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80" ~'~~ MGRTGAG~ <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this~.Z31"d day of ~__~jL__ _.-_. - .__ _.___ .. - , 19 $Q_ , by and between <br />Larr~r p, Homolka_and Beverly J. _Homolka,_husband and wife _ea~h in hfs:~i ~t-_o~°ri_aht <br />and..ass.pouse_af.__the..nther,_ _. - __ _ _ _._. _-._.___. -_ . __.._ _------------.______.~ <br />of.,__.__}.~3.~_I_~_.._...___.._._.County. Vebraska,-es mortgagarS-__, and Grand Island Tnrst Company of Grand Island; a:corporatinn. <br />organized eud eadstinq under the Incas of Nebraska with its principal of5ce and piece n{ business at Grand island,- Nebraslcp,-aa-mortgeftee; <br />~., .~~~s.,s - <br />WI`['•Q6''-SSSE1'H. That-acid osand-iacansiderationafthe ..._~.:_... -' <br />• mort8a8or- . ` - ..- - <br />~_ g <br />f-7..Ye_~}90LLSa71~.-~WP..1-YE-t~0~„adx5..-dA~--~(1~~~~_---- ---~---- "'~`~a. ~ars~$,d~',~~?k.-"_-~-~- i. <br />the rsxei -of whkh is hereb • aekopwled do -.- .- b =these resents wort '-'"fit . t lati -MB e~ertoi <br />pt y ged, _ _ } p gage and ~~!n~ttitEbY~Eid'i~idet6a}Sa, eta successors and asaigas, <br />forever, all she foiknring described reel estate, situatad in the County of -. __ _.Hdl.l..__.__.-__~__-_---.-- <br />8ad State Of tie'nraska. tp-WIL: <br />Lot Two (2}, Block Two {2}, Westerhoff`s Second Subdivision, <br />brand Island, Nall County, Nebraska. <br />- Together with all heatiatg. air tnsxiitioning, frghetag. end pfu:s:bin{t eyuapment and fixtures, inclstdi~ screens, awnings, storm windrows and <br />doors. sad window shaaiee ar nkinds. axed on or irs mttnexxian x~th sasd property. -ehether the same are now locacad on said property or hereafter <br />- -- pkatxd tlrereaa. <br />- TO IIt1VE ;lrD T(? HQLU THv" S,iAfti, tugett;ar with alt and singular the tenements.::^.eredt[aments sad appunennnrc. thnreunta tte- <br />tartging. or 'tn aoywiae npparrtaini»g. `,orexer, asas warrant cite title cu the same. ~aa2 margagnr .. S_ - .hereby covensnt - - .. _ with said <br />raorigagaa tlwt _. - _ ~ Ire _'~--. _ dr.Q . nt tlaz ciziicery h:raaf• rite iaw•fu! owner S_ of the premises above ronveytas emd described. <br />and,,..-..aLE,- seized of a good scad irsdefassibie +issate of inheritance tF.ereru, frt~ and char of ail rtscumi>ronres, and that _._ tJae~_, will <br />'warrant and defend [4rc title thereto fne.•er against t1,e ciaias and damand=_ u{ all petsrans whomsoever. <br />FRQI'i D6D ALt1 AYS, and this instnrrtwc r rsseruted and delivered to stleaarx the payment of the sum of - - ...... __-- _------_- <br />:~~3f'.E.-.ThfLS3fId .Bielf~Y1'~._.d4~.1.d.CSr~Ild._~rS~~I.r~~3.._+++s++,t++,r++++*+++Lkxllars aS_ 5.~i11..2._~zQ---._ _ _ _ s <br />_ xatss interast. thereon: cct~tbzr w'iih cash clsarRas and adxatrers us spar he dsae .xirai pasxbte io said nrortga{;K uacftr [hr terms end condi[ionx <br />of the pmmvsaurv m+tz of evzax dntz ta~sewith mad sc -urcd her*•ia_y. rc~-uteri by said rtta-i~~s _S. - to ,aid a+?ngv,gc~e, Payubie as expressed <br />ht sad sore, acrd is aaatar're rite pa#a$asaw~ Uf e2 tisz to*-ms an.i c-tatdu,itms cvntainsu thereto. ; ta•. terms of said note ar,= irerrbq mcurporotzd <br />- 3feassil, by this rsfsreaca <br />it is the iataatipn and at{remastu. of the parties herWO tkat. tins mortgage shall ciao sarvre any fature edvant~s rnrde G? said rnamgagnaS._.