80- 00?.2iz ...
<br />l,'xtroaxt CovEt+wxTS. Borrower and Lender covenant artd agrtae as (allows.
<br />t, }aywe~t of PrirJpal ltd lsleresr. Borrower shall prompiiy par when dtte the principal of and interest on the
<br />intfebtetlfteas evrdens-ed by rite Nate, prepayment and late ~hargec as proveded ,n tfie Note, and the princrpal of and ?merest
<br />on atop Furors Aairances secttred by thts Mortgage_
<br />Z Fusin tx ittoa ssi It~aaasee. S~tbjcct to apphcable iaw ur w a warren waiver by Lender, Bocrawer shall pay
<br />to Lender an the day monthly tnstallmsnts of prtnapal and emettst see payable utxier the Nate, anal the Note is paid in fu0,
<br />a stmt {hetratt "Famdr") equal ro o~-twzlfth of the ready taxes and assessments which may attivn paitrriry over this
<br />Mott;s;a and gramtd rents txt the Property, tf any- pins arn-twelfth of yearly premium ittsta#Irttrnts far hazard tnsuratrce,
<br />pith ate-treifth of sseatlp pretaiurn imtallments tar titartga;e utsvrancc. tf say. till as na4onably estimatedenitially and frt+m
<br />titre to nine by Letder an the halts of assessments sad bdls and trxxTnable eettmaies thereof.
<br />T}fe Ftmds shall 1as beid to an tnuiruttan the dsposaic nr arautus of which are tttsuttd ar gaarartteed by a Federal or
<br />stage a~teacy iirw3ud#n; Lender :f Lrxtdsi rs sx~tt as inatittltYan; Lrndst sha## spp#v the Funds to pay slid ta_aa, assesintents,
<br />amtttatsae premiums and;routd rCt]s. t-ettder ma}' rat utaige far sa balding and spplytng the Fronds, attnlyzing said account,
<br />~ ver3lyin; and campdin; said assessm~tts and hills, unless lender pays Hott'awer interest an the Funds attd applicable law
<br />permits Ltatt4s ra tusks sttdi a chard Bnrrosrer and Gender may ague to wnnng at the limn of rseirutiatt of this
<br />ltarlpt;t that xntsrsae an rho Farads shall he pa;d to Borrower, attd unless such agrcetntm is made or applicable iaw
<br />trogtstea sttadt tniertnt m !x n:atci, i-es+der shai3 twt ?s te~nartl t.~ pay B.±trower am mteresi ar careungs on the Fonda, LrFttder
<br />snail Iptve ra Borrtswer- wtthtxn charge- an annual :c~c, untnng oL the Funds shawtng crrdsts and debits to the Funds atnl the
<br />prtrpass sat whet ascb tiebtt to the Funds wan nT~. Rte t'zands arc plaidged as addinanai scanty fez the stints 9eCtired
<br />by thu !tlartp;e_
<br />N tie atmoat u the Futtdt ?>~ by Lrndar, u>gtthcr uiih :lu suture manthty trtstal)ntsnts of Famds pagabk prior fo
<br />the due dates cd ranee, aunts. aasnrancc ptttmatuns and grattnd sears, shall r.:xtd rho atttatmt required to pay said lanes,
<br />aasaame~s. tmuranz ptmrims attd gzautsd rents as tlx> ?all Sur, such excess shall be, at Btvrawcr's apron, other
<br />pra~ptiy tepasd ttt Barttfwez .v cte~ted to &~:rower vt :txrnrhly tnata#lments of Funds. !f the amount of the Fttttds
<br />!slid AtS Lesser s(tali ncx tie sttiSr`smt tta gay ruts, assrssntrnts, msurattrx pttmnems and gtattnd rents as they fills dtte^
<br />Barrewsr ehati p:y to [.ender am' aaintutt turessar. re -s:aYc up :he dcficerncr w:ttun 3tJ da.•s term the date rtari..,s is mailed
<br />tit? Leasdis as 9cxzetvrr ttgaestm; ps;'mcnv rAtart+~rs
<br />t;pe+n }uccment xa full x ai? stttus cecutt•d Let trt„> \t urga~e i ender s#r.at! primarly ,eland ti, Borawer any Funds
<br />held br l.rrsdea tf :ender paragraph ij :trrati :he t'; op eat ;> .:std ,~ ;n.^ Pr,=}xttz ~s .,=_hcrwitse a:yurtcd hy° Lcnzier. Lender
<br />ritail apply. sxa inter than :titfatndisicla prxtr t;, :nc .tine .<: ,hr farat*cene ,,r to acquzsrtton hr [ender. ant Fttads Mid by
<br />t.aatrier at the ts7nC .TMf apQiri-•atrn as a cmin a;atns: the stsstc xx:umd ht tA:. Sta,rt~gr
<br />1 A~tlirflfa~ ttf l~tmwsrr, Lalr^ss appltcatt#r taw ytot ~Ys .xtTrtw..c. ai! pal^rrxtnts recetvrd by I.srnder under the
<br />Nc~ tied paragraphs S attd . htiteti .sisals fie appt,nti A+s i cadet tat ,n pa+tttrtat .ai amauttts plyataM to Lender by Bamtwer
<br />ctudC' par,t~caph . tctea^a. Than to snstrrsi tvyatx$r ,an the \,.,tr.:ncr '.< ;tx ptsn-apal ut the 'Vote. sad ttsett to rttetest alai
<br />prtta:+pai as tiny Ftazirs Adrra~.
