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<br />80-= ~xs <br />UvtFCUSSt[rt's. BOrfta~rtr and I.elder wvenant and agree as (allows: ` <br />t. lsryst~t ei ~ sad tarereat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal ut and interest on the <br />nxkbtedtresc evideaced by thr Not(, prepayment and tan charges as provided ,n the Note, and the pnncapal of and !merest <br />ran any Ftature Advances second by thn Mo~rtgige. <br />2 Rini L"ar 7ya~ tai ~saate• Sub}ect ro agpix able Eaw or to s wntttn waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Leetler otr the day tltootfriy imstallererrts of pritxxpaa a:zd enttrest are payable under the Note, until the Note [s paid in full, <br />a sutra (herein "Funds°) egaai to one-twzsfth of ts[e yearly tales and assessmrnts which may astatn priority ever this <br />llmyaita and growl trots ar the Property, if any, Dios unz-iwelfrh of yearly pnmittm installments fur hazard insurance, <br />phrs wno-tardith of yrariq ptemiwn iastaiimexrts fair trtortgage itesarance. of any, aB ns reasonabl}° rsiimated initislty and from <br />titre to lime by Leodei ar the basis txf asanarnenu and bins and [easoteabfe rstimatzs thereof. <br />rare Fimdt sha8 be 6th m an nsstitutnm thz ~ptna~ or as^:ounis of which art ittsUr~ ur quas~attxd by a Federal or <br />stale ~,M'}' 9indnding Lends a# Letsder s su.-!z sn iasiruteonl. Lender sJsali apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments. <br />iotaraaae plemiuttn and gtitoetd tsars. Lender may nay*, ctaatge far so taunting and applying the Frtnds, analyzing said account, <br />rx vaxiE}ittg sad arot:iputirg said assessmetr+a and buts. unless Lend-r pays &art'rtwer #mercst un the Funds acrd appiicabk law <br />permits Lessda w mane vatM a charge. &.rnraer and !.cadet ma} agree an writing at the time of rrctcwion-o( thh <br />;1lnrtge/e ~ talerest ~ the Ftnads shaTf ire pall m Barn wtr. acrd unless stx.h ;sgrrement is made or appliulile law <br />ts!pistea sudr interns m >x paid. LraiSer shit( not #ae requ:tzd to pay Bsigr[ewer am interns nr earnings un the Funds. l-ender <br />slaty gist €a llorraaaer. without charge. an annual acYt:anusF .iY the Funds shuwang credits and debits in tsre Fazntfs and thz <br />prvptrte for which salt skbit tr. the tutsds was made. TTst F:aids are pJedeed as addistunal secunrr for the sums sceured <br />'hy tips M~- <br />Ii the tri/um of the Fzwdc hdd tsv f.endrr. together w-its± the tutiua tntvtthlx~ anstaNtttznts of Fiends paYgbte prior to <br />the drre 3tus ,f tartly, aaaeastiteau. naxratrtt prrrntaaru sad grRU.rai resets, shall exceod the saatrtmt squired to pay said rases. <br />tawzaacs pnarwms and ground rznu as they fa13 Joe, six:si curls shall be. at Brartowsrs option, either <br />parpi}• re4Wd to 8orroaer air azducrd to Botxtrwer ou[ uxsnt3a§} tnsrsktnrents .af Ftmds. If the atitUiwt of the Funds <br />heiA bq Leerier slap mtt 3st srdlSea~t m pay tsars ssrssst:senis !nsurasmr prrrmums and graxttrd rznts as they fail dire, <br />tsrtawers6a31 paYao iead.r say aax+tnta rrecessars to -naie up *.hz dzfic,crtrv wztbm :C Jsys from the daft entice is mailed <br />by L~der m inrre+rer tang Da?atcn zfxrets <br />Gptn piyaesst ,n ftdf cxf all stetm sn=stand a} an=, s!<sngarr t ::ndrr shall prompt!} rrtund :o Burrower any Funds <br />i~id fry Leader If utrdet taalraaragtt 'tis hotatsal rise Arop±•rti ,> ..ud .+r ,tar Pro{rrrn ra atherx-t.r acayu+red tzy Lrrrder. Lender <br />slat(; ;tom [sn }lest than ttits prior is i.`[z .a4c ,a zfu Pmpmi ..r ess as:ptzunxan f+y lxnder, aAy Funds fserd t!y <br />Lender u 1S1C tame m ip~3.^atltM as a .into .rsgazast a±sr surtra tctt urexi hs [ltaa Margtagr <br />J. erg lFagraasta- in#rss at~ft.ablr uv. prx+svdea ottxrwrr. ai! payments tecrtved by i_erider uodcr she <br />hirte sad parag~taphs ? anti i hertxtr shzfl ise step#ued t:s tnclrr s=t:t ,fl palszzrrtt ;~! amowxts papable to LrrtJet !zy Borrower <br />:snda para~rairsz I nens:L ;Star to rnxca-est pay~ahie .*:[ star ~~a.e ~hrf :., thz prsttapaE at ttzt Nrste. aril tlzzn to mtt7tst and <br />~taacgal :ter am' Ftrtue A,dvarxes <br />~ lip. Bnrirrurt wsaad,~ Say .ail eaaa> =1.y-.*. mexux .~!ssi .~cher :hargea. !i*.,c`-s styli ~mpxstxcasrs attnbutahk to <br />tie lsags!esy selfish racy attar a ;' ::vzr :Sr_a sti-rt~,alt. art acauetseaJ..^a+s~meots „r grorsnd :ants, tf any, m the franc-: <br />ara0es I+aya~raph ~ iWCt)2 «.:i nr,a paid ;a ,ar,-te carne: r» Ba+rrow~er znaf.inR ;tt}'~'nt• wlteti due. datecdy to tiro <br />ptgxle t#a~sef lerxtwter s5a}3 }uatenf+tly (serer. +~ u+ t.r^ilzs :z#S ~st~-c5 :x:.srrsoezats .?ur r:mdu thx, pat'agrapdr.. sad to the oven[ <br />1!loaa~oxan rital2 rairits prsyrroeem dcres.xle. }lea ra wrr ,hs?! ;vc+r.:{*?rx curnasn t,~ isszde.: :~e rtptx ca tdrnczng cucit puyr[aenis. <br />~aa't~T,tsaf3 pnaptii +~tlraar~e r;sy iers+ .t=~ta *,as ;u~c`rrtt ,~r-v ih:s ~sart~agr. p;~Fro..~at. that B=urawer .hai: not he <br />to drsehaife anti cures Sacs ,.u Aictg as Barrows; eisa3 agate ;ere ..[¢t.tag [.s ;tx ivl[--ze+zt :,t tRr ,=t+lxgan„a uti urzd by <br />arts! hen to a tairrRr accaeptahie to lssrdet, avr sna3! rt, gs,tw3 tsxih ~cenxraa .w Sr §[ces t» rat ,sefesnf rntcucrmer:t o! ,.,.h tier en, <br />lega3 paMenndlada w•hae.