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Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amrntnt of all mortgage inxurance premiums in the <br />manntr provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by t_tnder pursuant to this paragraph i, with interest thtrenn, shall became additional <br />indebtedness of borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and i_ender agree to other terms of payment, streh <br />amounts shall bt payable upon notice from 1 coder to Borrower rtqutzting pa}•mtnt nc~rcaf, and shall bear interest fmm the <br />date of disbursefrrcnt st the rate payable fmm time to time an outstanding principal under tht Nate unless payment of <br />interest at wch rate utould ht cantrary to applicable law, in which event catch amounts shalt brat interest at the highest raft <br />pcrmisaibie under applicable taw. Nothing cantaincd in this paragraph t shall require f.endcr to intut' any expense or take <br />any action hereutfder. <br />6. inspeetftatt. Letuier may make ar causr to t,e malt reasanable cntritz upon and inspections of tht Praperty, providM <br />shat Letuier strati give 8otrawar natiee prier to any such inspection specifying reasnnahle cause therefor related to L.tnrtt's <br />inierett in !fit Praperty. <br />4. Condetwnatbw. The pratctds of any a~•vard ar claim far damages, direct ar cansequential, in conneciian with qtly <br />cotadcmnatian or Mher taking of ttst Prnptrtu`, or part thereof, nr for cam•eyane-e in lieu n( amdtmnatian, arc hereby a55igrM <br />and shat! be paid to Lender, <br />to the tutor of a rota! taking of tlec Prnpenc, the prareeds shall t,c al,pkit:t to :hc sums secured try this Mortgage. <br />with tt+r txeess, if any. paid to Rcrmu~~ r [n tht t+~crt of a partial tat:r»q z f tl,s` Prnptrty, unless I rower and Lender <br />otherwise egret in writing, there shale #,e appirrd [., the suns ;da,reAi f+y [biz Mortgage soda prapartfon of the pmcecds <br />:ts ss equal to that pmpartian which the .,uxeunr of ttst sums <ecurcd by this 3lnrtgace rn:mediattly prior in the date of <br />taking brats to the fair market va:ut aF the #'r2lpcsty rmmtiiatcty prior [ z tht date [,{ takin¢, '+;ith the balance of the proceeds <br />paid 3t+ Hormwcr. <br />If the Properly is ahartdont;i by liatrawrr, ar if. alter notice by i ends to Borrower that [ht candtmnar niters to make <br />an award ar settlt a claim far .tarnagts, Rt,tr<,u~er fatd. so rtspand to !.ender ~, --~.t`sin lIl d.iv~a after the date Such notice is <br />rtu_iied, Lcl3dtr is authorised £a collect and apply the pracceds, at t.r.ndcr's option. either to resrora[irm or rtnair of the <br />t'reptrry ar to the sums se..