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80--~~~~ <br />ii[. 'T'hat the Mortgagor will keep the building: upon ,aid premises in goad rcpau. ;t n:! neither cammi: nor permit wade <br />upon said !and, Hoe softer the said premises to be used far any un[awfui purpose. <br />i 1. That it [hc premises, or any part thereat. be condemned under the tmwer of erninant domain. or aCynired Tor a public <br />use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking nf, or the tzmideration for such acquisition, to the ettent o.` the full <br />ammmt <sf indebtednas upon this martguge and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid. are hereby assigned by the <br />M<xtgagor to the Mswtgagce. and shall be paid forthwieh to said Mortgagee to he applied by the latter on .eccaunt of the nett <br />maturing instaiimertzs of such indebtedness. <br />[Z, The k#origagar further agrees that sttatt[d this mnrgage and the rsote secured hereby net he eligible Fnr in- <br />surance under the National FTousiztg Act within o0 days from the date hereof (u°ritten statement of any at6ccr <br />of the Department of Ffousing and llrhan T~vetopmem crr autM>rised agent of the Secretary of Hauling aad Urban <br />Acve[apmen[ dated subsequent to the 6a days time from the date of This mortgage, declining to insure said <br />note and this mortgage. being deemed -onalusive proof of such ineligibility}, the Mortgagee or balder of the Hate <br />mav, at its option. declare stf sums recurred hereby immediazety due and p,tyab[e. <br />13. That if the ~lartgagar fails to make any payments of money when the same become due. or fans to conform to and <br />comply wi[b any of the eanditians ar agreements ;ontainad in this mtartgage. or the Hate which it secures, then the entire princi- <br />pal sum and attn[ed interest shall at ante become due and payat+[c. at the electron of the ?Mortgagee; and this martgagc may <br />ihcreupan 3x foreclosed immedia;ei}• for the whole of said motley, interest, monthly payments, costs, ground rents, taxes and <br />zhe cast of extending zhe absirart of title tram the date of this lean tr7 the time of commencing such fnrec[osure suit; acid-a re;i- <br />sonabk attorney`s fee, all of which she[[ he included in rite decrex t=f Ltorec#osure, and the cnnir<rcY emheu i in this miirtgage <br />and the Hate secured hereby. she[[ in afl aspects he governed, construed and adjudged by the Taws of Nebraska, where: rho <br />same is made. <br />"The cavcnanzs hereir, contained steal[ hind, and zhe beneFts and advantages she[[ inure ta, the respective heirs, e;<ecatars; <br />administrators, successors and assigns of the part-ie hereto. }tihenever ux:d, the siartutar number tihall include the phrrai, tie <br />plural the sictgutar, and the use of any gender shall he applicahk to all genders <br />The foregoing conditions, all and vngular. kring performed according =.o their nanva[ and legal import. this ctmveyance <br />she[[ be void and said premises released at the expense nT the Marigagor:.uherwtse to he and remain in full farce and e[Fecz. <br />Thi WIThIESS WHEREt)F', the',ltartgagortst h.. hereunto set handis) the day and year first <br />above wrizten_ <br />Ili prescncc af: <br />r ~ :" <br />~". "4 ~-_.~ I SEAT, j <br />Cahn E. Ke13er SEAL) <br />~~ ~r - <br />l t'SFA[_ ! <br />E; t eon Pt. Ka12er [SEAL. I <br />iSEAL) <br />COt;NT1` t~s[= str~, ~ '~ <br />On this 23rd da. t*f tea}. <br />a axsCazy pu:lzc <br />..4,D. [9$~ ,!,eforemc. <br />4n and far ~i i aunty. ~rsrttsIly range <br />~ottn E. Keller and Eileen bf. Kelisr bulbar=d a,d v~fe <br />~..A ~~ 3:l-t39 <br />to he the idea , perritttiiill tome known <br />~"'"' s ~v#x°sc :arse ~ are azjixcd to the above and (are- <br />pia{ ~trnmcnt a' Naa~ttaRor, aad' ;,}ley have aci;n,rw#eclged the wod instrument and the <br />exaartaa tkese~f "be ehe9s vohrn[ary .;ez and decd, for tht purpusz+ ihcrein expressed. <br />is trx[6nort} wherc~f. [have haretrnuw +.ri my Trend and afttced t*y ~y sal set Grant? Zs land , t~Febras;ta <br />m the dap smd date fast aianrr vriLitn. ~~''1 jjf,~t~ ~ ''~j' .~.=}',_ ~ q ~+r ~y/r~ ((~~'j ~. <br />+--...~T 'titriert F'uh7ic <br />SI',1T€ t±`F IvE9RA.SX a „ <br />#ikd !~ rsctud tltis sloe ~tf <br />al o'eiocY - <br />t~txdai is 8natit. <br />Y!ye td*' <br />x11 <br />EWE i.,_'~~.!-~ <br />it~ ~ <br />:s.L?. [4 <br />M., ;:nd entered in yumzrrtia[ Index. end <br />rst M~-tgagc5. cn <br />Rrgtster of Detds <br />s )1U th+:iC%1~' <br />