80-- •~224s
<br />L'xt~:steM Caverr+icrs. Borrower ami Lender crnenant seat agree as f.,tlnws:
<br />1. lrayaert of Il'siueiptl sad Itseeese. Borrower sirali prump+iy pay when due the prinapal of and interest an the
<br />tndelstedneaa evidenced by the ^tats, prepayttuat arks late charges as provided rn ette titxe, and the prnctpai of and inte."•est
<br />aer say Future ,advances sccureti by tbrs Mortgage
<br />2. F>rtr hr Tact W PtsweMte. Sttbwct te, apptkabte taw ar to a ~.vnttrn waiver by Ltrxler, liorrawcr shall pay
<br />to [raider >n the day tttanthly ittstailments c>f pnrn:.ipaf and tt•.itrtsi arc pagabte utxltt :he €~'cxe, until the Note n paid in full,
<br />s ssee 4fiesan "Fttuds"3 equal eo ant-twelfth ni the Yearkq taxes and a~essmznt. .vh,ch may auain priority over !his
<br />Metttage, amd gttittad ttxita cm the Pn+perty. ,f any, plus :~xtc-twelfth ;<t scatty prerntum tnstalimenes far hazard insuratttt,
<br />plus wtt teweitHs d yearly panntiura tastaUtasrnta tar mat•tgage etistrrattct.: f any. alt as reasonably c~srmated inttiaily and frotn
<br />titrte +o time 5:q Lender an the bola of assessmena sad t?rtts acrd rcasanstrtc estimates thtrtot.
<br />7fie Famds slrali bt hehi en an iastttuisa~ thr depas+tts or accounts of which art truttted ar guaranteed by a Federal ar
<br />stale agency f including Lander rf Lrtuier is such as ansr.tuaoo, l.ea+ der s}talt apply the F.tnds to aa+ vvd taxis. asxssmtnts,
<br />ittaarcsace pret~lirras anti gmvnd s 3x+rdcr ..=g- ~~ e~arge tvr k =x:~ialtng aruf applying the Fur:cts, aua}y+- rAg said account,
<br />or vezifS:~ and c.~mpiiing saxi axtesstae+its and bills. calCfx tsnder tsay'S Bnrtower imttsst on the Funds and applicable taw
<br />pi~tr lender to trsake Bach a c4sardc Bnrri+wer and Lrndrr may agree to wnhng at the time of execution of Mis
<br />that trsxaiess m+ the Funds shad f+e past ta. Ba'm aver. and uniass such agreerxnt is mule ar appiisy6le law
<br />reglnres sncfi iatere+t tc lie peal. ! cndu staff nut n rcyu:rc,3 to pay Elr,rrawer ana tmerat tit eartimgs .xt the Funds. Lender
<br />s3ntl give to Bnrraarcr. wathwtt charge, an aaatral y.,tf?unsiag .t the Fr:nds she*w€ng t.°edtts and debns £a, thr Funds and the
<br />prrpase tt+r wirreb ;at#f dctct e.-« stet Fn:xds wa, +xraaie dZse 1 tiros are }:isdgei as ,eddttu,naf cr.-itnty fe*r the sums soured
<br />by elm !Notrjagc.
<br />Jf the amomn cd tl~ F+~ndc held by i-ender. ta,gest+cr ~srh ;i€e iutut~ ativvrhi• :ustattments .,i Funds pay3bk pear to
<br />the due dtas ;af ?ties, atae~x+eceh. uwurancx prt^austxs znd g .-,uru _d :rats, skaJ eicstil tfsr ama.nt rtqutrtd to pay said taxes.
<br />aYiteYSt!llita •-~ ~-^ pre[tsltuxss a+sd ,vt.-c~rrrd rsnts :t, tbet :ak# dsx. such tnttsx sh:t;{ he. at BUtr4w,cr's opbun, tither
<br />pratoptly tspascl Ea Iksrlawcr rr =rndsttd :.^ Acarrn.rt ar rrt;:athk :.na..mtnis .?f Ft€nds, if the amonnt a[ the Fueids
<br />bald !fr Latader sttaiP sat tae suslicienl m pn sxsca. .ycyessnmrr£s, eiss;=taa.^z t+rem~rumc sad :roared rents as they Est( due.
