<br />SHORT RORM ~ µb9s3 - i -
<br />PROPlFRTY IMPROVBMRNT Lawn Number-----±=------°:~.,~~'~-----~rS2o.
<br />FARM No. 211 tRCV. i t+771
<br />.~,IArI. Frank T. Sanchez and Consueio Sanchez-_iusband and wiYe~,,,join~ly ,~lld,_~s~S.l1_.in..
<br />their owe; right,
<br />lterrauioafte! called Mortaagota, in cofuideeation of the cram of_.._..(]:YE.:THOUS.6NA_.11iBEE..iiiTN...,t;D__.._._..._..
<br />SEVENTY 0'iE Atv'D 24/itl{}------------------------------------------------------
<br />{; i , 37 i . 24 } DOLT.AR.4, the receipt of which is hereby acknowltdged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />asd CONVEY as abralnte title, including sl! the fishes of homestead and inheritance, unto F_RST
<br />Msei~see, its suot+sses and aaaisas, the following described reel estate, situated in.._..__Hall----
<br />Cotmty, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit:
<br />~t ~? e ? ` _;. ~'e-se'ie:°.a_ ~3ac~- ='a•~:.-- _n ~vmceTM~ rs tda' =:~~r. tc~ `?~e
<br />TO HAYS AND TO HOLD the real estate above deacribed, wills aA appurkesttncee thereunto
<br />baieapn~ unto Liss said i~fortYaseas, fofev,~, sled always, and thin mortgase is upon the eaprew cos-
<br />t~lisa that if the a6ottaaid ?dortat~soss, their heir, euattora, adminiatratora or asctsas shall pay or ~attae
<br />to bs~'d to tl~e said ?4lortgs, eta a~;s or assigns, the ptis~ipai sum he[eitsa~ove sat forth, all
<br />to the tenor and e$eet of s certain itutailment note of sud i3ost~rs bearing eves date with
<br />tbvs nr~oefsa3e, ami shall peg taws and aaeaamenta levied u said feel estate, and all othrr lances, 3evies
<br />artd ssassamsnts kvted upon this morttpt~e or the forte whirls thin mortis is given to secure, before the
<br />m ~ ~~ tttstatlatesl Llteueo! fumes de:inquatt, then this faartsase to be void, otherwise to remain
<br />I1' IS FUR"I~IER AGREED {I) 3'hrtt if the said Mortgasor ehatl fail to psy such taus. the
<br />easy pay the aaaae and the nuns so advaaoed with- interest ahaA 6e Pajd by. mid ;~iortgs~ots,
<br />~mp sLa1l arena as sseun'ly for the same. {2}'T'hat Mortrn covenant with the Mort,~a;ee
<br />tialt»j ors iawi+~lly s~uzed +c+f said rest estala and twvenant to warrant and defend the said real estate
<br />tTie ~n~ ta' wpb paacr~dit~s eL~atei~be entzortaira} 'That is tlse gPrem'ree+. protect the ~aad~
<br />eaiietrt tip. rants, iantas earl psv6ta thereof. ti{} That a ' -pay any of said rnoftey or any inata$-
<br />nieat thsnrof whsa the same bowapes due, or a failure to eapnply with any of the forregomg agfeemerfls,
<br />whole sum of money hernia Secured to bocatne due and wileCtible at onoe at the aptios of
<br />tlda.._a~::~_----.day uf..._ ...._._....~.~' ._ ~. ~- , ~....._.....~..._._., 18~.~' -...
<br />~~,...ys......----,- -_~ -.
<br />~ ,, , ,
<br />~ r`
<br />r~ians T. sanche;. ~ _. ._, ._ ._.._.....
<br />-, - -~
<br />icr,stt~i+a Sanchez -
<br />Q[ fbi4,.~.:i.- -..... dyF at _.._-~.~~?i~ f,__._.., Yi.~.'5~. before mr. T3as uatkni~r~, a I3ca+rty E'aNic, !n and for
<br />sail s 1![*[~ nww _ .,_Fran3c T Sa_nc_tlez as~~i Conaueia Salt~he;t.,,..:.i~t~y,.,.;~;.cl..b.i.~s:.«.._ -....
<br />P'~1!1~-r[~onlti b mo k bi- tba i~d ~a[ewa xbwr a~wr wfw wiwed to the c~3x+te earl forrttuin~ :netruateui, ai
<br />~k Y4 +r~i adotaw9[ird grid iar6~war W bar biw ar bwr twcq wet wod deed.
<br />aw Iwiasd r+etui[t ewel u.._-_. rind iaias*-u r.._t"e~r~r~k~,
<br />air da4avs +aiita ... _ _ . __ _ . - ._..
<br />i
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<br />~aeMe~[.t.wiw lYatwr~ i'fe....
<br />~^ voaw[iaMrn. r~ir~e,.-.. ,,'~~_ ~:I__ ~.'''. J.__„w.,-.. .~, ~! iMiii
<br />arn~tln aw. t a, rsn
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