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so-~zzs~ <br />Lender", written agreement ar applicable taw ®ttrcrnvcr shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided undo paragraph ?hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pttrsxtani to this paregraph 7, with interest thereon, shall became addit8onal <br />Yndebtedness of tiarruwror secures by this Martgage Vnte>, Barro•.._r and Lender agree to other terms ai payment, leech <br />arra-urnts shall Iw payable upan rnt[ice from [xnder to tlartrnver reqursrirtg payment [herrnf. and shall bear interest fmm the <br />date of tiisbtersHllenY it the tale payable fmm time to tittle an atustanding principal under the Nott unlrsc payment of <br />interest at sttcfi rate txr%t!d be contrary sa nppfitahlt law .n which event such amotmts shall hear interest at the highest rate <br />permisaibk tinder applitabk taty_ Nothing c~mtained :n this paragraph T shall require I.enrier to incur any expense or take <br />am action hereunder. <br />t !n*teeMM. Lewder may mate or cause to be made rtasonaNe entries uttan and inspettians of the Property, provided <br />that 4tttL-r sha{f gave Bwrmwrr starlet print to any saeeh tnspecifan spe:tfying teasonwbk cattle therefor related to Leader's <br />interest in tine Ptsgterry. <br />R Csrfle+~ Tits prc~,iret#s of any aw°ar~ nr ~iaist far dama¢rs, direct or canctgncntfaf, in connection with am <br />cnadertmation nr other iakitrg of the Prapem•. ar parr thereof, or far tanve}'ancx in lieu of condcmnatiow, ate' hereby aaigntd <br />and shay tae paid ra I.eetder. <br />in the tutor of a that rating of the Property. the proceede shall !e spptitd to the cumx secursd by this Nortgage• <br />with the, if any. paid to Ihtrrower to the event ,ter a psnial rating of the Praperty. nnkas tintmwtr and Lewder <br />,rtlxrwise agree in st-rsnng, resort shall ere appferd t., tt:r .ums stcttrrd by this Mortgage cash pmptmian of the proceeds <br />as ix aytxal to that prttpartiu. rrhtcit the amaxrwnt of for come secured t,r this Mart¢age immediattiv pttiar n, the date of <br />taking hears to ~tst ffr martin vahx of the Prtq+erts ;mtrtediately error to the dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />,~'' to iltsrrastser <br />ff the Trapessy :s ahattfinned hE. Sn^.m.rr. or :f. afra rtntire by Lrndor to B, tmvrr that the condemwar oRera to make <br />an aw~arti txr >etfk a claim fat darares. &-rrtaw'rr fats to rtspaad ti Lender wi±hin ?{! days after the date such wOtiCr is <br />zsaiied. i.ezwlet s atrthexired tzr ;rllett std appfv the pmcerd: at Lettder`c natitm, rititfn• m rrstaration rte repair of the <br />Prxstrens axe to the xtttrtx setxtred ?