±s cap~xtt u, prretm tnz raf„r<ssr~t ;.f ens =:rn ,s: torrcesxuc :.1 ^szz E"r.:}+eetE .;s s:n+, turf !hzrr<af. <br />#. alraaasi tiaa~reR. BuarYnasz sfsaii i.zap trxe ~ttapas~esmrrz:+ uxw :•=astcag .•r nrrza:sr~r sae^..[~i :,n [txe 9•r.,porty rnaurrJ <br />aytast iusa *^+ ~!r.. -isaZarz3s utz`tiYn[fZif u~atlrs.~ tax .rrn:^sicrS <:~seragc sna! .zeE;z .qh:t hatarda as ! cs[tizr rna> srattnre <br />atad A taah ~ ~.' ter sta:2= r^rraaris .m I.~sFaer ;xtay ~rgvrra, ptxnsdrr. "at isodrr snail ne» rr~aurz tray( thr amcun[ of <br />aeedr ~ta'+errtpr z[!ia[ed'~a arxa[.e,~atat .s eoe~rxagx: aauaerrd :;, pa[s zhc •~srns sr:-x,rxai ha th:s \lertgastt <br />Tla asenrasrx :atracr ps,avadizi~ rte casts( arcs jhai3 tsr . rnxscr: i*ti Brlrruwrr *t•trar:-t e.+ apprgva! ha i rnJzr. pruv,ded. <br />tarar ice! "u slap irr+s rs :~Sa+S *rat+.~'arid ll! prrrttw-mc an vatw:aF:cc p:strcxs hill zar ,+a*.; a t#rr mantaer <br />}utlrra~d ~~ ysarragraplt ? (asset t .t,. ;a ;xua pull ,n ,:u;~~^ auranrr. by Ba;sa~cs,.a~r tna3s:±sg pa}trsent. wirer ucu:..tzrzeily to tf.~z <br />t~IfeitAOe a~Preer• <br />Asp raatasaer paaz`ar:ree siwf nraeaaais :tactxset *..att ,c ~a `elfin .ws:epsarztc to :ceder :a-ts3 tta; :n.l~•-dr ~ .::sn;iws; nsun gagr <br />s'setrae m fi>Pa£ rN scat ~ :.cum a;-r.~atdc tz 2,t:.rsiAZ.~r i..e[sicr io.mi# a*r :hr eta-sat :.: Bald tar p[tl.xttt:s .ryas :rssr v,.aiw ahCr^_vf. <br />ani aaraai prrara~F}' §tn'as#i :sue it~ca ;e,'. sac.. ~ ___ _ ~ ~~ .~_ 'F-;s ~ paw ;.~r,.;_ tea.. lza :3ze s cm ,eS 3:x,t <br />' tfial5 *4°'t ',My'rt3fpa iKAt~ :ia ice'.' =EC~TCrskai:e» a~~5 i.Cnder 1-rrtct,;,^-a? macs pr a,I ~.•t ,~*sa :...a-, ,:~.: p.a.. ~!s <br />~'- <br />l3ftitaa 3arnil't sad >•nnracawss NLlera asr sitter sn w:,gr~sp aasssrt asa.:'t ;arc >~il hfi a{apia`,3 to [ash+sattun t=r spat: 02 <br />(~ ~` • £ita~'rde'ti nan"`i? erreFxx3T[ac>tz err a :s r~-t7zxxt3a9si#; casaMe an,a tnc ~urtt~ of thss Mus tgage sy <br />rill ff t[i6.b a1{Y3lltatiwln +'FS rt;:Pazt as '.sx'%i G.'.irffieTrEi4t[il .-ca, fits cH ii a.3C xta U+1.?' .!t ,nary Aiartgagz w`*ta#d <br />S111r dfe m5ttra~W"e ~ `+hiB hz l'~ ~. c~hr santas sr8::.^zrt in :xxts !st.aXc. ,+xh :ne r~crsa,. :• any. pall <br />tD t+~ ff Sit ' n ~>Mlsi7t6rvarerL i'n rrtr+:ar..x,' rs 4i3r•ra~rer last. as r>~~J =ex i-c.rdrr w-ritun 3Tr ~3. Yrn•m (tee <br />~Qile aeiYile er aatiiaS b3 ienda 'ic* tz'.ss"ex (tatty sass s~;xasasc:.saru^s <,tiera ~.;- settlr a =ta+rc f`r .nsura~ncr !xrtrsirs, l.a-ndrr <br />is asd~atiaaA SU cniBett aerfl any the +ttsu,'~a;~xt; €,rar-~a3t xi f xtatet + .,prz.+a r.[rner ca :astirisar<.en ,v reps(( r=! trtr Proptn} <br />of to tf! sully sa~wY try '[~ 3i'arr#a~r <br />~, ,r. ,. <br />S.f'ttiela Lt~rdes rmi l4tma!ee< a`w.ree a*iFi~e .sa +-ice s,;,s >vafi „~-its. ~ .sits .;7 ;. .