..rnder's written agtrement or appdicabir law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner prnvided under paragrapfi 2 hereof.
<br />.Any amounts disbutxed by bender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />+radrbtedrress . f Borraw•er sxnrtd by this Mcartgsge. Ilrless Borrower and Lender agree in other terms of payment; such
<br />amounts shall he payable upon notice from lender :a &mower reques2fnR payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of dishurscmenr at the rate payable from time tr• t#ma on autatanding principal under the Note untect payment of
<br />interGCt at such rate woufd he contrarq to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall hear interest ai the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Ntxhinc contained in this paragraph 7 shall"require Lender to incur any expettu or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />& iae*eetMn. Lender may make ar cause to 6e made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, proYided
<br />tfiat I tmfxr s#afi give 6torrauer palace prior to ani such inspection speeifving reasonable cattle therefor slated to Lender's
<br />#ntercxt in tfre Praperfy.
<br />9. Crraiewwtlaw. Tlse pr.+cceds of any award ar claim far dama¢cs, direct or consequential, In connection with any
<br />candemnatit~n nr abler taking a:` tht Prcaprny. ar psrt thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation: arc hereby atxigtted
<br />and shaiT be paid' to Irnder.
<br />inthe everts of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds ;hail be applied to the tams secttrcd--by this Mortgage:
<br />with zhr axrcsa. if any, psid to 9trrnautr. In the anent . f a partial taking of the Prnpcrty, unfess Snrtvwrr and lender
<br />cuhrrvdse agree in writ=ng. them span t+e applied ra the .ums secured I±y this Mottgage such proportion _ the proceeds
<br />as is raual to that prciperriinn `which the anmttnt of the .tunic secured by this Mortgage imrttediatety prior to tha-date of
<br />~ taking bears to the fair market value of ttae Prntxny immediately prior rt. the date of taking. with the balance cif thrpraeeeds
<br />pant tt, &xtttw ar.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. e : if, alter natir.. by f_endcr to 8atroa-er that the condemnor offere to make
<br />an award ar little a t:taim far a+,antagts, Aarrosver fait> t~ rrst~nd 'a Lender within 3t! days after Yht datt such oorice~ is
<br />mailed. Lettckr rc authrncred to cattrt wild apply tfie plot-cecis. at Lender's option, either to restotatian c+r repair~of fhe
<br />Prnpeny .•ar in the sums tenured bs° this \fottaage
<br />Unlrss l.cnder and tkarr,Amer oshcruiFt agree rr. -=citing. anv such applscatinn t:f prrrrceds to principal >hall oat extend
<br />.xr postpssne the duz date c+f Cho monttalc #nstaliment, referred to to para¢raphs i and 2 hetzaf or chance the amamt of
<br />suc#s :nstalitnanls. ' : ,
<br />tif, ~e-otrer Lot Released Ftt€ns,v,n t the tme ?r cmtmi:nt •u ^tocf $ •uon of ~martrratinn of the sums secured
<br />=*v tries 1lcartgage gnnrca sx f cnaer a . and xtbz'r!:u r:re t B ~~ :: rt~ ' a-xc,-,°,tc .. •elease, iii any tnant:sr,
<br />the iiatvlrts~ ;sP the utgtnal Burr wEr and Barre:wer etrz.cessors w mterett. !ceder .ha#i *x,t Ewe required to rommettee
<br />Arta.-redinrs ega:ast cinh .us:~~`rs~cor €=r reft.,c to extant tome ~a~r patimcnt c,r .~then+ixe n>zidity amnnsratian of the sums
<br />cectar+ed },p ;his Mnrtgagt lay reason =,f any' den.and trade ht' tae a+risrna4 ilorrc+uer and Aatxrrwrrs snrcessors in interest.
<br />II. Poeieaeaace Its i.ewin was a v-aisn, Any i~rt+earanre h4 t..rndcr in rxctrising wire right c,r remedy hereunder, or
<br />i?tfierteisr aiTnrded by app#icah3c law, s#tal# >xst ie a ,+•a tvrr +',t .•r preclude tltc exercur <,t anv such right or remedy.
