~~~~, t
<br />Lender's written agreement ar applipbk taw. Borrower shalt pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums is the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Atsy ama€ints disbarl~ by !a€der pursuant to tfiis pa~graph 7, with interest thereon, shad become additional
<br />indeletednrss of Horrawer secured by this tilongage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree in other terms of payment, Bitch
<br />atttfwn>••t sha8 to payable upwi notice from Lender to $nrtxwrr requesting payment thereof. and shall hear interest from the
<br />dale of disburannem at ilte rate payable from time to rrme on artstanding principal under rht Note unless payment of
<br />intthett at ttxh roll u€ould be contrary to applicable taw in which event such atneums shalt hear interest at the highest ntt
<br />permistibk under applicable lien. Norhing contained €~ :his paragraph 7 xha11 requite Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />arty actialt hereunder.
<br />/k ltt~ecl(M, Lender may makr ar pose m be made reatatoat~e entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give BC+rrover entice prier ro any sftefi inapectio-+ spenh-ing neasnnahlt cai€se therefor related to Lender's
<br />mtetes; is the Pn*PertY.
<br />~• Caniltaia. The prxeeds . f am as ~€rd or Maim ffsr damages, direct ar rnnsequential, in anntteciion with any
<br />xndt:mnatian o: fYhC taking of afie ptopem, nr part thereof. nr for cnnvevance in lieu of eotedemnation, arc hereby assigned
<br />and slut[ tee patd ro i.ender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the tknprrry. the prtx:txfls shall he applied to the toms serttrad by this Mortgage,
<br />atilt ttse ess•ess. if arn~, paid t: tinrrnw.~ In the eveett of a partial takine of tfic lMpeeyy. tinksa Borrower attd Lender
<br />(Hlll'TR•tir agree Gf wrfY€ng• Shfrc sfiatl ley applied sn the gums sfs.•tered by ihic Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />x es eaptal to asst proportion arht.^h the atnnsxnt of the Brims serurt:d M~ this \fattgattc immcdiateh prior to the date of
<br />rakfttg lean m the fair market rolls of t?te prnpetri' tmntediateh° prrnr rn [fie date of taking, with the ha}artce of the proeeds
<br />paid to 1lorr+rrcr.
<br />1f the tyis abandaaed M Borrower. c*t if. after notice by [.ender sn Borrower that the candeltlnar at[en to make
<br />an sward fsr settle a c7arm ter damagea. Bnrrrnrr fads in mpmd to i..ender wtithin iD does after the date tttch native is
<br />aatlyd, Leteder as aerihtvie€td to ccatlect and appiv ehc proceeds. at Lender's oetion, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Prupertl nr m the sxrars seFVreed ha ihts MnrEesgr
<br />Unless Lender aesd Dfnrarer nrherwrse agrer ,n writing. atn~ sesrh apphcatinn of prstcetds to principal shall tsar nitrnd
<br />a>r psYttlxa,~ee rAr dun dau ,•f tie mourhJs asmatiments rrJfermd to in para~aphc 1 and Z hereof ar cteattge the amount of
<br />s:_a^!t rsstattntptts
<br />1!. Mr€aoer W1 ~. Fxrcnsa'm ,,t tM t:mr ".,r `aa-mem nr mcdiflcatn:n :,f amnrttaat€nn of rite ntms secured
<br />t+y tt:as Mottttagc gaoled br Candles ar snt~ sttc.'zswtr ,r; rrtterest .>f I~krrrowK.* ahs31 na,t a~.peratr ir, ukase, in anv manner.
<br />the halfilis} of for ssritrrna7 Bsorra: >A~ and B. rrea^P~a ;~,~~s .arc „~ er,c>"~:t I e,t,_kr ,,1~t1 .: ,: ix rsq>rirrf~ in ~ ~.~_
<br />prxuree5.rgs against suds sncctssax ,,r rrtusz t, rxirirt luny t„r ,aa~menr ,,r ,.theraic;, m<wdih nsnf,maats„n of the cams
<br />srs'~urta3 hrr this Msvtgage by reas€.v€ .,: :seta demand made ht thr „ngena! 0.a,-rnwrr .sod Hnrrrnvrr's story-ssnrs en interest.
