80 ~~~~ MORTGAGE
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made this ........ ~ ~. da qf........~Y .................
<br />. ........ ... ..
<br />19.80., between-the Mortgagor,..RP$SR.T.. ~$K. WILSON, , A ,52. _GLE PERSON.. , ..... , .
<br />................... .........
<br />. • • ..... . (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee, ~F1Fr..k'#~$T: HA~~4~
<br />BANK..OF..GItAND..ISJ..AND... G~A13R . ISI<AIdI3+. NEBRASKA, , , ,, a corporation or~oized and eats'
<br />underthelawsof........D~$RASKA ............... X02 WEST 3RD .STMT-
<br />......., whose address is. ~ ............... +
<br />GRAD?II . ISLAi1D, . NEa:$ASI{7i ......................................... (hereitt "Lrnder").
<br />Wtttttet3es, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of.. TWENTY-FOUR _ TIiOUSAND :TWO:
<br />HADIDRED..ANA .NOf~•~.0--.::'-.:--~~--'---Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Horrosver's note
<br />~~}. MAY 27, 19 $0 . , (herein "Note'"), providing for monthly ittstailmants of princi I and interest;
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on.... JjIN$..~...'^~Q.....::...
<br />To SECURE to Lender {a} the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, wiW interest. thereon; the ``
<br />paymrnt of ark other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of tbes
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants attd agreements of Borrower herein cantaitted, and {b) the repaytuen£: ;
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, mad' !n Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2[ hereof (bereiii
<br />"Future Advances"}, Botto~rer does hereby m.rtgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />looted in the County of ..... . .......... 3=Ar..r......................, State. of Nebraska:
<br />which hat. the addtrxs of... ,18313 WEST 112"ri AVENUE GRAND ISLAND
<br />........................... ...............Y... ... .. ,
<br />tst:at7 ,ta 1
<br />NEHR,F~S1tA r .... 6 $$01 ... , (herein `Property Addres4 ') ;
<br />€saae ~s z~ twat
<br />ToGEnt1R with alt the imprgvcmratk now ur hereafter erector nn thi' prolx ny, and at[ easctnc tats, rights,
<br />appururtattces, rents, royahies, mineral, oil and gas rights artd pro&ts, water, water rights, r~rtd water soak, and all
<br />ftstrrr.~ now or hereafter attached to the property, alt of which, including replacements and additions therctn, shall hr
<br />deemed to be atu! remain a part of the propttry covcresl by ibis Mortgage; aztd all of .he forcg+xiarfi, tetgether width sail
<br />prgporty for the learn2rold Mate if this Mortgage is nn a leasehold 3 arc herein referred ru as the "Pnsperty".
<br />Borrower coveaatsts that Borrower is tawiulfy ssisrd c>f tlx 4stare tretcby ~cmveyc.d and btu tlx; tight tc. m«rtftagc.
<br />gtaat awl convey the Property, that 'he Prtperty i. urten;acntt3cred, and that Burr +~Fer rviti aarrastt and defcn;t
<br />~ncrally the title to the Property against all clairns and dratt;rnds. cuhy:t:t ;a, any d~tasatt€rrrs. s:escmcnts ~,;r :s°stri~ti4ana
<br />hsu#t in a ath~iule of cxceptioan to certieragc in any titiec.~tsuranct p~*,1::} ensuriatg t cadet'. inrcrss€ is t;te Yrulscrt}
<br />Nl~'F 3, rir
<br />