<br />'Iltr grtscttrettsnz a+f itsc«rance rx t!:t ;+apt:acnt *! axes ;+r <+ther ;>rrss =,r ~hargrs by f.e-nder shah not t•c s warner of I..ender s
<br />rigl:t:;+ aeeelerate tlx: maturin sat tfir ~ndcrredAes ,a vrrd a., t§• lfcrt2a~c
<br />12. Rerrreiies Cwaakstl~e. Afl remeat.. t-.t_~i3 n chi. yt,~rtgape re .tistinn rod .urnttlative to xny other r:>:at or
<br />t'nneai' ;;r~r ?h3s 4lrxteagr : r all:+rdrd Via. t:t+x . ' c;t::e.: .a.ui .^.ta+. tae _ earl =:.`M a once:rrent{x~ indeprndcntly c+r ster.cessively
<br />f3. Saerexsaat aai .~tatas t{aarrd: laerl sad Sener9l t-lafrilhy: ('apitras. :?--r ,a+e,tants" .rod acscetnrnts herein
<br />ctrnta;r~d shall ~-d. sad the rights trereu!xser shall ;'trs'c :.~. ri;r tvs,,r,4rrve ,:~.cssc•ra and a=,iztts ,ai l.enctrr ;rod Antrawer.
<br />Subject xa lire Prnsisirets caf ;^sragraph '.' !r+-rro' *TE ~eac^enanss arx§ :Ltwrment~ ,tt Aarro»~rr -rTiait t+c !,?int and .eves..
<br />3Tx capz£ons atoll headings .+ the ;aragra~-Its .+t this 1tr+rteacr jrr ?.. ,;?nverirncr .,nit -Dowd arc n„t to to used to
<br />=nttr.*•rrt :~ +tcfine the pT~+rtsty; r !±rseca;_
<br />Id. \ieeire. except far app rtczt~•e rrau:r€~ c;nder ,±ntrrs.atate la-+ ;s, to yrven ,a anc drtr manner- ia4 ant• nnhre to
<br />Bnrrz'rwrr pmcec}rd `c>r 'n :his 1lnstgags eha- !+e .•,veat qa rxtarYint '~xnl^ +`t"tarc 4a} certe8ed marl adtlrr4 cd tar BcSripn~rr at
<br />the Prolaestc Ac#drn, ;, st s:lrw .,whet a;drr..., .s ll?+zr.:~,nrr st- -tea,t~^;itr ~,; a;un^ t;a ! cs+3rr a. t+rantdeal Txercin. ;,nd
<br />'ka any ttaix'c tc, l,etn~r ,ha;l he ;tr~rnr, ,.~-.des .;.3r1. ~etrsrn rra-r,tw ~_:;,;€+tr,f.:. : tn•Jrr'- adr`rc±x stated hrretn .,r tc+
<br />sore'-s _afxr sdditati ab Irnsx. trio} ,..°sinatr hx ~}crt.-::t *. <, An; *c •..."r: a, ,..+-.Ir;,+ -^: rc;n ~lns .,t:a~r !,r,,•'rdev [;,r ~:a this
<br />Vfttrtc -what; #?e :fertttzd e„ >;a vx ?,«tl? Ets«a tra I':3rnawrr ~+t i rndrr -....-. k:.•en in stye tnsnnrr ,+e,€gn tr:l '+ercin
<br />IS. iitrYaw'NoretaRr't tests rrtei+gr i.aa.; Strreraf+itTfc. rt ;. , •s:,t ~•. r. t.,r.;*agc .,=nittmn , •-i~arm , . -<°~ant. r,•s n:tin,nsi
<br />i:.ge as:c4 run~attiiC>trn ~?-rtnar±!, `-a rt#: gams,. a> -.~,.a,:. a, -.,..*.~. .. ., ~s :rit,i.•ar x •.r;•#crn .-',r¢- :~~s?rsrnern; -.,,,renng