<br />!1. Fisstlaa€tate YIt l.~e ?-wt a t~aiser. ins tcrrttea_an:r #~+ i yeller en even€sang ana nrht ear rt:medq hereunder, nr
<br />otbereeise af!fr,nde3 '+s appirc.aink lase satati ;acts =,c a w-anrr ~, r yarsx3fidr €hr esrr-ese ,~,i ones .srch nght ar roriteds'
<br />Tee przte~zrcetnrns :~ utsarattre or ihr Raatnerrt „' roars ,.r :,ihrr ',:cn~. ,,r : harrya '.,v 1 c;edrr .hall :,nt he a w anet „f f ender a
<br />ri}ltt ta, a.-:~aierax ttx tslatvrrra ,af r!ar .^rsdrhirdne~x .o~urrC ha rtu-. \ta<ncare
<br />!2 Rattaedim CriYne. iii rrsrtrafen rr;•; ,3rd r, th,r \t.atCagr are €stin.t and .:rmt€lative to anv ,:,titer nrht rr
<br />+~rz ides cruirrt Sax Mz!rt~a{Kr c"' all: awlc~ i+a aw ,~• r~~u:n 3n.i m-.fa tk e. ez, ..,v ..,n:€~r?cotta ,nilrprndrzHv c*r >uZZ:.~.ive1*
<br />la. Sncesmns ai A>.tt~w tuft tail ester/ ins snot 1 iabiliH: i'apietw. lfie ..~a-rn.:nis end agreements harem
<br />c„fsYtam~i stall itttrd_ and illy rtgl+~s }xa=e-..xreier s1saF3 ilf;urr !,, the rrv;se,-e:.e ~€; rsann and asse3ac „f '. rnder and Borrower.
<br />gaines3 rz 7^te iaa:.Yisf ~rzt of ptvagraptt ?° Aaerf~.f i13 ta~~4 mats arud agitrtntnaa ;,1 Narruxr ah;tJi 4+r n,:nt and several.
<br />7Ue captxcsas atsd ~eadtrtgs .3t r9ar ~aragrs„^«tt. .; itaxx it<,: Lgagr az t, r :,,nv~nren,-r ..nfa ..n,t :rr nc*t t., 3rr used to
<br />s~ ,:r drftrYe trey ptnn €srt€rst 3srrra
<br />!i !~ttlhe. Etct~+e diw arty xnatt:^e resifwred a~ttks nptakic3~r-k Fsu s,, eta i:e+rc~n *a nru tt*mr manner rat anv rwNCe to
<br />Betrsact prs+a=-rded '~*c +;z tfiss Mt~gaic ~fati tar a-a°en ^. ,rsaefala •.:acr ,,.stn.: ha .s~r'rttlr:! nxarl addresszd to Burrower at
<br />the lam isidrsns nr a€ uyc-A :.tthe,r s3dma> as f3.atr„wsr mesa d~ ..:~rnif hr n tscc to 4 endrr a. prctuixird herein, and
<br />~# ate- n~-.ce to L~.it:r st;a,D its warn hn .~ritnc~ rns:! •ztzrre =r.~r~pe ";~a%ccard- ,n 7 xas~r'a aMfr~ess xtarrd hettin nr to
<br />si+cte s'~teer atidrexs a~ Lrntir> zsy, desrf€txate t+a noxta~ae '_- Bfn~.wrr as f r;arrfirci r=err.,n im nntirr pmvodxd for ~, this
<br />11Rt*ttggr t~saiS ter deralted tsa ~,ax rr,<vf gsaert m !J+?r;¢sv~cr .<r ! :r:dex w^.r.3a grx€n in ~!at maaamr dAVen atz ~t hrrrtn
<br />if<- 13.ais€s~ ~ i':weeett~ 1,aer, SHeeaiillh. ~.,, tn.rn, ,,i snnrigagr ..-m}rezux vc,rta±r;st ::•.. ~~snra t.,r miens>al
<br />arse itfti'. i'~R~-i3#~'Zrtn e...: 'y"R3Tts n. ft.~*, 'Cc7 :sr5ati4'P.f:[+ t~s :::fi+'~«2.a'ts,xn i. ~~?:'SnrsHili' i vii'{frm 3-.~:cmr1 ;-1~irc: [}IYitt inaYtltig
<br />rtes? pte~terrx ?lxzt M~sgagr s.9a`s,` tsr g<-.rrrant tn~ =1s: !., ,.-° rife ~:.r;,aieca>nr .:, wtsr.:lt tin PinpeR; :. k,a:ticsi In thr
<br />eat ;tsar an't' er„'m=,bnea a+a :~aczsr ;,~ tars M.'Ttgagr ,,s rrr ti;+*r .;°nt:€: t, ..xrh e:F}*:s2at+k taw start ;.roll ~ ritaii not atleci
<br />ether ~t.Ma"issters fit ;fits Nft~rtgagf' ._ ettr \:•.r ~+a~h a?t . ~. ~ e-=rn r"l t -...tax€+ ;hr ,.~ar3„?t-r; l+r,,, ;:n,r= and ;,, this
<br />eesd the }taavi~€-sets c=f rhr. }tifrrtttagr a:af t'sc '*..ir xs-t its-rr~ t„ rrr .rarrahle ,.
