<br />17~t3 MORTGAGE is made Chit............~1@C............day of.....$$Y .....................
<br />19. ~, between the Mottgagor,...~a. ~•..:a a .8??xJ~ P.?xsor-r. atY3 Itat2t~eert A. ,t9c~ir,
<br />.A 1NlIg3+0.t?AF!l~l.. ... (hettsrt "litorrower"), and the MattSaa,:~.~i~.i??~.......
<br />. {rkfigRal. Plsrie .OfJ .(~'2~itd .IS1aDi~ .............................. a cotporat[on ar~anized and e7dett3na
<br />ceder the Lws of ...... . ................. .... . whaae address is ..3D4 . [ii9St; '1llitd...... .
<br />.9laGlfet. LP.. Cl.. 9ort.168&?•..GraiKl Island,. Ntdza<cdska.68aQ1 .......... (herein'•I.eteder").
<br />WetaEtts, u tttdaleed to [.ender io the principal stun af.. ?~~'. Niste '1ttiDUSB~iYl 11t0 f)tBY~d
<br />. F1;ftX ~.~~.I+ . .... . ..................... tats, which ittdabtednas is evidettcai 6y BatrowerY note
<br />~_ , .. Wit. 21:..199Q...... , .. (herein "Note"), providing for monthly installmeets of principal and intetett,
<br />arith the halaecie of the inde:btts, if trot sooner paid, due and payable an.... a7Jr:eR .1..2074........... .
<br />TaSecoer<to Leader {a) the reps}-rnent of rbc ittdebta~lttccs evidenced bg the Nnte, with intetrst tht•reon, the
<br />psTeeatt d alt other sttm, triuh iattrest thertxm, sfianaed in accordance hcteaith to protect rite stxwity of tltit
<br />1NortNe, aed thr perl+ormseoe >af the ~rovesas~ and agreements of Btarmttter herein contained, and (b) the repeyeaent
<br />of aa}' fetste adrsern, with ittterW nc~mar, trade txr Horzarw:r by L.ettder pursuant to paragraph 21 tteteof (bttrein
<br />"liasars Adr~"'), ]iloatowsr does hereby mort~c, gtaot attd .vnvcy to Lender the folbwirri dtsctihed property
<br />ioesaud a t\r Gaotg of ... . .........fial-1............... ......... , Sine of Nabraaka:
<br />IL7t ~ ~$) 3A 1~7At"~t 31J6 {~) IA A7fi 3r1L3 ~3 e4~1L'3tZ1 tD t•~1E C1tY
<br />~ Cat1lld Ial~td. Roll CY~137tS . !'TdY,~dCB
<br />a
<br />~'
<br />~V
<br />>~5~i11FtitsMililtied:,.....t7,..901i!'~t,lt3>!aWt11..... .. ... .. ~'~ Isl@nt3
<br />~+~,tt3
<br />. , .... , .. »~ _,~ (ille+t+Ails "lrep~~y :1dd~rsai" 4,
<br />t~awa~l!#rtrrrrb
<br />^~ r~he _ westt~ts acnr cx ttcscattet cr~cit4f +m rite Pr~t:atg, anti a!E rmer.ts, rtgltta,
<br />~, !. ~ ~, ofii re3 ~ r rtn'! Im~ts, w,atttx, water x~ra_ arul a~tr^r sxrr~k, and alt
<br />',., w nt~C aiF ~MtN ~rIW~MKiI ~ Lire ~tg, a3i rsi w?h~r, t>~ tef+iaccntents ttrni u:idttn~tu t3vere~~. ~tsaii L+e
<br />W he +/~ rNAMt iPhlt o1T t11t ice? ~ ~ thie Aifust~r, artd azl of rJte fart,»)gvrrng, tree nc~r with +at.1
<br />rq Lira IhltwlloiAawt~-+#rAia.JlfetttMryt;if.+~ • im+eil~d3 tine herxtn reier-ud to as she "f'roptnr"
<br />i)tc trtYiwttlllo tillil •oetteeppt is ~ trpiaerd.~ the ~ trcreby ::.QUrriF aasi ha. the ! aght to nutrtanjs .
<br />rr ttee+raihexed, anti that t3oirrowc~ ~~ 'ararraur uwi def
<br />i~r alrl oaMity ~~ lMA4~ffrn - a~t~s, pit ta> art arau~ena, carr~xits ,« rear ~ n~1
<br />tM uic ~ glel'art~rir+t~t Y ""'
<br />lirsw~{ hr a aciltNeYese[etl~tit~iawta tr' a~ +n aa~ title latw3aaa:~ ~alist ansnn 1.+~~rctex s wuerert in she f'ra rty
<br />tt)tr~it` 3;~ ~~
<br />