<br />rtai praTact"' ;1.,,, 1langalte r`-: +r, •s:r.~ri9 x.. tx• '.. •'4r .r,c ... .,. ..him, ... !'r<,3~tt. ry ;:d In nc~
<br />r+att that anv rarnrxsri=ts .s3' sl'str~r .=# -hr'ti .Ss~t*.,ragr •r [hry`,:,: , . , . sae:~ x h ;;+i+'t '..re .t,a4 , .. eor.t 4. .hall e?eat a:Tc7-'t
<br /><,tta~t pF: a: tr_.uarts .xf tlrr< ."+13 rr~.r~ ,;tc 4:, ...s .. t, ...., .:~ ., , ,a .. ri. .. :,r ., ^'I.- ,n;. t+r, •a:.t_°ta .:nd .. 'his
<br />ttkt *1~ 3tr~*s~:~ t;f ;kse 3lsrtg~a~ ;~.. . ...... .:.... . e ;,_ ..:, rv_
<br />16. lawaaser's C:~v. S~.rt~cr~:^u7.i ., ,:.....c,- .,-- ar.ip~,.s+ • , "=r '`° - -.,. ~t.+rrs',4r .,t r>re trine
<br />art t"ictcdinr. rv attar r cardatu~` e;era#
<br />.. .a :
<br />17. TFarM'at crf fie lrt'aKrta: -A~w>+~tlwr. t' yjt - , .., . a, _ , .. ~.;^ Prr •a~csn . ~ . ~ er~.ereaz ' se,n r ,:+3d ? . !ratssferred
<br />r, . ~^ ,
<br />by $arrowcr xk-ithcw~t l..ett~r's a wtat_c... -- ~;'_*cr r_',.~s?c, -... . __ -. r -, t+ „? _ -. __. :i ,audaran;.u cuta:,r.tmaie to
<br />Clare 1fi4+agagc. iFr'r the arat~7 - :. ~ ~e:Eti~ds'xa~e nta_;~,e; ua vs a.a -. =c-ztii , °n,rba'.; l -n~-axr>..x-~ ,r ., : r.ia let t,r devsT.
<br />3tssx=trt t*r ta;° czprtatrt>i; :~ lass cep,,;; the .te•gth . , .. r~:d,^+ ,',
<br />- - .r .a , .:, .
<br />t rte .aw, i ~. -.?a -r . ~ ,n,. -. :.. ed '.". th?s 11ctrtgagc i,i 1*e
<br />untrmcc::atce> due wad ;aaya'L=#c t tndrr ,3;av :.., .,.. tai -... .,. .,.. rr , i_ r+:+r =. -; arc .. t t°amairr. ! zn.ier
<br />.r..,g ;. .. _;edi= ,;cis T~.rr±r,n
<br />,trr,l tt'2 petss,re aYti ,ra ~ mr yauit- 'ac . .° J n = -
<br />- _ - _ ..., - -- s, -. - . ,
<br />>at.~ta< .-+:F.:.t, _s,;4 !.,~. ,-.e -..t ~ .. ~., ._.~ , . ,~ ... ,..€....... ,- ".t":.c,st,.. .., .. _- Yts~ 1 c .der
<br />;hg's? .,~~ If 1 rn+ltr hrsi a+aizet ',s':r. , F.,'. r...; , ..:~r: ,r ;°, .:_:_~ --~- ~ ;r ns:r,;-,ra. , ~ _;,.; h >rr. wr -: ~.r;-. ra>rrr ~n
<br />:air-rent hss rcr6trictt a ~rszter. a=a,artnpdraar grer°,tarr,i a.. ~, soli -. -. ':r=c_i; .- . erour;. t ~n.;er •.', .~ .e,.~. c 13rr i,>•arr s•i.rn .a;l
<br />xh3sgatro#ata uaadet tltrt lfertga r~ ~ncf rrrc ?.°~.
<br />If L.:-~*. r~rczses ;r~-r± . {r.ea++, tc• .r..aie,a.tc. , c_ ,~.cr -.~,.. .. nr ~ -.>,,..: - , .. t e...,; ~~. .~,. t>a.rnce u,ih
<br />issr~raa'at; tE'-'~t~i. ugh n<re.:e a~'S r, .sir .: ., ..: , . q~:; } ~,t ...r Ctat- ..> .- :si;a .:",:riled u t , .
