}0 T'Itat the Nongaepr wit3 keep the btuldings upon caw premises ~n gu<d rrpau .ind peuher ~umm:t nor hermit wastC
<br />upon said land, nx sutler the ,ani premises to be used fpr ane unlawful purpose.
<br /># ]- The] if the pretnlses. N ang pan thereo*. tie condemnr-d undrr ihr tsowrr „f rmrnent domain, : r acywrcD for a public
<br />use. the Damages awarded. the prc+cerds far the taking of, or the ~pnswrration Ppt .uch acquisttton, t:i tht extent of the fn11
<br />anloum at indthtednes upon this mpngage and the ru,tr whit<h tt is given ra secure ramaimng unpaid, are hr(rhy assigned by the
<br />ktaztgagor io the Mortgagee. and .hall be paid truthwr€h t~s eatd Narigagse iii he zpptied by the #attcr on account of the next
<br />~ tnattrtlQ instaihoents of such tndentedtxss.
<br />L'. The 1lartgayau fntther agrees that ,hiauid ,his martgagc arsD ihr hole secured hcreb} not br rtit:~ble for in-
<br />sprNlCe tlildV 2h[ tVaElpnal Hoaslilg .';ct wi[hln t:vo t>±anths tram the date hereof 1 w-ntten statement pf any pflicer
<br />of the Department pf Housing and lhban i~es~elopmrm ur authpnaed agent of the Secretary of Housing and E.#rban
<br />Dessltxpaaent dated s»t+segstm to the 'tom nap7t£t;s :ime frpm the date of this mpngage, deriining in ittxurt seal
<br />taste aed itliii isloelpge. 4xilrg aeaaed zsllelnsne proof of suc:i intii_gil+itisy#, the Np(t~rager pr hsader of the note
<br />Wrap. at its opiwtn. derLrr aft syrtns sect;rr'eeS hereFy immrarate#c~ due srtd psyahk-
<br />#.~. Thal if the Mnrtgagor mils to matte am pavmenis ~n mpnev when the samr become dut, or faits to cpnfcxm to atW
<br />ataepip ivuh any cxf the cundenons c r sgr~tengrnts contst(ini rn this rnongage, cx the note which it seriues, then theentire p(inei.
<br />trl stmt ald accrues) imeresi shall a] ante l+tca7rne clue arW pa>°ab1e, at the rlertion of ihr Aiortgagee: and this mtrrtgaae ins}•
<br />ihe(e~ylotl h< foreclosed ,mmr#iarefv for the wbplr ,nf 4aid msrtuy, itticrest. rs1o+lthty payments, costs, grpund rents, taxes and
<br />the mat oL exteldittR the aksttsct of tide from tts. ;fats of tilts #oaa ro the time of cammcncirzg such ftveclos;trc soil. std a roa-
<br />sneatsie atMraep's fet. aft of w°hicA cha#P be anri',tGeri in ,9e derrea of f+,rri#nxurr.:uid the ccmtract embodied in Ihis mungaf;e
<br />- stall She Write sec.lred hercny, stcd4 :n all resputs r,e $uvented. construed amt adfudged by the laws of Neiuaska. where the
<br />satee is aade.
<br />The CtlYeBlletS~ herein aYxntained stall blod_ anti ter bcncfts uau aD. arttagcs .hail :assure m. the rQSptClilY heirs, exectltMS.
<br />aiianiaran'atars. successors and as<egns of the parties heret.n ttillrnever used. the .rngutar number shat: ineitde the plural, the
<br />plead the s1e~e3ar, and She tax cif aAf. Seer stsaA !iC mppFicahte rp aft genders
<br />711e foeegaieq o~tians. ail anti staplPar. bang performed accprdirtg to rhea natu(;3! and legal impon, this convetance
<br />st1aA rte vttid tied sled premises retcased a] the r xpeasc z*f the ~longatiur otfirru ese to t*c snd remain in full f zrrc and etTect.
<br />t4ii'I?''S~Satit'HF3t%4~F rM'Nortgagorr.th:. brr~unia+ce] ;is arnitslthedayaidyearfirst
<br />ai+o+r wTttSen
<br />le A-r~erraor of
<br />
<br />
<br /> SFAL {
<br />*x,rt .. ~?~C::e
<br /> j SF A!_':
<br /> SEAT I
<br /> ISEALI
<br />
<br />..,~ >ar,r ie
<br />~T a7'E c)t~ l6~1t.ASiC A.
<br />+s
<br />t7eiYE- AStW arty c>t ?~~ 3 ;} ty i= W trtcwe mc, :,:e -"+tt r-`r =:.s ties
<br />a PVi9L3x`~* ="aar:iiL ±ri ~d fx ,art t: wm> , pcrsnnai3s iaare '~drr ii , R*c `4 ue .s c; f r,~ 1a p~ ar
<br />~~~ ticnortatft to nir k11t»n
<br />tiaraael -111a1s nanlc :.s aAtxeii to the abpvt and ttKS-
<br />as 11eRl~t/at. ire! _~ s€ ~ ~ a ` .a' =izttntrrtikdllev! the card imttuilxnt and rile
<br />~t3~tfe ;~ = 8 ~+~'ntaz~r a~; and dtxat, leer the pur~xsaa tflci~m cx~esscri.
<br />~ nra~e e1. t ~rviR a+et anrr ~:wi atikaati bt : ~i ~sr;~ l+rai >tt :r~an• i ~ ~ ~ .`fr+xmJca
<br />ate t#s i~v +iai1 ire hw alla-c
<br />-~t~.3~~;; e'f?r~ ~ 1l.1~ °''ca.»a~ " 'eri"._r,„ v°t,r:-y fUMr~
<br />STA?F i]F l,RalS-;t1
<br />#iinlhxrsnri3h.a 3a:
<br />teklR~d 3111 •
<br />~a ttI
<br />~ D !q
<br />M .end eelcxaf rti 'yumertc'si tttdoa, grid
<br />:ai 4lortgargrx..rn
<br />Reinter , f tlasdR
<br />., ,,aa~r.•a, ,,.
<br />