+~,~ tba 1tr~rca}rr <br />L'wkss irn4er sad 9tvm+rr axthera~xse agmr Yn wrutng. am surfi appircatsrxt of ptmerds t,i prit:ripal shal3 not citetid <br />,r pwstptnsr s!u dtm daxr of the tsonxft#v :nsta3f:n.-rate relerrret is in nara¢ratha. ? anti ?hem>f nr :kange the amatxnf of <br />s~rA :ttstalttwerus <br />/i. Rem VM Raid. Etatrsr3n ,~' t3x t~cnr ',mot pavtreent ,,r ?rsa?d3licatx-m .=f amorttrat~n ,=t the wins stt~trrrd <br />hs thcs Vrvtgs}e grawNd M I.rader to anv sxn rssx=r .n tateret .,£ Rs~m7wrr *y:ttl rot onemtt to reftase. .n am manwer. <br />iht Iiabt:in r'E .ht cxri~rna$ do ra~vYC•e~r a~ i3arrz,r~rr'. succ~^e..,rs •n lntereYt I rne?ei .fiall n,i tx rc-auire;d tai cammettx'e <br />Isrsa^.ae~t~s against s,xb rex"rsssx ex reftrsr to es*_rnd teeter £:nr lravrttcnt :M ,rthcrw to s?tndifv antarnrausxn a+t tree sua:s <br />s~:artxt trt~ :ltit, kiz,rzgagt t*y st^as>art .rat anv demand :*sade !+. tfir onB+na! Ram•axa .an.t liirmwrr's vn;:e^sctarc to interest <br />11. RaAwptt Y} I.a~ir Wt a waken. ~tn~ fzri,raraste:z hx i ender Yn rxerctsmg ins r;Rnr ..r rerttrtitr hrzrtuoder. ar <br />sdterded 'era- appixcstxk 'av..lsai: sxv tx a u>s;vrr ,kt .W :<rr~htdt the rxer:rse of anx .uci+ r>`eht nr rcrtxdv <br />T?sr ptrsctareatteat a~ vtcuratxr m r,~Lic ;•avrrterrt d <axt+ .,,• ,uhrt 4r,,. ~ _frarcrt t,s E rrdra ,hall rn,t ~r s w-graver of t cnder's <br />;aft? to arcRxit-a*t ?ttr• xnaa;xrn:~ .cf :fir ::tidnc~rdnr.3 ,r~YOrr.', `-c .t^,:. ti4.~.rrcarr <br />i2 ~~fs Cts~wiYse_ \t, rrs!tcx3res ~ •a;~,-? .:F .hn \l,,t;~at;e ate =rat:re~t sr..i .vmniansr to anv r*thtt rrFht ,x <br />ertrrratr ::rsder rtirr 11.aertgagr .~ atI<rded e-x 'ao ,f ~ ,-~.~;~; r, znd nsa+ h- ,-err.:ir~3 ,, ncurarntix ~ndepcndrnt3v :,• succ•.rssivrty <br />id. SaYe~wia >r Asa~ets Mwti Iaaiw awl iex~reei f iabih: Caftiw~. l}ft .oarr?ants ~srd xg:rentenn harm <br />.~vstaxnteci sbalP '!K::x'S, and tree rtl[Rav htar:,sv; e:+ +t:alt ,rirsrc :; ;-rt •:-ttrc++,:~r sutct,..,crn and ac:gtn :,f 1 cnJrr and Rom+uer. <br />xstL'1ct3 L ax ara**astiu~txx ;at ;xa;~a>eral*b i' erect .. iL .rsxz+*ants ntad ag7e~cafratts of (larn,u'rr shxii hr n+?rat and xsverat <br />'lilt ~k"~ asetf ]eaftniga ,3f 'tx psiagr'aph+ ,_ `lsza \t:k,gagr art t<~.r ,<»tF?tnsegnc ,nix .sn.i ,tr na+i ',, '+e .rsrd la <br />tlfat4t+AC3 nQ ddatte 'ttt ;"ki `t'eA'e¢» rRrrcH <br />it VMisl. Esxsyff fcs~ arts ntxLxax recta::rs~rt't aniler s{+pit; atxir ia-,x gar he gtvea :n an.~rhrr matutcr ~ al axrr ostler to <br />$a•Arrerwra ;prix-xdtta't £i'rr an tts~ Ms7rxgagr '.rsai# *c ?;aarrr "~. •°n.r,tye;~ .wA +*axt+cr t.y .crt:fttd ^r.a:: ad.Sres-+rti !r• ai <br />LAt !''r+aFr'-'sS ~~rlrrra ,a; a2 bcw;iR ,~hor arid:r:roe :cs Rage:e-rcF :rxa+ ie,.,gnatr ht nast.r t,. ! cn:3es ..s pr„•~x1rd herein, snit <br />ti+s ane ncsrs +.