- . <br />by said ~, mad spy :nd ais tnsiebtrdnass us addatatn w :izH amount abs,vr t:[auai wbxcl, ,std ms.rtgagurs, or any of ttaem, arut}' own to <br />raid merrgry{a~eE, ,hrrsievar evidRn,vd, xiazsdtrr by rrotr, t+awrk acr...unt tsa «trwa,-~. ~fha nwr[,gage sfrail rctnnan u; ivil ;urce and efCtrt between <br />the pa•tara heraw a~2 €srair tmn, pcrsutsa! rzprsaentatavra--, sutresw:r sari a3sgrs, cotii ail ;utx.nat* xxured her:.wnder, snctud wg 5aturo <br />advantx+r, are paid in ftaL' xiilt tatrxar+t. <br />Tha toortYaitar ,~.._ taereby assagn ..._ to said >iritrtgagt: ati rests an<3 tmxxerx arssuag at any and a;! umrs fmm sat4 proprrtr ;;nit <br />ley authavsrx -maid 1anrFQttgce ar a[s sgznt, at t[s option, upce: u~fautt. tc rase rsargr of -aid proper; and evilest aJ rents sad incerrnr <br />- ti~rtrs aed apliy the. acme tar the paymaat of ittzareat; pritaripaL uasureeae premiums, taxes, asses.-~r'*w+ts, repairs ar imprrrrentents <br />nanar'aas! w heap road ptnQans in, aenaotaaisle +arfav-++, c;r w ~_t+er c~Mxltes ;,r {wvmc~tts pruvtded for iertiuc or sn ikx twit here.3>y scxurest. 7`hss <br />t ahra2l ctrndisur sn durx.e :tr~tr3 t~+.n~a'-e ui ,.ax(3 sutc rs fE;3t?: part.. Ttrp takira of puwsea;•iun hxet:ndrr --ha13 in ro n;antrer <br />_ pnn'art sat ime#td vial aaar~rtssy{.am tl,a ,.,-ct.--.~•_ of. said sue>a, by hrr+e~,rure or ,atherwase. <br />Tyr friltat~ of tote ~ W assert say of its rigf~ nersenssdax at ark [uaae >iaa33 :>sx. be wntrseed as a wa+anr of sts right to a~w:rt t:ar <br />same sz easy ?ata[ timar,,.aad ra anaa~ 3pen ara7 Enfsrax s~_nc-t ump'~a;,a .=i.t: ><::iw trrana =r:. _x:5x,sas crf wad nY•te and of tests rrrc,rgage. <br />ff srtd 5 shalt s'aa+ae Ua be paid tax savi mr'a'i&+sK~ the r.ntux auaourt due x t;rrr,ander. start under s ne terms and pn,vssuuts <br />d aadd ae~PQ ~` aasatu~d. iaelndtasg; ftatsarr adsaatt~, ans: any' s!xtaasaraas or xr~=~ait tiseiui€ in aecrdanc'e x-itfs t'tse i<rnr~ and prtrvtsruns <br />tlarao4, sari if saaiil mcaKpgat 5,_.... shoo icy stttta ate the provissaos of sr.xt uutr and of thts uuei{;aga, tfwn these prerzats +hali br vosd. <br />orlrswi~a tar nlleaain as fg0,fwsx aed aEkQ, aetl stirs mar.tagaa shstl lse entitYaxtwthe pos:svesxan taf s{t of said orr~lert.y, soil may, at its upcsnn. <br />risotto tit aiYeT• ad grid eau sad aH tndahtadaws rzptsratit,iE4 t3aarafxy w rte ammadirtb~ts dub :sari pavahk+. and may fgrtx.kts,u this rsxutt;age <br />at a elte ee9+ ratkat ~[al atRioas w y>satyt; its rte- Aplva~ama>nt x~atwad. <br />Thaa aaatts+lgr aYrit he hmdtag }apoa sad ahdt ra~auur tat trot r_rnrtit of ttte ds+errs:. rxsrutaxs. adarnrpsatrators, and asxagns of [ hr <br />tesyw~euva yrutgw. hrrsaw. <br />#H W.iT~ sti#t.Ekik~~rir, s+ait! ~ ~-. hen ~~. treraafsttx.~t._ :_-a-~~iP Rat # .S r aJse „~.a} .:re,f r~~r tit utn,:Y <br />~ twit. ..' ~ -- <br />.. "LBr~r ~f,, ~}~[Skt to ,' - <br />:?ei+.°'f F' y .,";itafflf3?~d <br />~-«w,_ <br />