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8t3.~r ~~7 ->- <br />A tract of land eomQrising a part of the Northwest <br />Quarter of the Northeas*_ Quarter (NW'~Iv4E~) of Seer ion <br />Twenty-Hine (29), Toeanship Eleven (2l.) North, Range <br />Nine (9}, West of the f~th P.M., more parCicularl}~ <br />described as follaas: Beginning at a point One <br />Hundred Fifty-seven and Sixty-seven Hundredths Feet <br />(l5?.6,") West and Thirty-three Feet (33.Q') South <br />of the Rortheast Corner of said Northwest Quarter ttf <br />the Northeast Quarter (:v'W~,.NE't); thence, Westerly <br />parallel to the North line of said Northwest Quarter <br />of the Northeast Q•.iarter (NW~'NE~), a distance of One <br />Hundred Thirty-five and Thirty-Three Fh3ndredths Feet <br />(135.33'), thence, southerly parallel to the East Iine <br />of said Nortt;aest Quarter of the Northeast Quarte- <br />(N4i"~}, a distance ax Forty-six and Twenty-three <br />Hundredths Feet (~sfi.23'}; thence, deflecting left <br />~{~~* 5$' 3(3" anti runnini; Southeasterly a distance of <br />One Hundred Fifty-eight and Eighty-three Hundredths . <br />Feet (15~1.E3°): thence, deflecting left, l33 O' I,Q'"` <br />and rushing hartherty_ a dist~:nce of One Hundred ~i~irty <br />One aixi Twelve Hundredths Feet (131.1 ~'') to lira- glace <br />of beginning and eontainin~ 11,9•'+3.6) square feet oz <br />Gi:27w acres, :yore ar less. <br />,~ t-~:ct of land cornprisinR a part of Lot Five (~) <br />$lot:iC Two (~} , Stexaart Place Subdivision in the <br />City oz Paritvie~u, tiebraska, :sore particularly <br />described as folltavas: Beginning at the Northwest <br />Comer of said Let File ± }) , thence Easterly along <br />lire l~iorth line of said Lat Five (5), a distance <br />of One Hundred ~aF„taty Ei~ist am! Wleven ii=.sndredths <br />Feet {I3t~.11',; thence, southeasterly, a distance of <br />One Hau~red Sistty Mine and Seventy Seven Hundredths <br />Feet (169.?=') ttt a point on the south. tine of said <br />Lox Five (~)~ thence, Westerly aianl; the South Lane <br />of said LuzF~ive (~), a distance of One !?undred <br />I°~eatty N± and Sixfi}~ Nine i~kur~dredths Feet ~ t2~?.69' <br />to the tsoztitht garner of said Lett Five (5); thence, <br />Borthst~:r'Wy slang the W~esterl ;t lines. t~ said Lot <br />Five ~'~), arm can the orb of a curve ~;hvse radius is <br />:,;~adred Tint}, Fit (lit") a dista~e of *?ne <br />Hurrecl Ninety F'c~ar arcd t~`ort}r Six i~undredths ~'cae= <br />(19w.i') , Lhetace, tiorth~ester'sy, )angels) a distance <br />of E"~~xrteess arm Seven Htandzedzhs Feet (lx+.?} to <br />lire o3 are of beai.nning. <br />`to harms and to halal the a~v~ described ,~re~ises t+agether <br />s~tls alt teztee-e~nts, hereditanents artd appurzenanees there):-~ °helonging <br />vtnto tip grantee and to rantea's heirs a:s+d assigns forever. <br />elnrl the l;rantor does here.t~~ c~*v~nant wittx the grantee anti <br />~,aith grantee's i:$ and assigns that. grantor is ia+afui3y seised a~=4 <br />tiaf3} prr+~ls3s+er; t~ltt They .arw tree frtaasa en~;,uetbra3see; that grantor <br />has rigt~xt and ':ap.~I`ai aetthtrraty so convey the ss~iaea and that <br />gra~ttr sxarrants aaad ,.i'.t defen,~ the title ttt said premises against <br />t~se Ias#I c la: o€ a" parsons e~?avmsoever. <br />.., <br />ORTO th s ~ ds~ s# r° ` ,~, . .~. 19 '~ <br />,~~„'^ <br />