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<br />Leader's wrinett apeement or applicable law. Borcower shall pay she amount of al! mort¢age insurance aremiums in the <br />manner provitkd under paragraph ?hereof. <br />.My amamts d'esbursed by Letetkr pursuant ro thia paragraph '.. with tnterest thereon. shall i+ecome aduitionai <br />indehredttira of Borrower secured by this Mortgage Unless Borrower and Lender a¢tee to other terms of payment. such <br />arrtoanb shall be payable upon notice from Lander to Barmwtr requesting pa~rtent thereof. and shall bear interest Clem the <br />dttee a( distrttraemettt at the rate payable from time ro tittx on atuszmding pnn;ipal under the Nete unless payment of <br />fWeesest at sttch rate wotdd be a~tttnry to applicable ?aw.:n which rvYm sz[ch smounn shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />patrtnier'6ie coder appfitabie taw. NMhin; contained m chis oaragraah 'shalt requite Lender to incur any txpemt or take <br />ata~ atxiow hereunder. <br />!w. tagweM. Lenaler may make err cause [o Lx made rcasaatabk rntrias upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lasdawr shall give Bortower notice prior zo env szteh ~nspecnon speti+twing reasonable :gust tttetetar .*elated to Lentfe~s <br />inarelt in the Property. <br />!. CwieWe~. Ttte proceeds .a! any award or ,;term far damages. direct or cunsegarntial. in connection with any <br />eorrdatrraatiion or other taitiW; of the Property. c+r part thereof. err far conveyance ~n lieu of condemnation, arc hereby aaei{ned <br />and shall sae paid to LeWdrr. <br />In the went of a ttwf taking of the Propteny the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secutid by this ~tort;age, <br />ariiit the eacss, if any. patd to Rorraater. in the went c>f a partial ;eking ~ f the Pronertc, unka Botaower and Lender <br />oahenriee a;rte in wnttitg. there shat; be applied ro the suns scented by this ~lortgax ;ttch proponiott of the proceeds <br />as s agwl m that aroportioe rhiclt the amru+t of she sums vecured by th:s 4lartgage immediately prior ~n the date of <br />zatin; bears to the fair tnarka ,•altse v' *.fx PtE.ptrty :mmed;amty pear za the :fate of taking, wnh the balance ~+ the proceeds <br />. peed to Borrower. <br />If the Pttsparty it ahaadortad by Bt+rrarer. ar if. after naritx by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oRen to mate <br />sn award or write a clam for da+na;n. Borrower folk to tespend to Lender within ;0 days after t#x dare shit notice is <br />teaiirtl Larder is tttaharisd to rnliect and apph rite ntctccedt at Lender's option. either ro sestsaratioW or repair o[ the <br />hrfpartt os to the sir:» sacrwd',s~r this !Misnp;e. <br />[veil Lender and lerrawer atlterw[se agree r writing, am such apnticarten of proceeds to principal shall trot extend <br />err pisrtpewte the dts date of the aontbty rtssratzmasts ^eferred ?e in ur•agaphs + and '_ hereof or .-haW;e the atrtount of <br />sods rnaraittrattn. <br />li Batwwww Vera Brfr tai £cteitaton ,,f :ire •~tr:c :~ payment .