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Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of al! mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph ', with interest thereon, shall became addiiianat <br />indebtedness of Aorrawer secured by this 1Mortgagc. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to Defier terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall he payable upon notice from Tender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shat! hear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time m time en outstanding principa} under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate wmlid be contrary to appticatsle law. in which event such amounts shah hear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable taw. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or-take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. itapection. Lender may make ar cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Pmperty, provided <br />that Ltndcr shad give Bottawer notice prior to any such inspectlon specifying reasonable cause ihecefar related in LendePs <br />interest in the Property. <br />4, Coedetnnattow. The proceeds of any award or claim far damages, direct er consequential, in rnnnection with any <br />zondemnatian nr other taking of the Propetty, ar part thereof. ar for com'eyanee in lieu of candemnatian, are hereby ass!gned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />Fn the event of a tarot taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />wish the excess. if any. paid to Borrawer. Tn the event of a partial taking of the Property'. unless Aarn rand bender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied ut the sans secured by this Mortgage each proport!on of the proeeeda <br />as is equal to that proportion which the ama:mt of the sums secured by this ?tTartgage immediately prior in the' datt of <br />taking bears ro the fair market value of the Pmpzrt}' immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of [tfe proceeds <br />paid to Borrawer. <br />If the Property is ahandnned by Borrower, ar if, after not!ee by I.znder to Aorrower that the condemnor oRersto make <br />an award or settle a claim for dantages, Borrawer fails to respnad to Lender within i0 daps after the date such notice is <br />matted. Lender !s autbntiztd to caBect and apply the nrryeeds. at tender's option, either to restoration or repair of'the <br />Praper,y er to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Bnrrnw•er atherx'ise agree r•.:triting. anti- ;uch appiicatian of proceeds to principal shat! not extend <br />or pastpaae the dtte date of the manthh' instal!mrrts rzfcrred to in paragraphs ! and 2 hereof ar change the amount of <br />r,,,"S :tech installments. <br />10. isotrorser ;Hot Reheard. Ectenston of the t,me far payment or madif!catinn of amortization of the sums secured <br />by tttts !Mortgage granted by Lender is any su;:ceisor sn interest of Rnrrawec ;halt not npzrate to release. in aoy manner, <br />the liahihty of the original Borrower and Rormwer: succzssors sn interest Lender <hai! not he required to commence <br />0 proceedings against such sun-xssor x refuse to eCienei tznte for naymcnt er atheru~sse madifc amortization of the sums <br />(,~ ttcured hy° this ?14angact by reas,~n .,f .eny+ dzmand made by the c,rig,nal Fiarmwer and Rermwers successors in interest. <br />i1. Forbearace bq [.ender'•id a waicrr. troy lorhzzrante h~. !.ender in eccrcisinn am' rieht nr remzdc hereunder, or <br />otherwise aNarded by applicable law- ;hail not hz a warner :~, •r preclude the eszrcise of any .uch right or remedy. <br />The procurement of ittsuranm ar the nat+mens of rases ,u atrter 'ben: nr charges by [.ender chat) not he a ,t~aiver of Lender's <br />ri¢ht to acceieratr the maturty of tear indebted:srss .zcured by t+:,. 