8(?-= ~~~ MOiRTGAG~
<br />~r.._,..._..._._._____-_ . 79 _..$(~, by and between
<br />THiB--INDENTURE, tnatk ihia____231'!.d.__---._-__ day of~_-._1~a
<br />_.__.dames D. MCComb_~pd_lette._,L,._S~~C~mb~,.._.hl+sl~and:__and wife.~a~ln.tt~~.~~ler n~,n
<br />- - - -
<br />of_ Ha11 Cotmty, Nebraska, as mortgagor_S__, end Grand Island Trust Comprny of Gland Island, a wrpoeatlipn~
<br />orgardred and-2xieting under the laws of Nebnaka with its principal office and place of bnaiaess at Grand Isand, Nebraska, aa: mtct$agee:
<br />WITNE5SETH: Tlut said mortgagor S... for and inconsideration of thesum of ___.~;::~ " - _.-=~~- ••~t_.:.__._
<br />,~--_,--
<br />**+tf'!R*it
<br />_._F4s1.~ Ih4u~dnd_I~.._1iLL[tdred Seygn dollars and~l./1.QQ.... _ _ *~ $ ~n7 ~7,. i,
<br />the receipt nfwhfch is h~ebp acknnrrkdged, do ~.._. by these presents mortgage and wnrranlEunto.sad'nioitgalWa„tt,aflpppppps.ujnd~asaigna,
<br />forever, all the fnlbwiag described real seats, aitueted in the County of ___,_- .__. Fld 1 ~ .__.~„-
<br />aod State of Nebraska. to-wit.
<br />Lot Forty (40), Block One (1), Dale Barash Second Subdivision to Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br />- TogsthR wah alf Mating. a'v mnditioni~. S~htusft, and plumbing agmpment tad fixtrues, inciudi~g screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, mdwiedaw ahadeeor blinds, creed no orin con>YCtmn with said proptvty. whether tfie same ere now located an said property or ht~fter
<br />_piwd thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together with al3 anti singuLr the tenwnents, hereditataents and appurtenances thenwtuo be-
<br />keg(mg, a in aaysriae appertaututg, forever, and warrant the title to the 4a.me. Said margsgor _$_.. fierehy covenant,--._.. with said
<br />that ___ _t he~t.._._ ..~r.~._...__., et the delivery hereof. the lawful owner __S._. of the premises alwve ranvered and described.
<br />. and _,_dCe__... seised d s gaud and iztdeieasibk: eatau o{ inher{uace therein, free attd clear nI all enewnbrar rs, and that ~.he~ wilt
<br />.arrant. aaf defend the title thereto forever agavrst sire riaiaes sari demands of sU persons whnmsuevar.
<br />PROVIDED ALiti AYS, and tiw; rmrtrument is executed std delivered to sawte rue psymant of the awn of _ _-- _ .____.____- - _--
<br />__.faair_S.hOUSdnd_ ~~ fiulldted.._SE~fen--.dtrllars-31~-1~~? **-*,r~:*-*-. uoilars~s-4,2(33.3-1------ ____._____ ___ 1.
<br />with itrterst t.heron, to)tstlfer with such ctrrgaa and advanq!r as may ire due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />of rho pramieaory note of evan drte lrsewith and secured rrereby, executed by said motrgagar _5.,_._. _ to said mortgagee, pa3'able as espresseal
<br />is snid:nots, and to seenre the pertozmrnor of aII rue t.rvaa and conditions contained therein.. The terms of sad note are hereby incorporated
<br />brain by t3wa tsirreoc~a.
<br />Iris theasreetioo aed ageesmrot of tun parties harseo shat this mort~oahaii also secrue any future advances made to said morigrgar ~._..