<br />i. Clgsa: Lisa 8eirzv-wrs ,lsaif >aa ail :<>,_ .~.~s+meras ~;v .+tiaer :ha;-er>, tine, and ?mpavtrntts attrhutabk to
<br />!e 'b' a•+zi~ rosy atlam a ~araty .,<rs tt±s.: x3:,rtga}e- aid i. a..enaid ;ax~tncsatx . , FYetaod romc tf an}~, in the muirnr
<br />-~~'sdl3 treater p7F7papl6 2 hst~i < ;; ;era ss. _« sa:-b ;n:s~.:r hs ii~srsrsuer ?rat#ang pavmort. w•tien :3ne. elutstic to ihE
<br />is!'ae titcrecd- Baezaatrer shat: Pr'=•mt''va tai oasts t.~ i.rni#er s:a :tau.es :,t atnc?unzs dtce ttrtder than paragraph, sitd in the teem
<br />Bcsrrlasit; sizall ma-s pas°ate^t ds'm ~:t+. Hcrt-,<+x-t hail ,^; _xrupsv, turneaA :,'+ Lcn~t.:r :ucapt. c+rdrnctn8 sssth t~aymcnts.
<br />Besrot-ac 'a7faxt ptaatptl; dtr'"t2argc .uty =~ dnt;r, *:as t-+,~~rrt,. .~wrx thrs 1f..ttgaitr. ,row,.ie:d. +hxt Borrravtfir cRall n<.>t lac
<br />ltd ~. ''R' auc ~asctt Tarn ,..~ a,~.; xs i;kr:era+cr .Hass agate ar + rai:ng t~ rite na~'me:^,t „i ,hc ,+i,EaE,itam arcuresi 6v
<br />a:arn nn a ttsaesrr acaepxahie to #.cudts. yr ,hsl: an 4>ktt '. asih w-+nac°,t .u,:h Tarn n; .ar ,#efen 1 snS>tr:.mrtm .~t s.r: it inrn ?R.
<br />wtacix optrate to ptr*axit tttc erters:raae:rt of ttvr =sort .,: L,arte:rutr .rt r#xe Prepicrtt .a anti , an +heseaf.
<br />S- inadlttswtte, &-?T1rn2wY'r s.'rrft Gt1G~` the ,tttgsn^.a-mrrnae .~;,.. er:z.:rg „< trtrratrc: r:~,:r~i ,xn t?x Vs„}srrtt rnstt~d
<br />iiaa ~t+v -;-re, haaa~Y1s eiati'iuaicil w•:t .~t2a ittt t~sm s'teczrdc3 ,,,+xaag~t , .. ,~-ah .,tt~r 5sa:alyds a> l ;sYakt xnsy' reyutra
<br />a1Ci m »~ azm.~~tts srexA rv xck°. peast.2t as l aa*.~ mar *e~>sa-tc. pr,>~ eded ;flat ! crndz'a ,iii ~waza :cryutrr tfi~ the aanausn ,H
<br />Ystr3t .a.+='st'a;c ec:~d chat sm4=u~:>_s :~t ,r~«era;e ^^~aa:rect r,.• tss3 ?T.tr w.snY sax.=:~a±r; 'st rt=a 1/c=ngagc
<br />Tae sueteranax .ar,'ru Tar. *AYtt«~g :Arc stascuass's ?fit; '~ .«c~nsza !rr iircrrru t; -ar#ateci t~. appr,-,. ai ^. i e,,,'er. pravtdcd.
