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so-- ~~~~ <br />US1~A^Fln}'}A Position <br />FottnFrnNA 4?7-2 1vR <br />,R~+r. 5.15_>gl RJ;Ai~ ESTATE: ~itSR'1"GA(;E 1=e?l2 '~(f°BR4SKA <br />'1'E{iS MC)RTGAGE is made and entered into by ... .- ~_~r .._~-.~-_Itr..~t._._.-.----..° <br />w~,fe,_,each-.3r-,hi~_p~d,_hex,c,~m_right and as s~ause of the other, --- -.._._.. <br />rosidirsg ~ ~-1..._.-_'----______.._.-.----_ Coentq, Nebraska, whose past nfflce adt#ress is <br />HG&L_~.~.Q._.__.....,_•--------- _- v~•bras;:a .68824._..._, <br />herein ealltd "Btsnawer." arid: <br />4Y41F.Rl:AS $rxrrawer i9 indtbted ca the tlniteci 5ntes of America. acting rhrnu~lt *_lrt: Fanners Hnrnc Administration, <br />l.:ntted Slates Degartrntnt of Agritolrurc, hertin called the '"f;overrs:ne:tt." as e:7lerced be one or more promissory notes) <br />or assumptlnn agret:nrenxtsl, !serein eaElad "n ate," t><•l,icit has beer. esacslted by Borrower, is payable tr+ th rder of the <br />C;'tsrernment, auiltc3ri.:es aculerarinn of :he entire indetteti":secs at the option of tlsc f.;occrnmtnt upon any default Ly <br />Horrow'et, and is dtscribed as follrrws, <br />.~lsamaal Ratte 1>sae Date of <br />Arra> aj trutrttmenr 7'rintipct .•lmenanr ,~t trrercst Instattlntent <br />It4S}i 23r 1980. $1$,000.00 IA.008 May 23r 2010. <br />iIf t#t~; anterest rates 3esa titan __ -.--_.._"-~ ;or iar:rl ~t+r'=c: sit;Y :r ~..zprr:u;rx loan-.s= ~~ec,:rrS i-.c :il;s rrtstrunte*:r, then the <br />tale tna~' ~ ;.f+att}n^ .:= t:m4-itled :n t?:c nett-. <br />AnsL tlrt Hatt - ~denYr:n ~ isws ra F3u*z'c+tvc.....:zu ;^., .:~; a :b c~^tr, may ,.sst~,n the rote :tnci insure the par. <br />mcst. t3rert©= psi sxraar. to the Cvt+.wiitiatcd Farrtz .rld :=@.~, a !7r-vose,l~m: ni .fit-., .;: s irlr `' '-,i the i-f u;:sta.; ,Act of IEi~~ or ant- <br />other satut: anri^,i'£Eirr3 x+ the Farf. cis :iotnc ~c:nutlstrattar:, <br />Ansi it a t±ar ntrrpaac arsd inten+ tI.:ic;= :rrKrnmtnt :^at. ~Sn„rIy', ;:,her ti,en~,s. s: of ~,...c. ,..-*l. ,i,~ ;.otc ;t held b, the <br />la~TS1.S[trrktnt. 3r :;; titt ~rttzr >_lre '..r.; rr;smenx -.:.catxlt3 a>3 ti*n thin at,scrt;tnttn: :el:Fct~u; a;;a:.~,rzt:: '~i :flr n .,. .IU inssrurnen: <br />si'zail seu;tm txaytntnx AT rite aerte: ls:xt xisen sh.