<br />$0= ~ii2318
<br />prwr to entry o6 a judpaent eafaseity this Mortgase +f: ial Borrower pars Lender all sums which would !x then due ~rnder
<br />ehts Mortgage, [he Note grid antes securing Future Advances, if any, had no acceleration occurred: (bl Borrower cures all
<br />httaeMs .f aaF ntlleT covtnants nr a=reemeats of BnrrOwCY i~ntaiited +n th+s Mattgage: tel Borrower pars all reasonable
<br />eapeases incurred by Leader io eaforciri6 the cavenaots and agreements of Borrower contained m this Mortgage and in
<br />etMctciog Leaders ratiediea as provided io paragraph 18 hereof, including. but nut limited to, reasonable attorney's fees; and
<br />td! ~orroaer elittii sods action as Leader mar reascaaat+3y regwre in aswre that the ties of this Motgage, Lender's interest
<br />in the Property sad sortatrar's nbi~atiori tit pay the sums secured by this Mortgage shall cantmue unimpaired. Upon such
<br />pspaetit aa~ciae by Burrower, ekes Morgage and the abeiganons sceurcd hereby shall retrain in full force aid clFat as if
<br />ao axderaeeoe had occurred.
<br />~. Aalrameef d BYtrt A~siamsM sf B;sedser Lever is Pareaiea. .4s additional security hereander, Borrower
<br />hes~y eo I.eeider she toms of the lsropetty. provided that Barmwer shall. prior to acceleration under paragraph I8
<br />hereof or abatidaaiaeai >f the Pnpeny, hawro the right [o rnlkct and tctam such rents as they become due and payable.
<br />L?pon aatdttation under p~xagraph iR hereof nr ahardsnimcnt of the Prnpeny. I_ender.:n pertm. by agent or 6y
<br />judicially' appoiawd tseeiser, shall) Ae eaaitlad to enter uPt^, take possess+on of sad manage the Property and to colkee the
<br />rents a( the Propwm, +xladiag ihcr! paa due- :111 r¢tits catisz.-red by i.ender or the recen-er shall be applied first to payment
<br />d the arse d itiaaycstient d the Pro}erey sad croliectma of reran, ,ncludiaR, tva nd limited to. receiver's feet. premeums on
<br />matEwerk Made sad reaeoeable attorney's fen. and rhea to the sums secured br thu Mortgage- Lender and the rettiver
<br />shah 6e tiatiie to sooesiwt ady far those trots actually received.
<br />itl_ lYtasee A~aeetteu L?pai regatsst of Borrower, Leader, at tender's option prior to release of the Mortgage, may
<br />irate Fitare Aivaaon ro fnnoaer. Setch Fmii:re Advarica with ,atetsst tltcrecn. shall be secured by this Mongage when
<br />et-iddsmd by pratnsary sass xtatiiis slut sand antes ere se+vred Ixrebv it nn nine shall the print+pal attiarat of the
<br />iaitlsedasm aeivrsd by the llotlga/e. tat secluding sums advanttd an accur+datxr herewith to protect the security of this
<br />erosei the otipaak awaunt of the Nna pitu L?5S S.f)t}.. fit]
<br />=Z Bleietts. Ltpm payt~eK of all sums sneuitd M trio Mnrtsye. Trader shall d+scharge thu Mortgage without
<br />~ m Boeao+er. shall par alI c xis at rn~ordac+nn. ,d anv
<br />1% Rftt'r~sc Wttsa[oi. Btartttteer hss erin-utr~ this Mx~irtgaee
<br />' :
<br />;' .:, ,s{~
<br />..,. ~i:'ZiF!"t=~. .'~+-,mow -',F=~?"-' .. _ _ . .
<br />. ~e=L L. F~.13tP12 --aawe~r
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<br />z SS.
<br />"'t ~F f31K3. .
<br />'YK #5itegn iaq 3.astSWaeat: xa.s a,-,-amit:ledga+d txft~rt rsm cAas `~~- .lay .3t. ~~.
<br />. .. iv.~, u~• ? L. I'IEIS1~1 tt[:_ L~mljm S. fieizaeit.. F3u>lk-uac ~Id ,
<br />tizcaaaa ay tsand +rtid rat:art.aP saai at:. 't~itrlCi ;:..Sl~nr3 ,
<br />an aasd r'txumt}, ttu does aforeasaaf.
<br />. ?.'Mary Puiai x.. - - - .
<br />tit ~ariissaots m>rPistest
<br />ksf;it;.latEala ti3>P
<br />tllt~tt 11t+S. i~M 1!X 'dSAtICPiR PFE'iG~€AT~~. isar.. '~'~. f'~'~. Y~• .~ a`~".,-x'~tl~. i«~t'1<'"~
<br />t"4tal~r"'6 lira' aA$ caaatslNla c~aeaaderacaras t.t:^ :t ::~ rarscd txaiG Ly trae ':x.F3saaka M.rsrt-
<br />~M Ff~sr . tt,~9ta+i~7Rtrd ssxx:+liss etas fates o[ the ~±,:atsr ~_# ?:s:ur asts i, ~'aasxgnee" ~ , ,>,r
<br />a'Rf~s'.Iw~ tsl sr3t1E`ta %.~ataC3ixa t.a bsas'aixy a~icar~rissd9eat,, doers nrrrecp asss.;n, 'ranst~+~ en,a
<br />s~rR ~trellti 'ulQtfai 311iastart af3 3~a rt,gt•,ts, •tisle, and i4:!°retst xn ar.cs try tr,at .-rr.rxxn *t€;rr-
<br />~sa1~ s+aatctsWid, bir . ~.~t , ~P~. '....I~'3~(1,. It.4'i~ hU'~ Wll`t-'. .r.r
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