~r rtodiheataan of atsaor:izanan of ?ire same sacirted <br />hry the ~/orrpse;raaud by Lender to am strccessnr ~ntetrst ±i 8otrawcr ;hail not operate ?a rekaae. in any [Wanner. <br />:rte tialdiry at dos n~naf Bixrorr. attd Btarrorer'. artu~asv~rs n interest r~,ttder shall not !ae reQUired to comtoeooe <br />preoawfirp apimt sttclt uaGtattar ~ ret_tse to ettrert,t r:me roc payment err utterss+se rnadffv amornzanon of the sums <br />syC'Jwd M this \liser;qr '~s :earns of aav demand znadc av the ,,rx¢tnai Borrower ind Borrower's svcrssan :n iatarert. <br />11. -wail~t~aw b Drier Vat a Rairw. ins fart+earanee by Linder +n eserc~smg 3nv right err remedy hereunder. err <br />ailardd f±r appaicabk `aw Hta§? +act t+e a wa:vrr .. .r ;+,~ude '!x axerctx of env such right :ar remedy. <br />37ee ~ .:..arcranix err the smear 43 :axes err xtttr y:rtts .~s cltat;es ?,r Lender shall trot be a warner of Ltntier's <br />:~ tc+~aiaatiairatil, . j~tsesa ~uttxi M~ [hes Mart;a;e. <br />t. BIr~C~!`~r anY,nded n ttrn lfartlaae pre .fis•~ttr. aa6 :umufatice to spy other right a*r <br />aemery ° ilAf>~ os covers- sad tsar `+e crerc:stxi ancrtueHy ndet7endentir or suct:essiveiv <br />11 5aemmms sad 5e.eeai I.iat7le: Gtftirta T12e ,:ovetrants acrd a;teenrenn herem <br />auaatad sled ktintL std t'ec tTiists !taevadc srai! nrrre ?a, me r:3pec::ye svea~-essan and aasisns , ~i Lender and Borttawer. <br />ssh+jatY m rite pra.vrane of aaraRrapn " 'r_twat il3 avtnrtaes :rid agreemettis .?f Borro.~er shall !,r ~,-mt utd several. <br />ate sad hsditye of 'the para~ras,~as at T'vs N2,a;tta;e are tar :atwtnxirce .,ni>:- and art not :o he used as <br />%asarRet err dnfir t;fs proy~m 'srtxd. <br />li Valley Ewts;tt f3 atw atstme 4+ac:trrd cnsirer ap;iieabie law ;o 'x ytven r. another matmer. gat env Wo[[[ve to <br />Btratcerwr atOysdad fpr :tn that 1RiRtjf~r dtal '.+e [puts ay rsu:linl ,year ~t+ce by ~ertaGed ;Wad <ddrrssed ra Barmwer at <br />2!a Ptepexr 18iltraa err r stash atlter .uidreas as Borrmer ^aay dest;aate '+y .,rice to L4Ader as provided hetem. amf <br />glsi attg Wrrtcx *.n Leatdar sisa8 tse gr+en ?ry ~rtrird ~aaai. ~rrvrn rrr'e,pt teritwand. ;a Lander'x atidrees atatttd herein or ro <br />such svelter addtere as Lttalir a+a!Y da~ttas e± esexax .~ Brxrrawwr as pro.•,rltd he:e;n my eTaxkc croyaded far :n this <br />litwtiyt shell ere dareed to base + ~~ to Borrower :,r Lender +i+eW gussA m vlte manner ~ini:ttatsrd >+erein. <br />Ill. t"at/ar~ Maet~ t".i.w~fath Srwraiity. 5?,ra farm a# tnartjaye sonrisitrea undtxm ~:?venrrics :err nattorral <br />~ a•d 'Jnn'W'trn(•!t :.i>~QMnti s3t~ :atrta!!r1 =~araarxttts '+r `i`t°:1 :4i 'R3A.[ T. ~^..:'USfLtiRIL A Si}3P?tin 9CC4r:ry trl.::itv'.ttGnt iO+~i1n~ <br />ari ~. 7~w hiatp~ dss9i be geerz>a1 hr [-fie rxv :-t °hs °urtsdteK4o ~a watch tSr lsropE(Ay a ,neared. Pn the <br />ewwnl tlsa eery pia rtarexr err haws «,f t3raf Vicrtiale 3r „r '~satr .:axatircts w~ah appli+:avfr :err, srxclt conttts:t shall not attt+•t <br />oiirr *tarsaeeans d 'he4 ~ar~tt;e 3r ~ <ate +~ts _aa ere xa,Ten er7ert w~tlaut the a~rtdeeirnii Pra++rstton. and to *. hta <br />wni thr maws c^f aha llotx;ye and t!.e ".;wit s.^e xplansi ?~ !w .e.+rabis- <br />lL, Bwrwwr°s Cater,. ?! ~,aa: ~e f~~ -€~r" ~ _~r.:~-srtad :rte ,_= rat ~'n~ Aad ~.' .t;; !.test[;a3s -• ;`x ;.re <br />ott aata srs a3tter ?sc~rd>tdort hes~rcd. <br />1'~ ?atneir ad ie 4~rMree}: A~aittw. ~ ~ ~ iwrr par°a tc# the P.s s an :nterssr rs+etern is sc,ld err transferred <br />fay Barrcwwr a+ahswr Lnaler"s .vt*u'+r ~sreners ~~. ca4;wdin; n, :err .rustirva :tt a :»s ;>t cnc;uabrance sutaorarnare ~~ <br />tlrMa > ' ttrt ,i31wr/3aa if a aLLF:`k±aR nss'nrey sw4`Ltrti^k aatcmgt : Yts =+~ktifatxlial SPpltarecca c t a t77nsftr t}v dens, <br />#eaCerat sac `~ =V ~ ?as :yptrn nc~ ,atrrab at a mat cement ,zs : a~ risr trout .st artY taaefht id ,nicrsst .