80-- ~t~ts
<br />9, l'erdtwtlar. "rte pnvxtds of any award or ~hrm for Jamngss, durst or canse4uenttai. in connection with any
<br />.ondemnatioo or other takity of the Property, or part sttefrof, or for canvcyana in lira of candemnahon, are hereby assiantd
<br />and shall he pad w Linder.
<br />!n the event of a teal talon6 of the Property, thr petac~roeris shat. ere apphtd to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the rxrxs, tf ern, paid to Bwmwer. !n the event of a panisi taking of the Property', unless Borrower and Linder
<br />othetvist aiT~ in writat~, titete shall be applied fa tits sterns sa,^urid by this Dtsd of Treat stech ps,aparsian of iht prdxeedt
<br />u is squat k, that proportion which tfie amatnt of the +aerta s+.cuttd by the Decd of Trxtst imttstdiattly peior to tht dart of
<br />takii~ Mats to the fait matter ,•atree of the rmparty snrdxr,~ratdr prior to tht dace of taking, with ihs halanct of the proceeds
<br />paid to 8orrowes. ,
<br />!f the Ptopaty es ahandaee,t by &,irawtt. ar ef, after atcaEx:c by lznder to Borrower that the cottdemtsw offers to matte
<br />an a,sard ar sstde a cLim for damages, born„ram fafh to rapand to Lender wishin 31) days after the date suclf notice is
<br />xeaied. Lender ~ atetlartaod to cditttK and apply the pntcads, at Lender§ rxpuon, ender to restoration ar ttrpur of the
<br />Progeny trt to the sestet sacartad by the !teed a: Tttest-
<br />Ltahna l.ereder aid Bntrower athsrxue ague rn ,.~-rrx;rtg, aay stu.h appttcauem ..~f ptacetds to principal shall not attend
<br />~~~ due dam of the tzeorgtfp rnstaltments referred to in paragraphs I amt 2 hettaf or change the amount of
<br />#@- Mtawar ".Vat 1Rsis~ti. Eamn,aan of ihs time ter paytntnt cx modifa-adian of amarttrattan of the stone ttcuratf
<br />f,y this fteatd of Tntst ~ran[sd L,y t-.:ttdet is aAy suca.ts~ar iR rtmrsaf of Barrow~tr shall not aperam to rcteau, to any manner.
<br />the iiatrTify of ties otiRinaE Bosnvtver and Bartaw'er's sur:cessen to rntettst. [.ender shaft trot t+e rewired to corttttterect
<br />ptoceeditip aeaadnsr xxacA satcrssaor a refute to eiatsnd txttx icar paytrtent ar otherwur muddy artrantis<ttan ,~f the stems
<br />,rcterrd by shw [)and of Trost taq rtau,a of any dext4atni made tw the angxnri Bax'e~ntver and Borrower's st+cesss~vs in inmrest.
<br />I!. !'wltatse~ee ~ Laatbr !Vat a N`atve:. ,fns f ~raeararycc by !..ender to rxstcxstnE env right .rr remedy hetexaeder, ar
<br />ut#teswe allwdrd M applicable Lev. sha91 not beau=ai+rs•; of or preclude ohs sisrcrse of sna- -uti4 rt~let ar remedy
<br />lie peettttcrtteet of ima>ratx~t cr tbt fwey~zxnd , f :sacs cot atfrtr irtas or :barges fry I.rnder sha12 :rot Lx a warner at i,ettders
<br />rirt ea atewaerate the aatunt} .af 4fee nds!ttatnrxx xtexrxsd hro tnra fetal of T ruse
<br />#1 ftitwdra t=~tttr#.r_ .\R rrnacelers l,tz:..-trd ::; th;s C?os~.1 xxf Teurf ere dictsdr::t and rumufauve to aay~ outer npfit
<br />at trrrttdy ruder 4±sna f]ted cf Trust nx aitatdCat h, taw .v ~inxy, sad maa M estrcrsed Yax-utrrntfr. ,naltpenrfendy or
<br />cvcwatseler.