^urtd hz this <br />Unttss i.ender and Harrcn4cr oche^resc a;rce sn writing, env s<.u't :lpp:ir.strs+n :,f pr;eccrds to principal shalt not extend <br />or pastpant the dtx dart of the momhh u3 t:iirn~•ntz referred to in ,,atagranc~ .sod : !:ereaf ar change the amount of <br />such mstaAmtnts. <br />14- ~elraxctr 1gt Rtteate~ trxt~??v=art ..i =h-e t,*z?=: far payment a?' [??aa#ihr,stsc•n ,f zmartizatinn of the sums seFUrtd <br />t*y thrs Martgagt granitd fiy i_t=ldtr to env strccrssor ,n intcrezt of Rnrrnucr sfitii :sn; np alt [a retcasr. in any manntr, <br />!let '=ability of the cuiginat Harrower and Bnrrnwer'z sstcccszn*. ;n vr:trer,[ { cn2ier <halt not he required to camntcnce <br />p-rtxeedings agaittx£ suC!t strxtasar .,t rtfrru tr+ eztenti trmt for pavrtent ;,r A.therwi.c mndif}' amerhza£iatn i,f She sums <br />vectvtd by this'.iongage by teasers of ,tot itmand rnadt t v the n[s„;r,al Rorr:~wcr .s,:d E#orroatr`s succt.znrs in intrrtst. <br />ti. Fnrieataaee by (,feeder Net r RFairer. 4nv in;trasan.c by I ender in rser_:s;ng env riphs nr renredv hertunller, or <br />atltzrzvist aftordtd ~ =YN,icatsit law. sft:ii not he .z waivrr .. ,.r prrcludr Ihr rzrrrxt .~.` ant' .uth right nr remedy. <br />Tht prcevrtatent of tnsurar4tt czt ihr payment c:f rases nt rnhrr i:rnc nc ,hargrs hv~ ! lodes <hal! ::nt he a w'aivrr of t endrrs <br />right to h dnccs s cd h, },-z 4tartta~,r <br />iZ. F~ 2Les rr cz adra an the ltnrt~agt are z,rsnn K and urmtaative to ins other right ar <br />rfttttv.;#y u t t v s:a- as rquitx .in~i n av t,t c,rr,rstd ~~. n t-trolly :ndtprndent3v or .u.:cessneiy <br />fib,- it !Dint at2d 4verai f tabitih: i'apttenv ?~hr :, .cs,arts attd akrrements hcrttn <br />cc+ntatrsr.? shall hind, and the rights her^asndtr shall mutt tc. ;?,t :e-ptrt:,c ,;:;cc+>, a»d az4i~n'; .,t" 3 en."ter and Rorm:ver. <br />subgett to the pravixiona of pas.4graph ,' hMraf. ,1s1 c.xs'rn~:;;~ ait:i alrcemeni, of hors i'o-.4er shzii fit j.,:nt and '•rvern! <br />i3tt taptwnt aid heufings .t{ ah;, parvgrau.: .-, :'vz s:nrtgag; „rI ter :<nn+.;n:rrtrc ,'.n3, ~nsi err not *,. t+e ir.rd to <br />ratcrprct cK delias+c £M graytsaat3v htrt4sf. <br />li, Voiifce.. Except for any ostler res£+rityd andez appiitahlr ?av, t„ ~, g„tn ;n sr,:•'hcr manor!. ta! enf notice to <br />Y_, ., .. <br />&asrcutr provided far in tlaiy L'2€3rtgage stlali iK by m:t.iint; ,. -. ..:,,.• !',r :_r:,rr+t nr.s:l acldrts;rd 1., Rorma'4•z al <br />£t3t Ptc~prrtp Addrtu k°:r ar sr.