<br />lorrstscr shall pity tes 1_.endtr am' aancvn++ ns\^es>_<an :.~ tnalir up thr :xSt.+rx?cy xathtn ti# dae~s team the date nonce es tnaifed
<br />tsy Lsndsr t~ licrrosver rsgy,erurtag payt+sts:r =lterrcx
<br />L:pue pactarra :n full ~ ati sums: ss:-.umai "? ;^,.a '.i.~at¢agz ; cadrr ,soli nrcmptly -rt.:n;i :~, Karruw~er ant Funds
<br />naadtsy l.encier_ }f under puagtap6 l+ hetrv the Prilxrr, ~, ,:•Scr :..r t!ir Pn.nenv ,. ;sirrrwssr a.y:,:rcd b. i.rnder. Lender
<br />siltEi apply, trs 3ate:r ifsatc smnRdiattiy gruv :;, case .zir .=t xnr Prr;pcna cw ,n a~qutsittocs by t cixu+er, ans Funds held b}°
<br />LeaerDitt3 as the i:nfe m ap}+Iacali0n u a .renu agaaast :~ 3sxxss •.s~:xred hs tie,, \i.ertgage
<br />3 {~ i i11pt~ L atcss appltca++}r !ar ;,;,,:des :,thv:twr x azl pzymerte r., turd As l rrrdrr ,endrr the
<br />molt aaA ,.at,stgrs{+tss . atsd _' tidscxi sltaz°t ht apy*i+xr3 to ! rndrr ti r., .s: lae nsr:at ~t :Ymiluata pas atrtt #a~ i r:xdet "+y Bon-a>err
<br />undCr ptua~rapti , itslec+t, xlsen €i Mtarsst ;sasahM :.,s; the \cvz •*~~ ~ !.±ir fmn.apa! o; s r \aac, .ad thrn a«' za+rrtst ,end
<br />,caac:~e3 :~ am Fu~tralc .hr#vaac~cs.
<br />a- CI~rK lY~~ !k«rd'arcr ~rtati esa r#« ~ar+ .. rbr-are=.~. >a ,hear .n,,rgs-. ttmc, .,,ta :m{a=vis..aas enr,hestsh#n t.,
<br />".2ie ~~ aciq~-ta mty ir#atri a pr•crrtts «rarx r?,r: 4;.-ax~aer. sni ~r ^.,ia ;vasa':txrtri, .•r eroxand =en[e :i aaa ere the +-ranaer
<br />~sis:•tdlp7 3nde1 ~.'sgr't}"13 ~ "ts,^era; ,vr :t e;.vt ,~. ... ..,ai: *rxc^»'ir: a... $;.; r,•,ar= mas,ns pa,nnnt. ,.tarn dcxc. .t~n~:ttt r:, xhz
<br />Fn}•ec xbtlesd iiltur+rasex s3aai1 pietlrcr`*uz ^urn~.*_ ~t ? ~.srr av F=.+... _.... msa_,u_x Jx ..:u'#c: :-.,- ptu a:!rapl± <usd en thr event
<br />iicarc++er sisa€'i s~a:ct p:xrmens d;~~ss ra.a ,,.cars .rasa r*e urnntx , lttaarr c, ernes r. «dt+a.:tn~ u..R ;aa mess..
<br />s~ttii p<zira' :"aw;havrr aaa :.ry: ., k,::.h .`.ors ;~ ,r cxa~ : cx •..ss si a: ig agr .;.ktu 'hay u.:yr r,,a,zx .hail r..>! #,e
<br />c!{Ftsrr:d to ,•ins.'iaasge ors}' s:axa im..r. * . •. ^.;t~« ms t3.us-.cwca ,.f;a.:: agri-r :sx a, •aFrt; e~ :*tt p ~. rat r.= ih~: ,t,+.,kat:+•«:..,..:red ht
<br />.,.ems lien .r s tnanm:ea ~ ;,. :snaara .~ ,-izsa =n ;c'v si ts.eth ..-rcr. ,~«.. ri : ' a. ~.~tcn~: :,t:~..rnrrr,t ,:t .,,. :sra ra.
<br />'tq„'si begs a'ias"t:.~pu:3e :, prevrsu ,-*=r ent ,.r;.virsrrx+ ,,, ,..,r ,tx, . - .,x„r...,ux .. 'nz P°,.t„cr:; .,r .,,Aa ~`as ••.: txtrr,,t
<br />~. ~rdi~is. 1luxzarer rites#t iaY~'+i:'s r.~e~,icrrzs ,a s, rerr.¢x~cu~ or tsrrtai scr rt c. sz,3 .n. trx Pr;*qcs'+. :assrresi
<br />t }.-cs t~ **#rn. stsfs a&.°i5xvici ..~xcFun ¢~ `W~t .atitnrndcti ..=ucragz ass w.h ,ttisct nasasti> is i ,xachr ~~, xm:yasxrc
<br />esM3 ~ »:a rsi;Raxcits ~ ran aix..~a F'r+rau-r. x: $ s.~r rns, .~'arafl' i nn Y~rA +. ^..as f x-:n ie: .;zai° a.,t rcw~ere rhe# t^,r ss.-,ant ,a
<br />s~ c'xng aacxea: tEat yntcssee .~ _~nbreyigr t~,u-r_1 ±. ,~~x -~~e ,.mn sc...sr,d !o ~Y:.a \trt,~s~
<br />71lt ulwataac," xaazlcr r.s,. 3EiY€Y tits :ass:rctxx ~is:si± tx .3sn.cr. t«r ll,~riawrx xu4rns:t it+ .+ppr;>,.el na i-en.irr pfrsr-;ded.