=t ?hree ,ears or :eas <br />apt esrattrarl; aw ~ m .,>twtlKiaa, i,ert;drr :naY. at Lender ~ .,piv2it 3rr,tatx ai: •#et =srrns uc.m^ed by tnn Mortla;e eo rte <br />~t +1tr aesi palahfe• LtatOer tat nose ezr+-~s ~rtan ^., aueiarate .t artw tin '±ac ,.xis as tranafcr. Lender <br />ani ffia parwen a +rhraa thr Pt~av tb ~> bt csais ;u ;,-awwc+t~i ;tea aEratrata~r a » ntx>s; that ?hc :radar of sash petsm <br />~ ~ :ra ?-.ani4lr ari tiyrl cbr rntetwst ptr}anar ~ slat +smn, secvzrG C+'r snra Martga*e saa:l .~ err sts:h ;act as Lendea <br />sirajf'-~a;aatR,. tf latsiar i!r raswd tltt :''~+rsat :o strziRr+,rc r!'+'v~s3eci _m para~raAm :'. aria ? 3arsarcr s auc~esaot ,n <br />~S :~ri ~ a ~+e3anRR ts<:s~ =~seisas~ztt aw`'r ~c atiu-zv-t; :w Lender. i_rrs ter s~.a~; -e~+easc i3c'~r. iffier 'r~na ail <br />easier tlga Yertp/it sad N.ata. <br />~ Lardr 'sMrE'xsas stsc~r .,whits to asx+tiesaae.. .,eracr ;'bait masi fl,~,rr.-,wet aat,~e r a~z xasrauon :n a,::.:,adarrce w+th <br />~ ?a aarwtai_ Such taaar°a shttas ;x2rs~lr a perst,,d ci out .eas r;aar; ;a rSrr1•s 'ram ,~ oats tine aurae .s :nation wttn,n <br />ra, Bw ?aaT paY ;iae sums dKiarl'+1 d~ae, if t3:'*ir,3w,xr 'arts ~. pax «;tms pre,te s,,, the scpr; srrdxs .•t srk.a ;,,-.a't>J3. <br />itwier aas'_ rrrhotp faarthCr esxrat,x .s~yxnd3a -rr u. -•> ~_: -~-~~~ -,~r~^_E;~- ?,+ :static'-e!; ' ~? ;,erc~ <br />'.~-G-~ira+Olat+t C3Nr'a3~wtr`T3. 9art~,'~tr atri Ltniict #urtG7rs ~ta.rsxreri asu: a~.ree :a t~33a~rr,. <br />1~ /lnrrimaalerl Blemwi- 4agr a t> w ptrnapapi t7 Yrrwnt. Rw 1lwrres.ers bread of aaY .osrwaar ssr <br />~atir4 ei Bttawrwf i all gala= i•riaditrt sIe :,essaaaY u ia3 •hn der era. settee arrrwd by chin 11o-tp`e. <br />I~r iMlts M atxrMealiM siai rtral waalYCa >• llarrwarwr a ptwri;dtd is WaPwM ld baestl *McifYiaic +tl the hreasb: <br />~aellrraaM111tia1reaete.tttri htttwteha s.iN a dtaM awe /wr ibaw ,3d days fran the dare thr [[airs a rtraiitd to Uarrowcr, <br />ltl rYrM-aaai- hwreA arrlrt ha ernJ; anti id! rfsea fair: » cwra wrd hraa-i trw rr bsfa+r tits date starhifhtd Wt ti+e aaulhe <br />~- swnM-Ita.~ +ef firr setrr rararati iq Nis .aiwrgaie. #stre'ciarate bf jwdicwti NrwcasdttVl and .ale d she Praryttat) <br />1lastliliat,aitaB'1wM lalewra Bnrewwsr +d dts tiy;Mt ~ rsitwtale atasr aceeistaalaa acrd elre rrQbr tit arse sn the ftuee4wgre <br />lnaeR~ tiN ~ of a daittwir err awls as+brr Aefaar rrf ilrrwwsr rr asxsLeaaraast ats6 frrreeNtsuas_ !i rt;e 6rsach <br />ll_~.al1M saalllt~-aM atr ~tatl?ttaw rltr dllra sptosaRetl +w thr rrwaSss. Lea$ea at lswder's 'rlr~ rays declare elf of the wme aecurrd b. <br />~MIr~ dwr aai patttitit rilbetY t+atbss derwaai sad ~ .frrittcLwr trf #udaard Hrx.ccsdatta, I.etsder <br />fB~~ ~fwNiNMi L! eti»Mrt iw ++Mch ~i~!r*4vlirt aW ~~lwsr[s :>d t~;r,rs, urf trw nw f3rAMed t>x etwra a( duo-urocutary <br />trE~i~grr i`Iewrla oral tMIR igaMl~ <br />111. BaerARe~a Blgta M tMaialr+rrr. ~:sa»eshs~tans'_+rsl{ L~aa;laf * ,..:r¢e ain~.~ : ttu ~,arccs ,r.:rr>u 4a ;, Steve e~a~. <br />iiX+t~TY ~i'a5i 71Mt~ the <7~hrt =P `~EI'"r£+:. dci+ ~'-,~,cficsit'atg°atr !+§ i z.,tSer .• ;,.a6 Wit.: ::~, ft*,t-r~a~c - *...,_*~:.;,>: .i ,:,. ~.;nc <br /> <br />