•;:I'r :rt trrr 3:,drrz. as rBnrr~Hcr mat- .,''-e*',+Ir t,v r~;:_. :< ';ndrr as I:rr*,=iued htrrin, final <br />ih1 an}' nai~c t4 under ttsait hr g-,en ti ~trrtfttd rttaii, trte:m rrcc:r" r,-rattcsttt' t:? i rrot3rr~, Rd:irtss stated herein ,=t [a <br />strch rttatt addttss as Ltrnter pas :lr=_ttnatt ht- n,-.txs r.s t3e*:..k~e as n .,„±s.: t,c:?.n Vin, ;r.,,. :rri+vrde.! tar :n :biz <br />Mnrrgatt sha31 be 4teetattd'n hs~t :+tan !.sets !a t?cxr,wrr ~s 1 c=ei#cr ,.fxn r,4ers :;: the manntr dezign~ttd htrrtn. <br />tS. hailorsn ",ilw#jrQit, Go4rraiut; Ls4r; Geaerabititg, `its; farm :-t cy2=rtga~t r,+nthtrres :*r+:farna a,r~n irus for oat„>n: t <br />i13C 3131 r'rah`~ainifaft}R :"'ayC3*_rP.+~~ H'!£h ,tntfrrsl .3r'iF;;~n1 ?`} i +'=4ti°,:{ Y, t=. _:+.s-,... t!'t 3 'N2SfJ!'n} 4ri.: r:i}' iFiSt{;3n~C Ht ~ *Verfn}j <br />sett praptrty. This ;<fa:tgagt s3ss3i ±?c ~.+,ttned .a '?te ':: ~+s :-. iht,.ittt~t,;, ~tricP, thr,- Propris. ,. ic,catcd - thr. <br />s'ra,[ !hit any ,'?r~sxa]:± M ;,t},,.~ .~f :leas ~tnrt~,_i;t ... zfia --~t inti_~ ~--.. t• -,., .,.het i~s~, -.-i3 . ... ,.,::?! .._ .<tt..Cf <br />«hts prc.z>5i2'nri :f fins ltartgrgf ,3r t~-r ~~r,tc e+rrzh can i,t .:-srcn ...ts'.t --~r, i:,,; rt she ts.. .rc., trng a s~+i".ire arse} t ?hi4 <br />rt,d slat prxisis'+tst at the M~tgrge :€rsv t?ts ~.=tr era _::r s=red t., t~ :.tvcr.,3:te <br />1~. Mnvn'tt't {:oPp, 8nnna-rr +nai; tx- (nsnnhca' t .,r~teana+d _,.t,~ ,f rsrc 'ec,tr , ,., .,f ;fr>', 4dottga~,::.:t uu• c,t3r' <br />of txKaltioa3 ar at~ttr sct4xdat2rxt htrtc,f+. <br />i?. TTYafttr ai tie Prryuerty; Asxrenp3aa. It aEl rr acy pmrt t7# r~,.- Prs€Y: tt at an :ctrrr+t tistst+n 'is xc+id c f trauct. rrtd <br />#ry Stxrorrct svdhout L.tudtr's ;uair wrritrir .=-nurtt, t+.=:a,isng :.:i td^n° ,. rratx'n .. !:en ..r er,.ttmbran~-: s;th.url:n: is t> <br />the litsarrgaje. db) the rrtaiaen .af 'a pu2~.hix mv~:'tep srcarzt; :rstrzcst p1r *:,n,.cP,rzd apphus^t;e> tc) a tran,itr by de;.tsc. <br />dcsstnt or 3sy aprcraitat3 of ia44 ui5cn sat :ttx€h of a , ,,rtr rCrsan; r r <br />- L~.>rder n:a}.. - ? eo~,e(s gptar',r:, dt~:er,,- 3 = --,_ -un'=a ,cu,rra3 he ;t=.ts Ata,rtgegt r> tse <br />inamet#2att?y dtu arsd paya%ste_ L_rst~t si:aii l~a4[ -+ar.4•d +~a4ra +,iy:,*n t - ._., -r rtr::;• r. :he ,ale ~ s =stcc t : ~•der <br />and tits pcr3~a t6 w'b.~zt7s; tfre Prei>iz., i, to+',e s:^tu ~ tr:ar--.. rrt':l rca::h --,- _.. «rs.;,.-- :.t ±ne , .. ~ s i , ,,,< , thou+:. <br />.3 ttrtuta,^tary f21 tom'{;(ftj ,u,*yd t?13r .S~ Inii`~-i'4: :'+:a4 aft: ;vn :n: S:im, ca'c. A,~C'ci h5 i"+S, ~tri+'i~':it' x'3~u e! t~.^.' :!i Sii~ll r;f!r -YS i C't i'iCf <br />iha3l ttifl2C;l,f_ if Lm3er last s~ai slit :tyc =, ?:.r„ t~ a,r.etrraar pra.~ss,,i .,, :.•t„ -- '.o#;ret-=h . , .. r;i! ;! t[,:rfc,xc: ,„r sr, <br />laitrext has tsecutcd a a-'ri4£cn =s~~mpzsn~ragr.cznent vcctpted +a xr+t: a hv. , rrarf~ 3 :;t.'