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~~~ ~~~ <br />REAL ESTATE !14URTGAGE NEBRASKA <br />KNOWAGLMEivBYTHF.'SEPRESENTS:That3ohn ^loenke and Ggnthia a_..,',~iomke,_~fusbend ~C <br />,h <br />herzina#ter called mortgagor(s), in cnnsideration of the sum cl' =~t~~_~~_ ___._..__ _ _-__,-_..._ __ De?tars in hand paid , 1et11'S <br />deres hore'isy GRANT, BARGAIN, S)vLl_, and Ct;N~'iY to Il©USfiitOGD iT[ti:}tiEE C~ftPORATIOti. herzinat'ter galled <br />mortgagee, the following described teal nroperty Eotx=red is _~_~a~~~___.___ ___ C'cnrnty, State of ?,;ebraska, to nit: <br />isat 'Po+eptg-'~+o (22), ~3.oek pne (1), in ?ieaes :~irst 9ddition to <br />Gifts Gity oP Grand rs~.and, ~a~.l (~auntg, ?>lebrasha. <br />It is mortgagor's interttit7n :~ cettvzy tote in ize t:rnp3e r,, hrsdtne .:'ti rr,.}'ets o; hom~stzad :and {iotver. <br />PRt34=7I?EI3. htzta~rs°zr, that t!us rnc,rtgage s made n !e ; x -rest. ,;undttrcn hat, ;i the ntoztgagor(s) pays in foil the <br />prtttttisat=r}° Watt gayahk to the annrzgagee at_~S_.~___' c?~_~',.. -._ # ~f3 tnr ~ ~~?~.,~.~__ _____ payablz <br />in irtstailmeztts a#:ratdi::g ttx ttse Mans zhetrrtf. ingct;ter wa;r intzsest thetectn as Fz; zvsded rn =.he Wore at thz agreed rate uI <br />:.huge of :~ pct r:tvnth nn that part ,~; the unpaid ?taeancz ni the amount ;ittars+:zJ ran sot ic,an ne[ in excess ,rtSi,Ot'H3: <br />i-,~~4?+ pct sunnth on riot ,tart ui the :;trpard 3ra3ance zzi ?.he utsaxrnt tinan~sd ~°xcc~dFSag S3.C#00 k+tat net exsoedtu~ SS,t)40: <br />acd 3•t{A~ per srzccnth ~ anti remairtdcr of the unpaid t+alance oi' the smuunt financed: and tf r:rortgagor(sj pays 311 taxes <br />.a$d assesstnents ti:+izd #rn said proptrty .nci .natnt<irts xt#xr,,u:~te titT ittsutante ,7n satd tea's }-tu}~rty, then this tnortgageshah <br />tre E~rid. <br />This sruxigtk~ may trot Ue assurnzd Kett. rat. tare wir'_iea c,.nseot r=f ihz trte . tgeger. <br />it tLr zttatigagcu fails to pa;' any wtzt+?t rnnnz~°°. ettJ.zr „rtnt~tpai cu tatzrest, ~itzn dot, car iaiis to c;satpiy ~.7tit an,, of <br />tine :ti>utie agresments, tirz tmutgagzt has rice c#ptx'sn tv, u:'i=are ti~z whotz ssa sari ;ndet+te:i.~ss due utd IrayabEe at once and tsa <br />t4liifltai5l ante aetti>Yt at i3W i}r etlti:tY tip rev'i~4i`r IiYe SanPE. <br />in V-itreas Where=f', rra~rtp~:{s; eaecttt:d thss rn.rttga}~ thss_ j ~'t~ _ .day ;, ~~!Y ._.. _ ._ .,:__ _._ ..~.D. 3~©---... <br />~ ~: i ,- <br />its t}tz ;xt=+~ta,:t isi: ' . <br />. f.~--~- <br />a' <br />~€#f l+iE~[Rr.A ) <br />i~12 _,_ CT31=KT'Y > <br />.a. QY 33tis .~xx3a ..~_._...,....~,_ _+3a} ~:>! .~_.a.x.W---_____._.._ ___.._ ..,.___._. ,}iJ ta? __. bzic,re rne. the <br />t1C4aiafiii~i#~`u `..._.__. ..,_... .1E.~_.~+~,._.__. _-_.,_.:-. 1 tiiltiiCt~ }#;,;~fity. <br />tiuErta;,;nYSar~#z¢:,rd~+~Ftt~~iiE~trErstlrcr~diti~sz;,ptv~rtaily .rsre __.__ _~____ _ __.__._._. <br />~_.T~~C 7?,~~~t~.e ?!c '.~1~2'i:#1:.._ +;.~.5?,9C~Gits-~6it1~1.~TYd..._~&._,iY~,~,iA_..-- _. _.__.. _ __.., <br />err tt~r hat,<rrrax ',.a ~ ilis;deniizttl r-+rrsertt.~ whr.rc aaFtae,ll ~_ iu] ~rP:t stxrxed ca thr in.egutrtg Snutrunteart 3stncirtgzgur~ <br />~$ ~'~d t~ aaa~ sc i~ .,a~.. x iL:_ '""' ~ci#~t.tar~ .ct cr see+i. <br />mss ' htttsd ltd !~F,:txtial ttl =1te Say atF~ }'tat iabt Abrz+e N;ittt?zr. <br />a,......w.,,....~ .,... __ ._ _ _ .. <br />i x• <br />fir. - ~~; <br />' ~.. ., <br />-~.....~~,~~..r..._..-S~ ~t'~sas.c...~.~:L~::~.~ ..r -._ ~'~2~r; 1'u~[sr,.. Ss`y ,x_,~_., kEa c. <br />~~~ t. rxFr e~~'~?t <br />