- . x~adtr shai7 t'ae ~,<.rt+ M .r~rxsft"s'1 ma+t •rtarrn ! *ryurstt ;.* 1 rxxirr , address starcYt hrrrsn .+r t,: <br />s¢tC'It utiter tttiC'.t~r. m I,rasde+ :--?3 xlrs,t~trxa4t '."+ Fr to-e t.* tatty r,-wet as ;rte arafexi '4rrt.n ane rKrti.r t+n+v nfrd the •n this <br />'lta~' slsaeF br ctlfrrMSf ec~ ha•r i+aera g„°en a: ~wa'sr'n.~,v_c a,; 9 :s+alca ~'arra it=~r~ in rye rttannrr .ie-:Yenatt~ M1rn t~st <br />1~. 1."~Mw : f:~aalw~ (aw; Sc*erai~t}-. 7T,>, ?,v~n, ,~ nix'3~age , ~nstnnrds ,.rrit,,:m ,..r:,a••t. t~ nauc*na! <br />steel rat=.S-iL~Rtfh~kT :"1?a'i~tkY2LT wrttl '~?ifli x'~ lidt F3i#i'+#'ta r,i .et :,-,.. , ,? a,: _c,ti~ei t.;x!C a e+X4~•~•T.T: '.ri uhY~ ,.,:t l' ~ ant \ ~x~ifFw~, <br />tenMi ~'i"grea^f'q li't~ Vxtrmgsge ~wk,r 'c tw.•..r~acet Rx me '- .' nc~ sr,+.frtt=+m : .k¢ati +rsr P+~.trr;n, ,. ~, ateil gin the <br />e+rtxti :txst ctrl' przrvsa;svr ;~ :ianrfi F a4za•, st=-=rrgnyir ._ ~exJrsG~:t - .,its::. >5:-eh t~:n xfrir 'o ~•.h :.~KSdtet s~aalt na?t a:Tec-t <br />~i~i't m~a'srat'ftu tsf rh±x Ut~~n_gag*c ar the 'V=.YC wi'sat+h _ar ~ c-+cr ztlrit >etsrh:s= rt,t cetrni±m trng r =•+rv.,n znd to th~~ <br />and rite pacxasix~wt, .=r =,brr fric>rtgist asset tax ti.,>1r a3z „ty as*rr# „~ ~ ,.r.~aaMt <br />b11L Rfswwaleri (~. ~i%'iti++'.t=e ~#rttti ~+t• fcern~ct>zat , ., s,..~<csrr.i .,-,#rtr .,1 Ftac \a±ar nrs,3 .•{ =n,. if nxt (: ogc ~a rh: tstrre <br />cat ra~'s!taf+ tat str~ tx=_rr+tetasw iarrex <br />ts. ritpi~Ur s( tfr~ Mpetta #wA~1lRllww. 3: a9+ ;v ax,x ~ a:r .=t <tsr Pngacr?. ,•: en .Estee cat t"x-re+n t• ,,,;d t+r aran>fer red <br />~' Rpmorartz cswt lfrrller't pzat~a wrtk&^ra :tvts:rac? ca.s,#.xae~, ~a~ star .Fr.airaer .-~ ., +rtn ..t err, :rrnt+rart«c x;,rtwrr.1+neic ta, <br />rtM ~• ttse creastastn cif a psara~isn~sr encBra +,t:,,,,<rai= -nrx rxs °c~ -s:,wt.,ta~~ aixirF,,~n.:a•, - :. era.*s.fet hj dr<~rse. <br />AaFS`a+tt ~r #~'apc!'w?saa raf da. ~nr++r, ,zrit.A c+7 a ,, ~r:a. ~+enu , : - --- - -- <br />Let cmtdr§ as d rxsdt: ,=;a«,~-, ;te.swse- .~, t?ac -m=an v...,,.rrai he th» 44,xtga;„e as, hs <br />~ti titer ~istd As?'a I ett$ct starrl; haw wy;~tv9 .,:,M „Ise.rar, ,, a..crese:r .v ;.rn>e ,., :trz ~nkr ., +°eixfet i rater <br />awd Cltir pr+urt tt>+r«Lsi'!~ S'hr Prvrirea5'1 ar. t,a txr ~t:t .v t+°a¢r+~rt tr..f s~ra,. r:..}tzx nasr:t ~+r~t, erg that ! +r ~. ,r+;rt .,t t;x~h f,ee'sa,n <br />3# attilry ~ i'q~v ae1d resat t9e HYtrhFR:+7 ~atr atxK .'x arc >,enan u.~„t c^x7 ?