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80-. ~~~ PyIORTGAGE <br />THIS MbRTGAGE is made this........ 23t'd .. . ....... of..... , ....~':k?Y, , ............., <br />t 9 . $Q . ,between the Mort or> ... A~`? Ir, . C2ITY7d?E, a, sirxfle ;Gt1, _ , , , _ , , , , , _ „ ............ . <br />gag <br />. . E herein 'borrower" }, and the Martgagee, . ~ ..... . <br />.~~ .4~'. ?,ISI,. C~and Zslatadr .~.~.........„ a carporetian nrgsnizeif and exis4ing <br />arttkr the laws of .....~ ........................... . wbase address is. , 3Q4. Wrest , Rh1`r•'r1 Sfseet, <br />,Cx,~'az?d. Ils~~e .~~F . b }~~ ....................................... ihazcitr "Lender"}. <br />VftNBRBA3, t3ortant~r is indebted to f_eertder in the ptriacipal sum af,Ni,~ .Th4tz,~t'~-~,~€~~-. ~~-: <br />~:A~CX. ~~~ .~, s'~0%3,O.Q---....._----_--" Dollars, which indebtedness is evidttrced try t3orrower's note' <br />dated, ...~I'. ~~~ . ~5~.......... (herein "'.Varc"), providing far ntanthty irrstalimrnzs of principal and interest, <br />with the balance of the iniiebtednesa, i€ tKst saoaer paid, dve and payable on..... , ~~. ~,,. 20.4.. ,.... ; :. . <br />To Secuar5 to Lender ta) the repayment nt the inrkbtadnecc videnccd by the Note. with ittterestthcrean, the <br />payment of ati other sums, with interest titererm, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the. security az'this <br />Maetgage„ sad the pedattnaact of rho ctrvenants and agr~anenss of Borrower :herein cotitained, and. (fr) the repayment <br />of env future advances, with in=terest thtrcrso, made rx Barrowes bt° l.cnder pursuant to paragraph 3P hrmof (herein <br />"h`newe Advances"}, i3orrorrer does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to (..ender the foilawing ricacribed -property <br />tacatud in the County of..........~?l~ ............................ Sate of I3tbra+ka: <br />'fie Wt3stesly Ctre half f+~1s} of ':t,io ;2} ir: &2ock >ditbetp °air {94) in the <br />Oriai:tal 'I~ttz, trw ~t,~ of cltarxi I5J.and, =iaii Cburtty, :ala~raska <br />war has the a#~s rd.... ~.t:~ .~.~t, ,s`t, Vii. .Str€~'t t~'at;ad sl~.[xi <br />. S~l1t::'dlat6i 6H1it?I .. . _ . (hrarcazt "Prziperts Addtra' }; <br />~t1i/w1a•AAtI Z~ GOt} <br />~tiaE.~NPa ~aIA atl 4be tmpttli"+G!lY~r!kS t4V'K' Mfr rY:`'itatrl'i tirk'6tL'a~ i'>R s'14e ~€i)tv=ift: iS tttl :dit i3SCiTltrnt5. fIl}'h1.5. <br />apptrr~ata~^s, ruts. tzayattscs, naias:.ral, rsil attd gus tights atrtl pzfx4ia, Aa9+rt, watrr etlttk, :;nd mater stcn.-k, t,nd alt <br />+drtta#res nrttrr az htzeaiser attae'ired rte the f,rtaperrro ah e>f srhac'.t. arx~udiag ictaia~e~itrenas aca~i s~}~#itsons tht~ret~:,, =hail t+c <br />~t txrbe aad.teaautin s part ~tthe,pr.->prrty ,=,.r.°crea~ by the Mcartp'ngs. asai aSa ref ±rte i;,n°i;xzin~ =cahtr unth wn~f <br />try {or I~c3#odd estas~ r4 'this Liar#ga~ ~ vn a ic„siawahl t arc- ?xemein rsrfNtr~~d m s tW,e `f'rez~ny°. <br />Bctreower tttan#i.iaaat Bosrtx+vcr ~ #a+wtuiit atisesi c>f tix t`tirate neiebti :+>,r~'E pe+t ar~f ha. ri±c rrgRt *.r rrt;+rigatti, <br />gtart# a-irry =tae Pt'csire'rt!~, tttat tt+c ~rcxperty rf uran°n%eiznbrrr~3. a3ad rhea fttwr„wc•; uali v~`arraaat and xteds:asd <br />~ea~railyr stwt to ttw Ptt~fx%rty sftsir?st ail clai# aratt :9encaruCSn ;visit:k; ^,a any s#~latatar~n4, c.°tfreatt~ ns4 ~,a rr~tei,~tta,~ <br />?#sted :n a x~haafu6r crf ex;~ptirms tci mot.?cesa~ t+ aaa.y €ak:ic ;nasirarr: e ~'a d ;;;suairt~ l ~~irr'a rntcrc~i isr the I'ixapettu <br />i•1l~4PF .3e>g;i <br />