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318-02-0476 , This form is used in corner- <br />*~gg rr~~ f/~t •~/~^t r~+ lion with mortgagee inatrred <br />t~laRl'V''Al]r`L'j under the one- to four-fanrily <br />provisions- of the- National <br />HousitigAct. <br />TH[S MORT'CAfr~, made attd ciecuted-this ? 3rd day of t=44ay ,A:D: <br />I4Bt3 .byattdtxtwcen Jahn E. Kelley and Eileen M. #teller husband and wife <br />ttf the c;ottnty of Hal I ,and Statsaf Nebraska, party o[ the first part, heroinafter Balled <br />the l4~ot*-pMox, and I~rt=qag~ Plus 2nco~sated <br />a eorparatioa atganiudand existittgtttdcr Ilse taws of the €Fnited States of Atrterica <br />partyof the second put. t[entittatter called-the Maxtgatzee, <br />Wf'f`NESCETH: That the laic! Mortgagor. for andtn consideration of the cum of 'F°hirty Thousand Ef •t xttndred <br />- Fi£:tyy arsd,?Oji~ippt-hs.-.---- -_ _ __ __Do#larsSS3~ 85 40 l,PatabytlteMnrt- <br />- tI[e rttxipt of wt+td[ n hereby acknowledgcd, has Csranted and Safd and !Sy ttie'se presents- does Gtant; Bar- <br />gain, Seq„ Convey and Cattfam unto the Mongstgec, its succsssaxs and assigns, fortsYr, the foNowing-0escritied <br />rtai csiau, sifnated in the County of Ha 12 , attd Slats <br />of Nebraska. to wit: <br />Sst Tt,tet;tp t?`te tZlt: in b'iila ?~lar wee ~tz`sdivisian. 3 5uh3iv%sio-~ an ?11 ~'+?,~nr_Y: ~raa_ka <br />lccateCl an all of iot 12 of Sttbdivi.sicn of Lot ~? and a21 aw i,at.s 7 s, d ir: tdindolgh's 5ub- <br />divisior. of Paz's of t3ae tc~4NW~ and part of the :iW4tdE4 of Sear ion 14, Tawnshi~ 11 Nozth, <br />Rance ~ best of t:~ 6t:t P.!•t. in Ha11 Caunt_x, ttebraska <br />also i:,-xar€n as: 1~6 t:illa !43r ;~tte, errand Is land.h'E 6BBfll <br />azf the Stith f'nncit~3'.4#cr~san, ct~fta~irtis~ is st# eoaKt}~ r r~~e~c ~y~ .s;:rr3 s.cordi[t); to fiuti~tert- <br />ttteatstu>'er: <br />?C) iiAt`fs itip Tt3 tittt:'S ,Ile ytresnr+e+ xt~azac si~~r[f42ii, ai[h ail the aPp.trtenancea [herruma, ise#on~at.f :,nd tnciudtng <br />aAheatistg, ~'tuttl+ingamf tightrna ttztuae, ,mg esttnpnecrit mrt4 ssr ttzrcaf[cr a?:a:tud ta, ~sr vacd [t[ ~cKtne:tuHi xs[tt acid teat e>tatc <br />untcd the 'ttortttagcc, and fo itf -,u~cc3.ssxra and a3sign>. f;ixc~ei. Tttt =t41ttK:agav rat,reacnt< [a, slid .uYerr4vrtts .+ith. 23tr !itar9ga- <br />gpc, Shat die Mort~rgctt has $ua.! rig#tt sa, ~# and iissrs.ev ;xtd pretxtiae+, [hest they etc fire from tniumit+xynee, :,lid [hat the <br />?wfartgyyttsr rt~tt vricisaut .utd defe~f the saatc a3ttct 'ht'rnr fui YLaitm of xtt pcxssxrss x-tsr.asnxie a et, attct tfite raid Af<ntor htrs:- <br />~- ~S rights N twmtcsttui. atwt alt rnarttat sigttis, eitttct in lw cx inequity, and aIi s,ihtr euniingtn[ trterrst4 ty[ the <br />'+lottgagiar is soli to thr atacr~a:#es:`tiltcd ptemiye, the antentxitr tseing to a tsctcbp an t:h;rslutc [itic. in fee ,imp#c, infiud- <br />iagai7 ttgtitSa4Ehu~ctitsict, sled uitter rigtHS and intereatw a+ a?9rCbswa. <br />t'RO~'1PECt ~Y1,~ AYS. sa,i t-hexe pxescnts .stc r te•:.uttat and do}s<ttc.l upyn t3tr faaYiuwing CUn+ttt5=Jnb, to +s it. <br />T1ttt-~ agtcts Ee pay to itx lstorig>gec, car aar;ler, tftc pttrx:tpa# seen i;( Tits: C5= ?'tapus,3txti Ei~t.C riundred 'r'z * ty <br />t~3~l4Btts~ -.._~_.