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• !~~ <br />~""' <br />conaeetian with the administration of the trust estate including <br />~~,_ <br />reasonable coogensation to lawyers, accountants, and agents. <br />tL'!d to allocate the same as they see fit. <br />L. To operate, either directly ar through <br />agents, any farm property belonging to the trust estate. <br />fi. 3ME~!' .41tI3 RE4QCATIfuI: Z reserve the right <br />at sny time and from time to time without the eonsant of say <br />perse:~ and without notice to any person to modify the trust <br />hereby er+eated i*a whole or in part, ca change the beneficiaries <br />hereof, and Lo withdraw the whole er ~y part cif the trust <br />estate, provided, however. that su~-h amendment or withdrawal <br />sha.ii not Sae lade in the event that Z become incompetent and <br />provided furt_*ser that na personal representative of mine shall <br />tsave any such authority_ 'r"his treat shall became irrevocable <br />upon ~ decease. <br />+. S R TltpST£ES: Zn the event of sty ciacease <br />car inability to set as trustee, rhea my nieces, Shirley Freeland <br />Qlsan and Alaeda Elaine Etardus and my nephew, Francis A. Freeland. <br />shall became successor trustees, without the necessity of any <br />tzaasler of title Ertel the original trustee. A certificate <br />siyasd by the succ~asor trustees stating that they are the acting <br />trustssrs shall be sufticaaat to show t;~eir authority. If any <br />one of such successor trustees becaees deceased or is unable <br />to art. t3~sas the remaisai^g s~~~-essor trustees shall appoint. <br />another persaa to art instead of the deceased or disabled trustee. <br />Sai+a satsaot shall 'ae made fros my zawais-inq personal <br />b~eti.+~iarfi~s aas-~d here~ta. if at any tine there are Daly two <br />ts+ssta+ss, thaws sack two shall have full authority to <br />acct, 2a !i!e arwat tbwse is no tsustae to ari. then ttu <br />u <br />