<br />~y'~ ~~~
<br />g0- ~t12283 U-~pt`22.93
<br />prix to entry of a Iidpnent en#orcind thra Mortgage ~f- ta) Bartower pays Lender all sums which would Ae then due under
<br />trio MortaaRt, the Note rrd trotes se.-uring Fmurc rtdvarrces, .f any. had no acceleration tacccrted; (b) Borrower cures al!
<br />rirearha of airy other covrnanta :u adreearena of Borrower contained to thrs Mortgage; (c) Borrower pays all reasonable
<br />espmxs iecarred by Lender sn enfareirrR the co.enants and agreements of Battower contained in this Mortgage and in
<br />mfone~{ t.eedera tenttdies a provided in parasraph t EZ hereof, Including, but not limned ta, reasonable attorney's fees; and
<br />fd? ~orrorer takes wclr actiotr r [,ender may rsawasbiv regwre m assure that the lien of this Mortgage. Lenders interest
<br />in tie Property and ltlareosrera o6liption to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired. Upon such
<br />psyarent and tree by Lorrtwer< thin Mortpge and the otsiiYatn~ru secured hereby shall remain in full force acrd elTsxt as if
<br />tro acceiaatioe had csccrrrtad.
<br />>Jf. +talrrreae et le~C A~r~lrtrt e! Racdser. Leader t• Tarsi. As additianai sectrnty hereurrdar, Bottowtr
<br />~' arayes to !seeder tie rests ad the Property. provrded trial Borrowxr shall. prior to acceleration order paragraph IR
<br />hereof or rbrdoaeneert of the Trtrperty, hays the right ea a~liea and retain nrcA reins as they Ixxnme due acrd payable.
<br />~ accafetrnost carder paragapA 18 hermf or abandorrmrnt of the Properly, Lentkr, m person, by agent or by
<br />jericaaMy ap}eritttd recairrer, siaB 6e aaitie0 ro enter upon_ take p+ssessson of and manage the PTOperry and to collect tiro
<br />rents oC rise Tropem, enchditeg tlroae pear due ~h rcncs coik.-ted Ay Lender or ttx receiver shall be applied Brat to payment
<br />of tie costs of masadanatt of die Property and codkc[toT+ of rear, encltrding, Met not limited to. cecentr's fees, premiums on
<br />nmser's bards ad teastreaik attortsty's fees, and ttxn ns t1x stems secured Ay Mn Mortgage Lender and eke rtxeiver
<br />siaB ie lisbie to aoraaa qtly foe there tents aeturgy eeceived
<br />2!. !arse atdsaatea. Lrpon re~reR of Btxrovrr, C<+tder, at Lenders optma prau ro rekax of this a,..It~e, tray
<br />state Flrwre Airrrrces ro aetessuer. Srrcri Ftxure Advance!, with tntertp trierton. aitadl ere secured by ±his Mortpte when
<br />evidescred by pteaerttry ueses ssatraa that sad tuxes arc secrared hereby .1t no tame shall the prinrcpal amarmt of the
<br />aiblerites tressed by tin Mattpde, not :ecltdint sums advanced In aaordarrce herrwith to protect the xturity of this
<br />>tlg7Ma/e. erseeli trie oridi aarmwt of rise Kole plus LHCS 5.Lt0.e Oil
<br />2i. Wr. I7Tm Prl+~+a of ail wars secrrred 1»v thn MortfaRe.. Ltnder shall dlschae#te triis Mortpee witlrgt[
<br />orBt ~ itwfoeer. ~arrarer suit pry sii crows of rctxdatxur.:f any
<br />TAT t>W'~illai'it ~'Mt1E9P, Tlorrcnacf has ta<KtiiP.~ 4his w~tt~ir, C_
<br />Pcr~~ st3atriacr a ~ _1e peezarn -+M~
<br />
<br />s^Tw2±tt aT t~aasftit~
<br />~ ss.
<br />a:'Ot.Y t31i T~iLL
<br />3"se fartegos.ng usautar~tt ova acicrawissi4ed before tae lass t3.5~. .dap sal.
<br />.~lia•3 :'3.~, ray F. St~fntitiL, _s, S73Y~1! ~T9Ctt, .~ ISdtltlOFit A.
<br />sta,ttssaa~ad~a~r:a>trriai tea;, at. . .GTa~ttd ig1Atlri. ,
<br />sas atad t;assnty, trae 3ALe rtertaaad_
<br />..If.
<br />ttrstrrj PuD: n~.
<br />fly :,tea;seine :stLa - r+rF-i., ,~~~='+'
<br />AfiiS3c+i' il1iN! ~t fIf7RSGllfi~
<br />!llilA171i ~ t0i T Tf., rise. '~ ~IT~, ~~ .aii'i~ Gtf. erFaitt~ 5311 .
<br />~'"iuipe+s`~ ts; atpd Taiwibi~ txastai,~sration tai tt tst lsirad pasd ~ refers ?;ssAraa¢a x~rt-
<br />'NM -i,*~ae~ t.t1MT 07[+llMSawd uttdtrs the S,asTa a! cAe Stae+t rs! ttebrra.ka t'~Ara~~ts+ta° r , crst
<br />i~Pll/t o! seiltCA t2ChMX.lkiWl sa >Ser~lty a.etetarsk~dgad., dt»a A.eret:y aaraxgrr, r*aaafar, sad
<br />n+llti TaI1t;0 ~~ ~I it~lc,,yr~aq~$at~r, tiL1n, :Haryd.~~itaz~e.-,rert era a`r,L$ t1r tt^at Berta:: 1~c+rt-
<br />~~~' ~ ~ + ~~~ )w 3 i1Je$ r~!,~•t f~1311~'t ~~ s .;tat twl
<br />8 s~fx;ie ~rsiext
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