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<br /> � 92- 14U666
<br /> � '��,��`. ��.5, ToaBTHBR wITH al�the impmvcmeau oa,x or nenanec a,ectea oa ti�e propaty�.ou all a�N,, �w�..m
<br /> �������j�'.�,'�!� fixdu� row or hec�aNer a put of tho pmpeKY. All repl�ce�nenu and addltiau dwll d�o be ooverod by �bis Secudty
<br /> � �#_•����F�?a�T�{I.dIIY�
<br /> iuswmeat. All ot Iho fore�oia�i� �eferned W in thia Socuriry Instniment�the'PropertY.
<br /> �,�;,- -����.-: AORROWER COVENANTS tlwt Bomower ia lawfully xiaed of thc atate hereby canvryal and hss iho dght w�nnt�nd
<br /> ;;� , �v�, � pro�e„y and tl�t the property i�unencumbered,exapt for encumbranccs of raord. Borrower warrwts�d will _
<br /> � defaid generally the Ntle to the P►uP�KY a8ainst all claims and demanda.cubjoct to�ny encumbranoea of rocotd.
<br /> �:�r3`,�'`f �':r• THIS SECURITY INSTItIJMENT a�mbiaes unifom�coven�nw for iwt.ional use and non-unlform coNUUnts with limitod --
<br /> 4'�°1�,�`�•:. varWionsby jurisdiction to oonstitute A uniform secu r ity instrumrnt rnve dng r w l prope R y. �, _
<br /> "�%�!�.'''�^",", .., �'' UNIFORM COVENAN7'S.Bortower aM i.ender oovemnt�d agree as follows: �-
<br /> � irr��:�.�•:� 1. Paymed ot Prindpt+l�nd Iota�ti �IpY��1.�te C6�rQes. Borrower shell promP��Y P�Y �n due the _.�-
<br /> , .,�. . • ' principal of and interest on the debt evidenood by the Note snd �►Y P�Y���late chuger due u�dor the Nde.
<br /> ,,�;�;,;;E�:� ±;,r;. 2. Fl�ndt tor T�uces�ad ia�ur�nee. Subject to applic�Ale law or to a wdtten w�iver by Lender, Borrower chall pxy to
<br /> . ":"` - -- . L.ender on the day moMh1Y paYmet�ts svc dae un�ler the Note.until the Nou is paid ln full.a sum("Furids')for:(a)yearly tauu
<br /> �r+.�ai�..''�" u�d es.sesunents which may attaia pdodty over this Security lastnunent as a lien on the Property;(b)Yearly leasehold payments
<br /> ,s;�.� • . . or ground�+ents on the Property.if any;(c)Yearly hnzard or property lnsuronce premiums:(d)Yculy flood insuran�e premiums. �—.
<br /> _. ,, �� if�►y; (e)yearly mortgage in�u�na premiums. if any:and(�nnY sums payable by Borrower to Lcndcr. ia acoordanoe with _
<br /> � � the providonc of paeagraph 8. in lieu of¢!�e payment of moAgage insurancc premiums.Thc.se items yre caiied""rscrow ltems.'
<br />-.� •; Lende� may, nt any tlme, coliect arid hold Funda in an amount not to exceed the mauimum amount a lender for a faderally
<br />:�: �lated mortgage Ioan may require ior Borrower's escrow aa;ount under the federal Real Cstatc Scttlerttcnt Procedur+a Act of �r_;
<br /> � � . •��,?^"�,` 1974 as an�.�nded irom time ta time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RPSPA').unless another law that applies w th�Fundr
<br /> �:_-
<br /> -'�� , , =.y�. .:� .-! aeta a lesser amount. If so.Lender may. at any dme.collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exc�ed the laser�nount. `
<br />, i; - -•- Lcn�ler mwy estimate the amaunt of Funds due on�he basis of cument dala aod reasauable estimates of c:penditurer of futu�o � ^
<br /> Escrow lterns or dherwise la accordance with applicable law. -
<br />,,,:� • �
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a fcderal agency, insttumentaliry, or entity ""�_'_
<br />� � •� (Including Lendcr,if I.cnder is such an institution)or in any Federal Hame[.oan Bank.L.ender shall epply the Ruidc to pay the ��_
<br /> T� _:.