~_________ i7aaikresRS ?t3,~5J.ira 1.wittssntcrea from <br />date aC ttte ratea#f ~r~ ; ~'~ndrtertt Per ccittu4rt s t `i. "5 '; t per attntun on <br />'.~ ttn~rd txtiaucc traftl pa3. iM sasd c 4stttrest .tta#c tee nay stsk at ttx :=this k,. <br />?~cart.~aye F3=s5 Incozlxszacec <br />~ i~S~ic++~zss't~ r +:citi~st:~ ,b at wol+aM1htr ,are a~ the h,:,isie€ a•f <br />cbeaema7'<~stgurtctnwait,it2mat.~th;}sn~+iEtnent.i>f ~+o I?un:trt:f ri;;ht~, ~:a_r,*_ aa~i 24.'ltiti*_hs - <br />fJCetiarstS _Z$H. k ~, .kursmerdtr,~c;n the feral .taw .;f <br />.thy - I~~J .:,tK ax# t#te iit~t slay k>f e _h ttt.:.n[ia thetea:[ct untea tttr , ~,n,tfs i1 and .n- <br />ttit"ai ass fttily paw." r2 dz.~~i. ?Aat the fit[ai Pa)~enk ut' ;m~:xgai Otis! i~tc is€. at ~[ra «r,.+nes t=asd. ,irai€ t,t =ttce~ and <br />r'Sa,~'3:},+!'C Y~¢ t.~E~.~d-32 d~Y} i'f ~'I:at:~ ~c~~J . fi.i 3~wtitR U`i:q~ to rtic icltri:4 Li a iiriaiiS ~,rt,in3a- <br />niste «f esst~ date tttxe+t<ith ciis'tatsd tsn t#ae tsetd S~*rtgrgtx. <br />Tltt AMottRt~gor is ordst' mote fttt#y to ps~n.-t the scn+ttk ssf this M~sri-gaSr: ~YSr~a <br />§, TftoA itt +aakt tsrr the trrdetstedttrsa, ss ttereireiietrsre ssti„i3sd- I^r:~urge }., ri=ser'*tt !« 8s* [fir ;ietit rrs :c~[s,,i+, etr sn sn <br />to ss,` n~nchiy #*a>'m+spts sm the i';nex~t ti3at sac neat duc s7n =tae = ,ts~, .,r, thr rrrmt dny eI stty~ mouth <br />prior to soatuauy: Fir~*iie~d, htx+-s~er, That rr[tten stance +3f ao ttfirn[t~-#r[ tot: s,tx;ix Ru:.}+ psxxa;esr a9 ~-t-sin at te;tat thtrt5 t?tit <br />dies Attar tit #taWyvscr5l, <br />. Tlsiat. tv~etttisr +tith. and i~t additioss Cu, the ttstm€fdF t±ey mexits s±t ~tinet#asd aex3 entcre>[ f,a3 aik usuier the :Br=it, e=t :han <br />rtiitt whtNeti brie:, t6t ~ottgygtrr wit`C P?y tbx !4tCU€~c.,s iht first da;f of ens h s*4onth u.4<z' the Yaad na=€e ., !~[lk pn:d. ttt~ <br />(rsaittg mss: <br />~i~ mMagastieizt ~tiYie•:v~td to prs.~ruie tkca.-tteeldet I•fct~# wttti '€uttGli ~ta; tSyGt Uhl [~~*-t ess~,+rtga~e dsisu.=rrsace a€c'ttn U,ts t( tha, <br />toktxtris~rtt tfiir rxrte s~zureat tsetsq ate insur:sd, :r .fi nxa=tthiy aatnay¢ vtsi c`tac+ ,,: n erw.xtg~gx~ :sssursrue rsrs <br />e>~irf sac t-.nirt ~ ttte St-~ ..3xsy R,? ki~tt#rzsanrt ttr#[as. ik~:ef+~rt~rtt, to ,^;iitcws <br />[tit @~i snd~ ~,, e+s#~E as ~d osste ~# end state :~-,~ t;q xttit't=,:u;,~a ors e,v.,ri!,i ~;t arc °°saserc-,,r r.,ts! ;h~^ ~~:,: <br />;ttsr+ ed [ice ~'3t#rtu+d 3t}+aowstg ;i,:t.~ axt ;mi;:v~r='€ sxitficscsti +:, ~=.uma,taYC s; ~~ zi,r r arax ._= t r [ ,z:wa•, oa:.=~ <br />:~ psi ~~ ~~~a~ .3, .: +a any ~ ... - <br />