damain. <rr acquired for a pubtic
<br />ul+r, the-dama~s awatdtd, YCM! srrcceds faar the taking uf, ar the cansi<feratian for ~ucte acgeisttiort, to the rxEene of the felt
<br />atnaan[af indeh#cdEits uprsn this trrart$a?e and rh8 note u`hieh it is gitien Sa scenes remaining unpauf. ;ere herehg n5signarl 6Y the
<br />Sit+E'tg3gttr:0 ifrc lfitttgwfree. seed shah L+e yaid ferrhw~fth tci said 'Mortgagee to Fe appttrd by the latter nn .atca;rnt of the nett
<br />maturfi~>; insta#finents of such inda#~zedness.
<br />}?. 'f'}te Mrttt~tti& farthan agrees tbae sYzae€ta this martgagr anal ttre gate scored herehY not he e;igibte far in-
<br />stiratwzc urrdez tf~Alatidnet~it€xisiErg.~ct whthin tt~ sndnthfi tram the daE2 hereof {uXrtte~n starement of anp officer
<br />of t7re i)tpartmtat of FtousitiiL :?n6 Erhart f'ieuclrrpmenE ar authori2ed agtnt t,i the SccreEan c,f Housing and 't;ri?an
<br />Dcyefopment dated sEEtsscqucnY Fcr tha tun tanr3tYt . time fri}m the date of this ntt}rigage, declining to an,nre said
<br />,riots ,staf E ISc, hciEtg deemed ct}rrrhtcac~c prrxxff of .arc Ts ineiipibiiiiyl, the LFartaattre or h:>ider of rhe. noEr
<br />map, at its rrptirtn. decfsre atf sums sccurrcd htrehy rmrte+i:aret+. due tnd payahfe.
<br />tt. 'f'}4at if the tdtisr.ga~+<r [at#s to t;take tarty pKy+nen.s f.4 menes~ u htn rt*a wamc hecz~trte dtit. or [.esls to conform t}r atxi
<br />crmapfy witlragy ESf EhararEriitions or agreements ran'taincd in rhix mcutgage. cr the note which it srcuras, then the entire priaci~
<br />paf <ttai and acstued irtteresi sfiaEt at euFCx #ttt Dent due and payatsle. ui iht cteetfrert «# the 4forigagee; and th4s mortgage may
<br />tbeieupon bo foriukfstd iEeiin-cfiateiy Far the whc+Ie a.P said ntancc~. interest, mc3nth}v pact rant.. sofas, grrzund rcnY3, ts~.ees anct
<br />the Lost cat eTrtef~fng ift~ abur^.rt yff :life Fr+r.: tfie race of this: lo~sn =.a the time ut .~atnmencing Ouch frarec:'t~suse suit, and sera-
<br />rottatrlt xtiortteY's fee, aif if which shaft he inr;fueicd ;n Jhe sltcree of ;f`careeAnure, and the cantrset tmN.adazd in this mortgage
<br />:md the note securer! hrrsbY, sitaff in a#t sespecis :xo uuvtrrgd. cansttoaci and ;;d}ncfge_i by the Saws of trhnasp:t, where the
<br />same is msde.
<br />'fhe ¢:o~naets htrczn csYatsritszd sf;skfi ifittc#, and the henetitc arw ~ci<•~tn[ages shat? instrre tt}. the respective heirs. exeE:umrs.
<br />ad±niiristrators. ss~t:wra anti assigrta of lk+t ftartie, he=ct.. ~k'herae<er c:ard. ;he ,.nguSar numbs shit! =:nctude the pturai, the
<br />i5ktr#f tfttt x";rypaSar. and ttie use of aay gtnda stfaatt !<e rppficaE:te t<, a:! ¢endcrs-
<br />The icfretto+e~t cxanditi~ES. aft acrd xzngaSat, Mii€tt ~trfa<rzneti ict:rriing tz, their naiura! and Eega3 import. this convey.fncc
<br />s_ki[f he frnxf zftd said#frettdus zricased a.*. she tstetn+r ui Tht 4Srt=tuatre^s: c=tPreru~i4e try ;?e ant! remain in fait forcx and tYfect-
<br />iti A'f!'NESSiiH~ftEf3F. the Sforigagar€~, nifYp„ ??eteuatG} }et t neir° nanutsi the day and acarfirst
<br />ahf,:e a~rttrn.
<br />? }~
<br />`,"~If~'
<br />YY ~•-•
<br />gottieii' ?tan '~a.~r
<br />>Faf. j
<br />~ . ICE Af.
<br />~ar~xr~t .,, ~~:: 'izaar:
<br />5!-31_;
<br />E 43 .A i. ;
<br />+ yti-ISB
<br />St~aT~L#F>~ifR~r?KA,
<br />'s
<br />C't~Li~T'Y t~ 'si.l
<br />CSa t#ft% Z~t:`is atYS .~# =`~,~ ..'~: €3. t~ _ .l3ctit.-s rne. tr N.....r"7~s ~~e~,
<br />s §E3:3TM f~#'Lr't1~c Ers and fcx aif`c+uMr.;r_r>.cr~[tY-srtri
<br />4'.iager ~a:t F~att ~TMaa ~a."kn.'~*> g. `~~t# ~a+3 T_. *trs~;r.~ti .ar=c xis't
<br />p?rr54<na(tti t{. qti' Rn+7<rn
<br />malvetlirir#eitfwat prri+ntS wt~~+t taarneas ~'^e affixes t+> the aiatr<e and 9.=rn-
<br />!?t!~!R4fl~rECatxs~tcfri~iritxxs,saxtl a,~ .~..kn,s+~~d i,~.af.3irfsisurarntamithe
<br />tom.` ~~ ,~a21:?
<br />eskxYtfKarrtLti`eGf io t!t i. ;~ 4~. sc~ssrtsia~y sit rrrxu u~z<i. 3+.-s t~ purt~rse, t scrcrr. t:a~as~e-u.
<br />In ttstarrrM+y saw:rc+id»ltpracfrereusca€ss3ph~n.aewzKl~acd-i*y ty~at~:r~s.~.Iaca .« i:;risrr ~..'s.~3~. :€eS~r"aica
<br />~s.tis da±t awed bsu lssi rYAra*~t rrittcrr: ~'"T
<br />?!!~ ~:41Mtt~9'~F1At1 -z><¢~'s _ f /G~''~ ~ ~yyx af11Mt~Qarri "+'<ftasy Ylrifiti•
<br />Altrllii* fa; t~
<br />~'tn3'Et'~F'~L~;9teASlt.+w ss +4ti~~~
<br />Feted #sac recrtFEd tiYes dny awf
<br />at n°cf€trit
<br />tad ~ Beat
<br />>~ ~'
<br />a.~s_ .~
<br />kl.. aiidsrucrex3 ter if:iirnzrtcal fndez, apd
<br />c,f ~ftrEigaKes. cwt
<br />fti'jttiECF t}[ t3~reds
<br />
<br />