<br />leap ~;>N -*liali all 1.~s ;.,~:rina;.aaA+x s-«~3:3r+wY i#i ; x-raksm*- .-. :^n.:t ar><s p ~iasc+ ha:# tie e. .. the manntx
<br />pnns-adrKi 'ac#•dr.; pairaatagph .~. t'xc:r~:a .~.r a ?tit ix:c; :°, ...... ^,^.~. v,raazxr:t .?x ~«~.z:rrt-arx rnak<ag ~~atzricai >i err .fuc ?ir,-.:f3v t.., ::tc
<br />satasratawrc asasel,
<br />s„_ , , a r:
<br />nes:ttc {#dtA~".!i'4 Ytltit i'S~nC"... i,F1 t3~.rC>:r; ..~,..: Rc a- cti•<TMY', ..C~:. ,th3~ 5i ? r:t..s. aflx3 +Rakt x..;+i2c ••a•f,.w.«. v:e., $,;tge
<br />~ xn 4a ~asr .a7 .xra.3. sa t'ueln zsc.-Y`,}saufise =: i za^.c1ri . c x+.it= *. ~ rya-+ SRC air .,- aw,sd t*.tr + *,r. sc. >.. r s [ht,xros
<br />andlnr:~a~ a'hrz; i~,rrs~3s tx. t..ca kr., ,~-u'waa : :n«~.et a.-..__:,~a ., 9s~ t=rcn+,urs• ~3f en, „ E,4.,
<br />>~ slRsrt! gcst pr-s>dspt ~xty;e -n t,:+c =ascs. xaa,r ,air-,te a~~t taut= ! crs«,r : xe c atbt pr. w,t .,. :as .: - xtc ,.. *n,p¢:.
<br />~'S !~
<br />., ;
<br />u"ilifw• La~+~s aba3 iTv^+ax-t %aF~aGt^'/r--r+e sgrx„ ,°< a«r,xz:.~ >._.-.Y a:~:a ,'z-:,,.e<..r, s~~.ti 'cx :.dxr'ana:a t.~ !r,t.3 ~u.:;r, .,r :e;,1,r .~:
<br />tfie I't~prSa ~ t" x-±5;.~. =swzx-sa,F.:~ _~ -.~; aa.~;.~~i~ ~ r'c ...~: ;:~ ~u+u;~. «~t :r s L1c=c ceps-'z -.•
<br />aMX " ~ l v's'~tz 'sabxa'F.~. ~ ,-~, +:,: ,. ,.....,.~ ,°+iw._..., . ~;..-;.~ .. :xc +a.;, ..: ,Y :?3;a x},:'-gigs ix.,.; tat
<br />CIE 't i3~rifCrC ~x,CaRa35 1 x s.~--~.. «,. site xx~x hza. tine.:. :. .?axa Ai~rzrtg~z' »«en "u, - .. er x.-, paxi
<br />Sw ~~~~ €i ~+t f`tci~as ;a >•~a ^ , i+` '.. c ~ i :..= s..- ,~p«r~ , i :~:c; er. . f ..ax> E-- a;c
<br />Blatt nnttlLSe 3rx ~ Rt1, 1..~1Al~;;r x=:: ,{'ti: s:s'rsaCA r -•+:: ;;. -'-_ir~r _. tit,. t3C1w ','~ wrx'.:r a,n: i •, siaalr:~txS.G ht ,Clr:~ •l r:talr?
<br />~s ~ ~ c~'rBes'i ~ ai iq~ :t~:c ~a'~-u~ ,a i tsx,~r n ,~~r.n~ razes -r, rsae.nr at.x~, .v m :a tha f'r„Cent
<br />~' ~ a~tk allele ~t~5: ~uR7tii bi t~ t
<br />3:'"titer Lsnsler •odl.srsc~ts «rtstr~ rc ~yaYS ,x, Wrrt~ag «u.; 5«-, ::ppre:ut+,r, ... }-r,,;ecc.=a :•: ,-;:ra>pai ,ha.~ ,,.-, ;•atcasd
<br />a'+r ;Plil~dnt the ~ #fitE ti s}rr ±:=;4 a3~rs.'+-~'l~:t~a -e'er v' :.. .. .sra~€sr~+3~= :t:-S ~ 1~r-,f .:« «a:,.vie -ixr .:=vxa1 ,.st
<br />attscb tf ~'= ,'ti 1C'=4'®~ F=a,:£, .} veil -°`. ,......., ...::'.~-`tt: :.:~:i ,,..r: Paz ..~,!3t=: r:=a _.