<br />by saidmoefgyyar, and soy and al! ittdr$bkdtifrs in addition to tw4e amount alxrve stated wuicl, said mortgagors. or any of them, may owe w
<br />said aeartgsgea, howavee evidaonrd, wuetMr by nose, back acoartnt tv vtberwute. Thu rrx,txgage s}rall ranwar. in full force and effect bw.ween
<br />the parties harem sad their heirs. preraonl repnawttativea, successra~s and assign>, uzttil ail emaum.s su:ur,d uersunder, including future
<br />rdvaarwe. are piaiid in ful: with iauYeat.
<br />The mrltfpgOr? hraby assign __.._ _ to said maatgagee all rents and in~me ar;.sing at any and xll times fmm said Property and
<br />llerlhY authotiaa yawl or its agena., ~, ii ~eY.uaon, ''=I~ ~#ault, `ter *aka charge t•l anal rr9l~'-y ~ collect all rents ntxi inrwme
<br />thesiraau ani a}g1,q fhe saes to the peyarmt rrf bttereat. pruteipal, fnauraoce prmuuata, rases. aaressmertta, repairs err {mprovements
<br />S ~ iwp tadd prsyw'.Sr is trtratahie cwoditiatt, c.r to cries: cbatge,rs cx paymmta provided for Irorein ax is xbe ante hweby sai:s,~Y. i. 'i`hks I
<br />rant awlperaot shill cootiaaa is lords uatd xne veypaid 6akancr at said su'+te is Iviiy paid Tae zaking r,I passeasion hereunder sMli in nn msnrrtx
<br />- . >taearre eeraiard saiYr eeatisi~+~ the rxr-rction ai raid a+~r by furckrrvrr m~ utifrrrine.
<br />- The faittr:a~d iha msrt;agwe to ara~ei6 aqy of i{r, rg$ta -x;ar, at any Casa atatul sirs. be t:=rmtr.~¢a as a ~aivar of its right t.n assert the
<br />assn at say lrti, it Caen, atrf o ina+st upaa and mate sofas. ~ttspliatptw with aii tkae irrms ami pruvt»ions of aaiai trots sad of this tnortgagr.
<br />II 9aNd-mat~tgor ~ shai2 cruse w be paid m said a~urtgagsa tole atstixr amnµttt ciao it isa°wmder, and under rise ternes and pruv falcate
<br />d' said-sots hereby sswrad. tttrlasmirg fature advaoomt. atal asst' exienainns or rraewala cMrwrl {n asxurdatste r•uu the ternsa arw pn7v iainnn:
<br />thw~ey roil {tarid ~ ___ rAslf y wsi#e a;! tuaprovisiana of said note arr4 0l Clete n,w*.gagc, Caen t prt~rtts shell Ire +s,:cl,
<br />atitrrtiM7gr#MilaisalYlliatcst~sod.s~e~,: atldaaid asx'tgr~w.ahail beautitkd to tuopnaassswa cf all of nand prvperi3. anti may. at its sprats,
<br />dreMteilu r~qM of said-puts aril all ind~dtadnw raprwotd t>tsaei:a to tae itnrnwflrtely due and pay abbr. read may #nrxlvne thin tlwrtgrge
<br />or tttbagp at3rr-~1 action to ptgluct {u..right.. Ap~airsm+'snt waived.
<br />'f'bis rnpt+pgr shall br blodieg-ttftonand.shatl enure tm iM baupef+t of the brats. axacutrxa, adn,rttutrsrvra, arurwsrus sail asaigti :tt the
<br />taryecaavs Aertaa lrrrMO. l
<br />~:
<br />l"frt K3~lF,dta WllisfttXTF.. asiri Mastlpgcrt~.... _ Ira~~ . hrrtyutttu sd,:~~lQii'_ ~!`~, .",anti ..~._~.tyw day amf,~y oar Firm ab.,a r^
<br />wrtLn. r_ ~~c
<br />._. _,.__._._ _._.__. _._.... _ _____ .... __._._ ._ ._ Bette 0, ~.. ~..'i,,....~._.
<br />~:diltb _,_ ..
<br />