4i:.ngage. <br />12. Remeties Cnmal~Fe. ~!! rzmcdsr" :+n~s,dzd :., ths, 'tt:,niaee are :listirct :tort :umuiative to env t,ther rseht or <br />remedy .ender this Moragagr or a$x:rded ns~ !:;a „r rqurt:-. ~:nd ma_- !+e e+•zr:~erl :nncurrrmly ndepenriently irr successively. <br />13. Srccesaors attd Armes Boand: 3oinr and Se+crai T.iad7itp; Captions. The ::ovrnants toed :zgremea[s herein <br />cantaztxd she!! hind, and the rights herru€}der ,hat! sort rl: t~5. t.^.e resprc:tisr succcs~=:,rs and nssiens of i.encier and Aorrowzr. <br />sub;ect in 'he prmisians of paragraph !7 i:ereat. ~i! cevznants and agmzments of Aarmwer ,hai! he mint and several. <br />Tire caprtuns sod hsadtngs of for paragraph; c,i this 1~lengage err for convzmencz =,niv .sod .rrc n.,t co be used to <br />Interpret ar dei;xte the pmvrsions beret f. <br />t!. ~totiee. Exttpt far anv cxittce rrqusred uncTzr taw to hr given ~n another manner. ta) ant' notice to <br />iron:ts.'er prnc,ded `or :n this M:~ngagr shat! t,r :?even hs~ marline ~.u{h nano ht .:erhfled malt addressed to Rarrc*wer at <br />rite Properly Addrss-s ;,r at ,ucir :ether addt..s -.x Bz,rroucr nt.,. de-.,gnate '~s~ n.,[i:.r ::: Lender :t<. provided herein, an€i <br />th1 ans na€eet to T.rndrr .hsf, he a?vcnht e~.rt;ieti rnaa. rerr_*n rcer,p*- requnstecl. to T enefer, address statrd herein nr to <br />such :abet address as t_rnritr mat :intgnatr h} rntttr ±n Rnr, c+,•.er a> on*~s~ed tacmn 1nt nntirr nnn:ded for =n this <br />Mcsngattt>i:alt he deemr3 to ^a:P i*zen s:. z^ to Aorrr=>irr ~,r i ~rdrr a+her: ~svzn. ,r t`rr marenrt c!rsix;natr.t herein. <br />15. L'niforwt ~1»rttpre: (:u*ernttgt I ace; k>rraiu7ih. ? nr~ t.,rt?: ~+i mnrieaee ; nmhines ;+ns;e3rm ~„vrnants `nr naurnat <br />I*.st and non-uniform cortaanr, +.:th lin:,tr.:± ~..,r: _!:orr., ±,o ~. u.:~,i;::s;,n t: ,<=nsot;re :_. ... srra se.: t, r:ty r^strumrm ~,ovzring <br />:xr3 prcapen Thss '.torigage ,ha!! he ~o,rtra-d hr !hc ~.:,u ,;, t?sr :~rssst~,r,~n ,~., a~h>•_^, t`:r Prnperts~ :c !a:atc*d- in the <br />OWNtt abet aot ^r,,t~rs<„a er ~1a.tse .:t tht+ Mortgagr ~~ \r,±r -•nt?i._;; ~,irh a -ahte Few, s.ush ort?x::t ,hai! not aiTzct <br />.',ter - .tL--,sr, r ~ 'sec.. „scr ;. :*:c L.. e ~a.~.... „a cr ;: *ir.: .,.n~M1p;sy the :.,r:>ir~:•nk s+. ssic,n. anti t,? this <br />errd Ctre pre .. nts.n;.'.,f the Mongagx::tnd =tic `•3-+te .ztr .t_, ni ?.• ;re .e+~erahir, <br />li. ~orruwtr'3 Cnpc. T3tarro+rr •h;i +*e ;rm _ ..ant,.:, .ed .:cps` !the '+; t i.,. r ;t,.. ti,~rt:age :t the t~mz <br />{rf :1[i'%4rtlan ftr filter `~F5Fd947ai9 tkGtitf- <br />I9. 7ta~ftr of tie Rrr~atS; .~~asowgrtion, i! v. ±r nr,. - .... 'hc f'tc,txrt: , . ~n snterrs# trzetrrn s ,:+td e,r transfrrrrd <br />iny' B.Arrr?K'e~r >+tShc?ut Lcnd?s's prco: :+:'rtFrs+ .,=sir n, csv l+rdtr:g~~.z, tt,r _rra?s„n a,t s ?