<br />rtW auts:t rtppsne=ai sludi ~~ lac ~tressr,as~.asafc' a~rrisi~lt! tR1 pz~ea,,:anti ,t, nesuraxxr yu.,tactcs: ~A~#I ^re p.ata ~ t3rr tnsnner
<br />pxsrtrsdest taarOt7 paarafraptt_ taraur .u .7 txet pa.a er s,{,::, tnats~-t+;3 ?e &,rrrr.+cs nxai,itg pax:`ttextt, warn dex u.rec.l}' to tfx
<br />tessraa~e tired
<br />,!!1!i ~ I,z~rla:xsY alto ar~rroaatt tt5rrra<i :,3a:i: ;'+r :n t,zt~rs .a.et*t-tine :,, t c^~'r ,tie :taal; ,. ?cafe a +.atril,3rt7 nxzttgatte
<br />-3i~e ~ 3s~c~r d:J ~ e~ f<~ rca~~a4:~¢ s„ tea f~.:ua~e .fitrtsi tea, d- ?trc rz~a tr ixaif t3tc ixrit: z.°s „n<i zee: •a miti tttcx~v
<br />nazi irtstasw'sr i•§ psiy iaxrRi.3a to E-rtr+3et ~ ~~Axra..ti :a°eyc ,aa.: ai`, :r^..~cana ~=t ;a>+~ prumeum, Ire :hc e.-reel .:i 3?,e..
<br />1~ --~-'.;;~c F~PF.rps a..~.= a~ ..ra; ,~.a~.r .zr.-tee ~~.z., _.e. . c.~,~, =.a. a.:i; f..;.,_; :-, ~~ „ „y . :,.~.~.. t^rc:.~:~.:;
<br />i+s lormatrc
<br />L-~idaa Lsatie.= alwt lntr_Tr~ ~raerw-ear ~:~ :._: ~... g.:...~r;s~ t ,. _ ~±a ana43 ix :.fvaixz:d sa= se=~-~aan~ =ti• rr.~tirr at
<br />~t5lt Pra~rrry dttYgCt;.. prt~akeefi ~rat#3 *eua~.ataY-~vs<~, :~r ;r, s:¢ -ep nsr,~a.'+ms. x9tt •caaahh~ aerv' iii *,*:. ur rte 4a- tttxs Clcart#Tagc a
<br />ties ~ aatpaiersd.. $A tsat.3s trat•~rcrat+:aY :xr etpasar >i inn e~~+aeww:aaYt.>:1•< t..»a-,t~ir .-?. ,t tns u~c,xn', ,3i :fz:a M+atY;;r~kr a>iul:l
<br />tee • ;iC atastte l~u"tk~t* st3:rii tree ar'~tlrtsc:3 eF, i_F<.r ate ai ~ -ntrmc7 ire -'t,s ?elc+ri~apc <,+ :,:x ex.eti . a? :xati paxci
<br />'~ it~t:-isvtr ilT 'thC T'i +a a'hr.~5arra~si tia $ut-^emsc^e ,,, .i ~xr~++..ea :z,r., .., :~c.pc-~: ~~ S_srwra r~~txx, 'str d3yr tz>nt the
<br />3are ~tt as smtccriei by I.ttMd4s ta+ i4artr;wrcr °rat ctzssxrscu:t ..~:t:r¢ _,:itr. •... .c•ittr ~. ,.stn, t.*, ~xaaxratuc ^rettrists, 1 Cnclri
<br />t>< and 4.? etOlitscY sod apitiy '.qtr atstuasne ~cacerr.'^s «9 i.ce~::~: t <!pttcu? r:ihos t;, rradarsi:rv.1 . ~: ,cpasz .mot ttae Vnpx°rtt
<br />ate sa ~r tars spccitei try chtis ~
<br />tY?asrrra Lrtrtisr and Yrarsa+ra,rr :tzltsacu. s agree m ,. z .arzg. an ~, :.,s,.,; a..pe,...rrm .,T ;+s~,,,.:c.Ya :<:~ ,a.~:;a;+pai .fiafi *:ut c,t¢nil
<br />t+r the ~ .i+3t I'd ,~.--~rrE~r, zsis <,~r~~: ;,. .. ~rar~s;-rF, ~:,L ;~ ~t ,.~ .Pa:st:~ :Y,~ atxt..~a;,s , .
