80-- ~~~~ MORTGAGE
<br />THI3 MORTt3AGE is made this ....... 2.? ..................day of ...... ~~ .. ..:.. , ....,.
<br />19:.60, between the 1Noctgagor,.. li0AI3~X..>r,..VAItAS~i~,..~i. $~IyG,L)r. P1yRSQN; AND ,?`fZ4~Ir~E .
<br />D..1tS8RTTN.P :A.STPIGLE .PE~tS4i>s ....(herein "Borrower"}, and the Mortgagee,.'~Fr. FI$5T. NA~St?N11,L
<br />BBHIC : QE . GRANA . IS:I.AND, ..GR}SNA..ZSLAbID.... NA$F~11S~A ...., a corporation or~oraotf and ptiat~ g T
<br />under the laws of.....AiEIi)3A.S3C~ ........................... where addrrss ia..~~~..;~~~`. 312D ,ST, ,B,E
<br />CsR,ATv'D..iShAND,,. , NEAFtASFSA ...................................... . .. (herein "LotMer"} .
<br />Weeaws, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of. ~4i1Ek1'TX-$~~ . ~#~QUrS.~~'.: $_~.-..
<br />HUNABE,A .AND. NOf].00-----------°----.Dollars, which indebtedness is evttleneedby Hnrro's nMe
<br />dated..... ,~' . 2.7, , .19 $Q ..... (herein "Note"), providing far monthly irtstalLnenta of prirtct~ and iatettst;
<br />with tfte balance of the indebtedness,. if not sooner paid, due and payable on ... ~'~E . lr.. ? t' . ~.......... .
<br />1'o SECtraE to Ltttder (a) the repayment taf the indebtedness evidenced by-the Note, with interest thetrron; the
<br />payment of all outer- sut~, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance hcrewiilt to protect the security of'this
<br />Mortgage, and the pedocmancx of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b} the repayment
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, m?''c to 8orrowcr by Leader pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Futttte Advaacea°},Burrower daa hlxeby tr:.mgtge, grant and convey to Lender the following deacn"lwsd property
<br />located in the Camay of. - - .....$r~.T+~ .............................. Stan of Nebraska:
<br />winch hm tha addnas. of...... , .13i.I.3.1~~5~ .'5TH . S~REk:'P.... .....CP,~3NA . IBLr~.*d} . .... . ... . ...
<br />tst,.~t: ;Crtrl
<br />W.~r$~~~r .. 6 8 ~ ~ 1........ (htxein `"PrtYperty Addmss"' i ;
<br />t~ „~ 2R'nrN
<br />TctuE;trey with ail the improvements tx~w of hts~after erLCtcd to the prnperty, and ail eaSCttt~nta. rights.
<br />appurtartatt~t, rat, rrayah7cs, nraneri<. tril and 3as rtgltu arxt pzoflts, vvater, water rights, and uatet stthi:. and iii
<br />fnrutres t~nr or hereafter attu3red to zhe property, ail «f whin:, inciudiog ;cplan+nents and additiatu thrretra. 4ha#1 less:
<br />funesues& ttx ~ ate tcraaain a kart crf the prcaperty cs?vcred hr this M;gag+:; and alt ~:f the frtngrtitag, tu~cthcr with said
<br />P~tperty (or she katschold estate if this :kl~~rigrtg+: is erne a #eaaelt«ld} are herein re.rrra:d tp as ,he "Frol~rty".
<br />Bout c~venattts that &rrttswer ss Lawful#y se"sled cif the astatC hrre#;~ C~ta-eked artd ita* the right trs pt,:crtgat:e,
<br />t and CLBtu¢y the Prarpertp. tl~' the Fr~rty is un:tscutrtl~red. nsxd tlu~t Acrtr+~we t :vill warrant and defee~d
<br />~euctally rise tiLk to ells Prs~perty a;~ttt:st ull s~i,~:r and n~wt4iit;, =ul~,ecr °. • am ~z•ias~€c.s~. 4;tsem~ nts or ce~ttnetn~ee
<br />ii~t~trd sra x ~€#te~~3tlc r:f a%c~pticTres tcs s:~ra in any 2itlc ~rtsurass<:: P,-ix} rtr~.rrir~ l.s ,do°r , rt7tc:e~.z are rttc F'xx,t~rt~~:
<br />
<br />