=ca, .,. _.e=eu2~zbran:e ~uhorrLnn:B tr, <br />lhts _4(au3w:~ag€, {ht +~ ert„trt~t .as' a nu rahvx nx„net , ,±y ;t tyresa ~, . -ze+sscFec',e8 anpir,=tit: ~- ~_. ,;. trans ter n:- devisz, <br />dcscrnt ,ar If: epcratran ai ieu u~,n ttxe death ,•... .,;rttsa:non. ar <br />t_en::~t •sa}. st t i-=+dcr .:-fit;c+n..tecisrr iii thr W;:r:t+ ~x..:-rrG t;, thrs lt„rsKUke te> he <br />amnrtd>'atcty due .atd pay`sbTz- T-rndrr chat! `:a+c ~,.arscd ~.... >,~t:or= :; a<ces.r.s#e .. ,.,,•, *. -•,r „ e. .r.nsfcr. i cndrr <br />anxt she m~+ss:a z:? sham tear i'rtz~ie , o rc .<C ~ ;r, .~ s-a . =;rcrstr,:r ., ,., ->; ' .. _ a .,u. prn.•r <br />s saris;actcsri ti tenter axt#f ;h.i; tree :.,+-.s -,n}.,!~:e : n .._ ,.:.rr-u `+~, :r~r- ii, _~v_ .. _~, :i._ .~ 4 ,:tt,ler <br />sha!S rttiiveat if i.ensiti ha, `r?s 'ed ±±c :-_ ,. ~ .c. i. - u:~ -.. ?r .r_r r:z, .., > !;: r~e,w~c ,~.x;.. is.,~ .,. <br />zn£ereer hoe zxautzti a wt:#srn astsisnptson a~raertst~; at_ , ,xd~ .zr_.,T= `,,, t rnsza 1 s trio, ,..,_. -_ca,e f1x,,: ,•+er tom A <br />~hgat,onc r,tt:itr thts Mi,ngage arxd ;hz tiocz. <br />Tf t_etx.;,er carttists s.vih : p#:nn t,z a::.z,er».:. . , .._, ,.... A,-. - c, rl,~,v .., ....,• c :., - - e.,,rt;.,r.,..~ ,.rrh. <br />r*a.ragr=-kn t: :.eizs,3- xri is s,irt-4r loci {.+t. redo :s y~r.:, ,, ., _,... -,a--, ,h.Kn r ,:e ... , <, „eta s •`.~s,,..: .. ::as~cf =,; hr,, <br />+shsh B,-rr parr mad - ~F_~ sun-s de,.s<:x^-d ~.~. it R,7... ... _ , ..:rr. . , ~rc - ..., ,. n.:<, <br />l.av~.icr ter, 'w,ti'tcai:t iurtt+er ;note{:.°~ar .kmaru3 ~.r, i3[axr,.ast`. •.: _xt .,a#; .~ a, *=s. ,. ~... •..t ,;t, x}, e: .,iris=i i <br />ti:z-'+-L%titFviatWr l"LrvF,_vnti rl. Fk?tr,.w;ir arzi tex~Ies ;;;snc~z ;.:*t csiv:;[:,ncz :.'r,~. a+;;•i i:;w, <br />t~ rlertleratiott. Rt.+netlirk Esccpt ~ ester idrd is paragraph l? horror, upuo $»rraxttr~e hrraxh xrf any au:trsa»I or <br />a(ete'rra:»i of sorroyer ip ttNS ltiutyta~e, i»ctttdatte ttre .atrrxante !xs put ,eien due atxy sutne .r: urrd t» tht'< 4fonttagr, <br />I..r~irr pti®t to aa`elerxrioe stet/ n+aii nutter Isr Nwro.*tr as prr.s.ded i» }ssrrsgtraph tf hrrr.,f .prrityinK: tit the hrrrrch; <br />£xi tlr aetiayt ragttirrti to rear sett°i hrerK•ta; iJf » a{ru, rr,t tr ~ fha» 3y rime from eta date the nnticr i+ mrilEd to Rorrogrr, <br />d}' rriklr retract-Mrtst'i awtN it ettredt aad £~i that faiturr to cars such h€casr-i nn w ixrfurc tier date sprcititd e» tfxr »xrtin <br />rwy rtrrtit itt JKXt~ttatilxp of ttir sot1N xv'urrrt b> rests -iorigrre, Ioreeiusurt by judicial pra.crediry; a»d sate ut shr PruptrtT. <br />irr tadire situ ftrrtitet iufarrtt iarowrr xsf tic ritM to ~ierstWe after atctferatiu» aad tit tight tez a+un iu thr ixunriusurt <br />paw'ter~ tttr tww-caitltgre of a tk^#auU ur ao~ utter ritfrasc crf Norrrrwtr to xceitrMlun rsd tortchr+urr. i[ fftr hrrach <br />x w4[ awed tar cr iriurx thr tiatc speci4sd ~ else nxxtac. t ruder at txudrr's rsptiun mas dertare :xB rzf !hr sxurta •.rc turd ht <br />reefs ".NgrtrQa~e txs hr€ irtrwtsdia~tds~ drte kq4 payzi4° wtttwut turthtr xtrrsxaad and ruap tx,rec4xxse tex iud£ciai prxx.rrrN»g.. t c»xtrr <br />'rioR hr rxitlitri t+; cuMei~7 ip xiNit prat redi'tye ati r><peoar.. xrt t<,ra.tue€srr, Huitxdirttt• br» zzus lirssised ix+. rx'rte ut dxrc~errarnrary <br />reidewtc, xxiytra-t. txwd titre tstrstt-, <br />9i, itiWlKt*r«A titit/xt is ittisuttaste. c.,s-:env:_€„lire-ry, 1 re -,s - .. .. .. ., ,:.,. ,....:. t :z4 ..,, tt.., <br />1#artr+:a»~<: !race ;irr :igtrv z.., P,a,e cote i':r:x.,{edznt, `c~..:: -., . ~ ;},.: , r .~. 't li,., w .,.. ,-,. ...., - ... <br />