<br />9F aasQ &a an :~'3aittce aQ .~ zn ,E i'Ar }tttz:-'a~tbY.e =tsrrF~rca:u%te~ =,.wen .i:xtna.r~r t.; «.as~Frtxp[x°. ,.w ~ rx, :t:e l,r
<br />ix ~ a~eTT? a'~ ic~s S.~rdlrs =:~ tit ~:r,.'d :,t eFx ?~;sttu +Ch".isr4v ^* ,p x;,xr;ga~r ,.,.:rxtdiaer' rrx.~ +. .z:i: +=ase ,~r
<br />;- need eisillsnuetee ail ~t t.eaeria:lds; (a:deenstnrtte~ placed Lant tksssus. Kau r,,..~s
<br />t lt+lsgt ltttil~teil' a Ttaad £' salt s~,'fali :x>; rya ~ s,; ;?criers: ,mgzarrsrcrs+. ifs :itzrra'ratr~=. •; ttre Prc>rrrss
<br />awti stnr~ i=^Mrlpily ash :,fin p#a-,tin .rr ~Fi= ,C~c s, ttzsw 1,3€arxga,~ ._ oa u sst#ya=isi 1' .. n win>st~r .-+ „r, _. ,;:t. ,_, .,
<br />at a :~aY. dnr-x., -+, €~+x.~r~s ,dsa17 ;•_xa4-~xfin .x.s ..-Z~3rarsiwaw= n .+na-,~ai,ue•_ :iccde. ?-rc 3c~ixt a!~;x=
<br />ilr [.~tb ~aaaatgg +7rr ifit -:.+,=a ., LSi:zmsr~cE ::uz+ i5t*~e~}seratmcr.. ttx ?'-+r`-iarr. asssi regxx'atr«'=s,a ,.[ tttr'
<br />lr ~ natal -'waRs~, med ut'.'~zszt:~z#~•r a.$atc,~Trecnaa 99 d ra«iv~7:ctsitasu_rn ,rs tnxatsavrd -;~tzt ~4v.>,i-M spe~etenl
<br />rigYl ~ Ettd ~! M4raarar ?~ svae;#=rlied '*i°Ras +ws,ath c>an tatE:~rtyta;a:, trt< .n.rcrants sad agr~s,nx:tie: .•-a :ust+ <,:,kt
<br />#lt/)1. i!-g1aSM~ltti ntMa sect '€ilWii rwa#i aeesEl °hs rare~xc,was ars.S egt~crrat+crx# xa +fats '.4lsnrigasc as :t tt'aae r:.kz
<br />'ayllsa-a ptIR7'gteetrll~:,
<br />'~ N~lnlsltlt ag ~ iits~'. #t 'IMr,+rssrt `.''snits tar pez:at~t sloe cxrwatraanta ati,.t ayr~rrat~au -.n.;ta:uua ::v an„
<br />gf a~ iellet! oar pl#aaretwtlayt cs ..a~>± s+ax~.tt Itlusizaia}t3 :sdss9a te€e,ca ~ :rxta~st =s3 x»e PtcTpnr++
<br />fiar ant hfrlesll!d ta;E: ~satrnitsa >~ ' ~--Big:} ;.z'rdr csmrte~c-ctssSSO1. -*t arr..s.:gcrrav,sats :xr rnuxrdtr;,ex . sv3d, ,~rxY
<br />~~r ~.e R~llrs i•.tesdels ai turadsr's s-pt6#~€~'a.. eaa'MnE, txraxte :'~ 3iesr,7aser. mat r:sa~c wet ss Psa;an,.c„ .:.a.Psursr ,.~...
<br />atMa Anil N~li a!gitgF # ~ '~ psaap~'"t 'ka as?~4i,t. •w=.a~'k,. t+ey. rxzt tnntatdt :;., ,i,suyrstnxr±,=
<br />r4ateeelre/lit ad7Yeeti?~V'# hats send entry npssn 9dle .F'xisperty xnY s~teads rcE.;aira #t i r^nier re,gs>ar,».t maasrs>gast s,rxux;«ez „ ,
<br />~$ ~ 'frlRrl awanri £It7! fits.~rs*agpe,, +gtH~gY r~'i P~.xt3 the S't<rrtT+traasu. e~u,rE„1 a anraratau: •.+_..
<br />;iall~ lilt slat 'eON:ai •sreaA :#inre rr 31Me ~s 1-,ar xtLr++s :essrr.s;z:e cprx:.a+:,+uYt.'s .a as:.s.s*r$xr.,;c x~cth Bs*ete-wre , ..,r.s
<br />