<br />wtr ~t ~e3 } F-sp tsar ,_,~ss ~ea~'~-ks~. ; bc..-a,-bcr - _ n .. ._,,., rir~.:. ~ :-,v .a°ttat,, ._ .. ,,.i
<br />lrs~r. *~r a~sy, xax~:,' ts:rA~t~a rz~-.z ar :~..3~~., to s3ras...w:: ..~kc _,,:±~ _r t3tte> ;°arr- -tt:,i `~~ _ ^s~:vpb s „rrc`.ri
<br />\:.;,*a=I {vttt~~catcat i~r3Y"ti;+~x••zR Ei~rtc>r. c~s ~^r,3 1. C4k..Ea:r 3trs, hrc ca=Y S,'_tass: =tt~ axiom.: .:a :: vita,a'h
<br />IY, ACrelerrYiar; lie~eerile+, iice}t w pra:ide0 is faaF+ttraPla C 7 trrrrrat, oprw Burrrr»rt'+ fmraeb uI coy cos rnaM .a
<br />rl~nss~srre d lrrrxrurtr is tW r}i+nrtylrRr, a`arirriirt[< t4r rca."rruatx to ga} Kirsr dar say soars +¢taured by this ~ltnrt*aar,
<br />I;rsrisr to acs"fitsatiaa ~irall atsii arrtiax to Marro»rr :n pr~aidal is paraffrayir li farrrrat aprrifydnx: ill the tarrarh;
<br />22f ~ actita tp r-rrtrr its Msitl, t_11 r+ dyic, aW t~ t6aa 3fl da±rs from the tfittt tiro nttrir'r is nraiird fu &rrro»rr.
<br />t-fs xrlMielr xas~i ~rsaci twri !a carwi: aai aJl First fslWue is iwt Yttr# breach na nr irsfurr rbe date sptc.ilied #n ihr aMfer
<br />errg' rtardt lxr arrsisssliw r+l fie t~rars F,rew,rrd M rii.~ ~1+WVfatte+ farrc'Mrarrrr fry Ia.dirLrf pruaa='d1aY aau srdr cal thr Prtrprrty.
<br />'Ilse nrMiri elreill Iarttirt lalst~ #rtarrrr_rrr ~ tic rixit txa rriayate alter aecrkrraila» sod thr ripAt tea axxrrF m 26e taresknurr
<br />tie rara•rsitearr rxl a drdaaif .vr writ} :atirr ~ewye of 1lrarru»p to acr,yrrartirra axrri fr~rxsiru,xre_ df for latear la
<br />is rtaf s-srsx~ art. rx bdmE Fir dWr yrt.ilied ilp sir twiirr. 1.radex at I.rndrt'+ .*~ioa may etecinre salt id thr ;urnx .rrurrd ist
<br />iiii llorta~a` rn tw #xrrancdaNSty dar and pay axle +a ifir.ut lartArr rlemar»t and nrsr; frarra far.. try Irrddrial pr.u-rediatt. fender
<br />•IrtAf 1~ erreirrO to cofita°f la "twt~ir ptr~tilw~, ski r'w.~re~ta+e+c of fairec~i.rerrze, enataeiitg, h+ai rr+rF #earittKi t», , c.€~ts ++f dar rrntrarsn
<br />ra adrac>E. aisptr:acss art- tluc rxlrvri&r.
<br />TA„ ttWS~rr`x IRyfrf rir Itr7r.rrr ~,,_wrtl=a4 a-rg 4„ir,, ... t. :i ,,,r ,si: .,...;<t :a ,.... tit ;i.~„<
<br />'9,.rr ,'4W+k~'* ,-=rs`Y P,~ac ?!!r: 2t'I,laa -+ hd•~t :,.g s ,rzt<rsir~rr agr,., i , ..YA S- _ .:. ve-. s , 4f .,• ^ ,. ..._.,vrt,..-_a -. .r-., _..,
<br />