~r <haH rttrase t€or,,,,+rr i r;,r:r nil <br />+'!btigatir3as under this Mcstsgagr sad :~ tieit. <br />of Ltrsdtr txtrLr3Ct 3231"h V"pXzf=it t. 3ti.y s'. A:rBtt. i.^Tlt#L'f s, a.'t RkAtt F:Ctii=~Cr _. ..~C ; ... ,.E 3i`i'ia t:i~n t. ~..-„{d 9f1v:C :e .. : <br />p.:ifajt3j`'t? l$ Fitttx"xf. n{KiY chsil prmai2Ft :a ptrrr'+d *tf r i;-s, ;hy=: ',7 ±x~, c it=.,i:s >isc cif+tt ., tf isc ; rt3asicd w,~, h,r: <br />~#eiCh $attc~'ti rrcjy pay =ft u:m: dtrdr.r~; ~,€n. if Rnrr..,•.:c ., y i, ,. ~ :e:> . sr.:.r +.r .-,.n,z.,t:..n ~ •. r .:w.i <br />!.ceder trtay. avi#4acatt ftu'Y!;tr etatrt a:r :~asrar~ ,err i~:~rtwt:.:nEC,'..c nn: rr:serdirs ;vz n;-etc'.; =c aregsaph ; K 'vrtztlt <br />t4i¢]at-Ls'rttt•'~~~rw~-vier=x, Rc4;rt-r4st: a~'1 Ltr~Itr fttt?hv,t ~n3 _g=.rr, a., t:,t`•ns,: <br />ii. ilres~srratati} igtatEtliec ~taYpt ors prritridtd is paragraph t 7 irtrrvi, cgtw4 R.rrra.itr's titcact2 t:t say en4rnynt ur <br />a ,~s~ttliryt al >Xatr+rwtr 34 tic 'NertZyit, 4ritftedl~ tree cazi-tnattc rm pn} khtn ilne any sarrttr .erunrd bt this ~to+ytaite- <br />[..e~dar F~ M aocteierrtai aitJ! twg sw#Stt is ~airrewtr a. yrurided in pwattrypt+ ti »erraxf apra'iitir4f;: ttt she f>rrwah: <br />t2- tttr aciisai ttrysi{sed N tai's srci iwati; 'sit s dale, cwt lets lien 1@ days frf=m for <irit thr I4oticr i. /rtaiirtt in Burn„+rr. <br />xeiiti issti lsttttei tMltl it roved; ssad t$f titre faitnrt !e tort twh ttrca2:b nn sir t4tfurr the dab xpes itfrd ire tfte a„ttr c <br />tM~ sK.rrieraiiar sd tis rru2a xectrYd by !tai. Aiurtt~attrtrt, frrtttrrsttrr try ]r2dit tat pr4.rrtdtnq and +at< of the i-r}. <br />"g11E'aWce xAarMlMStlitt' hdoers lbrrtt»err csf iir ri{~rt trt rt1tMlNt aftn a4:t&rat#ara. 2eud tl2t rt$M err aasrrt in tix i4wcc#a,+c:+. <br />lrt-taediaK rLe traw+.sYente ~ s deftwh ter any utter defetpt rq tiarr4e,4tr to rrr.~irrNiee and tarrrkxarc, if thr hrrdct3 <br />Y fsglt rsfrsi en ,sit lriaioe ttw dsis sptr'ittrd in rt.r r!r trtt. i.cndrF of i fldtr`4 ..prirtw mac dnirrt ad) ut the xunrs .wcwrr3 tsy <br />~-~t to lst t~auttly rise rod gets stale r4ittxnnt frartier dtmatut and nc~x truree icne by ttditiat prr42trdis;. 1 tndrr <br />rfliaN Mrs ltd h i'sMtr:1. i• rattle-rrrri~;Rrdipj rJk d-tprrrsrf fiat ferr2tu+r,rr, trrr'iaatttryt, twi rent timitav{ tsr, caMS nt 2i:x n:nrrir ary <br />rxideatr, tiltixircts paid tiarM rtpvertt. <br />ttl, filFrasFAryT't ~ Rs keirrtatr, ~i,,.,4.ihva: , rrr~`tr`+'+ +,st„• : .. ,ha~ ,.,,+,.s >c..,;rd n, r... '+! ,..,. <br />~3iYxWk'r rf~tti ~iwr rE%C. rt,~ii a:a ha ert aTF' [.exx~x ¢d. ;~s rs^gas- r 3 a-rx,}r . .,,, , .t<. At,` ,ya~a ,isx.,a,hi,uc.i -.,. , <br />