<br />#]- aitrsmrta ad tawjtta wA~ fit arra 5e-eri I.Llii)tey: t'tMeiaaa. ?'hr caa-e-nsnts attd asreetnents hertm
<br />,xxetautpi that? iwryrt, sad tt+: rtgtm hrsrmrrdrr sheet ,axo-rr t<,. ,he respe.^r+'r av;a~as<x> and assitms of ! ender and Bornayrer.
<br />.tina^t in €:ht pcm~;r+exu ai parafrsptt ~" hea~a; iii ..menans .,ra3 a~er;rteat. :,f Rcumr•rr ,hall he ¢.*:nt rod tevent.
<br />aad headmys ~ tlm rapba ,V tA~ E]rer: at inter me tae .onacnesnrc ,=air atxi arc nz>t to i~c treed to
<br />+rter;~C a,t dttihss ere prayzsxtitiwe
<br />!L ate. f"u.-~r..t far aay ocaxcc `tq_r~,aeai carafes app+:. anrr .. .~ !+r giern .n zo.wtw:, manner. ,af env nvect to
<br />ra^t:;yset asr~,vxslrtt fta? ce tt>rs Lai,? of Tta~t- ~A.xit t'E ~.»~ ?+s „_. of .,~~!:...., ,e !-x ._^>f,. ^xaei a 4r-~~' Br>~+wcr at
<br />sd,e f'-eaRrly ,~ ~ ar sraeh vhsr atrdrtss as fiarraw~tr Ana, :ia;gxrats *•, nxixs^r t:, M1t an.-ixr as {*r<.a-i,t~f htrern, ar:Q
<br />ahf any faone:e tai t.aadat shati err g;,'ea t» ~crtafitxt nxau rtxurn +rc~rrpt *cr+ursrasi ?„ I crxler a :ddresa suftd hartrn ar to
<br />suer olltes saidxtw as l.terOtt ^ruty desr~r4art h, ;sort.-c ±,• Bt-.r.:=.rr .r. gzas.~.dc;i hrrra.n any n,+t:cr t,rr»•rdsd far rn this
<br />head ~ Trxist stroll ne :itprasd a~ txaat teen gncn t:, ttarr,.ver: ~- ! :z,iler warn gssrsx :.. tfrs rsaarrixex dexrgraatnt tiXteern
<br />#3. C aiim !Best d Tn~ t~eri~ #aa !Irswiiity. i = o?rrn ,2 ::^W:2 .-t to ra ,.vnbma~s ~nrtarm z..~ ~naifcc hxr
<br />at*rYaQY3 vae arat ,~..-rm;fax~ mAxYmaTi^a w~ift 6'drrt3~rSf .an se.naa -~~ „cis; ;_r rxn vo .exnaNivte a uenfortn aacrsr.^I, rrrygryrnatnt
<br />rn+etrlig rcai ~ra{elte T'hu Ileesi c;r 7rsavt sisal; *s y:~rs *xsi ^. :he -.,. ,~., ,!~ ,csrvrcira.a~ =x, nh+:h ;§tr Pr.:psna bs I,rsestl
<br />Rxx rht aveat :?,tad say prt?a'nsxta~ ;~++ ;:axsar ,:2 t4aaa i3ec,r :: u~ ,., fa. \.vrx• .xs~xt}s. Lr uRh app#nca?str :sw xxr:ix ionitrr<t shall
<br />ns a3eca cxt~ j~¢~~-ua st d~u ."ku=.n °':uu .<r *c~c '.air ., n=.n _aa t+c g; ~a e=.3~a ~^-iTx:~: >tr c.*rxa?~,ip~ Yr:,•~+xr;~;_
