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80- 8 MORTGAGE <br />THIS hlORTGA(iE is toatf~ thas. t s#n ~V of ~?Y... , <br />l~ g~ .~*~~~~~ Jt~hl at, ZAJtt~~ .ANA LYNN E._ ZA.IICEK, husband and.wif~ <br />Ilreeein "Borrower„!, attd the Mortgagee, Home Federal <br />Saviep sad Tqa Asaseiation, a aoeporation twpniaed and misting under the lawn of The United States of <br />Amsriea. wioae ad~wr is ~l Soutl' Lontst. Street, Grand Island. Nebraslta 16erein "Lender"# . <br />Wxxat:as, Bormwer is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of . ?E\?ENTY, S 1 X ,j?~'3t~#S/~NQ ,A~Q, IVp~ I QQ <br />_~____~+_~»____----~-------~_-.-.~#~ which indsbtedttess ix evidenced by Bormwer's note <br />....................................... <br />~. .tSaY, i b, I ~$0 therein "Ntxe" ). orcttidittg for monthly installments cif principal and interest, <br />tvith the baiaeres of the ice, if mt sotuter paid, due and payabk on.......'~~. . ).,. tiQ04....... . <br />To SECVae zo Leader ta) the ttpaytneni of tlx indtfxs€3nesc cvidetm_cf Sy the Note, with intereu thereon, the <br />paytaent of aB alter stem. with interest thereon. advanced to :tu:ordan^s herewith to protect the securitp of this <br />• and the #erfcttmsrax of the ttn~tmattts and agreements a,t Borrower herein tontstned, and Ib) the reptyntent <br />d env totals ad-waoes, with intsmst thereon. made €a, Borrower b,' Lcndsr pursuant to paragraph '_ 1 hereof therein <br />"Ftmrre Advaness"), Borrower does hercbv tnortgaasn^°. and convey to Lender the following dest:ribt>d property <br />#acstai is the +Cutoitp ot.......... - .'~A~-i. .State of Ncbtuta: <br />;_<^+i Si~TEEhi ;?C7) 43,' N#%?ti L~.~S ~u~3Livl~d'J'V N:t'~~FR TSt;, 3tlriL ? BART ~~ TNt SlZl1T1iEAST <br />4'yr~rt~P CF T~ ?g13RT?~sEAST wLAG;T-n (;EaNEw) A`d~: 4 ~RRT '," ;HL "3v='TH HALF OF T`>iE NORTHEAST <br />,nc?7~E:~3F ~ivr^'~#~A T ~iu~P~~ ;h;>it~ _Sc? l'- _LrT1lN TH; zT€EN i ~.), Tt_Sw;NSNtP t"LEYEN <br />ti! 3 ~tpTi+.. ha4*~i~ k3',iE i9I wfv' :'f "~=ti ??~ ~. BALL :~:xvTY, 'vESisAShA. <br />-ANA <br />A Ta'~r1CT ai ~^~L: '~;&F'Rt~iN:= R ~'A?~'T ?f -H= ~'u;'TrlvE.T ~`LARTE^h ~~c "s;i= 'JvRT}tirAST wLIARTER <br />451*ihLa ~~ S~iT91::~1 TrrfrTE~?d X133, Tv'~aS+;1P .-_'~;ti 'I;' ?SORT'r, ~ANGE 'diNE 44), .yEST <br />`JF T3~i 5+"Ria. *'.~_, .'N rt~~ "ktair >ti.~+ri+tv;tip., -'~"+-~~ rART3~.,L.r'trijY ~ESGiio~~ qS =OLiL'AVS: <br />t~''::1?:ir"S:~L. AT Ti~iE !