<br /> .,. Escrow Iterns, Lender may not charge Borrower for holding rnd applying the Funds,annually analyzing Ihe escmw acxount,or
<br />=- _ � verii'ying thc F.scrow ltems,unlas l.ender pays Borrowcr interest on the Funds end applicable law pern�ts l.ender to moke such !w��
<br /> - •- � a cherge.However. l.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time chiuge for an independent real estate tau repotting servioe �+W=�
<br /> -? ; �;, _.==�`-'"� used by Lender in connectian with this loan, unless appiicable law provides atherwise. Unless an agreement is made or -�,-y�
<br /> y�� , applicable law�quires interest to be paid, Lender shall nut be uited to a aorrowcr an inte�est or eamin s on the Funds. �''
<br /> . t; >:,� :. . �9 P Y Y fe � L.�:
<br /> ,;'�; '����f�:����:�_�• ;; :; �: Borcower and Lender may ag�re in wr�ting.however, that intemst siwll be paid on the Funda. Lender shall give to Borrawer. ��.-ss.�_
<br /> % �;i��'vu�tuu,`a�i±��5 �_._ without charge. an annual eccounting of the Funds. showing crodits and debits to Ihe Funds and the purpose for which each ;;
<br /> t � 7F, a;`f°�° ' ��� dcbit to�he Funda was made.Tiie Funds are pledged as additional security far ali sums secured by�his Security imiruu�ui. -_-
<br /> _.Y� `.'�; .� � � If the Funds held by l.ender exceed the amounts permUted to be held by applicable ia��v. Lender shall account�0 8orcower �:..r.,
<br /> •'�'�� � ' ' for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable]aw. lf the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any ��r�
<br /> �� � time is aot aufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wriNng.and.in such c�se Borrower �'�-'-_.=
<br />., �� � shall pay to Lender the amount nexessury to make up the deticiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than ��+'=_
<br /> �. twelve monthly payrnents.at Lendcr's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon paymcnt in full of all sums secured by this Socuriry Instrument, L.ender shall promptly refund tu Borrower any :�=:•.�
<br /> ' Funds hdd by Lendcr.If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall ucquire or sell the Propert��,Lcndcr,prior to thc acquisition or salo . ■�.-
<br /> , of thc Property.ahall apply any Funds held by Lendcr at thc time of acquisition or sale a�A credit egainst the sums secured by ��`��
<br /> this Security Inslrument. —
<br /> 3. Appllcndoh ot Paymenls. Unicss epplicablc law providcs othcrwise.all payments rexeived by Lcnder under paragraphs R-
<br /> . 1 end 2 ahall be opplicd: first, to any prcpaymcnt charges duc under thc Note;second,to umounts payable undcr paragraph 2; 1!��;LL
<br /> ' � third. tu interest due;fourlh, to principal duc;and last,to any Imc charges duc undcr thc Notc. a�;=--
<br /> � 4. Charges;Llens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes,assessments.charges,fines and impositions uttributable to�he Property �``---
<br />- ' which rn�y attain priority over this Securiry Instrument, and Ieaeehold p�ymcnts ur grounJ rents, if any. Borrower shall pay ;�:
<br />- ' ' � ' these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr. Born�wcr shall pay them on tirnc directly ��-='•
<br />-- �� ,;S,,, ,' ' ; ,� to the person owed paymcnt. Barrowcr shall prompUy furnish to Lender all notires of'amcwnts to be paid undcr �his parngraph. ;__
<br />- ., ,�..,.��.; , � , If Borrower makes tlicse payments direcdy, Borrower shall prumptly furnish to Lender n:ceipts evidencing the paymcnts. .:'`�,;.
<br />- ,r,,;:.;•, . ,
<br /> . ,u,,:{:,, � ,:}.�-'• Rorrowcr shal l prompdy discharge any licn which has priority avcr�his Sucurity Instrumcnt unless Borrower(a)agroes in, 'i(%.:�:
<br /> ' ''! �' ' � .• w�iting to the payment of the obligation securcd by the licn in a manncr ucceptablc lo I.endcr, (b)eontcsts fn goad faith thc lien• s�--
<br /> �. �' �,�; � by, or defends against eniorccment oP thc lien in, Icgul prcxccdings which in thc Lendcr's upinion op�:rate to prcvcnt the ti�'�
<br /> •;,�b:.•.�.
<br /> � '� '�,'�,,�,�, �� enforcement of thc lien; ar(c)xcures from the holder of thc licn an agrccmcnt s:►tisfuct��ry to I.cnder subordinating thc lien to W-.
<br /> ' �� ' . this Security Ins�rument. li Lender determines thut nny part ot'thc Propeny is subject lo a lien which nuy wtuin priority over
<br /> • this Security Inslrumcnt. Lendcr m•ry givc Borrowcr u noticc identifying ihc licn. &►rruwcr.hall tiati�fy thr licn or take one or
<br /> �� '�' morc of thc actions set forth above within 10 days of�he giving of noti��e. '
<br /> , .. Form 3028 8l9fi .
<br /> , Ppo 2 0l B
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