- =:,<t, u ?ICl1 !s~' :u: as-rrts hauler. thta astr^.,{tresl: sci.i~l ir,-.r rsture v.arrtenr <br />at v3tt note ur attrcch r~ tide mei±t eyuier±ced *_=art y, 'east as :~, 141_ n=>te .; ati A:I+, i; tic=~t +itaii ..::o:aut. a,I a:drne,(n- s,urt Kage <br />tU iCGlrt[ the LrOM1'i rnrztrnt aK-atn>t lU'+5 u:xder !rb in btiZ an+:S _'!`ntr'.tLt itV resS+3I1 .'t :x1\~ ,i C: a!:it :'~,,tlc.. <br />A~ rho utszrutsxcre; aso utiures rise ;ccapzcrt t,t ax:v ;3{tacst ueri¢ sr »r~ui-; a~larcn ,=.ay :, aeteti su rite i?urnraer rv <br />Ltie {savernrnotet ;xzs-^SU.uza u> ~'2 ii.S-i:. ~iaS'~,:. <br />4Y~t1'. T-.~iNE32r F{.)RE, aaz "~"l:l ~sn:,Wtrbx.czn :?? 'nt _.,-a.xti c: ,;:ICi a. _t ::ii .t::I.-..s ':t~-t;z'ta :i.t ,.,!.+ .Y e;rsa <<' ;. , t...xt CtfliIt~n[, (:zr 3r1 <br />[riC tti`ettt W@ 'V CTt`C fT!SntnS ~TS'~3'.:~.n. a>1t%yn e11r~ :n>Fii!=P}tint tyZef'~k3tll ;nailtutt4t .t '~3Y" }:aYf_iGn. L~ .•.t re4•tC, ;,e kCl'J rC t'r *Jlrlpt <br />}~~}yyt SnCfii UI t}3E n~ltC .nf ~ 4. ' tY# :it lnii 51 -t .5 It fC'?t 3tf.3 ' 1 k - x { [5 'rl t" - 1 tC3.'1 .- i YL - ]IY }'£(i4ll3Ut1 <br />ter~6rlt pab'mtad 4i 0n t3t3tid'n£r,C =f '_RT:cS c .w,3.r, n, ~i ail rlIn_- ty ntr. :I3Y -:~tC .b 3_x`tt3 '4 s.n v7 .. s? ,.. t 9E(Ul C. l?Gr- <br />1K3rrS3dRCr t)E Ri?exvc~et R .ty,^ftrF#- i -n - uE'rtY€:Si'•, 'ru za1' tv .leak ! - s+a rr Stn -:]t ai;slnit i<,s> tSn t YtY Sttatlrat:Ce <br />n,~]nia;act by reason ,v3 any ~tiaxit .c $ort'owet, c+rtts -; to snp eyetrt anti t..u tttncs to seenre the pte~mp psynrem of all <br />.yUVaj;tVf ar#t7 C3.~.Yei3J.Ft;krYr~ n3A,+€ Y [`K4 ~ei::iKF:YtrFe n-t.. Ntria :Yi tCS"t`St, ,4 :.CSC '--t{r ,+i X.3'Sl-C~.i. .>tt. - E pCt it>Srt I '-c „ .v2r} <br />-sasrt3nstxrt ans! a~rtuznr+te <k' ~zrt»s+er- c.•atastsc, h<rr[ta vi to .a+ =';;%ntzmcr:cart' ag; ce;ncnt, aurrstw<t >- cs i. r.cot Kraut. <br />tau~4t.;:, ~ ~stb 3.trd +~~.. -~S ~^rt~z~~ w4YlintY. s ,+{u talc i.~uer tsxntnt tllr te}i1CVCSIC'.y, prU~rrg itr'air -n tilt State .*. <br />i\ieiarasl€a>Caunc.•lees):=i_-------_-_---.........-.._ ..... -. _.. -. .. ...... _._. <br />'.lY1F;'f~St '39i0"t~i2i't~$ (N1.2f3~ ~~ * Sp41t,t k~3~t'~ (Q+}~} 0£ Section <br />~P~aa~ty-eight t29) : i'c~'rs3siP 1~.lue i12) '~+t3x't}:> ~Y3e E3etrerr till? . West <br />of the 6th ~.M. <br />'3C? a a~crrtgage i.n foyer of ~ar2*~rs `t1r14>e ~~r+i.ni_strationr united <br />5taihes,tS~par~erxt of ;~r;€i,~t;.t~e. ~~ :.the ~s~ira a[uetan*_ of 5123,5a0.n0. <br />Fnt51A ~ti?-1 f~i#3 ~!Lev.`r-15-~'rt; <br />t._._ <br />