<br />!C ~y t"a~a, L4srrcvs~ s3xaN lest *~ ~?,..•+?^~.3 . _.,rk,iaruat ,t .~ i..>~ _n,i ,-i ter,, llszn~s~.r pis rlsr t..,~
<br />is ~ s ate .rr~ trra. '- - ------- --~
<br />11 1<ttitttttttier aef ># laagtsats; 3->~itw. 3'' ~## ,-; aaa ,.3n <=t ,,~ S'~ yarrta ;=, .;: ,mr<rrit tl+rresr. is ,av'.d .<r rrattsfsrrc-:i
<br />iRP 1~ +w'i#3tatu I.cr3dtr"s pres.:. w~rtc:n :<r_~erzrt c>;i~ftn~ _.,~ ?t+r ~ r®stsan :,. zer, c~., er.,umtsrani: siths::;isnste t,-
<br />this .. il+.t ilee :xeatf©n cxr a pusr:-ttase m;wers Ws:;urn ,ntcre+t r:,s ~.+,,setar*SA applsan:c-a. ;.~t a ?ranx2er i,t~ a.evtse.
<br />dncr~u ,ar ~ 2ipeT,ittlte4 :}$ reset ! +a~`~€ i+OC dtC9tt_~€ .~. x „~nr ¢: zz_fraa c'v
<br />3sr-nice ma~a_ as i ~t^+zict . ,a?in~an 6t:~s:e ,tR ttte 'Sono. ,~~; ~-rod '+; ~hrs ;ktciagtgr to hs
<br />mltCAe6iafFrJg' dfc and t~ t.ersda stsat3 kaar ~sxscd +},;:n c=px5as; s.~ a~..crenate :± nrsn,. e., rttf ,ale ,zz iratrtfer. [ rtrira
<br />acid the to wta*tln P~pc€3t r+, ~+ ire u'~ ~~ tr~sst=,~'- :rya r: a~vma; -n Bret r=te resat v`»f crr~rtt .mot ouch g+etsn.s
<br />is stniediei.°U'ets toes Leneire anE that tho .~xtrr~exs f=a>v-e+i: ,m atsr :,,.err. a:=c,=ar:? t~, r:s,-a 93s*rt~aagr ,.a:. e;1 l.r sa +.:wfl rate :t, i et:tkr
<br />shaft tealers¢ t3 Leader has wats~ toes; :eprir~s rr s~.~~ar-^at". t:.^:~r,~art; ;tr.ti,rtgsapii ~ ,.. &arrvscr. ,txcrasr tr.