<br />aad S`S fire !'Ji'b t3 I+r+ElY#,np cd ahe l~CeY..v iFL6i a,a'4 thr i,irlx' :.rr ustiiariat '.+, t,r 3tarrat*tL
<br />li. Mtrawk Cam. B.?rraaasiv s3tab9 r„ 4ctrrxt.A-u s .,,z~~,uned ...pp- t=r it,r .'.~trrr arvd ,~f i*as (ytrJ .,, F,u.a :,; r+,s .tine
<br />:+t tatEeiefana nr erect ~ h{ttta,f
<br />#". TYttttr/as +l air let+wyd Aw~rta :? ail .,. „n-. ,,a.., ., ,^r Pr;'?(R•sda ,,, xn rnierra+. •:vr~r~n „ ,:H4 ,.., ~:3neferrrai
<br />aavr ltarxm~-sr •xttl^xa2 Ltraatr'x pttr,x ar;na^n tasa~:,r.,ea ra„':uo.at„n' :'-,c .rta:x~.n a' .: i,rn ••~ ren:armtuanaY auhc.rrf:;xatr t.+
<br />:fus L'1Rr3 z,t 7rsa¢. the the c:eratrnxa c+d : ~~c*.ayr „-;.xrr-, +ns+'=rs .•,reaxae !c*: hczxxr~lxsfd at:txfrani.tr. : ;ranxtte n, „*tynr.
<br />:teacasf ar t*y :yferrtxor ~ tart span trot ~rarh x:d a -,~~: xrna ~.+ :,,
<br />3 rao~ ~„ea .,, . _~ri'r. , -a+r:~ux n;rc~.5aa~a nil asr as.-ns. ur.;2cat +=n the {,eehf o' Tryst u• tar
<br />x~i,aadpnirabis ic:utr ~-s'zae a,.rxr ~.•~t t- a:artmt-ar t+~•: ~.:.~ a'c x ra:rn#er irndrt
<br />read Ne petst~ F2+ a'he?s!c tits PnaRr'ti :a .r *:r x>ra :ar z. asafta-n, - a.h s~rs^sx-ca a t-~ne rtaaa o;tix - rtfst .=r sa.°rz ~nran
<br />cr aaterfar'tyxa~ •r i rata thsf the =*.xmrrst ~aa~Rt s<n .'.'sr ~ ._ 1,.=_urcnf ? ,4:s i-F 1
<br />i_eatdn strait ?. €f #. .:.ta motes .rsx z~ r .4 - ='~ '-c i , .~ rrt.i - *.r:~ i~c a ~ :t rate s+
<br />amgitsi gca;,:a• _.r:r`x=s~°~rr. ,.nC-nxc=.ria ~.zi~,rsa.'~- xa.. R<,. •.~a :..,ta~.a,+r
<br />iaittteyi :ray rtv;sa~i m wmeftt:s ara:.Aax;xn..a~z a~:°ss•~r=z:.-;:n ...c. _, w r,*:nl r: i cenf~c, i trnr::er eho;s rrt;,r:..k ¢a.vx„w,tr ; r~
<br />di.3$ ~21."lbfY k1;tY• ".i °~+ 1-ttCS: .~, T. iAA ><'s.7 2tK ~a.'s4t
<br />fi? .fit eslr;~ xnc3i .~ ._ .....meets 7Yrn3r= •naae s.i F+rrr r-~~w•m ~:~e:rc „t sc~s•-tcraa >» ..~..xn2a~e wedr
<br />pspa tiL xierex~ yrr"h r,~trc,~t a ; ~tb.;r.,r'xr ~:vx5 - s •r rho-r :;._ ..a tr:*ss* t*r a,.• +rxr - sz a iset u,rfrca
<br />w iRnetrartx rxxa3 ~) mss s,srrs .3t,ew`•ztsva .text i? 9t ~+.r ;m, :cub a;rxTaa L,*' r ? !i^ r jx*raia,re .•- a:s ,xrn:d.