~.~c_e :~ r_ ~ertp~t <teuls ;x.1 eaten, <br />a~ ~Ie drlC r~alC .~ [Sae 'ff+lFxert~rw ~i~ txarr;rst ter" to ~ara$~rae`at"ra 1 u[a(t ~ ?1rSr'xYi Ja .lxangr tar anz~^uru .,t <br />'~, it 7aelr l;~ ;~ hstacit 23te i'x-,:}rrrty to .a::uucrzxt h} t..s.^sdCr ski rxgsat. (:ire atrtf rntsxrs! •;: Ba Frr.-vrr; <br />to avian aan ~ ptr~iwxal yeast to atsIl x:~ 'lsr er'tv~xnls atarrrat rsstti?,ug Sri n=.:tanzam~c [<z [he PTCperts its rnr t,? !ter.- ,sic <br />atF ia~att6ua s~raff l'~ ;~ f.asrdes t~ let rxrrstt ~ s3fe .uuasm ,rs:az€:J r±a [ha, a4nrtgxgr ,~zsnaedraads ~;trcr :: ,uch .ale .>, <br />I~n!llui~ #l~ gilillsaaale ad may: !.atatlsii: taradulnailtw: Ptalead !;wit [lestleplerals. Bstrrc, <br />aiasil ftle~ the f~ m l~ rat aassi +awB raw ~.x fnmaz watax su perssca ett~atrxrrrrtt nr ssetcrrutaruua t:i the ?rotarn. <br />~_ ^!allr aAe l~ sd^ aby izinC vt -r1ar. 1dxasgr~c n =m r= asztss-3tY4 I? sna"a h4ortgaQe im rtr ., :=n.t ,rr a <br />aYllal~4lralle dx a ml4 ~, i4vsa ~bttstt8 "lt~r a{F =# f+krinro~wa[ s ~*nityrueu3s cttttfe~a ct+c :trc far au+,.n <br />se a,rteasaee a^t¢stglp of f~ iflsn a~+s[.Tw~naa'trvtx+ tri r°+sanncKi ~:arn 9u:c#xeFmrzra. +?tz hy-izwx~: ansi regutaae »5 .d (rte <br />tM[ ~ilitlali turn mat. arw9 6~csrttaHta<trni aluc~aamruras 13 a .ti tnfturatnrtun rat t+lantarat .:r [ h eaapnreaxs <br />niaf :t tl![/s5tsi11M: ~' ~III!!4'larlr aoat~ at!attrdlti ~tatr avarb tsrn MGa~t~age, rbe coavetranta cesxf agtrrtttzaus a! ssr,: to ,tilt( <br />ttiwilir aeWatgwttelgii'iwtl+aaMf rilait ateatsrl aw.t ~ tfil a:s~vertaeta anal stitx+ewrexrrs txi ibis +dt:resits sa ,s :sec (fetes <br />wall a !1N!1'~ <br />w[<-1lsdlr'a >tileRt~. f~f It» f se pertsxaa nc~ «.•ttvSnanrs anti agt~zetrsents ..,mtat[ard ~n to** <br />piaq/11~ xe: a`wk -, ~t ~ ~ ti3r>!sftlaerrE°~ w'itu~* nr a#cai+ i.ansr:'n trurrrst rn tier Prsrp+~rti <br />g` - __ 1 _: , ]Ilatiiad ~@, sfsrraawt *'lM1Ai~..`r:~3sii'., a4 ;,~~a ."C-tirz:~ car usraet~nts ,u nnnr~zinoga e <br />tt~rlltlri/tifs~ tftaa tlsalta as !=laile'~ ~=Fprtsxtt, aH+an ntrt[Gr sv l~orr:cws+t.:taa} rzaair suite appearance=+..#rsiasrse >e:xh <br />~a aaY ~k tIR'y al'tiitll- al it ~' ata ~arulls"t fxaiet~s rarest, ,~aas;xrdix~„ l+aat xatt l4mxtCd tx!. Jrshursctraa[u ~=i <br />lfrsaael'~a a~seNitp'a 11sta aarli aiYUy tsplw rfalr f}rtta}astsF to iwiis rrpa.rrs tz i.:+Ndta :m3ra#r.3 :tu,n~.attz e+rrxtcratn~ ere ., <br />sastlt~t tats *Yte Sear ttararsti ~ Silas ~ Yutr*_=n.:r af~3a6i s'~S sirs r[etnnat;e rrquerzat :r, ntattsta,.rr ,~+uh <br />itAlleaella its ttRl[aG (salt nt~sll litele ant ah¢ fir s krarsaatete ae[msa¢ates err eci~sirilrrce wrap Bornrwrt ~ ;xatJ <br />