<br />ti•d{~. ~ ue9lar g+asir~aiaR Ig he~c's tesc #'rr:pcrts :, .~.•,yzm-.tad^, ;.raw'cr _ erg#,as. rsuc -sat3 ,^tsacst cq Brttr,^wcr
<br />+yi 1ioM 7b ate' tupciraa-x plfifT.iri a.`Iti LE ate ?na T3te -psP:t~DYti,`3 i3YLii`t:+l si btu.:?ray, `rt~~ ,f~ xna.gC '..^ IfY'e f'*'expert+ -,,: ix, one na ie
<br />art;>~ta'!i pry ^~ ismaller tt~ '3ie t.t.~e~ ;~ tsu ns:.;~ ~cxstc~ ra sixes "~i,<rtga{e rar;ratWmuts ru:at t• ,zrih ss:e e.
<br />~.
<br />C lllleaea~ ~! ]leiaaae~tre si lltr~IRFt lraYai~ L'.tsdutir~t a'Les~N t err I~r><adoy?sieanh. t#cut rawez
<br />titre iawr me 9 it l~+'d re#iav and tlat33 3~ c:~rscma wa;tc ,:? pcrtwr ..=-taasttxs.t ~ _ ~tnta,?a-~rt~x: r=t tier ~ rfr~ t:
<br />iYi{ asafl .~?eepL,y aai{IL tfllC P~ :1 atip SRS t. 3G.'R ~ gapr~, ., , A.ru-,a.. .+ tT.;x :ASE;; aragr ., .~. .. .,rtat ..,. _
<br />taaariaseaBSast at x tten desclapAtoe.. $t?r4.'°+acr attaN per~~iitts a13 4,t~li.•sri:~mx a .*etaf.;{tatuxsn ,. tar +.tcristrsta«=::
<br />~ xpssslrstk :mss aR' !w~ the ccattdtwresaturrn 3r ;.xasiazd ,,,n_t ;iew~zia.•r, xtx`:sxt. rise fi?t-3aas atrti rr+~uiztt a.ma *r tu•
<br />~6 #~' ] tarlr caYexeetop~t, ~ Gztm~~ea~a~ati <mc~rnr.Yt= It a ,.„mai,~nwxvro at yia+~ard , ,,,a ,9e,._lr gr;;aont
<br />tili;t #5 a'aaGWa~ b>C Ailreaaralr sad txYCatr~sid 3~ warn x~ Mrrigagc. ttte cans~rtraa~ts atatf .x;rrstttseats .*t ,.act: rssrr
<br />i~ M tiala~ a7110 ales 9isail ~rlrMtM9 arse isatp;alad ttYr C'Y"~CttantL 4ttwS C>yjibttllSnt4 .sl i'heb lMc+rtg,Ag+r az :1 ttte rh3Gx
<br />+ratu'a i~listMlwMi.
<br />"~ ! ~laliVM ~• li ilkarxecvar f~a*ls rr<s iwctfrum sits :xsvptants atta a,~,rs;ettseatas ..xatasstral :et th„
<br />91rt if aa0` ARMSrt al ~ ac r~^ra't ?rF:u:ta matettaill# icli~:'* l!.:azltr~v :ntotest th thx laa~,peer:
<br />t 1'aA f~ ~, csuttrra i>klltlla±sa~ xa_._cti~a~~3 '~-"~s ~tA$€rr.:~^+~-«+.. s,. ,ysrsn7~r-enea:a .,s ,?r '?~^.eierx#*S .rawt,i. Ong a
<br />~tyliCl~rtr~+tr edam. €issp 3.srtie ~ l.ssdata"s t~t~., m n lk?;=aezv .,a, =:als k:a:r ,a;*~+carBtabea a,r.Ra;res .;-..
<br />erws #~ rai?e trstdit settles as ^ y~ tr+ prs+teex l.eattler'6 =t~tr~.es, ~sassur2a~a htn ~ ttntctea se_ ar-tbutvcns»r,t
<br />slillflMSM;da ads Tsars errs tilts lrq tae ttxatac rb~s Yt . nwndcre rxw3ua~d nastrgagr r+xauranrrr- .«
<br />ttu~111/ Ara Loan ttatasati by ~_ ~OC'awws-a s3ss~f ~: `~ae pxcrossst>as ceyuGrea3 c,. ,-n;u¢sta::; ,,,.n
<br />trsrrratane ix aateit #atss sec sAte ntgstltettsrtstf #~i ;gib oranx-ae ter-?-,~s»'tt°s .'s s:.r.:,t*fis~a~ ,.>tra lirsrr,~wrr , ..;,,:
<br />