<br />l.srales rnia, wham ?aar?ftce b,~rc~ >; os~*~a_.-.t ~--, ls;:rF rfi~_, .rvs s..., r¢:',vasrb~± pkss~:csi "~: ,r,,s,-agr>:-f+f; ~ < twzs,<-.'•,
<br />1as•d..it~rat~xxcxr t 2»'styrws,~a, $r^s ..v.~aa aaa,: i r~v3~ *=ssx'.:r+ ,:wr€:.~: ars.5 E~cs as i.:srcHare
<br />~. iEil~~. i"~'~ i ~~~ ar ~Ci~'R'~i tY lfsevr(. r/A~ Mriiwtr'K Mswri at ani raa~ w
<br />ad~~ml ~iattwas rt 1#t~ Itisett +ai irtwa, rrarYti tae raweAar to day :irsn iar asn ..tins srrarsi by r7Ns 17sar
<br />Iffier tr tars rrst/ rrsaa,e to lwrm.ar r r+na arN it lrrwRr~ f a tetrswi sArsr!}tett: t 1 i fir
<br />atra~ i23 wet: retort a~gtiatt w rxare tad rtarc-i lit r Aert, nxu tn. slaw ?a s1a-s trarx tae tart fir aatRr sa tttraer to
<br />~rwww. r_r wheat rrrrr tratrtf tear k ctrasi rra ri! fiat tatnre tx. elm aaaa Mrari >»a «ar Eearre tit dMS ,}srifist
<br />M die asrttri ! Harr i ls,tllssarYru J tie as vrtrrspl i, Nis ttsea d t riwx oat ale ut tae f"rtrpeaf~. M'is wnties
<br />ttld faelw ittltrir alarsrwa d ntr rtBM tw ssiaeyts a#sn ar,rirsatsna at,d rtes t,tar to trdrR a rxrttn artiw to wser+
<br />trt trrifaitarar ril t tdetth ar aay ntlter taeaar ar Htsrywwas xa ar~a^sitrarrtr ur ~aiu. #i fie hn~rc~i n Mw crrd
<br />s aw ralrw alt rtta retsslrt/ b e4 ereawss., l.ewde+ rY i estate r a*tetw wyr, dtrstare art at tyre +~utr+ arrxcxvd a, xtts ^ket
<br />r/ Tttttw M rt irttwiitaar trot arri #ry oily w1Mrt fatM.n efrerrai awe w,rt rtswar tkr Wwsr d oak nrtl aa, trier +errsriss
<br />fttltt~d ly w~lYkaYs trw_ #.+tr/rr aaaril ar stnttMti as ytt~at at# rgsnnils carry rt raleNSr+• xr,ewrred ,m pxrnuirtt flee
<br />tst~ fiaaiai/ti is tai graftgii fie. aret[r~iitrl, brt w heater era, r:wrrratlr rrtaraey`., lrs+r.
<br />w lrtke et# tati i, iatsaiatt, #-xrtrse t1Aaw se:~sexi a awtws ad retxrrh xr sari caaNy rs >•aira tars Trtrisenr r» srrrrs
<br />t+wR rNywsi i 4tatad awl siai arts aa~(aa si ta.c# asaww~ w tart +aawe. 4ers.c athd Aa a/piiraMs taw r+, Yarm+er end ecr dK
<br />+tl/at iratrrar #~artmtrttd lx s~'~s rtes. aaas+ xis iet/at .ri r~ txs ., rwy iw +es~K b, nplrlrrair taw. T rrwn ,trait
<br />~R }arc auYat ?rI xltis ~ ors ~sasrtrs aw! &~ zis rr~aar perwc7iiN1 i, aA#inaiis Saw i'rarse: r~tttsast Aawaawl ur
<br />lwtttwt~w~, +M~asw:11i,1llrpaa} s gaffe saswtsat• Y. dry stlwi-ns iirlrs at cis tier wnt rius rd raorr rl.r tors fesirwsred
<br />irfitttrlLtatrrh+irastr agate arir sorter refer sr Trrstrr mow trecrarias. TnrW: mousy t's~r ,air of at1
<br />m-~ ~twaf ttl Jlla ~ tw }a ar.cttnrstaatr r Ns taa.s rd P+.rR e,f aep fur+,n.rt, rK iriria# Asir. t exerer ar
<br />1++wi~ r iai~e aMtlg igt~ia~kri+#ki Es~ay at aia +is.