<br />mWe~ ntAt'il a s~ntar~a~f~e.>au_ +~~TM-' ;tgr~r'-t aid :.- +~. _ - „ *~, s na _, ? ~_+cr ~:.._._ zr~sx 9:-,,i,wes ;rein ate
<br />taa3err rt,~x ~ trod see 'vrar_
<br />If ><,IeBBR" exrs~:,-x+ts €.; 4t*~Frtfa.t tF ad:xsicax. : ~e'Yf=t ,..,,:3# 'fa=1 $cx,--i'P~r z:a€e.c ... ..YFir afc,aP. ~ _.~nrtiar€,.C .+:rh
<br />xa 4x+rant Snt~ sx:~^ar slues! ps~exde 3 trey;; <3 ..~x n;w 4sv, Eras :;3 ~.n;* ~. •:~tr€ ~t,r Jdaie :!,r n.,v e.c t. €mafizal ,a tth:n
<br />"~ ~;rtxrrer snig LvC4 K3ee ~t~3aa dt~3arrn3 ,$as[ It tkenrc~asa ±srsa r, ;3as s _. ,,.xnn en,.r n• •~«c ca~:rat..-r:. , ._><h o er nv6
<br />l.idfCA' .9€a'i, .n#fvn tx~at,tsrr ~ntrticz ri rral ~u tk..~ x`x .nsr#e r.+. rr'~r=seti~a r~,rt*:,r,e.: !•: :=e racrssnh •; hcrxt?f
<br />Rt'int-tFw'rstatr Cvawisa.~'t5 9ritz-ter.~rr aue~ l aas3r~ t:,rz~,er .. +-cram >mti auu es i ~,'1can
<br />Mttltltrlta, ~cgil a~sy}~~1y€1~ri i i 7 t1{'llwl• 1€~n! Barlnf~f'3 Mre,.ei nt awy fmYevattt er
<br />~~~ y~ •~~e ~ t~ tataietii~ sr t+~e~€1Me 4 lM~ oieetl ~ tMY utlae stritteJ bi tbia it+rlgaKer
<br />#+`~T'~ lr'~ ~ ~ ttk~ r >~! #- ~R ii ~I'Iat~[~ iw t to tfRfN( \~llrlfTitl~t i t t iMf tgearll:
<br />~~>Rt~~~ atA! ~ ~ i3l i fie. neat b ttli ?0 +taia lean N;t •aee rite ttrrtewe b t~aekit tYr ~fMt0lasf.
<br />~~!~' ~ i~ Bs atalltit teats Ni ly toile M ew ltrFil itrawi M sr betifete the dale steeatiaRSt •f rim iwtYcr
<br />*sMta~ittawas+ttlfi.....w~e~l.+iw iM. Mwt~t~.. fw~latwee rn i~lf3d rK~ae~llttt a.d tislr t,f tisr -s.€p.rtb.
<br />/!a ttrtaier.itl~ d~tee ittg.r. Mwww rg see Leigh[ to fall.trr aAe r7retleettitiw tttd tlae •iglw to ttta+ntu the fwats wwe
<br />gawlotits+Ikrreauuetltlettre a1a tgltlgllr w trot! atlter bwatse M laleeeee w wcalet~ebr aai IweaaMstwa. tl for breach
<br />irlltllaa..llsw+r#daee ere ruses t~.sii i t+[r .ulire, t,«.r. r 1.a.4.. nwia^ attt?~ irrare ar +.l trt sfwn. €~r.revi b.
<br />tW gtYtlt~rgr it l~bt>lMe!- al.rt asst geyik •ilb;are ttwektrr ttteelst~ti a.+ wan leaciun. br }rtticfid pare.ait€e. I a~rr
<br />tilt ~r attlllrl! ea inefeee ire rtaai gawaails nil a~ at tatee#eaat2. iwtt.+Nlrlt. +sw sot iltwYtrf ps, asYas of itorrttsratrfa
<br />ttat-i~tr. 4eeoae/ att~ ttltlr alg..R.
<br />i'1, ~ )•~ ea 11011a1ew }'inaraetatard€rta l-et%tar a .~,., ck~r. at,a+_. ,:i ehr ,,aam. y. ~,,;rs1 -: .,.s ~~I„_ ,;ar,:
<br />lertrsks°aeett dz~ arm ao hate arry 3tfs#-s dorm ts°s i r.ta :.. <:..,*r,a yam s~amgwk*r~ ..:,.:.€u~;~>wa~il xev
<br />