~?c^iT'tiitt'aT .',',?E' `u •' LET .; tT~:?i tit3J, H1N :I+KL~ ~L+~uD?'v!`~iJN <br />'tit~iE*"xTkr=~.:- T'ri~'a;~ Sw:'TI,i=RLY Kli~^2r 1'r?t a'ES _s~'t :.r _.r'"1~ LET .:1<TEL`; ~I~; Il,itiTt,YdCE <br />?F E1t,`TT '~"-sc".~3 FE~'T, T~ T~ ~v~LT'-i~r~r" S,r^SE^: :i~ ',A; C ~ t7 ::1 XT't:P1 , ic:; TrcP,{.~E <br />~F'LEt;T1~i4 i;iriT a~~C~"i~ ~? ~Li1Ni't.: .>u'.T~irtEST`t~:t.Y A SI,TrV+1~ ~~ __'42t*iT' ^~N: <br />'rte ^?~iL`i"fi-"13 tip Ht~zl_~ITHS t '~. ~~) ~~ T ; i*i_?~2~ ~~' 1= Lt CT 1 h~ K i (,~+T I I ° ` '_•' d 5" AN9 Rtt,:`J ! NC: <br />!s#"~ieE'S+'Ir LV A ~iST.t4f.'t~ ,'?' TwcE'JTY-=3 i+:, i'7.s3 ~"EcT; HcNt'L ~ r t~CTit,~; ~LfT I I` 1 :' <br />3 t~tiNBSi:, `e~`?RTSitl"+'i.Y, ry ~i _ Tr'L~ri,s _ i rrq i :rQ,'~'? tL'. , ~. T+iS ?tlS`ii§c5T '~L1i3+#tR <br />~:at" v0' T31ii;"l`-t•~~ i3::: ~it~tc°+ 3..~~e` :,~x:~i~li~i: iC.~ 'dt`b€iE#i °"vLi '?!t'>i~ 'ri~n^?'ritASTERLt ALt?NG <br />TrfE d?'r~~TEt,iY _:3tiF ~. vA3". _ „ Ti:;%3~-~r,~y; i~:7, A .iSTsav~ :`r '°-.'L .~~.r,;~'cn THF~z ~Np <br />TxtC *i~t#t1.~~'Cri^.~ {1G'-s...." *~k' _ ;+^di _~+v' :~EGi'riRi3".~i, r~i:. Gi"~'1T:14~i"d. ~,.1.- ACES 4DR[ <br />_. <br />w~tltslt~saYtaraf...._. .lu.__. s€ :r.i.:~- ..,. .. ;~ranu..R.St~a. , <br />taaw~ati =c~tr3 <br />~'iSeE _ . _ , . Vii, ... - . # ltsswia ^!~ !lddras'°) <br />isaM~a~M a~ gesN <br />'IC±os'igiwlrat with aYl tMa Mw;fra4swatwt rtow €.w ltcrsuitrr east:tad atri the #tra~ptrty, sad ail rasemrau, right.,, <br />~, , ~, ~, r+il anti riJl~' ar«1 ptcrlaa, waK,r, wauv rtythta, anti water stc+cit, sad all <br />rtglllr#t ~at+111te1`aplp~ed ie fJYe paoya:rtY, td asf +w6irtr ierc~ replat,entents and sddittvtu theret~*, sbtdl lac <br />4atti~rlYf tn'is swd raiwlls a pert of efts fe+i}' csarsr+c4i l'y the ~ ,sad a#! r,i abr '€,t,cgcttn##, aagcattst with saxi <br />fur tlta lsasgirW atiWe if'iitir, Alp+trBit/e it cart a lsa+s)atid 4 ars hucttt tstsr€sd t~, as the "f'tcrprtty" <br />inrrawra ~nwwwsAtw drlR Basxaatrur ~ iawf~iy t c-rf the esvttc ?~^rclry <carr~vstl sari hen €he atght €__> mor€Urge, <br />Blasi awl ~ Tl1r r.ttNtuty-, tftsr. tan !', n tsttntt~^rcui, arxi riser Borta.swrt F+etll wares€tt attd defcnS <br />tide ttt Na lAatpastty' asrar4 "'.~! dsras tttri 4sraarw~, tui+~wt €F, art} ~xlarstutstM, caisttxtsts or rrxtttetwax <br />~ a~ ~af e~ tt. :mac mn arty tat4C r~rtuMx pex3~~ eaxsunag ! ~txicr o rntcr~t to the Pmpeny <br />~r.S to•iasMatt-#~3~..~'~r!!~ twts~ ~le~w <br />