<br />watiifir rt pttit4reeat t! err ft'ri t'.satrr- retell liWsss t« Mr rrestr~.er lrtrrr^w: aert rvsrrxrvrq rtes P
<br />aaM, +er+rlrt L tle Tttrrtr'a trot ~t* tar gtswss trxas t•tftarr of ties trtrti d e4 etarstaswn, rrafr tiereir. ! r~irts
<br />+1rM.wll~ >lllryyra rf err aria r the a"'a~` toff tr ai nrrrrralle a^are, anal stper.es ref rGs tats. trxiofittr, bw
<br />ref fitilittr. intM~/bta w# art wrae ttttw s , i a ": 9a tie g+wsa yttir Mfrs, rerrrrtrYe atxanrr, s }y.y, oat rxerex at
<br />~'~e ~ra Nl la afi aaeia trsarrf t1rr ahi filwt ~ ! raa~ art ix~r dry rxatra, tit swy, nr des prr,iw er psrarwy teaally ertrMt
<br />#A. ~taaarrr"s Hru si Irlrlw! .:,, ,e ~t t ~.ac A raxtca . St...:~r-,rte rsYr ta,:c ,.. - , c..t n,, a... t,r X31 b i , •.,
<br />tlt~-.west a`.a;! Fro+r .1+e r qf#t xt:. }yeq,* „ ..... `r . d~~, r`"! ! wtvyur . cst,~-,r a t)Ly:yt .r f r ,., . , ,,, „ -
<br />c a .'
<br />van 1NOIr ~, ~ =:• c+r a-.rrYr '9x ., i ,+ir E:^h . x cry x'+s< ~e,Ar r** ?"sn } r±.~raa rylrac=x s¢ .=r r .• - + % n s .zz•a
<br />,. ~An I>tarx•r t i~ .• •re• s'am ,K a x?~t}mow-.~, gin?. •. f)°!sa1 ~ I ~e:w, .t fie •.r,.,.ww.e: ;, a ,.,xc.
<br />.a
<br />'tc tlrta Jrr ~,rtrr eii,.:y lirsu: ,:? ; ..~ •:,e k. _.-., _.dr, ar.~:r+rrr=a Fxs>at \ak-aax~», .; .:~x s.„_. y, ~ ter, n- - , .Wy,.,.cv
<br />. h'. ]~C rr~<i .':sT -.i: r.rcai++e. .• - 'Litt ...... a>~R!
<br />w ;~ eme 3~$ArS34E=,3F .,{ +9 '~ - P¢ ,~ - ri: h . 1 T,! ~ ' • ai
<br />l,ae +~-rn ;tit„ a<: rw:,rc.n.:t ;, rr.-n :sar:»xasei xsa 9 s`+ark:x xr~5 r - ;;er ~ rwe ~+rr i v r.. n..,t .g ernsrnra .
<br />f#vrr~e,f,»s- .-su =.. „ !;front .-: trust nsa4 tw zsai':n~.me 3 s:+rrlk!x , ~~s E ~ .-.. ~-vsase4nz #=kec9 ~ ~s ,y~r at'!^.
<br />4. a^r ,'r. -,,sr ~ .'airypn #r.=. rsYwtMadRs af9trrtxFA > ?ec.a ,r'srt i by- ..~. . L ,.P n ~ ~ { ~ ~r nsa +,
<br />'t+er+Yrst n,a s.•wtnf ,'~ t`u c+.ax, s-',? ttxu t7rst# rr Ytaora. i r•areiez a rnxr*x _. f . -••i'K a+, e v._ tt•. ~i-,", r, , .,,5.txr ..,., ..
<br />