~ srr ~t.,¢tga~c ,h e.U ••e ~, ..,,, {, ; ac as t Cn41CT <br />stall tagtltau It I-~tadl[~ has a3~+z~ti the ,.ya, ar. a~ a: tacit: acz :^~.,. ,fir= .•, roses ;,,erraga n~~ ,+rsa tic,: s,•wr~ . ,u.. r.v,t :e <br />,„,yIEMrC.i+ild a iiitf#Y'~i :~pY3Rl: tti.4E. a~T3ei"S~fei4= 8:~;"fe:3 ,ef;~g Aa ~`c i rn=fit .hal; :roc ~kc BorF.,>wcr I.,,rct af) <br />«~tfwM r Sidi ~ IraRi grit NY~x <br />1l ?.eaiel' ~~~'s >rax3t ,~urcva Rco ~atr a zmai;-r .., ,rng;; i&«e xaa*rr: ~.a :.c .. .,_.:ie=,,;,. r, ~ _.,,adaxa.c arch <br />,y+at#Igt7tpt+ 1A taCrois3 SltCit r+tti+Cr mha~ pzo+-axir :. gxsr>,xt ,t n.=a +n.s tfaae trot ,t>r, "..~;; •nr .ta?r tt>r +, .eat _ .,iet!rd ~,?h:., <br />r-3nClt Rcarnrareaatsa} pal the setters de..4ar:" ,. %a_rr~»-rt .. : ~,,, w.u.., f.:.,.. tt;r , xpcts .. .. ,,tr ~*s~r~.,d <br />i,.sndea aet~sa.. watltcust froths n.%efi c~ 3r~;:ttd +?n rf4rr+r: s=aer nY car ysec;- -rrcra-,i+rs ;rc., ,'°, ,raret~t al,h : w F~tc..s <br />blotr--l;~stt+wtsr C'attt<+w:.~t~. iirr ~r.:# 3.csro3cs txt.satts, .,...rte>,.-+ h;wt .. 4.. i.,+.i;tt., <br />alk tltliwJifa. taaagi s gtswattleQ i /yrttiCraM t T tterasf.,uPww's tsrraca eta awl . i..ewawt rte <br />~ffwA ~ Roiwews f• its-~iRw• irrlfriiwM toe rttSe~alws u !i) wiww r4er aw± +rtew+ an~tsrrrl M rises 11wrt+tgs• <br />Lrittfr !~i ~ sibM rwd weirs a R.rf.w•. r gtrrn;~e11 is rra~r.r i i Ynewf +;~}exi#.iatg. t t 1 tAe t~cYCir: <br />aswM.trtl~iiN 491st fitt'tl tlw~tst ~ a ~1ir rt llsw relies ~ titsss inatw f-e list thrt wuti.e h mrife/ to 6wrVSrw rr, <br />~' ^~ i~ ~ >~ ~ efrat~t wM ~ rfttt tii~Mt err curt ulth ttweweL aw ws IlitYtf Ihs Aire ytrctfieri iw ilrr wsfir-r <br />i~ its ~~ of ~! ffM~s asc~nei/ Itr Mia ~tlwel@~s, #saeclaarts i~ iwirt~ I4s•'etlintl wed salt art the rrtrPtt'ti <br />~t IsItiMftrir~ tf~lYrt itiittiw iieiiwrx sit few rips M raiwassia slate wsadsr~kaw awl tear ri~It1 m assert iw for irsrccNssrr <br />Itilwt~ ~t risirflfMiilns art to *ilii~e sat aifry sAwr lelssre at tiwnsssss 4 tftr4iewMiww w0 Iatsrrisswre~. If t#r lrrtsck <br />1tt! aft f9ti~iasw fti fsslwii teat Zits +~itt~ ii iw wwis'r, t~asiis rr I.trder's rtgyiww wswf intact aY td tAr stress srcwrtd hl <br />Mi;IIMti4gt t14 if~ittMMi~ flwe afM )ssg7111i wtilhs~w Gwsltwr Yewtwwi awd wr} tsm'fwar Mh -wdirur -rae'r+alMrt- 1 sweet <br />tA1Yli YU wtllMwt 4 sswata i atieY Ilwriaii~ a~ f~t+~+ ei t'wtatlttwsts. iwrlrfMtg, tsw war tiwsiied tr., rstss::d drtcawttaluy <br />ssirlaww. iisiti4s ad iii ~ <br />fR. ~iita Rt1Mtt iw 11llwiliis• `+xtiw:'thfxr+ttsrsg I:rtssie; + ..rterate+:!; •t tnr , enr+ -z.,r cu h.n +nt., Aa.,a tca8. <br />rursr ~±..# lrwa the txs irsvr stn g--~egps tte~g:in ;'rq t cadet ,. cnt,e~..e. +n„ N.>,rg..~s srw.,,.,,,r,,..,t ~ .,:, -... <br />